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Team Twilight

Do U like the new icon and banner on this spot?!

3 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

Does anyone have a good pic of Bella's ring with a stone and a pic of a bracelet?! I really like those! Tried to google it but nothin' came up.

3 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

What is the meaning of every title in the Twilight titles refer to any significant event in the books?!

7 fans have answered this question

What are Your theories and thoughts of vampire existence...Do they or not?!

31 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

Does anyone know where I can order three disc edition DVD on the web....and what's on those three that is not on two disc edition?!

3 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

I guess I missed in the book what Rosalie's gift is...does she even have a gift?!

11 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

If You were writing a book about vampires, what would be the name of Your hero?!

12 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

If by any chance vampires are real, and if You come across one, how would You feel, what would You think, would You be scared or happy, would You try to introduce yourself or run for Your lives!!! (keep in mind that he's HOT!!! :D)

25 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

While You were readin' Twilight how did You imagined Edward, pretty much like Rob, or maybe some other actor, or You've just created someone perfect in Your head....?

8 fans have answered this question