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Hey everyone, today I decided to tell you more about a very interesting thing/practice, each of us can give a try to. Most of the internet articles, telling about ESP Zener card test are full of scientific and theoretical information, guessing how this thing works and other stuff that is completely excess for someone who has just found out about these cards and is willing to try them as soon as possible. So I’ll offer you a quick and simple introduction to this test. I might say some things a bit inaccurately, but this is only my way of using these cards, and I’m not diving deep into science.
What are Zener/ESP cards? How do you use them to test someone? What do they test? If you have seen movie called “The Gift” you might remember the main character using a very interesting deck or cards for her readings. Minimalistic cards with 5 symbols repeating through whole deck. In real life these cards are used in a different way than it’s shown in the film. They aren’t used for readings and prediction, however you can try to do that, maybe you’ll discover something interesting.
In reality, Zener/ESP card test is used to test person’s extrasensory, telepathic and psychic abilities (clairvoyance) and to help them develop these abilities. It’s usually a collaboration of 2 people, doing the test, there are some internet sites that offer a computer algorithm program to do this test with you, BUT, I highly doubt that these work, ESP card test is basically two people reading each others thoughts, no computer can substitute that, so if you want to try this test you’ll need another person to help you.
To be short I’ll quickly explain how this works, you have to guess which of the 5 symbols (star, circle, square, waves, cross) is on the card, without actually seeing the card yourself. The more psychic ability you have, the easier it is for you to guess the symbols, however you can develop your abilities with time.
Sounds interesting and you want to try?
So for this test you’ll need a deck of 25 Zener/ESP cards, each symbol repeating 5 times through the deck. You might search for a deck in stores and online shops, but, it’s quicker, easier and cheaper to make your own deck especially if you have a printer at home or anywhere else available. I will add a picture of 5 cards in the bottom and you can just print it out in 5 copies, I used a PDF file of this 5 card sheet printable, search in Google and you should be able to find it easily. Once you have printed out this sheet in 5 copies, you have to glue them on a dark color, thick paper or cardboard, printer paper is usually very thin and easy to see through, but you shouldn’t be able to see the symbol by the backside of card! So once you have glued all cards on a dark paper and cut them out, voila, you have a deck of 25 cards!
To begin the experiment you’ll need a friend, family member or whoever wants to do this test with you. Sit down in facing each other. Person A takes the deck of cards and shuffles it, then pulls out one card, not showing it to the person B, and holds it up, with backside towards person B, person B tries to guess, which of the 5 symbols is on the card.
Sounds easy? Yes, but there are a few things you both have to do to get the most out of this experiment.
Person A has to think about the card they are holding, they can spell the symbols name in their thoughts, they can picture the symbol in their mind, they can think about something associated with the symbol.
Person B mustn’t think AT ALL, don’t think about the right answer, don’t try hard to guess right, once you start thinking and trying, you fail! Don’t think, just name the first symbol that comes to your mind as person A pulls the card out of the deck. Only that way you can get it right. Empty your mind of all the thoughts and read A’s mind instead, the answer is in their thoughts, you only have to use your telepathic skills you SURELY have. All the right answers come very quickly, literally and 1/53620 of second after person A pulls out the card, once you start hesitating and trying to think of the right answer you get it wrong and miss the right answer!
Once you have finished the first round and gone through all 25 cards, switch roles, person B holds the cards and person A guesses, and repeat the whole process. Repeat this test as much and as often as you like, it will only benefit in your witchy power development.
How does this work? I’ll explain quickly, there are answers to whatever we are asking, we just have to access them, they are in universe, in other people’s thoughts, everywhere, once we develop our clairvoyance abilities we can access any of this information easily and quickly and Zener/ ESP cards are just the right tool to work with this ability.
Don’t worry if you don’t make right guesses at the first round, repeat the test switching roles with the other person over and over as much as you like, with time you both will start improving and discover your own little tricks on how to access the right answer better (ways to empty your mind for accessing the answer, or ways to better show the symbol in your mind so other person can access it easier), and with time it’ll become easier and easier to guess the symbols.
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