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posted by AislingYJ
***This is a random little story that me and InfinityYJ decided to collaborate on. The characters of Mercy, Becca, Delta, Scarlet, and Blade are NOT ours. Neither are the original team (well you already knew that). This is supposed to be a kind of weird and random story, but hopefully you’ll like it! Enjoy! ***
It was early evening in the Cave, and the Team was clustered in the main room, waiting for Batman to speak. Aisling’s stomach grumbled loudly; she wondered whether they would be getting dinner tonight. If Batman had come to send them on a mission, highly unlikely.
Getting impatient, she spoke. “Do you have a mission for us or something?”
Batman shook his head. “No. But I do have plans for you. You are to spend the night at the cave, all of you, as a team bonding night. Please get to bed at a reasonable hour.”
Like that’s ever going to happen, Aisling thought.
“You will be spending tonight and all of tomorrow performing team-building exercises. Black Canary and I have compiled a list of activities you are to perform.”
The team let out a collective groan. None of them liked the way this was going.
“I will be back to check in at eight o’clock sharp tomorrow, and again at three o’clock. Aqualad, you’re in charge. Make sure they stay on track.” He handed Aqualad a thick stack of papers, held together with a black binder clip. “I will be off.”
With that, he stepped into the zeta tube, and was whisked away.

“Do we really have to do all those?” Wally whined, flipping through the packet that Batman had given them. The team was piled in the lounge; with all fifteen of them, it made for quite a tight fit. Kat was perfectly content to be slumped in the corner, but the battle that had ensued over the tight couch space was not a pretty sight.
“Yeah,” Mercy added. “These are really stupid.”
Aqualad shrugged. “I guess not. We need to do something, though. Batman will not be happy if we do not.”
Kat had to agree with that. “So...” she said, addressing the cluster of teens around her. “Anyone know any team building games?”
The room was silent for a moment. “Name game?” Aisling suggested.
“But we already know everyone’s names...” Kat said pensively. She was trying to rack her brains, come up with a game they could play.
“Ooh, I know!” Wally squealed, eagerly raising his hand and bouncing up and down like an overexcited kindergartener. “We can play duck-duck-goose!”
Kat rolled her eyes. “Let me rephrase that. Anyone know any team building games that aren’t completely idiotic?”
Everyone fell silent for quite a while. Out of the corner of her eye, Kat saw a grin slowly spread on Robin’s face, and he leaned in to Fin, whispering something in her ear. Her eyes lit up, and she cackled gleefully. Robin stood up.
“We have a game,” he announced. All heads turned to face him. Kat didn’t like the devilish look on the Boy Wonder’s face, and she knew nothing good could come out of it.
“So, what we’re going to do is this. Everyone has to write down two of their secrets and...yes, Wally?”
Wally had raised his hand, and now he looked up at Robin. “What kind of secrets do we write? Like random and embarrassing secrets, or serious stuff?”
“Let’s go with random and embarrassing,” Robin said quickly. Kat knew the Boy Wonder had certain things he was not ready to reveal to the rest of them. “So, as I was saying, everyone writes down two secrets, then gives them to the judge, who...Artemis? What is it?”
“What if we don’t have any secrets?” Artemis asked innocently. Robin rolled his eyes; he looked exasperated.
“I’m sure everyone has secrets,” he said, an edge in his voice.
“But what if we don’t?” Artemis persisted.
“You do,” Robin growled, clearly annoyed. “Anyways, once you write down your two secrets, you give them to the judge. The judge will mix them up, and give each person two random secrets, that aren’t their own. You have until tomorrow at three to figure out whose secrets you have. You can do whatever you want to find out, but you can’t ask the person or share the ones you got with anyone. At three tomorrow, you turn in whatever you have to the judge, who will give you points for your right answers. You can make multiple guesses, but the more guesses you have, the fewer points you get for the right answer. Person with the most points wins. Any questions?”
There were none.
“So, who wants to be judge?”
Artemis raised her hand, but Robin ignored her. “How about...Aqualad? You wanna be the judge?”
“I suppose I could,” Aqualad replied.
“Okay then. Let’s get started!”
Megan used her telekinesis to get fifteen sheets of paper, and fifteen pens, and distributed one to each person, Robin, Connor, Wally, Megan, Artemis, Aisling, Kat, Fin, Kaylee, Fang, Mercy, Blade, Becca, Delta, and Scarlet. They all spread out across the floor and began to write.

Aqualad sat at his desk, spreading out the thirty slips of paper in front of him. He was actually quite intrigued by some of the secrets his friends had shared. Some were quite unusual, others were just plain awkward, but there were some that were very unexpected. This would be interesting, he thought. He read each secret over and over, trying to figure out how to distribute them.
The Secrets:
1) I’m terrified of stuffed animals
2) I used to think I was Eeyore
3) I have an inner desire to grow out my nose hair and braid it
4) I still play Webkinz on a very regular basis
5) When I was 5 I would only wear princess dresses
6) I swallowed a worm...yesterday
7) I sing Justin Bieber in the bathtub
8) I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
9) I have 240 shades of pink nail polish stashed in my room
10) I still sleep with a night light
11) When I was little, I was traumatized for life because the van had no candy
12) I find overweight aquatic animals to be very attractive
13) I tripped over a ladybug once
14) I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to make out with the guy on the men’s bathroom signs
15) When I was 4 I wanted to be a train when I grew up
16) I think Oscar the Grouch is really sexy
17) I’m afraid of heights
18) I used to think that a blow job was a type of hair style
19) My ultimate goal in life is to read every encyclopedia in the library
20) I’m madly in love with Kyra Grayson
21) I’m not a pedophile, but I find Billy Batson somewhat sexy
22) My favorite books are the Hannah Montana series
23) I went on and my only match was the Forever Alone guy
24) I’m deathly afraid of Jesse McCartney
25) I have a teddy bear named Pookie that I tell all my secrets
26) I used to think I was a ballerina
27) I have anatidaephobia (the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you)
28) When I’m in the bathtub I pretend I’m in a witches stew and she’s gonna eat me up
29) I idolized Spiderman
30) I swallowed a butterfly once

Aqualad sighed. He still didn’t know how he would decide who got which secret. He knew one thing, though: he couldn’t leave the secrets on their original papers. Too many people on this team would be able to analyze the handwriting and figure their secrets out that way. He pulled out a stack of paper, grabbed a pen, and began to copy them down. He could distribute them later.
***So that’s it for part 1. Don’t forget to guess who’s secrets are whose! Part 2 will be coming soon!***
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: Tumblr
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: Tumblr
Preview clip of the next episode.
young justice
season 2
episode 13
clip #1
added by khany82
Source: Me
added by 7862
added by Elemental-Aura
added by AnimeKuLovers
Source: Miss Martian & Kid Flash
Overview: Great! not brilliant but great, finally some team work. Damn it!

So in this episode Blue finally gets the scarab off, (whoohoo) with the help of Zatanna, Rocket, Impulse, Batgirl, Robin, Wonder girl, Beast boy and of course Sphere.

I was really happy to see Zatanna a little bit and how she has gotten a lot better over these past five years.

Rocket "girlfriend" you rock!

I'm always liking Bart more and more by each episode and he has become my favorite new character of season 2. *claps*

Jaimie, Is actually really awesome, two thumbs up for him and his mind and making fun of the ambassador.

M'gann and La'gnn is over.....OLE OLE OLE OLE!!

Conner and Wendy are dating <3
Barbara could barely get up that morning for it was the day of Jason's funeral. Her face was makeup-less for her tears would have ruined it and her expression was irregularly sad. She stood next to Dick as she looked at Jason's peaceful face.
"He's dead, Dick. He was like a brother to me. He was more of a brother than my actual brother and now he is gone," Barbara told Dick not lifting her eyes from Jason's still body.
"I know, I know. He was like a brother to me too," Dick said as he wrapped his arm around Barbara's waist to comfort her. She turned into his shoulder and cried more than when...
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posted by ecoelo
It was 8:00 sharp and the whole JL and YJ were crowded around Artemis's room. Even Bats was there to see the action. Robin held a glass against his ear and the door.
"I haven't heard anything since you guys came" he replied glancing at the league.
"Me neither" Conner replied using his super hearing. Supey nodded in agreement. Barry stepped up.
"Why don't Supey and Conner use x-ray vison and-"
"No!" Supey and Conner shouted at the same time. "I'm not invading my teammate's personal space" Conner crossed his arms while Supey glared at Barry.
"Let's wait until they come out. I could get my camera I...
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posted by yayshadowhunter
An hour has gone by since Alfred left to go get the door at two in the morning and of course Bruce is still up doing research on his latest mission for the Justice League. The silence of the night is broken when Alfred returns to the Bat cave, an expression of complete confusion on his aged face. “Master Bruce, you have a visitor waiting for you”
He manages to say still wearing that mask of perplexity. “At this hour?” Bruce questions yet he goes and changes into an extra pair of clothing he stores in the Bat cave. He follows Alfred into his office to find a girl, about twelve maybe...
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Conner and Robin arrived at the dead end panting. Wally smiled his hands on his hips.
"What took you so long?" Wally asked searching for a block to push on the wall.
"I'm not surprised" Robin said still panting. Artemis leaned on the wall next to Wally. "Your stronger than you look" Wally blushed.
"Well there is more to me than just speed" Artemis lent closer to him.
"Tell me about them" Conner nudged Robin.
"Uh sorry to interrupt your latest and most romantic moment, but we need to find that door" Artemis backed away from Wally and pushed a block on the wall. "This what your looking for?" The...
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posted by EmeraldYJ
I dreamed, clutching tightly to a soft blanket. I had since moved from my little hutch in the clearing, and gone into the mountain. No one went into her room, not even Jessica. Some people wouldn’t believe she was dead-- Mercy continuously argued with everyone who knew she really was. Jessica and I knew. She wasn’t coming back. And I had since received her full powers. I was the new number three firecaster on the team.
I hated it. This wasn’t me.
Tonight I shifted restlessly on the mattress, nightmares plaguing my sleep. Most were about her, how she died, Chelsea delivering the final blow...
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posted by robinluv14
You deserve this...

A burning torch, a column of flame
In everything but shape, voice and name- Fin, for obvious reasons
A flower blooms the water floods
The dirt will mix in both for mud
While pure wind blows in longing breezes
For creator’s health the cold ice freezes-describing her powers over the elements, and the fact she can create alternate universes
The blood of all will fill the mind - her killing the team (didn't happen)
And one of them in not as kind - Nathan/Ryan
To save the world and make it last
The answer lies back through her past-saying that later on in life she'll have to save...
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Name: Sade Rogers

Alias: Liberty

Age: 16

Height: 5'10

Gender: Female.

Looks: Long Blond hair with blue eyes.
Relation to team: Captain Americas daughter. (Yes, I know he's Marvel. Hence the title.)

Civvies: Red shirt, blue skinny jeans, and converse. Wears a star necklace, and a Captain America bracelet in honor of her dad.

Personality: all-around patriot, believing in all of the things that make America great. She always strives to make America even better. She is a very dedicated friend, and has a set group of ideals. She is strictly opposed to any form of oppression, she can be a bit stuck in the...
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posted by killer24



abilities:can blend into shadows,expert marksman,good singer,when sings or plays guitar it can heal,inspire,energise and more

weapons:two hand guns,guitar that has a rifle built into it,cloak witch can blend in to shadows

personality:shady,dark,funny,shy,sad,cares little for bats but will help the team,shoots first asks questions later,wants vengeance

looks:unknown(may tell in background)

story:dad is vigilante but he died by the hands of a monster when shadow finds the killer he will make him pay.
can play a guitar but plays mostly when sad.when he plays it the guitar will heal,inspire,energise and more.
his dad died to protect him but before he died he taught him a few songs.
cadmus wanted him to join there army but he said no so thay kidnapped him and tortured him when the speedster,the boy wonder and The Atlantean came and took the super boy as thay called him the security failed so he escaped
Robin sat on his bed in Mount Justice just staring at the floor. Alfred had kicked him out saying that he needed to do something to get his mind off of Bruce. It had been a week since Bruce put on the helmet, and nothing was helping him get his mind off of Bruce.

Wally had tried to do many things, along with the others, to get him to cheer up, but nothing worked. They tried to call him and see how he was doing, but they only got Alfred and he said that he would hardly eat or come out of his room.

Zatanna had visited the mountain more since Batman disappeared and said that her father told her...
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THIS IS NOT MINE!!! I thought some of you would like to read it. It is Young Justice.

Chapter 1: A Little More Homework

Dick sat down at a lunch table and loosened his scarlet tie. He never really liked the Gotham Academy uniforms. It consisted of, for boys, a white button-up long sleeved shirt, dark blue pants, scarlet ties, dark blue jackets, and black shoes. Girls had to wear dark blue skirts, blazers, scarlet ties, black shoes, and white button-up shirts.

"Hey, freshman," a familiar voice said. Dick looked up to see his friend Barbara Gordon grinning down at him with a lunch tray in her hands....
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posted by Willow_Cyrus
Willow, Becca, Lucas, Artemis, Phoebe and Wally stood in the kitchen, Wally and Lucas had a table spoon of cinnamon, " ummm are you sure this wont kill me " Lucas said unsure of eating the cinnamon, " oh dont ask questions just eat it!!! " Becca said. Wally and Lucas looked unsure at eachother and then at the count of three put it in their mouth. " its not bad..." Lucas said with the cinnamon in his mouth but suddenly he screamed spitting it out with his face bright red, " that burns!!!! the taste aghhhh Phoebe get me some water!!!" Lucas yelled flailing his arms around. " nahh im good your...
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