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posted by AislingYJ
***This is a random little story that me and InfinityYJ decided to collaborate on. The characters of Mercy, Becca, Delta, Scarlet, and Blade are NOT ours. Neither are the original team (well you already knew that). This is supposed to be a kind of weird and random story, but hopefully you’ll like it! Enjoy! ***
It was early evening in the Cave, and the Team was clustered in the main room, waiting for Batman to speak. Aisling’s stomach grumbled loudly; she wondered whether they would be getting dinner tonight. If Batman had come to send them on a mission, highly unlikely.
Getting impatient, she spoke. “Do you have a mission for us or something?”
Batman shook his head. “No. But I do have plans for you. You are to spend the night at the cave, all of you, as a team bonding night. Please get to bed at a reasonable hour.”
Like that’s ever going to happen, Aisling thought.
“You will be spending tonight and all of tomorrow performing team-building exercises. Black Canary and I have compiled a list of activities you are to perform.”
The team let out a collective groan. None of them liked the way this was going.
“I will be back to check in at eight o’clock sharp tomorrow, and again at three o’clock. Aqualad, you’re in charge. Make sure they stay on track.” He handed Aqualad a thick stack of papers, held together with a black binder clip. “I will be off.”
With that, he stepped into the zeta tube, and was whisked away.

“Do we really have to do all those?” Wally whined, flipping through the packet that Batman had given them. The team was piled in the lounge; with all fifteen of them, it made for quite a tight fit. Kat was perfectly content to be slumped in the corner, but the battle that had ensued over the tight couch space was not a pretty sight.
“Yeah,” Mercy added. “These are really stupid.”
Aqualad shrugged. “I guess not. We need to do something, though. Batman will not be happy if we do not.”
Kat had to agree with that. “So...” she said, addressing the cluster of teens around her. “Anyone know any team building games?”
The room was silent for a moment. “Name game?” Aisling suggested.
“But we already know everyone’s names...” Kat said pensively. She was trying to rack her brains, come up with a game they could play.
“Ooh, I know!” Wally squealed, eagerly raising his hand and bouncing up and down like an overexcited kindergartener. “We can play duck-duck-goose!”
Kat rolled her eyes. “Let me rephrase that. Anyone know any team building games that aren’t completely idiotic?”
Everyone fell silent for quite a while. Out of the corner of her eye, Kat saw a grin slowly spread on Robin’s face, and he leaned in to Fin, whispering something in her ear. Her eyes lit up, and she cackled gleefully. Robin stood up.
“We have a game,” he announced. All heads turned to face him. Kat didn’t like the devilish look on the Boy Wonder’s face, and she knew nothing good could come out of it.
“So, what we’re going to do is this. Everyone has to write down two of their secrets and...yes, Wally?”
Wally had raised his hand, and now he looked up at Robin. “What kind of secrets do we write? Like random and embarrassing secrets, or serious stuff?”
“Let’s go with random and embarrassing,” Robin said quickly. Kat knew the Boy Wonder had certain things he was not ready to reveal to the rest of them. “So, as I was saying, everyone writes down two secrets, then gives them to the judge, who...Artemis? What is it?”
“What if we don’t have any secrets?” Artemis asked innocently. Robin rolled his eyes; he looked exasperated.
“I’m sure everyone has secrets,” he said, an edge in his voice.
“But what if we don’t?” Artemis persisted.
“You do,” Robin growled, clearly annoyed. “Anyways, once you write down your two secrets, you give them to the judge. The judge will mix them up, and give each person two random secrets, that aren’t their own. You have until tomorrow at three to figure out whose secrets you have. You can do whatever you want to find out, but you can’t ask the person or share the ones you got with anyone. At three tomorrow, you turn in whatever you have to the judge, who will give you points for your right answers. You can make multiple guesses, but the more guesses you have, the fewer points you get for the right answer. Person with the most points wins. Any questions?”
There were none.
“So, who wants to be judge?”
Artemis raised her hand, but Robin ignored her. “How about...Aqualad? You wanna be the judge?”
“I suppose I could,” Aqualad replied.
“Okay then. Let’s get started!”
Megan used her telekinesis to get fifteen sheets of paper, and fifteen pens, and distributed one to each person, Robin, Connor, Wally, Megan, Artemis, Aisling, Kat, Fin, Kaylee, Fang, Mercy, Blade, Becca, Delta, and Scarlet. They all spread out across the floor and began to write.

Aqualad sat at his desk, spreading out the thirty slips of paper in front of him. He was actually quite intrigued by some of the secrets his friends had shared. Some were quite unusual, others were just plain awkward, but there were some that were very unexpected. This would be interesting, he thought. He read each secret over and over, trying to figure out how to distribute them.
The Secrets:
1) I’m terrified of stuffed animals
2) I used to think I was Eeyore
3) I have an inner desire to grow out my nose hair and braid it
4) I still play Webkinz on a very regular basis
5) When I was 5 I would only wear princess dresses
6) I swallowed a worm...yesterday
7) I sing Justin Bieber in the bathtub
8) I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
9) I have 240 shades of pink nail polish stashed in my room
10) I still sleep with a night light
11) When I was little, I was traumatized for life because the van had no candy
12) I find overweight aquatic animals to be very attractive
13) I tripped over a ladybug once
14) I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to make out with the guy on the men’s bathroom signs
15) When I was 4 I wanted to be a train when I grew up
16) I think Oscar the Grouch is really sexy
17) I’m afraid of heights
18) I used to think that a blow job was a type of hair style
19) My ultimate goal in life is to read every encyclopedia in the library
20) I’m madly in love with Kyra Grayson
21) I’m not a pedophile, but I find Billy Batson somewhat sexy
22) My favorite books are the Hannah Montana series
23) I went on and my only match was the Forever Alone guy
24) I’m deathly afraid of Jesse McCartney
25) I have a teddy bear named Pookie that I tell all my secrets
26) I used to think I was a ballerina
27) I have anatidaephobia (the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you)
28) When I’m in the bathtub I pretend I’m in a witches stew and she’s gonna eat me up
29) I idolized Spiderman
30) I swallowed a butterfly once

Aqualad sighed. He still didn’t know how he would decide who got which secret. He knew one thing, though: he couldn’t leave the secrets on their original papers. Too many people on this team would be able to analyze the handwriting and figure their secrets out that way. He pulled out a stack of paper, grabbed a pen, and began to copy them down. He could distribute them later.
***So that’s it for part 1. Don’t forget to guess who’s secrets are whose! Part 2 will be coming soon!***
posted by Skittles98
I pulled KF and Artemis aside.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” I asked
“Uh, yeah, um…” Kid Flash started
“We um…are…” Artemis continued
“Uh…together *ahem*” Wally finished
“OMG! I’m like so happy for you to!” I exclaimed
“You mean you don’t mind that were… ah… not together anymore?” he asked
“Nah, I don’t mind. You two make the cutest couple ever!” I smiled. On the outside I was so happy for them, but on the inside, I was a boiling pit of rage and hurt. They walked away, holding hands. Shayera came up behind me.
“You okay?” she asked, looking...
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posted by Skittles98
After we landed, we split up. I went to find the bomb while everyone else went to find Joker. Finding the bomb was easy. It was in the interrogation room, under the table. I walked over to it. I opened the panel to find a video chat open.
“Ah, ah, ah Batsy. You know you aren’t sup-“said a man with pale skin and a greyish-purple tongue “You’re not the Bat’s. Who are you?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out” I mused
“Let me guess, the Bat’s sent you here to foil me? Well, you can’t capture me and stop the bomb!” he guessed
“Wait. Are you Joker?” I asked
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posted by Skittles98
I walked down the hall into an empty mission room.
“You called for me, Batman?” I said
“Yes. Your personal information must be entered into the computer before your first mission” he said
“Okay. I am fourteen years old, I’m Spanish, Brazilian and American, my last name is Dia, my birthday is August Tenth and both my parents are divorced and dead.” I finished
“August tenth, eh? That’s close to my friend Bruce Wayne’s birthday” he said
“Really? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of Bruce Wayne. From what I’ve heard, he’s not very nice” I said slyly
“Oh, really? What have...
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posted by Skittles98
Beep, beep, beep! I walked out of my room and to the mission room. Only Wally was there, and Batman was leaving.
“Hey Batman, uh what about the mission?” I asked. He didn’t reply.
“There is no mission” Wally said “I just asked Bat’s to ring the mission bell to get you down here so I could talk to you”
I started to walk away, but he cut me off. I rolled my eyes.
“Night, please. I wanted to apologize for earlier” he said. I glared at him.
“The reason I got all touchy was because I had nearly lost someone I loved” he continued
“Who?” I demanded
“You” he said quietly....
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posted by Skittles98
I ran up to the mountain and waited beside where the door was. It was around 1:00 p.m. on the hottest day of the summer. These people practically lived on the beach, so why not go swimming? Fwoosh. I heard sliding doors open and a bunch of teens ran out. I ran in just before it closed, watching behind me as I walked. Suddenly, bang! I had walked right into someone! I didn’t move so he wouldn’t hear me. He looked directly where I was sitting. He reached out his hand as if to touch something. I got ready to nerve strike him and make him forget what just happened. Right before he touched my...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked into the lounge so I could meditate and almost crashed right into Super Boy.
“Sorry” I apologized
“It’s all right” he smiled
I took a step back, weary of him. Usually, if I bumped into him, he would just look at me. This time he actually smiled. Something must be wrong. Super Boy never smiles at me. I looked at the rest of the team and realized they were all standing in a line, staring at me. Wally looked as if he was holding something behind his back. I looked them all up and down then went to sit on the couch to meditate. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, but now, meditating...
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posted by Skittles98
“Since when can you turn into animals?” I asked
“I’ve able to all my life” she said, un-braiding her long dark brown hair.
“And you never told me, because?!” I demanded
“How was I supposed to tell you? ‘Hey Sarah, guess what! I can turn in to every single type of animal, whether it’s real of from some-sort of mythology!’” she asked
“True” I said
“Since when do you have a boyfriend?!” She demanded. Great, now I was the one getting interrogated!
“For about a month now” I responded
“OMZ! I’m so happy for you! What was your first date? A movie? A dinner?” she...
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posted by Skittles98
After I warned the gods that Gaia tried to take over my body by influencing my actions, the team and I all headed home. When we got their, Batman was waiting for us. Skatá! I totally forgot about him! I gave Robin an ‘I’ll handle this’ look.
“Batman, I am sorry that I disobeyed direct orders, but that was no mortal crying. That was the virginal goddess of the moon and hunt, Artemis. She is my patron goddess. She is also the one who convinced the other gods to give me their blood because she knew I was strong. It is not the rest of the teams’ fault that they left. It was my fault....
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posted by Skittles98
When we got back to Olympus, I ran to Zeus and Apollo. Zeus mixed a bit of each of the flowers and a bit of the apple to make a golden delicious smelling concoction. He scooped some up in a spoon and fed it to Apollo. Nothing happened.
“Why isn’t anything happening? Why is it not working?” I demanded
“I don’t know” Zeus responded
“You need… an incantation” said a weak voice
“Apollo?” I asked
“Yup. Not dead yet. The song from…from the Hesperides garden…that’s the…the…incantation” Apollo murmured
“Flower gleam and glow, let your powers shine, make the clock reverse,...
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"You get what you pay for."
"You get what you pay for."
"Here is your strawberry banana smoothie, sir," I said as I shoved his smoothie toward him.
He frowned. "I asked for this an HOUR ago."
I rolled my eyes. "You get what you pay for." I held my hand out expectantly.
"You think you actually deserve some tips?!" he barked.
I grabbed his smoothie and held my hand out again. "No tip, no smoothie."
We glared at each other until a familiar chubby woman shoved me aside.
"I'm sorry on behalf of my niece, sir." She took the cup from me and handed it to him.
He scoffed. "Your 'niece' doesn't deserve a job!"
In a second, I sent a gust of air at him, making...
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posted by Skittles98
“See you guys tomorrow” I said as I entered my quarters.
‘Yeah right’ I thought. When Batman said I couldn’t because it would be too dangerous, I got mad. I knew that lady who was calling for my help was not a mortal when I saw her. She looked normal except for her hair. It had silver strands braided into it. Only one girl who knew me had hair like that: Artemis. I changed into my hiking clothes and walked back to the hall. I ran to the hanger where the ship was held along with my pegasi. I grabbed the reins of Astéri, and got on. As we flew from the hanger, I got the feeling I was...
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posted by Skittles98
"This will take a lot of my strength, so if I fall don’t worry” I warned after I had finished putting on my ancient summoning paints.
"Ok” they acknowledged
I did what looked to be a weird sort of hand dance of intricate movements while sitting in a straight up cross-legged position. The throne in front of me in the Demeter temple started to glow and hum. I heard Artemis (or was it M’gann?) gasp as a somewhat human form started to appear in front of me on the throne. Then I noticed that I could see her more distinctively; she was scowling, probably at me for summoning her, she had wheat...
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posted by Candy77019
"Figured you needed a ride home."
"Figured you needed a ride home."
When I woke up, I was in my room on Mount Justice, tucked up in bed.
I sat up and stretched. The sun was pretty low in the sky, which meant it was still pretty early.
I washed up in the shower, and changed into a new set of clothes, noticing I had slept in the clothes I wore the night before.
I looked at the time. I couldn't believe it was next week already. I headed for the Training Room, where Aquaman, Red Tornado, Batman, and Nightwing waited for me.
"What're all you guys doing here?" I asked, standing next to Aquaman.
"Erica, this is Red Tornado. He'll train you for the element of Air,"...
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posted by Skittles98
"And this is the beach” I said finalizing our tour
"Wow” is all Musica had to say.”
"So you wanna go swimming?” I asked
"First let’s go find Aqua- the team” she stuttered
"Their already swimming” I told her “And since when do you like Aqualad?”
"Since he was the only one who either didn’t creep on me and actually spoke” she confessed
"Let me guess, Wally creeped on you and Super boy and Robin didn’t speak” I guessed
"Exactly” she agreed
As we headed for the water, I could practically hear Musica’s breathing getting louder and louder by the step.
"What’s wrong? Are you...
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"Do I have to go?!" I asked for the hundrith time. "Yes.This is a big and grate oppratunity.You`ll get to meet new people. I`eom sure it will be fun!" I look outside the window of our jet. What fun is it to hang out with a bunch of sidekicks.It was one thing for Jamar/Night Master to move her from Central City to Gothim City. But sending her to a "baby Justcie Leauge" was over rated! He was just too overprotective to send me to real camp!"Xhadow I`m sure you`ll have fun.It will be like camp but for super kids!!!"

My cute five year old brother Alex said. I smiled. " I gusse your right Alex." Alex smiled. Jamar started lowering the jet. "Maybe your a little nervous." Jamar said."No I`m not!" I shot back. Then started playing with my hair...wich I only did when I lied.
posted by Skittles98
When we were in the ship I noticed KF kept taking sidelong glances at Artemis and Artemis would steal glances of KF when he wasn’t looking. I looked M’gann and mouthed the word private then pointed at my head.
’Are KF and Artemis dating or something?’ I asked telepathically after M’gann gave a thumbs up sign.
’No but I think they should’ she confided
’I know right? They’d make such a cool couple’ I agreed
’So, how did you think of the name “Shadow”’ M’gann asked
’Oh I picked it after having a totally in depth vision of Hades telling me to’ I said matter-of-factly...
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posted by Candy77019
"He was treating me like a kid."
"He was treating me like a kid."
I met up with the team in the Mission Room, where Batman was typing frantically into the computer.
"WHAT?!" I demanded, ignoring my rude tone of voice.
"An explosion occurred five minutes ago at Gotham City's First National Bank. I need you guys to go handle that." He didn't even bother looking at us.
"On it!" Kid Flash saluted before zooming to the terminal.
I buckled into my seat, pouting at my lack of sleep.
"Prepare for take-off!" Megan said in a chippy voice.
When we were in the air, Megan switched to Auto-Pilot, and sat down next to me.
"Where were you all day, Erica?"
I debated over...
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"Erica! Erica, please wake up!" shouted a voice.
I choked on air. My lungs ached for some reason.
And then, someone pressed their lips to mine.
Was I getting CPR? I tried to wriggle away, but something was holding me. Hot breath intruded my system, making me want to hurl.
My head shot up like a rocket. "Who--What--Where--When--Why--How?"
And before I could get my thoughts straight, I was staring into the lovely blue eyes of the Boy Wonder.
"Erica!" Robin gasped. "You're alive!"
He kissed me. He kissed me!!I screamed through my head.
"You kissed me!" I screamed at him.
He stepped back, allowing...
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posted by nymph_tonks
Diary, it may not seem like it, but I go to school. Students only go there Saturday and Sunday, cause it's a school full of superheroes. Any ways, today, they had the prom. Yesterday morning I was talking about how I didn't have a date. They said I could bring a guest, and kid flash and superbly were practically begging to go with me. Sometimes, they get kinda creepy. Then robin came and asked if he could go with me. I kinda had some trouble breathing, so before I fainted, i said yes. Then I passed out. I woke up the next day, and after checking my watch, seeing it was 6:30, remembering the...
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added by Robin_Love