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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 2: Damsel in Distress

Being Robin wasn't always easy. Dick had to constantly juggle schoolwork, hero responsibilities, and his own personal life. But the hardest thing was keeping you cover when someone you care about is in danger. Dick learned that lesson the hard way when Barbara was attacked. It wasn't even by some big villain like Joker or Freeze. It was just some stupid street thugs who wanted to get to the Commissioner.

Dick sat on his bed staring down at his phone in his hands. It had been a week ever since his 'almost kiss' with Barbara and they hadn't talked or seen each other since. They skirted around each other at school and avoided any kind of contact through Bruce or Jim. It was Friday and he had just gotten home from school.

What was he thinking? He couldn't just try a kiss a girl who was a whole freaking year older than him! But the thing that interested most him was that Barbara had leaned in as well. She wanted to kiss him and that frightened Dick.

The phone suddenly vibrated, startling Dick, and Barbara's picture appeared on the screen. Dick immediately picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Dick." His heart lifted at the sound of her voice. "What's up?"

"Um, n-not much," Dick said nervously. "H-how about you?"

"Nothing," Barbara said blandly. She sounded unsure. "Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"You just did," Dick said at an attempt for humor.

Barbara let out a small laugh. It was nice for both of them to hear the other's voice again. "Do you wanna hang out in a little while?" she asked. Dick jumped and nearly dropped his phone. "My dad and I are going to see a movie in a minute but we could hang out after that."

She sounded hopeful. That made Dick smile. He switched hands holding the phone and gulped. "Yeah, I'd like that," he said,

"Sounds like fun."

"Great!" Barbara said happily. "Meet me at the park in two hours?"

"I'll be there."

Barbara smiled. "Okay, see you then. Bye."

"Bye," Dick said, also smiling. He ended the call and fell back on his bed. He sighed in contentment and couldn't get that smile off his face. He felt almost high with happiness and excitement. He was glad that they could just get over and forget about the 'almost kiss', but part of him wished that they could talk about it. He wanted to get his feelings off his chest, but he was dead scared to.

Dick pulled up the sleeve of his jacket and checked his watch: 3:15. He had two hours to prepare for his meeting with Barbara. Dick raced into his bathroom and hopped in the shower. By the time he got out, it was already 3:45. Dick threw his clothes back on and broke out the hair gel. He slicked down some of the messy hair on the sides of his head and spiked up the front. He didn't use gel often, but he made it look cool when he did.

Dick washed the gel off his hands and checked his breath. He grimaced and popped a breath mint in his mouth. He grinned in the mirror and decided his head looked presentable. Dick looked down at his wrinkled school clothes and frowned. He ran back into his room and threw off the uniform. Dick grabbed a slightly tight black T-shirt, a pair of navy blue jeans, his dark green hoodie and threw the clothes on.

The teenage boy then went back into the bathroom and got out his cologne. It smelled like forest pine, identical to the scent in his room. Dick carefully smeared some cologne on the back of his neck, under his chin, and behind his ears. He checked the time again: 4:00.

A sudden idea popped into Dick's head that had him smile. Bruce wasn't home (solo business with the Justice League) and Alfred was tidying up the Batcave. Dick ran down the hall and to the stairs. He jumped and slid down the staircase banister and flipped once he reached the end. Acrobatics always come in handy. He hit the ground running and slid into the kitchen.
Dick grabbed a notepad and wrote a note for Alfred on it: Going to hang at the park with Barbara. Be back before dinner—Dick

Satisfied with the note, Dick nodded and stuck it on the fridge. He ran out the front door, closing it quietly behind him as he left. He walked calmly down the road and towards the local mall nearby. He knew a couple people who ran the shops and was often given discounts. Dick soon arrived at his destination and whipped out his wallet.

"Hey, it's little Richard!" the flower cart owner Peter said, noticing Dick's arrival. "How ya doing, Dick?"

"I'm pretty good, Pete," Dick said, grinning. Peter was a tall skinny guy with sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He wore skinny jeans, a tight grey T-shirt and a pink apron over it. Peter's mom owned the mall and he worked at the flower cart to make a little extra cash. Peter was 19 years old and like a big brother to Dick.

Dick examined the flowers and picked out a rose. He twirled it in his fingers and took a whiff. "How much for the rose?"

"For you, it's free!" Peter said slyly.

Dick grinned. "Thanks, Pete-y," he said gratefully. Dick took out a quarter and flipped it. Peter caught it and stuffed it in his pocket, smiling.

"So, who's the rose for, lover boy?" Peter asked teasingly. "You got a date tonight?"

Dick smiled. "It's just for a friend, I swear," he said sincerely. That was true, after all. Or was it?

"And who is this 'friend'?"

"Barbara Gordon," Dick said.

Peter grinned. "No way," he said, "Dick's got a date with Barbara Gordon! Wahoo! I knew it!"

"Would you keep it down?" Dick looked around to see a few people staring at Peter's obnoxious behavior. "I told you it's not a date!"

Peter narrowed his suspicious eyes. "Right," he drawled. "Well, if you two love birds ever get together, don't say I didn't tell you so."

"Will do," Dick said sarcastically. He turned and walked away towards the park.

"Have fun!" Peter shouted, waving.

Dick rolled his eyes and walked down the streets towards the park. He and Barbara loved to play there when they were kids. They had this specific table where they would meet up at. The grass was green and there was a large jungle gym for the kids. Benches and table were scattered across the public park and there was a small sign at the entrance of the park path that read 'Gotham Public Park'.

Dick walked down the path and found their table. He sat down and checked his watch: 4:47. He only had to wait another half hour and then he'd see Barbara. Dick looked around and watched two birds hop around the branches of a tree. The leaves were gone due to the impending winter and the air was getting colder. Dick pulled his jacket more securely around himself and sighed.

The half hour didn't pass quickly. Dick soon pulled out his phone and began playing games on it until he was bored. He checked the time: 5:20. He sighed. Usually, he was the one who was late. Dick and Barbara had a time limit for when the other was late for something. If the other isn't there fifteen minutes after the given time, then the other person is allowed to leave and be mad about it.

Dick sighed and looked around. Couples were walking in the park, hand in hand. It disgusted him. He played with the rose in his hands and twirled it in his fingers. The next ten minutes passed and Dick stood from the table. He walked off, angry on the inside. It was getting colder and Dick's breath steamed in the air. He slumped his shoulders for warmth and approached the gates of Wayne Manor.

"Hey Alfred, could you open the gates for me?"

"Of course, Master Richard," Alfred said back. The gates opened and Dick walked up to the front doors. Alfred opened the doors for him and closed them as Dick walked inside. The warmth of the manor seemed to clash with Dick's bad mood.
"But Master Richard, I thought you and Miss Barbara—"

"She stood me up," Dick said sharply. He tossed his jacket on a rack and stormed grumpily into the kitchen. He took a seat in a chair by the counter and glared at the wall.

Alfred walked into the kitchen and placed a cup of hot cocoa in front of Dick. He accepted it gratefully and took a heavy gulp, despite the burning of his throat. Alfred always put a little bit of coffee in Dick's hot cocoa whenever he was mad or upset.

"What happened?"

Dick sighed. "She told me she'd meet me at the park at 5:15 after she saw a movie with her dad. I waited 15 minutes after that time because that's our limit and no one showed up. So, I left," Dick explained.

Alfred sighed in sympathy. "Is it possible Miss Barbara could be in trouble?" he questioned.

Dick's eyes grew wider. "What do you mean?" The Batlink in his watch beeped and flashed red. Dick looked down and then up at Alfred in surprise. Did he just…predict the future? Dick raced off to the Batcave and threw on his costume. Then he spied the R-cycle out of the corner of his eye. Dick grinned despite himself and strapped on the helmet.

Barbara groaned and opened her eyes. Her body was sore and she thought she felt dry blood on her forehead. Without getting up, Barbara examined her surroundings. She seemed to be in a dark warehouse. There were random boxes stacked in the shadows and a few windows that let in a small amount of sunlight. There were ropes tying Barbara's hands and feet together.

Barbara couldn't remember what happened. She remembered walking to the park after the movie, and then nothing. She struggled to sit up until a voice stopped her. "Don't bother." The voice was deep but it didn't sound familiar. "You're not getting out of here."

Barbara heard heavy footsteps coming closer to her. She felt panic rise into her throat and sweat bead her forehead. A man in a hood bent over Barbara and grinned. His sharp teeth glinted in the faint light. He took out a crowbar and patted it with his hand. Barbara whimpered in fear. Five more thugs walked up behind the first and grinned cruelly. "It's time we have some fun, boys."

"I doubt you'll have such fun in jail, dirtbags!"

The thugs looked up at the glasses warehouse ceiling to see a panel open and Robin the Boy Wonder glaring down at them. He took out a birdarang and threw it. It hit a stunned thug in the face and knocked him down. Robin leapt from the ceiling and jumped fist first down onto a thug. The thug fell to the floor and Robin punched him in the jaw.
The other thugs rushed forward, whipping out crowbars and pipes. A big thug swung at Robin, but the hero flipped back and kicked another thug in the face as he did so. The Boy Wonder ran forward and kicked another thug to the ground. He growled and punched another thug in the face.

The thugs all stood and glared at the teenage vigilante. They charged and attacked. Robin dodged a swing from a crowbar and yanked a pipe out of another's grasp. He swung and knocked one thug to the ground. Robin snarled and nailed another thug in the face.

"And I was expecting Penguin or Killer Moth," Robin said darkly. "You amateurs have let me down. This should be easy, though."

The head thug snarled. "You're not the only one who's disappointed, kid," he spat. "Where's Batman?"

Robin gave a little evil grin. "He decided to treat me with a little solo mission," he lied easily. "Wasn't that nice of him?"

The thug snarled and charged at Robin. The teenager slid underneath his legs and kicked him in the batteries. The criminal cringed and fell to the floor. Robin handcuffed him quickly and turned to face the other thugs. He took out his bo staff and charged. There were only four thugs left and one of them was down with one swing. Robin fought with an animalistic ferocity that was driven by anger.

No one kidnapped Barbara. No one.

Robin kicked the third thug down and swung him to the side with his staff. He punched the fourth across the face. Ditching the staff, Robin tackled the fifth thug to the ground and punched him. Then he punched him again. Pretty soon, there was blood. The sight of red snapped Robin from his rage.

Barbara had freed herself from her bonds during the fight and rushed to Robin's side. "Stop!" she said, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her and nearly burst into tears. Robin shut his eyes tight, held back the tears, and stood. Barbara stood with him and he noticed the blood on her forehead.

Robin cautiously touched the gash on her forehead. He frowned and pushed some stray hair from her face.

"Thank you," Barbara said gratefully.

Robin gave a small smile. He was just happy to see that she was alive. Dick had been scared to death at what he might find in the warehouse. "Just doing my job, Miss Gordon."

Barbara took a small step forward. Dick panicked, just like the first time. He remained completely still as Barbara leaned in. Their lips gently brushed against each other until Barbara pulled away.

The large warehouse doors burst open and the Commissioner and police barged in. "Barbara!" Jim Gordon said, dropping his gun. He ran forward and grabbed his daughter in a tight embrace. Robin walked forward with a solemn look in his eyes behind his mask.

"Your daughter's alright, sir," the Boy Wonder said in a low voice. "These thugs won't be waking up any time soon."

"Well done, son" Jim said. He ushered Barbara off to the police officers and bent down at eye level to Robin. "Where's Batman?" he whispered.

"Batman left for a mission with the Justice League, sir," Robin said, standing up a little straighter. He had always taken pride in knowing any Justice League information, no matter how small.

Jim nodded and looked back at his daughter. A medic was examining her head. Jim sighed. "Thank you, once again, for saving my daughter," he said, dead-serious. Robin nodded like an obedient soldier and Jim patted him on the shoulder. He and Barbara walked out of the warehouse and got into a cop car. Robin walked out just as they began to drive away and he watched them go.

Robin sighed and took out his grapple. He fired it and swung off into the night. Barbara turned around in her seat and watched as the Boy Wonder disappeared in the darkness.
posted by TOTALIzzyluver

Sierra swayed around the sidewalk. Earbuds in. Just Jamming. No idea the people she passed were staring.She smiled. Ignoring the world. Then.
Her head swung up. Pulling the ear buds out. The terror twins. Only a few yards away.Her jaw dropped She backed away slowly. Not wanting trouble the female twin and had caught sight her. She walked slowly towards her. Sierra walked backwards and then tripping. She crawled backward fasted now.

(Sierra's POV)
You promised you wouldn't. BUT THIS CHICKS SCCARRYY. Shut up. You promised....
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posted by Robin_Love
Fire rained down on them. Ashes covered everything. The building that was once a school was gone. Everything was gone. Megan released her field and fell to the ground, sobbing.
“What's wrong Megan?” Artemis asked.
“Becca and Devin...I can't find a life source anywhere! They-they're gone!”
Artemis gasped and covered her hands with her mouth. Tears showed in her eyes and Kaldur comforted her. Wally watched Connor kneel by Megan, trying to console her. But Wally was more worried about Robin; his whole world was gone. Not a single person he had known from his past was alive.
“What are we...
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Ooh! Almost forgot to post a new chapter!

Chapter Two
The Watchtower-

Batman walked into the empty cafeteria. He sat down with Green Arrow, Red Tornado, and Black Canary. 

"He's showing his face too much." Batman began.

"He has a right to publicity." Green Arrow said.

"He's a member of the Justice League, he does what ordered. There's a much bigger picture here. The Team is not dumb. They know we know what they don't. They know someone is out there helping them, they don't know who."

"Why not just tell them?" Black Canary asked. "They have a right to know."

"No," Batman replied. "They can not find...
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Chapter One-

The Team stood in front of the bank. The robbers were tied up and the money was in the bank's safe.

Robin bent down and looked at the rope the robbers were tied up with. What he saw shocked him. He stood up and turned around to the Team.

"This is rope Batman uses." he said simply.

"So?" Artemis said. "What makes it so special?"

"It's a special nylon chord designed specifically for Batman. It's nearly unbreakable. Only Batman has access to it."

"Strange," Aqualad said. "Could it be Batman?" 

"No," Robin said. "He's...elsewhere."

"I see, then who-"

"There!" Superboy said, pointing at the...
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posted by Skittles98
I waited until the sun had set before leaving the cave. The night sky was setting in as I walked through the forest. I found a large oak tree and climbed up it. I climbed to the very top, then dove to the ground. I landed perfectly. I walked to the beach and started doing tai chi under the clear night sky. I ran along the beach and did an aryl. I did some back flips and landed nicely. Someone started to clap. I whipped around to find Wally and Robin standing there.
“What do you want?” I asked, pulling down my cowl.
“I was uh…wondering…” Wally started. Robin sighed loudly.
“Mr. Smooth...
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posted by Skittles98
“I’m no Queen” I said seriously
“Sorry. Forgot” he shrugged.
“It’s okay” I said. I closed my eyes so I could have a little nap in the sun, when a huge bucket of water was dumped on me. I bolted to my feet and got in a fighting stance.
“Okay, which one of you was that?” I demanded. They all parted to reveal Kid Flash. I ran to my hover cycle and jumped on. I sped after him. Robin somehow managed to jump on.
“I steer, you strangle” he ordered. I let him take the wheel. When we got right beside KF, I jumped onto his back, my hands reaching for his throat. Super Boy, Aqualad...
continue reading...
posted by Skittles98
After the long ride home, I walked to the cave where I had been staying for the last little while. I had covered the entrance with vines, but inside was bright thanks to the oil lanterns I purchased. I also picked this particular spot because it had a constant trickle of water slashing down the side of the cave wall. I crushed up some heart shaped herb to enhance my senses. I rubbed it on my palms and my face, then let it sit for a moment. Then, I rinsed it off, felling refreshed. Kid Flash zoomed in.
“Ooh! What’cha making?” he asked, eating some. He instantly spat it out.
“EW! You eat...
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It was three weeks ago since I talked to Dick. I was in the mall with the orphans. It there was a special show or something. And because Audrey was “sick” at home, I diced to come with them. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fights. The two fights had a main thing in common. The truth. Audrey thought I lied to her. Just because I understand her. In her opinion way to good. Dick accused me of being two different people. I yelled at him before going. It was bugging me for three weeks. Not that I was afraid that I hurt Dick but because I didn’t understand what I said. “Sometimes I wonder...
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“What is wrong with you? Robin.” Wally was looking at Robin. “There is nothing wrong with me. Wally.” There really was nothing wrong with me. I’m happy. I have great friends. I have an awesome father. I have a great team. And I saw Rachel for the first time embraced. What can a guy wish more for? Wally: “Robin? You have a weird aura around you. Are you mad or something?” I looked at Wally. He really was worried. “I perfectly fine. I’m just happy.” Artemis looked up from the book she was reading. “You? Happy? You’re joking, right?” I laughed. “No, I’m not joking....
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His head pounded and his eyes were sore. He tried opening them but found he couldn't. But he could still feel the fabric of his mask on his eyes. He sighed inwardly. His hands and ankles were strapped to a hospital bed; judging by the bars at the sides of the platform, he guessed it was a bed. He could feel a warm liquid entering his body. Sounds and hums filled the room (he guessed it was a room). Pain ran up and down his legs and his arms felt heavy. He heard voices.
“How is our patient?” a man with a heavy German accent asked.
“Everything shows as normal. Sir.”
“Excellent. Vhat...
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From up in the air, the marks from the earlier fight had made a warning mark. It was Robin's symbol but a sword was “drawn” through the infamous “R”. Megan grabbed Becca in her arms, taking them down to the ground slowly.
“Megan! Let me go! I have to find him!”
The martian ignored the girl's please and held on tighter as Becca struggled to get free.
“What's wrong?” Artemis asked; if Becca needed to be held back it was a sure sign something was wrong. Almost everything was.
“No. Nonononononono! Megan!”
Becca sank to her knees as Megan landed on the ground, still hugging the girl...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I can't believe how much has happened,” Becca said aloud.
A wind blew her hair and she attempted to tuck the loose strands behind her ear. She sighed as the sun set. It was a gorgeous summer sun set with cool breezes. The day was as perfect as the weather. Except for one minor detail.
“Megan has become like a sister to me. She's always there to help me and she trusts too easily. Kaldur is...I don't know him very well. But he could be a close friend if we were to talk. Then there's Connor. He is very temperamental but he has a sweet side; he's a brother. And so's Wally. Ohmygosh. Wally...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
“I'm bored!” Wally exclaimed.
“So find someone else to bug!” Artemis replied, turning back to her book.
“I can't.”
“And why the heck not?!”
“Because Kaldur went with Aquaman, Superboy and Megan are who knows where and Robin didn't come today. You're the only one here!”
“Well stop bugging me! I have homework. Besides, don't you have some report Batman gave you for snooping around his house or something?”
“Oh yeah.”
Recognized: Robin B01
A grin spread across his face.
“Too late. Rob's back!”
Wally sped off and tackled his best friend as he stepped through the kitchen/living...
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posted by DaPeople316
I was walking to my friends house across the street about three houses away the day after my 13th birthday. A white van came down the street at a a speed that i didn't now a van could achieve it stopped  abruptly and a part man part wolf (eraser)got out and charged me. I shouted for help but no one herd me i struggled to get away but it was no use he tossed me in the back of the van were i lied. A bag was yanked over my head and I smelt some thing sickly sweet. When I regained conciseness I opened my eyes to see a girl about my age looking back at me i also noticed the bars of the dog crate...
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"You don't know what it's like, losing a relative!"
"You don't know what it's like, losing a relative!"
"You can't do this to me! My babies will die!"
"Yeah, lady, tell it to the judge!" KF gently nudged Poison Ivy up the last few steps to Arkham Asylum, the infamous Gotham crazyhouse.
Cliche much?
"I had to say something!" he mentally replied.
She looked pleadingly at me. "Please! You don't know what it's like, losing a relative!"
"I know plenty what it's like," I muttered, opening the door. Behind it, shrieks and screams emanated from each cell door, revealing a disheveled face in the little windows, pleading for mercy, for life.
"This place is giving me the creeps," KF said, out loud now.
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"Let us go!"
"Let us go!"
"I had orders to have you executed in an hour," Evelyn said. "It appears that they have been overlooked."
"Let us go!" Artemis strained.
Evelyn laughed. "Not without a fight, of course." She looked at Jeannette. "You take Erica. She is out of my league."
"What are we going to do?" Artemis asked before we fell down.
Evelyn doesn't know that Superboy has anger issues. We could leave it at that.
With a loud yell, Superboy lunged at an unsuspecting Evelyn, bursting through the wall.
"Artemis, stop the countdown!" I ordered. She nodded and went to the computer screen, when Air sent me flying to...
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posted by Robin_Love
Wally was vibrating in place; he was so impatient to learn what Batman had found that he was shaking at super speed. He crossed his arms and sighed loudly while he waited for the Dark Knight to appear in the mountain.
“Wally stop vibrating!” Artemis yelled.
He glared at her, only encouraging the shaking.
“I can't! I want to know what Batman found out!”
“So do we!”
Both heroes straightened up at the sound of the voice; geez where did Batman come from! It's like he lived in the shadows! Oh wait. Wally thought. He kinda does. Even more so now that Rob... wally shook the thought...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
Rebecca Stevens
Rebecca Stevens
“If I didn't know any better,” Wally started, “I'd say someone was following us.”
“You mean like people always do?” Artemis responded.
Wally nodded. He looked around them. It was early morning and no body should have been awake. The only reason the team wasn't at the mountain was because Batman had decided to wake them up earlier than normal so they could patrol. And Robin was totally awake! Even Wally wasn't awake as fast as Robin. Then again, the boy only got like four hours of sleep in a day. Wally yawned, feeling his feet start to drag. First he felt only the early sun shinning...
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posted by Robin_Love
Wally's brain was running in overdrive. Finding out what had happened to Robin led him to a fork in the road. After visiting Wayne Manor, it was clear that Robin was not there. In fact, it seemed that every one in Gotham city and surrounding areas knew Robin had vanished. But there were no leads to follow, no change in superhero protected cities. And that meant one of two things.
Robin had decided it was enough and ended his misery.
Robin had just disappeared.
Wally hoped to heaven, hell, and back that it was the latter; if he had made Robin cut is own life short...Wally had no idea what he would...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Lily awoke suddenly. She was in a dark room. She could hear voices outside the enclosed myserious room. She then attempted to sit up and put a hand to her migrating head. But that's when she relized she was straped down. It almost reminded her of that gory horror movie she watched once where the girl gets sawed in half by a creepy puppet. She took a deep breathe and attempted to squirm out. But no luck.
Lily then heard approching footsteps. She turned her head in the direction of which it was coming from. The fimiular figure of Chesire walked in.
"Good. You're awake." She smirked evilly....
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