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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 2: Damsel in Distress

Being Robin wasn't always easy. Dick had to constantly juggle schoolwork, hero responsibilities, and his own personal life. But the hardest thing was keeping you cover when someone you care about is in danger. Dick learned that lesson the hard way when Barbara was attacked. It wasn't even by some big villain like Joker or Freeze. It was just some stupid street thugs who wanted to get to the Commissioner.

Dick sat on his bed staring down at his phone in his hands. It had been a week ever since his 'almost kiss' with Barbara and they hadn't talked or seen each other since. They skirted around each other at school and avoided any kind of contact through Bruce or Jim. It was Friday and he had just gotten home from school.

What was he thinking? He couldn't just try a kiss a girl who was a whole freaking year older than him! But the thing that interested most him was that Barbara had leaned in as well. She wanted to kiss him and that frightened Dick.

The phone suddenly vibrated, startling Dick, and Barbara's picture appeared on the screen. Dick immediately picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Dick." His heart lifted at the sound of her voice. "What's up?"

"Um, n-not much," Dick said nervously. "H-how about you?"

"Nothing," Barbara said blandly. She sounded unsure. "Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"You just did," Dick said at an attempt for humor.

Barbara let out a small laugh. It was nice for both of them to hear the other's voice again. "Do you wanna hang out in a little while?" she asked. Dick jumped and nearly dropped his phone. "My dad and I are going to see a movie in a minute but we could hang out after that."

She sounded hopeful. That made Dick smile. He switched hands holding the phone and gulped. "Yeah, I'd like that," he said,

"Sounds like fun."

"Great!" Barbara said happily. "Meet me at the park in two hours?"

"I'll be there."

Barbara smiled. "Okay, see you then. Bye."

"Bye," Dick said, also smiling. He ended the call and fell back on his bed. He sighed in contentment and couldn't get that smile off his face. He felt almost high with happiness and excitement. He was glad that they could just get over and forget about the 'almost kiss', but part of him wished that they could talk about it. He wanted to get his feelings off his chest, but he was dead scared to.

Dick pulled up the sleeve of his jacket and checked his watch: 3:15. He had two hours to prepare for his meeting with Barbara. Dick raced into his bathroom and hopped in the shower. By the time he got out, it was already 3:45. Dick threw his clothes back on and broke out the hair gel. He slicked down some of the messy hair on the sides of his head and spiked up the front. He didn't use gel often, but he made it look cool when he did.

Dick washed the gel off his hands and checked his breath. He grimaced and popped a breath mint in his mouth. He grinned in the mirror and decided his head looked presentable. Dick looked down at his wrinkled school clothes and frowned. He ran back into his room and threw off the uniform. Dick grabbed a slightly tight black T-shirt, a pair of navy blue jeans, his dark green hoodie and threw the clothes on.

The teenage boy then went back into the bathroom and got out his cologne. It smelled like forest pine, identical to the scent in his room. Dick carefully smeared some cologne on the back of his neck, under his chin, and behind his ears. He checked the time again: 4:00.

A sudden idea popped into Dick's head that had him smile. Bruce wasn't home (solo business with the Justice League) and Alfred was tidying up the Batcave. Dick ran down the hall and to the stairs. He jumped and slid down the staircase banister and flipped once he reached the end. Acrobatics always come in handy. He hit the ground running and slid into the kitchen.
Dick grabbed a notepad and wrote a note for Alfred on it: Going to hang at the park with Barbara. Be back before dinner—Dick

Satisfied with the note, Dick nodded and stuck it on the fridge. He ran out the front door, closing it quietly behind him as he left. He walked calmly down the road and towards the local mall nearby. He knew a couple people who ran the shops and was often given discounts. Dick soon arrived at his destination and whipped out his wallet.

"Hey, it's little Richard!" the flower cart owner Peter said, noticing Dick's arrival. "How ya doing, Dick?"

"I'm pretty good, Pete," Dick said, grinning. Peter was a tall skinny guy with sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He wore skinny jeans, a tight grey T-shirt and a pink apron over it. Peter's mom owned the mall and he worked at the flower cart to make a little extra cash. Peter was 19 years old and like a big brother to Dick.

Dick examined the flowers and picked out a rose. He twirled it in his fingers and took a whiff. "How much for the rose?"

"For you, it's free!" Peter said slyly.

Dick grinned. "Thanks, Pete-y," he said gratefully. Dick took out a quarter and flipped it. Peter caught it and stuffed it in his pocket, smiling.

"So, who's the rose for, lover boy?" Peter asked teasingly. "You got a date tonight?"

Dick smiled. "It's just for a friend, I swear," he said sincerely. That was true, after all. Or was it?

"And who is this 'friend'?"

"Barbara Gordon," Dick said.

Peter grinned. "No way," he said, "Dick's got a date with Barbara Gordon! Wahoo! I knew it!"

"Would you keep it down?" Dick looked around to see a few people staring at Peter's obnoxious behavior. "I told you it's not a date!"

Peter narrowed his suspicious eyes. "Right," he drawled. "Well, if you two love birds ever get together, don't say I didn't tell you so."

"Will do," Dick said sarcastically. He turned and walked away towards the park.

"Have fun!" Peter shouted, waving.

Dick rolled his eyes and walked down the streets towards the park. He and Barbara loved to play there when they were kids. They had this specific table where they would meet up at. The grass was green and there was a large jungle gym for the kids. Benches and table were scattered across the public park and there was a small sign at the entrance of the park path that read 'Gotham Public Park'.

Dick walked down the path and found their table. He sat down and checked his watch: 4:47. He only had to wait another half hour and then he'd see Barbara. Dick looked around and watched two birds hop around the branches of a tree. The leaves were gone due to the impending winter and the air was getting colder. Dick pulled his jacket more securely around himself and sighed.

The half hour didn't pass quickly. Dick soon pulled out his phone and began playing games on it until he was bored. He checked the time: 5:20. He sighed. Usually, he was the one who was late. Dick and Barbara had a time limit for when the other was late for something. If the other isn't there fifteen minutes after the given time, then the other person is allowed to leave and be mad about it.

Dick sighed and looked around. Couples were walking in the park, hand in hand. It disgusted him. He played with the rose in his hands and twirled it in his fingers. The next ten minutes passed and Dick stood from the table. He walked off, angry on the inside. It was getting colder and Dick's breath steamed in the air. He slumped his shoulders for warmth and approached the gates of Wayne Manor.

"Hey Alfred, could you open the gates for me?"

"Of course, Master Richard," Alfred said back. The gates opened and Dick walked up to the front doors. Alfred opened the doors for him and closed them as Dick walked inside. The warmth of the manor seemed to clash with Dick's bad mood.
"But Master Richard, I thought you and Miss Barbara—"

"She stood me up," Dick said sharply. He tossed his jacket on a rack and stormed grumpily into the kitchen. He took a seat in a chair by the counter and glared at the wall.

Alfred walked into the kitchen and placed a cup of hot cocoa in front of Dick. He accepted it gratefully and took a heavy gulp, despite the burning of his throat. Alfred always put a little bit of coffee in Dick's hot cocoa whenever he was mad or upset.

"What happened?"

Dick sighed. "She told me she'd meet me at the park at 5:15 after she saw a movie with her dad. I waited 15 minutes after that time because that's our limit and no one showed up. So, I left," Dick explained.

Alfred sighed in sympathy. "Is it possible Miss Barbara could be in trouble?" he questioned.

Dick's eyes grew wider. "What do you mean?" The Batlink in his watch beeped and flashed red. Dick looked down and then up at Alfred in surprise. Did he just…predict the future? Dick raced off to the Batcave and threw on his costume. Then he spied the R-cycle out of the corner of his eye. Dick grinned despite himself and strapped on the helmet.

Barbara groaned and opened her eyes. Her body was sore and she thought she felt dry blood on her forehead. Without getting up, Barbara examined her surroundings. She seemed to be in a dark warehouse. There were random boxes stacked in the shadows and a few windows that let in a small amount of sunlight. There were ropes tying Barbara's hands and feet together.

Barbara couldn't remember what happened. She remembered walking to the park after the movie, and then nothing. She struggled to sit up until a voice stopped her. "Don't bother." The voice was deep but it didn't sound familiar. "You're not getting out of here."

Barbara heard heavy footsteps coming closer to her. She felt panic rise into her throat and sweat bead her forehead. A man in a hood bent over Barbara and grinned. His sharp teeth glinted in the faint light. He took out a crowbar and patted it with his hand. Barbara whimpered in fear. Five more thugs walked up behind the first and grinned cruelly. "It's time we have some fun, boys."

"I doubt you'll have such fun in jail, dirtbags!"

The thugs looked up at the glasses warehouse ceiling to see a panel open and Robin the Boy Wonder glaring down at them. He took out a birdarang and threw it. It hit a stunned thug in the face and knocked him down. Robin leapt from the ceiling and jumped fist first down onto a thug. The thug fell to the floor and Robin punched him in the jaw.
The other thugs rushed forward, whipping out crowbars and pipes. A big thug swung at Robin, but the hero flipped back and kicked another thug in the face as he did so. The Boy Wonder ran forward and kicked another thug to the ground. He growled and punched another thug in the face.

The thugs all stood and glared at the teenage vigilante. They charged and attacked. Robin dodged a swing from a crowbar and yanked a pipe out of another's grasp. He swung and knocked one thug to the ground. Robin snarled and nailed another thug in the face.

"And I was expecting Penguin or Killer Moth," Robin said darkly. "You amateurs have let me down. This should be easy, though."

The head thug snarled. "You're not the only one who's disappointed, kid," he spat. "Where's Batman?"

Robin gave a little evil grin. "He decided to treat me with a little solo mission," he lied easily. "Wasn't that nice of him?"

The thug snarled and charged at Robin. The teenager slid underneath his legs and kicked him in the batteries. The criminal cringed and fell to the floor. Robin handcuffed him quickly and turned to face the other thugs. He took out his bo staff and charged. There were only four thugs left and one of them was down with one swing. Robin fought with an animalistic ferocity that was driven by anger.

No one kidnapped Barbara. No one.

Robin kicked the third thug down and swung him to the side with his staff. He punched the fourth across the face. Ditching the staff, Robin tackled the fifth thug to the ground and punched him. Then he punched him again. Pretty soon, there was blood. The sight of red snapped Robin from his rage.

Barbara had freed herself from her bonds during the fight and rushed to Robin's side. "Stop!" she said, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her and nearly burst into tears. Robin shut his eyes tight, held back the tears, and stood. Barbara stood with him and he noticed the blood on her forehead.

Robin cautiously touched the gash on her forehead. He frowned and pushed some stray hair from her face.

"Thank you," Barbara said gratefully.

Robin gave a small smile. He was just happy to see that she was alive. Dick had been scared to death at what he might find in the warehouse. "Just doing my job, Miss Gordon."

Barbara took a small step forward. Dick panicked, just like the first time. He remained completely still as Barbara leaned in. Their lips gently brushed against each other until Barbara pulled away.

The large warehouse doors burst open and the Commissioner and police barged in. "Barbara!" Jim Gordon said, dropping his gun. He ran forward and grabbed his daughter in a tight embrace. Robin walked forward with a solemn look in his eyes behind his mask.

"Your daughter's alright, sir," the Boy Wonder said in a low voice. "These thugs won't be waking up any time soon."

"Well done, son" Jim said. He ushered Barbara off to the police officers and bent down at eye level to Robin. "Where's Batman?" he whispered.

"Batman left for a mission with the Justice League, sir," Robin said, standing up a little straighter. He had always taken pride in knowing any Justice League information, no matter how small.

Jim nodded and looked back at his daughter. A medic was examining her head. Jim sighed. "Thank you, once again, for saving my daughter," he said, dead-serious. Robin nodded like an obedient soldier and Jim patted him on the shoulder. He and Barbara walked out of the warehouse and got into a cop car. Robin walked out just as they began to drive away and he watched them go.

Robin sighed and took out his grapple. He fired it and swung off into the night. Barbara turned around in her seat and watched as the Boy Wonder disappeared in the darkness.
How NOT To Light the Town Christmas Tree (with Guest Star Appearance!)

"And tonight, we have local hero, Flash Jr.-"

Wally whispered something in the Mayor's ear and sat back down.

"Sorry, Tonight we have local hero Kid Flash to continue this century long ritual of lighting the Town Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve!"

The mayor stepped aside and Wally stepped up to the stand.

"Thank you mayor and citizens of Central City! I'm going to make this quick and simple because I've got a hot date to go to-"

The crowd laughed.

"Naw, not really, let's do this!" Wally said with a grin. He took the trigger from...
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Chapter One-

Aqualad thought it would be better if the Team split in half for the flight over. So Holly, Revenge, Artemis and Wally were on one plane while Robin, Megan, Connor, and Kaldur were on the other.

Holly had listened to every song on her iPod and watched every video she had downloaded. She was bored and there was three hours left in the flight. 

Artemis was asleep and Wally was drawing a moustache on her face. Holly couldn't wait until Artemis woke up.

Holly glanced over at Sam, which she had recently discovered was Red Revenge's secret ID. He had his sunglasses on and his hat low on...
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posted by Robin_Love
What had started as a normal mission had taken a turn for the worst. Like always, Megan flew them in the b io-ship. Like always, Wally rushed ahead. And, like always, Robin ran after him. But the villain they were fighting had a tendancy to divert attention. In other words, their opponent had powers of redirection. And, in a dizzying spell of twisted vision, Robin went a different way. The team had been unaffected for some reason. But not Robin. No, he was heading in a whole other direction. But more there in a minute. The rest of the team had found Wally. He was looking through some files...
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posted by 66Dragons
Courage in her crime-fighting costume.
Courage in her crime-fighting costume.
Name: Courage
Alias: Holly Green
Current Location: Moscow, Russia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 117 lb.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green/Gray
Superpower: None
Outfit: Green form-fitting shirt with purple lightning bolts. Utility belt, gloves, boots, black pants with green stripes. Mask covers top half of her face while allowing her hair to hang free.
Description (((Data Limited)))
Holly joined a gang that called themselves the 'Darkest Night' when she was thirteen. It was later revealed to her that the gang was actually a recruiting force for the League of Shadows. She hesitantly joined...
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FAIR WARNING: At the end, it gets a little violent. If you are under the age of fourteen, DO NOT READ THIS!!! (I highly doubt any of you are)

Part III

"Recognized, Red Revenge. B-13."

The Team looked up from their usual activities as the masked vigilante stepped into the Cave.

Artemis and Wally, who were playing chess glared at him, then turned back to the board. Connor glared at him, then turned back to talking to Megan. Kaldur greeted him.

"Revenge, may I speak to you in private?" the Atlantean asked.

Revenge nodded and slipped out of the room with Aqualad.

"I can guess." Revenge said as he and...
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posted by 66Dragons
Ice Crystal (I know Im not a good artist)
Ice Crystal (I know Im not a good artist)
Image Coming soon! Check for updates!

Name: Ice Crystal
Alias: Crystal {{{Unknown}}}
Current Location: Moscow, Russia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 119 lb.
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Gray/White
Superpower: Minimal ice powers (Can summon ice shards)
Outfit: White tank top with light blue bolt down middle. Light Blue jacket with white fur. White Jeans. Light Blue cape. Pale skin.
Description: {{{Data Limited}}}
Ice Crystal serves the Light. At age 14, she was sent on her first assassination mission. Her target: Bruce Wayne. While she failed at this, she did manage to gather supplies that the...
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Another Notice: Because I finished Heart of Courage early, I'm releasing it now, instead of the usual publication date.

Decemberfest: Because it is December, I have decided to release one (or more) chapter(s) every day. Please enjoy!

Part Two:

Robin followed their new team mate outside. That's where he lost him. Robin looked around, but eventually gave up and headed back inside.

He snuck through the base to where the rest of the Team was supposed to be. When he got there, Artemis and Wally were bickering as usual.

"Will you two stop it?" Robin asked. "Make out at the base."

"Yes, right now, we are...
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posted by 66Dragons
Yes, that's right, I'm back! And with a special sneak-peek to this Friday's chapter of Heart of Courage!

Red Revenge stepped out of the transporter to find Artemis waiting for him in full costume.

"Didn't take Boy Wonder long to figure out where I live, did it?" he asked, walking past her.

Artemis glared at him, but ran up beside him.

"Let me guess, you want to talk about why I act like a jerk." Revenge said, still not looking at the archer.

"Actually, I thought we could go out for ice-cream." Artemis said.

Duh, duh duh!
posted by Robin_Love
“No way! Cassie was lying!”
Artemis growled in anger. She had been scanning the security cameras (she'd seen Robin hack them a few dozen times) and was disturbed by what she saw. And now that she thought about it, Cassie had been attempting to get the Superboy's attention. And Artemis was mad!
“I can't believe this! Becca, you've got good senses.”
Artemis walked down the halls, trying to find the others. She eventually found them sitting in the living room. The guys were listening to Cassie talk while Megan baked in the kitchen. Becca sat at the counter, silently fuming. Artemis joined...
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posted by 66Dragons
(Yes, two in one day. Even though I'm really sick.)
Chapter 7-

Rome, Italy
1:47 CET December 19

Artemis's communicator buzzed. What was Batman calling this early in the morning for? She picked it up and, making sure Wally was asleep, slipped out onto the roof.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Artemis," Batman's voice had a melancholy tone to it, and Artemis knew it was bad. "Your mother was abducted by Cheshire and the League of Shadows."

Artemis just stared at the screen for a moment. She started to cry.

"Don't worry." Batman said. "The Justice League is heading to save her, but it'll take a while."

"Worry?!" Artemis...
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Chapter 5-

Rome, Italy
21:34 CET December 15

"Gotcha!" Wally said.

"We're on the same team, idiot." Artemis replied.

She and Wally were playing Justice League on the game console Wally had rented earlier that week. Artemis hated to admit it, but it was sorta fun.

The Flash (Wally) was zooming around, making the Joker go crazy. He was causing more harm than good.

Artemis on the other hand was playing Green Arrow. She calmly shot arrow after arrow, taking down villains one at a time.

"Funny, huh?" Wally asked.

"What's funny?" Artemis asked, shooting a couple of arrows at Wotan.

"We're both playing our...
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posted by Skittles98
When the smoke cleared, I was missing from the spot everyone had last seen me. I was high in the canopy of fake trees, looking down on Cyborg.
”Dude, I didn’t set my cannon to disintegrate…did I?” he said. Both teams were looking very pale. I grinned and jumped down, right onto Cyborg’s head. I pressed a button and vibranium sound waves emanated from my suit. They were loud enough to shut down Cyborg’s movement.
“The challenge is complete” I said. Cyborg was gaping at me.
“What? Did you not think I was female?” I asked. Then I remembered, that must’ve been what he was doing...
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posted by Skittles98
I turned my head sharply to look directly at him. He jumped. I looked at him through narrowed eyes. He tried to look confident, but failed. Both Kid Flashes were running laps around the room. I grabbed the one from my dimension as he ran by.
‘Stop wasting your energy! You’ll have none left to fight at this rate’ I mentally growled
‘Who said we were fighting?’ he asked
‘He did’ I though, subtly gesturing to Control Freak.
‘He’s a fat couch-potato. What can he do?’ Wally thought
‘Haven’t you noticed? There’s no windows, no air vents, no tiny holes in the walls for air, yet...
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posted by 66Dragons
Part One:

"This is awkward." Artemis whispered to Wally, glancing at the newest edition to the Team sitting in the bioship.

"We felt the same way." Wally replied back.

Artemis slapped him and sat up. Robin snickered in the background before Superboy elbowed him.

"Approaching target." Megan said. 

"Switch to stealth gear." Aqualad said. Artemis, Wally, Megan, and Kaldur switched their outfits to a dark gray/black version. Revenge merely zipped up his jacket and tapped something on his sunglasses.

"Not much of a costume." Wally commented.

Revenge didn't reply.

"Don't think he heard me." Wally whispered...
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posted by KatRox1
I gasped and took a step back. "You- you have no proof!" He laughed, "You look the exact same, you sound the same, and you both have the exact same necklace. Com'on, you have to be Mel Ritozo!" I sighed and said, "And you're Dick Grayson." I smiled triumphantly. He jumped over to me and slapped a hand over my mouth. "Shhhhhhh!" He hissed. "How do you know?" "Hmmmmmmm---" I said sarcastically and loudly. He sighed and took his hand off. "Promise not to tell anyone, ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"Great. Shall we?" He took his hand and gestured to an empty phone booth. I shook my head and put my...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What is the urgent news?” Kaldur asked Batman.
The Caped Crusader stood before them, emotions wiped from his face. He opened his mouth to speak. The Flash interrupted him.
“We have a big problem and we need your help. Hi Becca! Bye Becca!”
As the Flash sped away, they turned to look at Becca who was leaning against the doorjamb.
“Hi Flash! Bye Flash!” she called back.
She jumped a second later and there was a loud crash before an even louder moan.
“Sorry Flash,” Becca called.
The Flash stood by her a second later.
“You are a devil. But you're loads of fun!”
Becca smiled...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 3-

Rome, Italy
9:01 CET December 14

"Why do we have to go shopping?" Wally whined.

"Because I want to." Artemis said. She hissed at him "We're supposed to be undercover!"

"A guy shopping is not undercover. Besides, why can't we be undercover at the comic store?"

Artemis rolled her eyes. She had basically had to drag Wally out into the market. Ever since he had been complaining about having to go shopping, and why he couldn't go to the comic store. Honestly he sounded like a little boy. Artemis had told him, countless times. It only bought her quiet for a minute or two.

"Because we are American...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 2-

Rome, Italy
22:31 CET December 13

Artemis did a little remodeling while Wally 'went to get something important'. Probably his ego. Couldn't fit it in his suitcase.

Wally burst through the door at super-speed. In his hands he was carrying a pizza box and in the other, a game system. He stopped cold.

"Why is their only one bed?" he asked.

"There's two." Artemis replied. "Yours is in the closet."

Wally tossed the pizza and game system down before getting in Artemis's face.

"Why do I have to sleep in the closet?"

"Because I'm a girl."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Girls need fresh...
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posted by 66Dragons

Mount Justice
7:36 EDT December 9

Robin awoke to the sound of yelling. He rolled over and covered his head with his pillow. It didn't help much. Robin sighed.

Normally he would've liked to listen to the two lovebirds argue, but he was trying to sleep.

He sighed and slid on his sunglasses before opening his door and yelling "SHUT UP!". He went back to bed.

It had been a long night and the Team had returned from a mission earlier that morning. Thankfully it was Saturday, and instead of sending the teens home, Batman had agreed to let them sleep at Mount Justice instead of zeta-beaming them...
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posted by KatRox1
"Melanie, time to wake up, our meeting with Mr.Wayne is in 35 minutes." My mom said gently. I groaned and turned around, my eyes squinted due to the light shown through the satin curtain. "And why do I need to go? Besides, its not like I get any benefit from these stupid meetings." My mom sighed, "Melanie, your father and I won't be around forever, and we just want you to be prepared." I really hated it when she called me by my full name. "Why can't you just call me Mel?" I groaned. She laughed and walked out of my room. "You have 35 minutes." She said again before she quietly closed the door....
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