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posted by rachele_X
“Robin!” I wheezed, gasping for air. “What’s...your...problem?” He was going to suffocate me, I was going to die a brutal death...No, I told myself. I had to keep a clear head, a near impossible task when I was slowly losing oxygen. Be calm, I thought. I gathered myself, counted to three in my head, and lunged upward, trying to flip him over. His arms tightened, and he stared into my eyes. There was something wrong, I realized, with his eyes. They were dull and empty, and there was a darkness to them, like a shaded demon was lurking deep within, thrashing violently and trying to push its way out. The irises, although still blue, had occasional flashes of red, and the pupils were wide. He snarled as he stared down at my terrified form. He had loosened his grip slightly, so I could breathe a little easier, but I knew he had no intention of letting go. I was about to try to flip him over again, when suddenly he was knocked off of my chest by someone. That someone was Fin.
“Robin!” she shrieked, faint notes of hysteria audible in her voice. “What do you think you’re doing? That’s Aisling that you just almost killed! What were you doing?”
Robin didn’t answer, but then again, I don’t think either of us expected him to. He turned to glare at her, and she let out a scream. “His eyes?” I asked, when she had run out of breath.
She shook her head. “Not just that. Aisling, I think they got to him. I think he’s...” She struggled to say the words. “Aisling, he’s possessed. I tried to get a reading, his mind, you know, but there was nothing. They have him.”
As the meaning of what she said began to sink in, there was a loud bump from the other end of the room, which had been shrouded in darkness, followed by ominous footsteps. It was quite a large room, I realized, although I couldn’t judge the distance, but it was almost thirty seconds before the owner of the footsteps stepped into the light. It was a man, a scrawny, ratty looking man with a dark buzz cut and a grizzled, scarred face. His eyes were beady and reddish, one looked almost swollen shut, and his mouth was a faint line, broken by a deep scar that ran down the side of his face. Fin was on the ground now, Robin had sprung on her and had both hands pressing deep into her neck; and I was still sprawled where he had attacked me, feeling too weak to stand up. Fin was staring up at the man with an expression of defiance, which looked somewhat out of place considering her situation. After a few moments, he spoke.
“Good job. You have done well.” His voice was gravelly and low, and his mouth hardly moved when he talked. I realized his comment was addressed at Robin, although it was barely acknowledged.
“I have address. Finish her.” This time, Robin seemed to have understood, because he sprung into action. He was tightening his grip on her throat when, with an indignant shriek, Fin sprung up, using the maneuver that I had attempted earlier and flipping him over onto his back. What happened next, I never knew, because my view was obscured by the man. Within moments, and before I could react, he was on me, pressing his hands into my chest, not so hard as to suffocate me, but hard enough that I could not move, and could barely breathe. I kicked my legs to try to break free, but to no avail. He leaned forward, and I saw in his beady eyes the same darkness that Robin’s possessed. “It’s time,” he hissed, and slipped out of his pocket a long needle and a coil of rope, similar to the electrified bonds that had tied me earlier. I stopped struggling, remembering the pain that the ropes inflicted, and he gave a slight smile. “Perfect...” he muttered, and, while wrapping me with one hand, drove the needle deep into my skull. The ropes surged, but it felt distant, like it was happening miles away, and everything went black.

When I awoke I felt different, there was no other way to describe it. I felt strangely strong, and, even odder still, happy. But more significantly, I felt the longing for blood. I stood up, and spied the others over in the corner. For some odd reason, I did not remember their names. I began to walk towards them. No! a part of me was saying. I can’t hurt them! But an even stronger voice, one that I couldn’t tell if it was my own, or someone else’s entirely, overruled it. They are the enemy. They have hurt me. It’s time for revenge.
They were still locked in a tussle, oblivious to everything else going on around them. One second the boy was pinning the girl down, hands squeezing her neck, and the next, she had flipped him over and was attacking him, her dark hair flying with her fists. I stood behind them for a few moments, watching their petty battle, and then swooped in. The girl screamed, a look of sheer terror on her face, but I knocked the boy, whom I determined to be her brother, aside and pressed her flat against the ground. She tried to flip upward, but I was ready, and countered it by smashing her hard on the solid floor. She gave a squeal of pain, which I ignored.
“Aisling!” she cried hysterically. “What are you doing? Snap out of it! You’re gonna kill me!”
I grasped her throat, digging my nails deep into her skin. Blood began to flow now, warm, sticky blood that coated my hands and dribbled down her chest. I welcomed it like an old friend.
I was debating when to go in for the kill, when suddenly a strong jet of water knocked me to the ground. It burned my skin, reopening the cuts that I had received from the electrified ropes earlier, which had been closed before, and blood spurted out. The dark-haired girl was shrieking, and when the stream of water had lessened, I struggled to my feet to face the attacker. It was a dark-skinned boy, fairly tall and with pale, short hair. A glowing blue band of light was wrapped around his arms, which ended in solid light, or whatever the substance was, gripped in his hands. The dark-haired girl screamed again. “Aqualad! What are you doing? You’re attacking our teammate!”
The boy shook his head solemnly. “That’s not her. It is her body, but not her mind. She’s been taken over.”
The girl let out a wail, and fell to her knees. I realized she was crying, amidst the shrieks and moans of agony, but I felt no sympathy. “First Robin, now Aisling! What’s happening to us?”
Suddenly she looked up to the ceiling, and I followed her gaze. The boy had ripped a large hole when he had burst through, and now four more kids were falling through, landing with a thump on the ground. They advanced forward, realizing what was going on, and were soon on me. There was a girl with a long, somewhat puffy blonde ponytail, a girl with green skin who was hovering about a foot off the ground, and two boys. The blonde girl was holding a loaded bow and as I watched, she pulled the string back and let the arrow fly. I couldn’t move; I was paralyzed, and praying that she would miss, even though something told me she wouldn’t. Within moments, the arrow hit, and I was knocked into blackness.
posted by Skittles98
I woke up, got changed, and then headed into the lounge for some breakfast. Before I could make it into the mission room, Batman stopped me.
“I’ve just got word from Arkham that Red Hood is back to what he was before the Pit, before Joker killed him. I also got word that a girl about the age of fourteen was spotted leaving Arkham in the dead of night” Batman informed me
“Cool. I wonder where she went.” I said
“I wish I knew, because I wanted to thank her. She has improved a lot of people’s lives” he continued. I smiled. I walked into the lounge and saw Robin there. I walked over...
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posted by Candy77019
"The building may collapse at any minute!"
"The building may collapse at any minute!"
We sped through the forest and into the big square, where everybody was staring at the man on the top of the building.
"Who's that?" I whispered to Superboy.
"He's one of the managers of a Wayne Enterprises branch. Due to budget cuts, Bruce had to close this building." That was the longest sentence I had ever heard him speak.
"So he's killing himself?!" I exclaimed.
"Most likely.
We pushed through the crowd, up until the police started a perimeter. The fire on the building was so hot it was making me sweat, even though I was well a few hundred feet away from it.
An officer pulled out a bullhorn...
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posted by Skittles98
After the blood transfusion, I started practicing. I managed to learn a couple of basic spells and potions. I had even learned a metamorphosis potion so I could turn people into animals. I un-blocked my door and walked out. One of the new spells I leaned was a truth spell. Time to go find out if they really were planning my birthday. The truth spell only worked on weak willed people, so I’d have to use it on Wally because he has the weakest will. I walked into the lounge.
“Hey guys” I smiled “Guess what?!”
“What?” Robin asked
“I learned magic!” I exclaimed
“Really? Cool!”...
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posted by Skittles98
I was in a battle, me versus Joker. I punched him, he whacked me with his cane I swiped his feet out from under him, he whacked me with his cane across the nose. I went down, my nose bleeding everywhere. I heard the Joker laugh and the door to the room lock. I ran over, trying to pick the lock, but I was to slow. The dynamite in the corner exploded, killing me in the process. Suddenly, I was grasping for breath, breath I never thought I’d have again. I looked around and saw Ra's Al-Ghul standing at the edge of a pit, a look of horror on his face. Then, I was in a different place; I was running...
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posted by Skittles98
I was walking out the door when someone grabbed my shoulder.
“I don’t care what you say, M’gann, I’m not going on a date with Wally” i said, turning around. Then I realized that M’gann wasn’t the one who grabbed my shoulder. It was the Dark Night. My whole face turned red.
“Night. I wish to speak with you” he said in his deep voice.
“Ok” I squeaked. We walked into the lounge and sat at a table.
“I’ve heard that you are an honest, clever, determinded, strong, girl who can stand up for yourself. I’ve seen you fight; You are an amazeing martial artist with great power and...
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“Megan, I need your help. It concerns Sarah” I said urgently
“Alright. What do you need?” she asked
“I need you to fly the bio ship while I look for this so called house of Midas. Apollo warned me it has a huge security system though. I bet you it’s not very secure; I could probably hack it no problem” I mentioned
“Got it. I’ll be right there, just got to grab my cookies I just baked so Wally doesn’t stuff his face” she agreed. I laughed, picturing Wally stuffing his face with cookies. After M’gann grabbed the cookies and gave me one, we got on the ship and took off. I...
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When I opened my eyes and looked at the time, it was 7:30 a.m. I got up and changed in to my green sweater, my black leather jacket and my black jeans. I put on my shades and walked out the door. I walked down the hall to Sarah’s room and knocked on the door. No answer. ‘She must have gotten an early start’ I thought. I walked into the lounge to get a glass of water to find a glass already out. I went to the tap to fill it up and noticed water swishing around in the bottom. I squinted hard and realized that it formed a sentence. It said:
Robin, Melinoe the goddess of ghosts has captured...
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posted by Skittles98
As I looked back at my friends from my shadow portal, all waving I realized Robin wasn’t there. It was just like Robin not to be there saying good bye with everyone else.
“Where are you going first?” Kalder asked
“The Spercheios River in Greece” I replied
“Good luck, my friend” Kalder said as I entered my shadow tunnel
After walking for five minutes, I saw the exit.
“We’re almost there” I told Annabeth
“Sarah, can I talk to you” Nico said pulling me aside
“What is it now, Nico? Wondering how I did this?” I asked icily
“Sarah, can we put are feud behind us and focus...
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“YA” I yelled to Astéri as she came out of a nosedive
“I’m not sure I like this!” Robin yelled over the wind
“Calm down! As long as you trust me, you can trust Dusk” I replied
“Fine. But I still don’t think this is the best stealth technique” Robin said
“Who said this was for stealth?” I laughed
“You did!” He yelled
“I lied to get you up here” I yelled back
“I admit that was clever cause you would never have gotten me up here otherwise” Robin replied
“Isn’t the view beautiful” I murmured
“Yeah. Perfect for a ride on mythical horses” Robin commented
I noticed...
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posted by Candy77019
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
"What's wrong?" Aqualad asked her.
She sighed. "I could see Red Hood from here, but the bioship can't come close enough!"
I unbuckled and stood up. "So we run from here," I concluded.
The hatches opened under all of our feet and we headed toward the man in the red helmet.
"Megan, Superboy, and Erica, since you three can fly--"
"Leap," Superboy interrupted.
"You three must stay ahead of him. The rest of us will attack him from behind."
"Got it!" The three of us shouted at him.
We flew (or super-leaped) over the Red Hood and made a wall right in front of...
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posted by Skittles98
When we got back to Mt. Justice the next day( yeah that all happened in one night.) Batman said we had the day off but to stay here incase something came up. We watched the Percy Jackson movie. I regretted bringing it.
"Sarah, movies are never as good as the book. It happens every time, don’t worry” Robin soothed
"Fine, let’s go do some combat training then” I said then I walked over...
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posted by Skittles98
”Uh Sarah? Hello? Sarah?” Robin said, waving and snapping in my face.
I walked back to the group with a blank look in my eye, told everyone that they could go sightseeing with a group, grabbed Artemis and M’gann and headed straight for the new Artemis temple where no boy’s were allowed.
”What was that all about?” Artemis exclaimed
”Robin just said he had a huge crush on me” I said, ignoring her outburst.
”Your point? We already new that, just from the way he looked at you. Girl’s can tell those sorts of things” Artemis explained
”Than you can tell that KF has a huge crush...
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"Everyone cookies!!!" Me`gann said as she put a fresh bach on the table. Kid Flash ran and got two cookies.Artemis smacked him in the head."Your sopost to wait till everyone has one to get a second one stupited" Kid Flash swallowed his cookies. "Who are you calling stupit...stupit."KF sad smiling. "Verey matur wally." Artemis said rolling her eyes. I took my cookie and went to lean on the wall like I usally did. Kid Flash came up to me.

"I have AWSOME and exclusive new I would only tell my best firend!" He said looking prode of himself. "Well are you going to tell me?" I asked "Ok...Were getting...
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added by RavenclawQueen
Artemis slowly opened her eyes and the alarm clock came into her view. 9:23 AM the red letters read. Moaning she laid her head back on her pillow. Moments later she shot up sending her long blonde hair flying. She flung off the white covers, shoved her feet into her slippers and threw her fluffy, sky blue robe on.
9:23 AM is early for most sixteen year olds, but not Artemis. For Artemis anything past eight is late. When she was growing up her dad would surprise her with early morning wake ups, so she just naturally wakes up early now. She wakes up hours before her fellow team mates, but today...
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"Win again!" Artemis cheered as she bet Wally at a game of chess. Wally sighed. Artemis gave him another punch.
"Your cheating!" Wally shouted. Artemis put her hands on her hips.
"Why would you think that?" Wally pointed at Robin at far end of the room.
"Wally! Don't be so stupid!" Artemis replied. Wally angrily glared at Artemis.
"Stop helping her Robs!" Wally said as he ran up to him. Robin looked up from his phone.
"I'm not helping her!" Wally snatched Robin's phone and held it up in the air.
"Hey!" Robin tried to grab his phone off Wally but he was too fast.
"I'm so close to beating my high...
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Not Mine (

"Robin? Robin!" Kaldur hissed, looking around the darkened room the team were currently hiding in.

"He's gone isn't he?" Wally asked quietly, glancing up from the computer.

"Yep." The Atlantean nodded, exasperated.

"Figures." Artemis groaned softly. "M'gann, can you…"

She was interrupted by gunfire from the next floor up in the skyscraper and a familiar cackle.

"Oh. There he is." Kid Flash mused, before racing up the stairs.


"Seriously dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Wally grimaced as the team were assembled back in the cave.

"Stop doing what?" Robin glanced at the...
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posted by NekoTheif
Ignore the superman part
Ignore the superman part

Batman wasn't sure whether he was suppose to be angry or relieved. Robin (along with 2 others) had gone into Cadmus. Alone. And all had suffered from the injuries. So far on glance he could tell robin had several broken ribs and ankle problem and bruises. It was glad the boy wasn't dead or in a coma. Yet on the other hand he had hacked Justice League systems which spurred them into going in the first place. Batman also didn't like surprises when it came to Robin. Because nearly all of Robin's hero antic surprises ended up with him injured or captured. He watched the boy try to stay still...
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posted by Supergirl122438
What Supergirl looks like to Conner.
What Supergirl looks like to Conner.
Supergirl, young justice, fanfiction, team, Galatea, rob, artemis, superboy, Metallo, justice league.

It was Conner's normal day. He was sitting on the couch, watching America's Funniest Home videos, when alarm went of and the team was called down to the briefing room.
"Team, i want you to meet somebody, this is Kara........also, known as Supergirl in the 30th Century" Batman said, sounding a little depressed when he said it.
"Hey! Mr. Grumpy Pants! Thought I said DON'T say I came from the 30th Century? I don't want any questions and stop brooding over the computer!Anyway, hello, I'm Kara."...
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posted by FunGameFan