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posted by rachele_X
“Robin!” I wheezed, gasping for air. “What’s...your...problem?” He was going to suffocate me, I was going to die a brutal death...No, I told myself. I had to keep a clear head, a near impossible task when I was slowly losing oxygen. Be calm, I thought. I gathered myself, counted to three in my head, and lunged upward, trying to flip him over. His arms tightened, and he stared into my eyes. There was something wrong, I realized, with his eyes. They were dull and empty, and there was a darkness to them, like a shaded demon was lurking deep within, thrashing violently and trying to push its way out. The irises, although still blue, had occasional flashes of red, and the pupils were wide. He snarled as he stared down at my terrified form. He had loosened his grip slightly, so I could breathe a little easier, but I knew he had no intention of letting go. I was about to try to flip him over again, when suddenly he was knocked off of my chest by someone. That someone was Fin.
“Robin!” she shrieked, faint notes of hysteria audible in her voice. “What do you think you’re doing? That’s Aisling that you just almost killed! What were you doing?”
Robin didn’t answer, but then again, I don’t think either of us expected him to. He turned to glare at her, and she let out a scream. “His eyes?” I asked, when she had run out of breath.
She shook her head. “Not just that. Aisling, I think they got to him. I think he’s...” She struggled to say the words. “Aisling, he’s possessed. I tried to get a reading, his mind, you know, but there was nothing. They have him.”
As the meaning of what she said began to sink in, there was a loud bump from the other end of the room, which had been shrouded in darkness, followed by ominous footsteps. It was quite a large room, I realized, although I couldn’t judge the distance, but it was almost thirty seconds before the owner of the footsteps stepped into the light. It was a man, a scrawny, ratty looking man with a dark buzz cut and a grizzled, scarred face. His eyes were beady and reddish, one looked almost swollen shut, and his mouth was a faint line, broken by a deep scar that ran down the side of his face. Fin was on the ground now, Robin had sprung on her and had both hands pressing deep into her neck; and I was still sprawled where he had attacked me, feeling too weak to stand up. Fin was staring up at the man with an expression of defiance, which looked somewhat out of place considering her situation. After a few moments, he spoke.
“Good job. You have done well.” His voice was gravelly and low, and his mouth hardly moved when he talked. I realized his comment was addressed at Robin, although it was barely acknowledged.
“I have address. Finish her.” This time, Robin seemed to have understood, because he sprung into action. He was tightening his grip on her throat when, with an indignant shriek, Fin sprung up, using the maneuver that I had attempted earlier and flipping him over onto his back. What happened next, I never knew, because my view was obscured by the man. Within moments, and before I could react, he was on me, pressing his hands into my chest, not so hard as to suffocate me, but hard enough that I could not move, and could barely breathe. I kicked my legs to try to break free, but to no avail. He leaned forward, and I saw in his beady eyes the same darkness that Robin’s possessed. “It’s time,” he hissed, and slipped out of his pocket a long needle and a coil of rope, similar to the electrified bonds that had tied me earlier. I stopped struggling, remembering the pain that the ropes inflicted, and he gave a slight smile. “Perfect...” he muttered, and, while wrapping me with one hand, drove the needle deep into my skull. The ropes surged, but it felt distant, like it was happening miles away, and everything went black.

When I awoke I felt different, there was no other way to describe it. I felt strangely strong, and, even odder still, happy. But more significantly, I felt the longing for blood. I stood up, and spied the others over in the corner. For some odd reason, I did not remember their names. I began to walk towards them. No! a part of me was saying. I can’t hurt them! But an even stronger voice, one that I couldn’t tell if it was my own, or someone else’s entirely, overruled it. They are the enemy. They have hurt me. It’s time for revenge.
They were still locked in a tussle, oblivious to everything else going on around them. One second the boy was pinning the girl down, hands squeezing her neck, and the next, she had flipped him over and was attacking him, her dark hair flying with her fists. I stood behind them for a few moments, watching their petty battle, and then swooped in. The girl screamed, a look of sheer terror on her face, but I knocked the boy, whom I determined to be her brother, aside and pressed her flat against the ground. She tried to flip upward, but I was ready, and countered it by smashing her hard on the solid floor. She gave a squeal of pain, which I ignored.
“Aisling!” she cried hysterically. “What are you doing? Snap out of it! You’re gonna kill me!”
I grasped her throat, digging my nails deep into her skin. Blood began to flow now, warm, sticky blood that coated my hands and dribbled down her chest. I welcomed it like an old friend.
I was debating when to go in for the kill, when suddenly a strong jet of water knocked me to the ground. It burned my skin, reopening the cuts that I had received from the electrified ropes earlier, which had been closed before, and blood spurted out. The dark-haired girl was shrieking, and when the stream of water had lessened, I struggled to my feet to face the attacker. It was a dark-skinned boy, fairly tall and with pale, short hair. A glowing blue band of light was wrapped around his arms, which ended in solid light, or whatever the substance was, gripped in his hands. The dark-haired girl screamed again. “Aqualad! What are you doing? You’re attacking our teammate!”
The boy shook his head solemnly. “That’s not her. It is her body, but not her mind. She’s been taken over.”
The girl let out a wail, and fell to her knees. I realized she was crying, amidst the shrieks and moans of agony, but I felt no sympathy. “First Robin, now Aisling! What’s happening to us?”
Suddenly she looked up to the ceiling, and I followed her gaze. The boy had ripped a large hole when he had burst through, and now four more kids were falling through, landing with a thump on the ground. They advanced forward, realizing what was going on, and were soon on me. There was a girl with a long, somewhat puffy blonde ponytail, a girl with green skin who was hovering about a foot off the ground, and two boys. The blonde girl was holding a loaded bow and as I watched, she pulled the string back and let the arrow fly. I couldn’t move; I was paralyzed, and praying that she would miss, even though something told me she wouldn’t. Within moments, the arrow hit, and I was knocked into blackness.
Another Notice: Because I finished Heart of Courage early, I'm releasing it now, instead of the usual publication date.

Decemberfest: Because it is December, I have decided to release one (or more) chapter(s) every day. Please enjoy!

Part Two:

Robin followed their new team mate outside. That's where he lost him. Robin looked around, but eventually gave up and headed back inside.

He snuck through the base to where the rest of the Team was supposed to be. When he got there, Artemis and Wally were bickering as usual.

"Will you two stop it?" Robin asked. "Make out at the base."

"Yes, right now, we are...
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posted by Robin_Love
“No way! Cassie was lying!”
Artemis growled in anger. She had been scanning the security cameras (she'd seen Robin hack them a few dozen times) and was disturbed by what she saw. And now that she thought about it, Cassie had been attempting to get the Superboy's attention. And Artemis was mad!
“I can't believe this! Becca, you've got good senses.”
Artemis walked down the halls, trying to find the others. She eventually found them sitting in the living room. The guys were listening to Cassie talk while Megan baked in the kitchen. Becca sat at the counter, silently fuming. Artemis joined...
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posted by 66Dragons
(Yes, two in one day. Even though I'm really sick.)
Chapter 7-

Rome, Italy
1:47 CET December 19

Artemis's communicator buzzed. What was Batman calling this early in the morning for? She picked it up and, making sure Wally was asleep, slipped out onto the roof.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Artemis," Batman's voice had a melancholy tone to it, and Artemis knew it was bad. "Your mother was abducted by Cheshire and the League of Shadows."

Artemis just stared at the screen for a moment. She started to cry.

"Don't worry." Batman said. "The Justice League is heading to save her, but it'll take a while."

"Worry?!" Artemis...
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Chapter 5-

Rome, Italy
21:34 CET December 15

"Gotcha!" Wally said.

"We're on the same team, idiot." Artemis replied.

She and Wally were playing Justice League on the game console Wally had rented earlier that week. Artemis hated to admit it, but it was sorta fun.

The Flash (Wally) was zooming around, making the Joker go crazy. He was causing more harm than good.

Artemis on the other hand was playing Green Arrow. She calmly shot arrow after arrow, taking down villains one at a time.

"Funny, huh?" Wally asked.

"What's funny?" Artemis asked, shooting a couple of arrows at Wotan.

"We're both playing our...
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posted by Skittles98
When the smoke cleared, I was missing from the spot everyone had last seen me. I was high in the canopy of fake trees, looking down on Cyborg.
”Dude, I didn’t set my cannon to disintegrate…did I?” he said. Both teams were looking very pale. I grinned and jumped down, right onto Cyborg’s head. I pressed a button and vibranium sound waves emanated from my suit. They were loud enough to shut down Cyborg’s movement.
“The challenge is complete” I said. Cyborg was gaping at me.
“What? Did you not think I was female?” I asked. Then I remembered, that must’ve been what he was doing...
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posted by KatRox1
I gasped and took a step back. "You- you have no proof!" He laughed, "You look the exact same, you sound the same, and you both have the exact same necklace. Com'on, you have to be Mel Ritozo!" I sighed and said, "And you're Dick Grayson." I smiled triumphantly. He jumped over to me and slapped a hand over my mouth. "Shhhhhhh!" He hissed. "How do you know?" "Hmmmmmmm---" I said sarcastically and loudly. He sighed and took his hand off. "Promise not to tell anyone, ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"Great. Shall we?" He took his hand and gestured to an empty phone booth. I shook my head and put my...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What is the urgent news?” Kaldur asked Batman.
The Caped Crusader stood before them, emotions wiped from his face. He opened his mouth to speak. The Flash interrupted him.
“We have a big problem and we need your help. Hi Becca! Bye Becca!”
As the Flash sped away, they turned to look at Becca who was leaning against the doorjamb.
“Hi Flash! Bye Flash!” she called back.
She jumped a second later and there was a loud crash before an even louder moan.
“Sorry Flash,” Becca called.
The Flash stood by her a second later.
“You are a devil. But you're loads of fun!”
Becca smiled...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What? Megan that's-that's great!” Wally exclaimed. “I can't believe you two were dating but none of us suspected!”
“Kaldur and I didn't need to suspect,” Robin admitted. “We already knew.”
“And I suppose you knew about Artemis and I?”
“Yeah. You two were probably the only ones who didn't know!”
Robin let out his infamous cackle and Wally only smiled. Artemis leaned into him, humming a little. Becca smirked at them and there was another flash.
“Becca! Stop it!” Artemis demanded playfully.
“You'll thank me one day. Don't forget, this never would have happened if it wasn’t...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver

Sierra swayed around the sidewalk. Earbuds in. Just Jamming. No idea the people she passed were staring.She smiled. Ignoring the world. Then.
Her head swung up. Pulling the ear buds out. The terror twins. Only a few yards away.Her jaw dropped She backed away slowly. Not wanting trouble the female twin and had caught sight her. She walked slowly towards her. Sierra walked backwards and then tripping. She crawled backward fasted now.

(Sierra's POV)
You promised you wouldn't. BUT THIS CHICKS SCCARRYY. Shut up. You promised....
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Ooh! Almost forgot to post a new chapter!

Chapter Two
The Watchtower-

Batman walked into the empty cafeteria. He sat down with Green Arrow, Red Tornado, and Black Canary. 

"He's showing his face too much." Batman began.

"He has a right to publicity." Green Arrow said.

"He's a member of the Justice League, he does what ordered. There's a much bigger picture here. The Team is not dumb. They know we know what they don't. They know someone is out there helping them, they don't know who."

"Why not just tell them?" Black Canary asked. "They have a right to know."

"No," Batman replied. "They can not find...
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Chapter One-

The Team stood in front of the bank. The robbers were tied up and the money was in the bank's safe.

Robin bent down and looked at the rope the robbers were tied up with. What he saw shocked him. He stood up and turned around to the Team.

"This is rope Batman uses." he said simply.

"So?" Artemis said. "What makes it so special?"

"It's a special nylon chord designed specifically for Batman. It's nearly unbreakable. Only Batman has access to it."

"Strange," Aqualad said. "Could it be Batman?" 

"No," Robin said. "He's...elsewhere."

"I see, then who-"

"There!" Superboy said, pointing at the...
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posted by Skittles98
“I’m no Queen” I said seriously
“Sorry. Forgot” he shrugged.
“It’s okay” I said. I closed my eyes so I could have a little nap in the sun, when a huge bucket of water was dumped on me. I bolted to my feet and got in a fighting stance.
“Okay, which one of you was that?” I demanded. They all parted to reveal Kid Flash. I ran to my hover cycle and jumped on. I sped after him. Robin somehow managed to jump on.
“I steer, you strangle” he ordered. I let him take the wheel. When we got right beside KF, I jumped onto his back, my hands reaching for his throat. Super Boy, Aqualad...
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It was three weeks ago since I talked to Dick. I was in the mall with the orphans. It there was a special show or something. And because Audrey was “sick” at home, I diced to come with them. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fights. The two fights had a main thing in common. The truth. Audrey thought I lied to her. Just because I understand her. In her opinion way to good. Dick accused me of being two different people. I yelled at him before going. It was bugging me for three weeks. Not that I was afraid that I hurt Dick but because I didn’t understand what I said. “Sometimes I wonder...
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“What is wrong with you? Robin.” Wally was looking at Robin. “There is nothing wrong with me. Wally.” There really was nothing wrong with me. I’m happy. I have great friends. I have an awesome father. I have a great team. And I saw Rachel for the first time embraced. What can a guy wish more for? Wally: “Robin? You have a weird aura around you. Are you mad or something?” I looked at Wally. He really was worried. “I perfectly fine. I’m just happy.” Artemis looked up from the book she was reading. “You? Happy? You’re joking, right?” I laughed. “No, I’m not joking....
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His head pounded and his eyes were sore. He tried opening them but found he couldn't. But he could still feel the fabric of his mask on his eyes. He sighed inwardly. His hands and ankles were strapped to a hospital bed; judging by the bars at the sides of the platform, he guessed it was a bed. He could feel a warm liquid entering his body. Sounds and hums filled the room (he guessed it was a room). Pain ran up and down his legs and his arms felt heavy. He heard voices.
“How is our patient?” a man with a heavy German accent asked.
“Everything shows as normal. Sir.”
“Excellent. Vhat...
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From up in the air, the marks from the earlier fight had made a warning mark. It was Robin's symbol but a sword was “drawn” through the infamous “R”. Megan grabbed Becca in her arms, taking them down to the ground slowly.
“Megan! Let me go! I have to find him!”
The martian ignored the girl's please and held on tighter as Becca struggled to get free.
“What's wrong?” Artemis asked; if Becca needed to be held back it was a sure sign something was wrong. Almost everything was.
“No. Nonononononono! Megan!”
Becca sank to her knees as Megan landed on the ground, still hugging the girl...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I can't believe how much has happened,” Becca said aloud.
A wind blew her hair and she attempted to tuck the loose strands behind her ear. She sighed as the sun set. It was a gorgeous summer sun set with cool breezes. The day was as perfect as the weather. Except for one minor detail.
“Megan has become like a sister to me. She's always there to help me and she trusts too easily. Kaldur is...I don't know him very well. But he could be a close friend if we were to talk. Then there's Connor. He is very temperamental but he has a sweet side; he's a brother. And so's Wally. Ohmygosh. Wally...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I'm bored!” Wally exclaimed.
“So find someone else to bug!” Artemis replied, turning back to her book.
“I can't.”
“And why the heck not?!”
“Because Kaldur went with Aquaman, Superboy and Megan are who knows where and Robin didn't come today. You're the only one here!”
“Well stop bugging me! I have homework. Besides, don't you have some report Batman gave you for snooping around his house or something?”
“Oh yeah.”
Recognized: Robin B01
A grin spread across his face.
“Too late. Rob's back!”
Wally sped off and tackled his best friend as he stepped through the kitchen/living...
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posted by DaPeople316
I was walking to my friends house across the street about three houses away the day after my 13th birthday. A white van came down the street at a a speed that i didn't now a van could achieve it stopped  abruptly and a part man part wolf (eraser)got out and charged me. I shouted for help but no one herd me i struggled to get away but it was no use he tossed me in the back of the van were i lied. A bag was yanked over my head and I smelt some thing sickly sweet. When I regained conciseness I opened my eyes to see a girl about my age looking back at me i also noticed the bars of the dog crate...
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"Let us go!"
"Let us go!"
"I had orders to have you executed in an hour," Evelyn said. "It appears that they have been overlooked."
"Let us go!" Artemis strained.
Evelyn laughed. "Not without a fight, of course." She looked at Jeannette. "You take Erica. She is out of my league."
"What are we going to do?" Artemis asked before we fell down.
Evelyn doesn't know that Superboy has anger issues. We could leave it at that.
With a loud yell, Superboy lunged at an unsuspecting Evelyn, bursting through the wall.
"Artemis, stop the countdown!" I ordered. She nodded and went to the computer screen, when Air sent me flying to...
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