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posted by Mclovin_69
" Jinx! Jinx! dont leave me okay!" Wally yelled as he wrapped goz around Jinx's wound. " Wh-Why are you helping me..?" she uttured trying hard to stay awake. " Becuase you didnt deserve this, the way I led you on... the way that I forgot about you, when i joined my team, the way i left you behind" Wally said, as he was finishing up the goz, " your gunna be okay" he said as he helped sit her up. " Thank.. thank you" she said blushing. Wally immeadiatley remembered Artemis is she okay?.


" Artemis! Artemis!, ninja girlfriend?" A voice said gentley, Artemis's eyes opened slowly and she tried to sit up but was pushed down again. " Now dont you try to sit up" the voice said again it was blurry but her vision cleared and she saw red hair, green eyes and a freckled face. " Wally!" she screamed and she clung her arms around his neck being pulled up by Wally not caring what he said earlier about laying down, Artemis face was full of tears. Suddenly she felt pain in her forehead, she touched it and felt goz. " Wha-what happened, where am i?", she said as she looked up into Wally's green eyes, " We were playing hide and go seek and you ran into a door, and ever since then you were knocked out for several days". Artemis blushed, " how clumsy of me". Wally laughed and kissed her on the lips.


Artemis Artemis! wake up please dont leave me!" Wally yelled as everyone stood behind him, including Red Tornado. Wally did CPR on her but it wasnt working, her sick eyes did not open, tears streamed down his face, " I-I love you.." he said as he closed his eyes and the tears began to flow. " Wally.... its too late.... we couldnt save her on time" Jinx said and put her hand on his shoulder. Wally sniffled and brushed off a tear streaming down his cheek, everyone walked away and outside and Wally stayed there a while longer, he kissed her on the cheek.


Artemis gasped and put her hand to her cheek and felt as thoough someone just kissed it, Wally looked over at her, " you alright?". " y-yea" she replied trying hard to smile, she had to admit it spooked her. " Something came into Artemis's mind, " have you ever told me about Jinx?" she asked. Wally's face grew red, " how do you know her?", " It just camed to me in a dream" she said and winked to her boyfriend. " Well are you sure youd like to hear it?", " I just want to hear something about you, about how you first met her, i hear she actually real sweet" she said with a small smile. Wally looked shocked but actually felt nice to have someone to talk to about this, he began to tell the story and Artemis grew even more intrested in the story he told.


A box lowered into the ground in a garden, Zatanna's garden, everyone showed at the funeral that she had met along the way, Madhatter, Tweedledee and dumb, The white knight, the creature with the long beak, and of course the Queen of hearts Jinx. Everyone showed excpet you guessed it Cheshire and the red knight. The hole was burried with dirt. Everyone became so sad, even though wonderland was now peaceful once more... Artemis never got her biggest wish to get out of wonderland. Wally put up a woodsign beside the new hole covered in dirt, the sign said R.I.P Artemis Crock, you will be forever with us in wonderland where ever you go and are.


A couple years passed in wonderland, the days and years went faster there. so in reality it had only been two months. A flower grew in the hole where Zatanna would always water it everyday and talk to it, it felt as though that Artemis was that flower, It was a bright golden colour like her hair and as brave as ever becuase no matter what season it stayed there through it all, even in rain, snow, or hurricanes it didnt matter it stayed there strong and always would be.

( night time at mount justice)

Artemis sat on the beach and looked up at the stars, and the bright yellow moon. she stared at the in coming waves of the ocean and how the waves were always sucked back in. " so you never told me what happened in that little dream of yours" said a voice and Wally walked up and sat beside her, Artemis looked over at him, " trust me if I told you what happened youd never believe me" she said with a smirk, " try me" Wally shot back at her with a cute smile like he always uses on her. Artemis laughed and she hugged Wally. Somehow, Somewhere, she would always be in Wonderland even if It ment getting hurt again". The sad thing was that whenever she tried to dream about Wonderland she never could, even though how much she wanted too, its sounds crazy but knowing Artemis she is brave and always will be.
posted by Robin_Love
This is not a tie to ANY of my other stories. Becca is not in this; it's just for fun. Mclovin_69 and Bakes 2389 are guest starring in it, along with myself. Moved couples around so if you don't like, tough luck. That's your deal, not mine! XD Enjoy~!

“There is no real evidence about this theory, but the League is positive the Light is harboring three heroes. All are female.”
Batman pressed a button and a picture of a sunny-red, long-haired girl appeared on the screen. Her brown eyes looked cheery and smiling, matching the smile on her lips. Her white onsie was worn over a red onsie that...
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posted by Robin_Love
“He's here?!”
“Who's here Dick?” Raven asked, coming to stand by the boy's side.
Raven tensed at the name and, NightWing could feel anger rippling off her body.
“What are you going to do?” he whispered.
They looked at each other and NightWing (who I'm just going to call Dick from here on out) read the cold brutality in her eyes.
“Kill him.”
Raven moved towards the door s Dick's eyes widened.
“What?!” he hissed, grabbing her wrist.
Raven turned to face him, ignoring the knock that sounded at the door.
“You heard me Dick. There is no way that I'm letting that...
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posted by Mclovin_69
"But I cant be in wonderland..." Artemis thought to herself, she felt sick what if she never got out of here, what if she never got to see anyone on her team or her family ever again...especially Wally.... or her mother. The rabbit kept walking or hopping as i should say and they finally reached a white cute little house with a garden. " Zata- the white rabbit" Artemis said " is this your house?".
"You dont have to call me the white rabbit" the bunny said as it began to glow and became a girl, that looked exacly like Zatanna. Artemis was speechless and finally broke her silence by asking " why...
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posted by Robin_Love
WARNING: SLASH!!! One-shot! XD

Rain poured hard on October 23rd. Winds blew harshly. Things were slamming against the bullet proof windows. Thunder rang out like a loud rumbling giant about to eat. If you were to count the seconds between the frequent lightning and loud thunder, you would know the storm was only a mile away. But Happy Harbor was a bay port. Which means a hurricane could start at any minute. No one was allowed to leave. No one was going to leave. The winds were already tearing trees out of their roots and picking up sped every minute. It was far too dangerous.

Wally couldn't help...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The storm was heard loudly inside the cave so the team was stuck becuase the power went out and the zeta tubes werent functioning, so noone could get in or out. Wally, Artemis, Robin, and Zatanna meanwhile were in the kitchen/ living room area as the sound of thunde filled the whole room. This was acouple of weeks after the whole memory loss to Artemis so nothing has changed, Wally and Artemis were still a couple as were Robin and Zatanna and everything in the cave was the same, but one thing did change Zatanna finally became a full fledged member of the "young justice" team and now stayed...
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Me:Hello and welcome to my first article and it wount be the last i will defently write more...ok and due to request our first gest is Robin aka my boy friend!!!(lol)

Robin: hi, how are you? *sits down*

Me: oh fine *blushes* questions for today is: what are all your costumes and which one is your favoite but why does one of them have no pants?

Robin: well haha that is a hard one well i have one's from the batman movies, the one from teen titans, the one from 'the batman' serice, the one from young justice of cource, one from the comics i think that one is the costume that has no pants...
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posted by 66Dragons

"Russia?" Robin asked.

"Russia." Batman said.

The rest of the Team walked over as the screen appeared with a news report from Russia.

"With the international banquet between the United States and Russia approaching, tensions are running high and security has been pushed up. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that the Justice League will be watching over the banquet personally." the news reporter said. "But again, these rumors are unconfirmed. Back to you Dave."

"Thanks, Iris. If you want to see more, just-" Batman cut the news host and the screen off.

"The Justice League has other matters to attend...
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posted by 66Dragons
I have received a quest for the YJ Character Templates, so here is a link: link


And because I need a longer article to publish it:
posted by Skittles98
“We’ll help you” Robin decided
“You are not the one to make that choice: Aqualad is” I said, turning to him.
“Yes, I am. And I agree with Robin. We will help you, Princess” he said
“Thank you. We must hurry” I said, rushing to the bio-ship. I waited while everyone filed into the bio-ship and stood beside Miss Martian.
“Take this route. It is safe, but only if we go through Torment Forest, past Piranha Cove, but avoid the Chasm of Chilling Mist’s, then over Wakanda” I instructed. “If we go any other way, we will be spotted” We started going straight over the jungle I...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What did you do?”
Wally looked up from eating his sandwich to stare into Robin's upset face.
“Rebecca's upset and won't talk to me. Said you did something.”
Robin leaned in close, anger visible through his mask.
“What did you do?”
Wally scooted back a little. He'd seen Robin angry but this was weird. Didn't the Boy Wonder know that she was only playing with his head?
“Nothing! I just...warned her not to hurt anyone on the team.”
It wasn't the truth but it was close enough for Wally's taste.
Wally rubbed the spot on his head that Robin had slapped.
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Robin would come and caress the baby.
Robin would come and caress the baby.
I woke up fealing really sick,I was in the bathroom throwing up.
I herd Robin enter.
Ro-Robin?I don`t feel that good today.
"Yeah I know,here take this and read the instruccions take 5 then tell me what it says got it?"
Yeah,I think.He gave me some pregnancy tests I took all five of them and they all said Positive.
Robin Im pregnant I whispered.
"What?!Let me see them."He looked at them all with a shoked expresion.
Robin maybe it was you know last night?
"Probably,How are we going to tell Batman and The entire Teams the 2 of them?"
Thats a horrifingig thought.
"Yeah but we can`t tell them until your...
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posted by Skittles98
You in Ke$sha’s song called Tick Tock it goes: Wake up in the morning felling like P Diddy. Well, I woke up in the morning feeling like crap. My back was killing me, my head was pounding, even my muscles hurt. I went to crack my back like I always do in the morning, and screamed. I had wings. My mom came rushing in. She saw my wings and her face went as white as snow.
“Mom. What’s happening?” I whispered
She picked up my phone and dialed a number.
“Yes, this is Alex’s mother. She is changing school’s do to health reasons. You are very understanding. Thank you” My mom said into...
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I transformed a Blonde blue eyed Human!
I transformed a Blonde blue eyed Human!
Ohh No the New moon is here I`ll transform at midday rahhh I hate it when the cycle is here!
Im already lossing my powers sigh.
I got ready and went to MT.Justice with a worried expresion that changed into a horrified expresion.
Only Batman knew about this.
It was combat training and It was my turn being the sparring partner but it was 11:50pm I had to go and hide somewhere!

Black canary started saying:
Since you`re the most experienced of all of us you will be battleing SuperMan.
Superman entered and added:Don`t be surprised or hold any grudges against me I f i win.
Trust me thats not gonna...
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It was a green jewel that was sucking my  powers.
It was a green jewel that was sucking my powers.
We were fighting the joker in Gotham when he threw a green cristal that was sucking my powers!
Artemis shot an arrow which made it worse the crystal shatered and my powers were going beserk M`gann,Superboy,Kaldu`r,Artemis,Wally and Robins powers were taken right out of them!.
We all fainted and Batman came and helped us.
Ugh what happened?
Everyone was in the enfermary wearing each others clothes.
I was wearing Robins clothes?
M`gann was Artemis
Robin had my powers
Wally was Atlantian
Artemis was Like a blur
Superboy was like M`gann
Kaldu`r was like superboy?...
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I was sleeping in Robin`s bed?
I was sleeping in Robin`s bed?
I woke up in robins room did I sleepwalk here?
Robin was awake but he did`nt want to disturb me in my sleep.
Robin did I sleep here?
"Um. yeah pretty much you came in the middle of the night shaking cause there were thunderstorms"
Ohh.Well lets get ready long day ahed of us.
I got up from the bed and got ready I headed down stairs and opened a portal to Mt.Justice Robin followed.

Recognized Robin B02 FireBlaster B07
Hi guys,everything okay here?
"yeah!come on we have to pick out everything all the details givem to me!"Inquired M`gann.
Hold on you guys know or did Robin tell you?
everyone was quiet.
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It was apurple Ribbon and a Purple dress.
It was apurple Ribbon and a Purple dress.
I woke up and got ready like always I went down stairs and there was a note it said:


When you read this note please head over to Mt.Justice asap okay and if you have no idea what asap means its as soon as possible.see you here


Okay whats with the letters hes been leaving me those ike for a week now saying I love you,Xoxo.
I better get there and not keep this up im lucky to have him with me.

When I got there every guy was in a tux I had a stupid expresion on my face.
M`gann came running to me almost half dressed her hair half done saying:Glad you`re here come on lets get you ready!...
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posted by Skittles98
When Diana gave the signal, I used my powers from Hades to create 2 small undead people to push them closer together during a slow dance. The second Artemis and Wally were closer, I sent my little helpers through a shadow tunnel straight to Diana to give her the signal to do the spotlight, big screen thingy. Literally 5 seconds later, the lights dimmed and a spotlight was on Artemis and Wally. I glanced up at the big screen as I went from some random picture of Zeus’s 187th birthday to Artemis and Wally slow dancing in a pink heart. Everyone went quiet as the screen changed then they slowly...
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posted by Candy77019
"This beach is for everyone!  Well, only the team actually."
"This beach is for everyone! Well, only the team actually."
When I got back to headquarters, I went straight to bed. I couldn't risk going to another mission drowsy.
Thankfully, this night wasn't as lousy as yesterday's. When I closed my eyes, and opened them later, it was already morning.
Wow. How the time flies by...
Suddenly, I heard a few shouting. I looked out the window, curious to find out who it was.
Surprisingly, the shouts were from the team at the beach. A wave was coming at them, and Megan ran at it with her surfboard.
It seemed weird; I never got to see them fooling around like that.
I looked at my alarm clock.
Ten o'clock, already?!!!...
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"Class, before you leave, please remember to write down tonight's homework assignment so you won't forget over the weekend." He looked sternly at me.
"Don't worry, Mr. Thomas, I'll have it done," I said to him, though I wasn't really sure I meant it.
He grunted, then the bell rang. "Dismissed."
I raced out of the room and ran outside. I jumped in the air and whooped. "Yes! The weekend!"
But it wasn't only a weekend, it was the last weekend before summer vacation. Which meant there was only three more days of school left.
I started walking toward the small bridge that led to my home. Even though...
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this is the weekly young justice interveiw. (oh great i have to make one every week?) this time we will be talking to wally west about the couples we have made.
me: hello kid flash.
wally: you can call me wally.
me: okay. what do you think of wally/artemis?
me: moving on. what about superboy/miss martain?
wally: they would be cute together, but i dont think it will happen.
me: really? cause it the 2nd most popular couple.
wally: what the most popular?
me: wally/artemis. so, what do you think of megan/wally?
wally: i aproove.
me: wel its the third one thats least...
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