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posted by Mclovin_69
" Jinx! Jinx! dont leave me okay!" Wally yelled as he wrapped goz around Jinx's wound. " Wh-Why are you helping me..?" she uttured trying hard to stay awake. " Becuase you didnt deserve this, the way I led you on... the way that I forgot about you, when i joined my team, the way i left you behind" Wally said, as he was finishing up the goz, " your gunna be okay" he said as he helped sit her up. " Thank.. thank you" she said blushing. Wally immeadiatley remembered Artemis is she okay?.


" Artemis! Artemis!, ninja girlfriend?" A voice said gentley, Artemis's eyes opened slowly and she tried to sit up but was pushed down again. " Now dont you try to sit up" the voice said again it was blurry but her vision cleared and she saw red hair, green eyes and a freckled face. " Wally!" she screamed and she clung her arms around his neck being pulled up by Wally not caring what he said earlier about laying down, Artemis face was full of tears. Suddenly she felt pain in her forehead, she touched it and felt goz. " Wha-what happened, where am i?", she said as she looked up into Wally's green eyes, " We were playing hide and go seek and you ran into a door, and ever since then you were knocked out for several days". Artemis blushed, " how clumsy of me". Wally laughed and kissed her on the lips.


Artemis Artemis! wake up please dont leave me!" Wally yelled as everyone stood behind him, including Red Tornado. Wally did CPR on her but it wasnt working, her sick eyes did not open, tears streamed down his face, " I-I love you.." he said as he closed his eyes and the tears began to flow. " Wally.... its too late.... we couldnt save her on time" Jinx said and put her hand on his shoulder. Wally sniffled and brushed off a tear streaming down his cheek, everyone walked away and outside and Wally stayed there a while longer, he kissed her on the cheek.


Artemis gasped and put her hand to her cheek and felt as thoough someone just kissed it, Wally looked over at her, " you alright?". " y-yea" she replied trying hard to smile, she had to admit it spooked her. " Something came into Artemis's mind, " have you ever told me about Jinx?" she asked. Wally's face grew red, " how do you know her?", " It just camed to me in a dream" she said and winked to her boyfriend. " Well are you sure youd like to hear it?", " I just want to hear something about you, about how you first met her, i hear she actually real sweet" she said with a small smile. Wally looked shocked but actually felt nice to have someone to talk to about this, he began to tell the story and Artemis grew even more intrested in the story he told.


A box lowered into the ground in a garden, Zatanna's garden, everyone showed at the funeral that she had met along the way, Madhatter, Tweedledee and dumb, The white knight, the creature with the long beak, and of course the Queen of hearts Jinx. Everyone showed excpet you guessed it Cheshire and the red knight. The hole was burried with dirt. Everyone became so sad, even though wonderland was now peaceful once more... Artemis never got her biggest wish to get out of wonderland. Wally put up a woodsign beside the new hole covered in dirt, the sign said R.I.P Artemis Crock, you will be forever with us in wonderland where ever you go and are.


A couple years passed in wonderland, the days and years went faster there. so in reality it had only been two months. A flower grew in the hole where Zatanna would always water it everyday and talk to it, it felt as though that Artemis was that flower, It was a bright golden colour like her hair and as brave as ever becuase no matter what season it stayed there through it all, even in rain, snow, or hurricanes it didnt matter it stayed there strong and always would be.

( night time at mount justice)

Artemis sat on the beach and looked up at the stars, and the bright yellow moon. she stared at the in coming waves of the ocean and how the waves were always sucked back in. " so you never told me what happened in that little dream of yours" said a voice and Wally walked up and sat beside her, Artemis looked over at him, " trust me if I told you what happened youd never believe me" she said with a smirk, " try me" Wally shot back at her with a cute smile like he always uses on her. Artemis laughed and she hugged Wally. Somehow, Somewhere, she would always be in Wonderland even if It ment getting hurt again". The sad thing was that whenever she tried to dream about Wonderland she never could, even though how much she wanted too, its sounds crazy but knowing Artemis she is brave and always will be.
posted by InfinityYJ
So this is my awesomely weird betrayal crossover fic. Teen Titans and YJ. This is kind of an AU, has nothing to do with Losing You and it's sequels. Just something I wanna do for fun. Enjoy!

“My name is Terra." “My name is Fin.”
“And we have done horrible things. We have sworn to serve a dark master. We have obeyed his every command and committed crimes in his name. We have betrayed and attacked everyone who used to be my friend and family. One by one...”
“ I have destroyed the Teen Titans,” “and I have left my team to die.”
“And with no one left to stop us, we have brought...
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posted by MikkiDs
I got rather bored one day and made up this gal...

Name: HeartBreaker

Secret ID: ???

Alliance: ???

Age: ???

Height: 5 ft 2 in (yeah she's short)

Weight: 114 lb.

Appearence: Curly black hair goes to about mid back, she wears a black and white baseball cap with a symbol of a broken heart on the front, black eyes, a red hooded jacket, black tanktop with the symbol of a broken heart on it, a black leather belt, black skinny Jeans, and black and white sneakers

Species: Demon or Angel???

Personality: laid back, witty, wise, funny and likes to joke around but serious when need to be, very determined to get...
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posted by YJTTFAN

“COME ON! LET’S GO! HURRY UP!” Kyra yelled to her two siblings and other sort-of sibling. Dick was on his computer most likely hacking the Pentagon again, Helena was just lounging around, and Danna was surfing YouTube.
“What is it now Ky?” Danna mumbled not looking up from her computer
“Something boring,” Helena answered for Kyra. Danna and Dick nodded symostinisly.
“Fine, Bruce and I will take Joker out,” Kyra smirked turning on her heel, only to get knocked down by her siblings rushing out of the room. Lifting her face from the carpet, she saw the feet of...
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posted by ZoeYJ
It was a Sunday evening. thunder took over the nights sky, but it didn't effect the household of the Rouge Family. Zoe and Zinc were preparing dinner with their parents, Ronald and Sapphire.
Whilst at the dinner table, Sapphire announced important news.
" Good news, we have heard that your new cousins have been born, Phoebe, Katie and Shanelle".
Zoe and Zinc were filled with joy that they had new cousins. But Ronald was unapproved.
"I think im going to take the rubbish out. Is that alright dear?" asked Ronald.
" Of course!" Replied Sapphire.
Ronald stormed out of the kitchen, into the backyard ....
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Okay, I have finally found the time to sit down and sort out the Red Revenge universe. Red Revenge also receives a new suit upgrade which I will show later.

Basic Upgrades to his Suit:

* Revenge now possesses complete mental control of all of his weapons, computers, suits, self-destruct sequences, and a kill-switch on Emerald's* suit.

* Revenge has nano-technology sewn into his cape and neck/shoulder armor. (The specifics of this nano-technology have yet to be revealed).

* He now has micro-tubes on his arms and near his utility belt which dispense daggers at his mental command allowing for greater...
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posted by YJTTFAN
Young Justice Goes Red Vs Blue Quoting
You don’t really have to know what RvB is, just that it’s super funny and epic and that you should see it. (its a web series, It’s up on youtube)

After a long battle with Scarecrow, the team realises that Lucas and Megan got hit with some of his ‘new toy’. The newest gas seemed to have two different effects, for Megan it made her lose her ability to use her powers and she only spoke Martaian, and did something...
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posted by Dezzylove3
"What the heck was that,Dick?" Batman said in the cave after a close call with the joker,Dick is now Nightwing,damn he grew up.

"THAT was me saving youre sorry ass,by disableing the bomb before it could blow." Nightwing said ripping off his mask and packed it into his duffle bag he uses for his uniform.

"Yeah,but you could've been hurt."Batman said sadly.He's been like that since his last robin didnt work out so well,Nightwing knows thats what this is about.

"Hey Im fine,Im not thirteen anymore,"
"I know."
"Im a grown-up now."
"I know."

They've stripped out and into normal clothes now,Dicks always...
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posted by killer24
hope you like him


real id:unknown


power:super smart,can fly,can sift from robot or human forms,can expand body to full height,can stretch body parts


looks:blond hair,purple eyes,green skin,well muscled,purple and black clothes,three dots on head

fears/phobias:to become a full brainiac and take over the universe

history:on a mission got teleported back in time to when the league found super boy (end of episode 2) him and shadow became friends latter became part of squad X bats secret team

other:is a brainiac/robot
data going human
data going human
data at full hight
data at full hight
Liberty placed both hands on the steering wheel of the dark blue Ferrari she was driving. She shifted gears and pressed on the gas petal. The car screeched off down the streets of manhattan. Liberty looked over at her dad who had one hand on the door handle and the other on his shield. She slammed on the brakes as pedestrians ran in front of her, while aliens ran after them. They stood in front the car, Liberty put the car in neutral and pressed down on the gas, making the car give off a loud roar. She put it back in drive and sped off. 
"You're cutting it close Liberty." her father said.
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posted by AislingYJ
I stifled a yawn as I sank lower in my desk in the back of the classroom. My first day at the Gotham Academy had been torture. I was the only kid who was here on a scholarship, and all day, I had been surrounded by rich brats who, upon realizing that I wasn’t like them, wanted nothing to do with me. At one point during the day, I had thought I’d seen Fin, my best friend, walking through the hallways, but when I ran towards her, it had been someone else. Why would Fin be there, anyway? This was a school for rich kids, and anyway, she was only thirteen. She couldn’t possibly be a high schooler....
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posted by Robin_Love
Serepta walked into the core of headquarters. She typed in several commands, leaning over the desk. Several images appeared on the huge screen. She smirked. I warned them before. Don't mess with me. Foolish heroes.
“Who to see to first?”
Serepta tapped her fingers on the desk.
“Looking fabulous today, aren't we?”
Serepta smirked over at her boyfriend. Usual flirt that he was. He was good at it too. Just loved to flirt with himself.
“And who would you be talking to?” Serepta asked, crossing her legs seductively.
“You of course. I already know I look good.”
Serepta turned back to...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Lex. Luthor. is your dad! " Robin exclaimed with shock, " he summoned me the Santa Prisca...." Connnor said as the blur came back to the feild surrounded by the jungle. Meagan passed Connor looking at him then looking away and Artemis passed Lucas with fear in her eyes and looked away as well, Becca followed the two girls aswell, " bring them along..." SportsMaster said to Bllockbuster, Blockbuster walked up to Connor and Lucas, Artemis watched then suddenly began to run towards them and shot an arrow and a blur came back to the mountain with the team and Artemis spoke up, " ugh... listen.....
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Chapter One- "Assassin"

Sam never saw it coming.

He had ten calmly walking towards the school when the first shot had been fired. A .50 Caliber grazed his neck. Immediately all of the students on the campus ducked for cover.

Sam dove behind a pillar and quickly took off his jacket to reveal the infamous crimson dagger beneath.

This time, the assassin never saw it coming. The dagger flew through the air and impaled itself in the barrel of her sniper rifle. The assassin saw the dagger and leaped for cover as it exploded.

A moment later, Revenge had grabbed her and swung to the nearest building. Before...
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As it turns out by the time I did get to the lab my Dad/creator was way past the worried state, and more into the ticked off, in rage what-the-heck-were-you-thinking and where-have-you-been-do you-realize-what-could-of-happened state.

Yeah, typical parents.

I tried to roll in unnoticed, you know, nothing’s wrong, haven’t got a care in the world.

The roll never works. As soon as I walk in its “Jozyl Marie Jocoti!”

“Hey Doc! What’s up?” I smile…

“What’s up? Do you care to explain this to me?”

Yep, he’s fuming now.

He presses a button and the giant computer screen shows a broadcast...
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posted by InfinityYJ
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t care.”
The green met the blue, then switched to the gold.
“I don’t, I really don’t. I couldn’t care even less. I would love to see you die.”
Tear spilled out of the gold, which slowly reverted back to a blue. Then they closed peacefully, and the girl let out a long sigh of relief. Nathan grimaced.
“You know I do care, right Delta?”
Danna nodded silently, looking down at her once again out-of-control sister. She was slightly crying too. “You know... this may be the last time we ever see her like this.”
“I know, Delta, I really do....
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I apologize for this.....dissension of mine.
Until further notice Knives And Tights has been discontinued.
You may be asking your self why I made this. Well for 3 reasons.

1. Writing a OC character than goes along with a Cannon character's as sidekick is something I have done for a long time. Tundra was my first breath of fresh air from that. And i find it hard to use her character anymore.

2. I want to create a different OC that has the idea I have never tried to conquer before. A person who is good nor evil and yet interacts frequently with the cannon characters with out changing them to...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley sat with her back to the living room and Hallway. Talking with megan on how to bake cookies to the perfect tenderness. "i'm not kidding Megs, you cant jsut leave thethe kitchen with out putting the timer on!" said harley, blowing her hair form her face. and as she pulled it into a pony tail, the timer wnet off. "The Cookies!" shrieked megan standing still. Harley jumped from her seat,"Dont just stand there megan! get htem out!" But it was too late the smoke alarm went off.
No one bothered looking up or comin to see what was wrong. they already knew.
Megan was jumping around harley as...
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posted by lolfan88
As I looked into her eyes they burned with rage. “Well hi.” I said sourly, wiping the blood from my mouth. I returned with a powerful blow of red magic. She went flying across the room then hit her head on something hard and got knocked out. “Kid, Superboy clear a path NOW!” Aqualad screamed telapahticly it gave me a slight head ache. Superboy and Kid Flash punched guys left and right. The team ran passed them

We all jumped onto the bio ship. “Stop them, Stop them…STOP THEM!! The “Boss” cried. They tried to shoot at us but we were to far up for them to hit us. “I’m going...
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posted by Dezzylove3
"Reconized,Batman 02" "Valcanis 17" "Reconized,Impulsia po9"

"I sure hope she fits in.........well?"

"Wally,give me my arrows!!!!"

"Not a chance blondey"

"Conner give me my wrist computer back!"

"But I wanted To play Donkey Kong.."

"To bad you'll screw up my system UHHHG!"

"Miss Martian I advise You give me my water guns back."

"No,Not until you give my cookie sheet back!!"


At the soung of the dark nights voice evry body aquard positions

Robin was on top of Conners back holding his hands back in a painful grip.

Artemis had Wallys legs...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow and Becca were walking down the hall when they stopped hearing strumming on a guitar coming from Lucas's room. Willow and Becca smirked at eachother and pressed their ears against the door.

" put your faith in what you most believe in......two worlds, one family.....
trust your heart...
let fate decide....
to guide these lifes we see....."

Lucas strummed his guitar to the beat of the song.

" A paradise untouched by man....
within this world blessed with love.....
a simple life they live in peace....."

softly tread the sand below your feet now.....
two worlds, one family
trust your heart....
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