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hey guys, this is the second chapter, the first one didnt have a title remeber??? i hope u do lol.....

The darkness, it is something i have allways been afraid of, somthing that would always catch me in the end. But sometimes the darkness, is safer than the real world.

I was coming to, but i stayed still, and hoped it was all a dream, i prayed for some sort of dream, a nightmare. Anything. I breathed in the air, i whimpered. No pancakes. just grease, and dust. i opened my eyes, and quickly glanced around the cafe, i notticed some of the tables and chairs were upturned, and i could hear harsh whispers, coming from behind the counter.i pushed my self from the ground as silently as i could, i usesd one of the upturned chairs to steady myself. my head was spinning, my legs shaking but i pushed myself forward, forcing my legs to escape to the door. i hobbled, and shuffled, and glanced at the counter frequently, i still couldnt see any one, but i could hear them. i touched the door handle, and was bombarded with my last memory.The boy. i turned on my heels, and glanced over the room again.Nothing. I shook my head, thinking i had just imagined him.I turned the door handle, but it was locked, and for the first time i moaned,loud, the noise from behind the counter stoped, and so did i. I didnt know what to do, but my legs did. I jogged and crouched behind one of the turned tables, and closed by eyes, my breathing slowed. Im not even sure i took another breath, i was to woried, too everything.i didnt dare peek around the corner, i just waited for the *knell. i could hear the shuffling of feet, and the panting of my hunter.my legs were aching from the way that i sat, my ribs sore from the pressure Dorris had applied to them, my whole body was screaming in pain. i had to move. i slighlty slid my leg forward, an inch or so, but they heard, and whoever was coming ran towards my table, and pushed it fully over. I flinched and covered my head.
"Please!" i begged the stranger. "I dont know what is going on, please," I pleaded, i spoke the truth, i had no idea what i was getting into.I opened my eyes and looked into my persuaderes face. I half smiled, and let my arms drop from my head. It was the boy. I looked up at him, he was a bit taller than what i was, i think. His eyey's were so dark they could have passed for black.
"i wont hurt you," He whispered, holding out his hand, an offer. i stared at the hand, did i really want to? yes. i forced my unwilling hand to move forward, and clasp his hand, he pulled me onto my feet. When he dropped my hand, my legs began to wobble again, i fell back, but he grabbed a chair and slid it under me just in time.
"Thanks," I mumbled, figeting with my hands, i didnt look up at him to see his nodd. He slouched off behind the counter again, and this time came backhuffing and dragging somthing large across the ground with him, my breathe got caught, and i couldnt breath.Dorris. it hadnt hit me yet what she had done to me, my hand touched my ribs, and i winced at the pain.
"Tell her everything!" the boy growled, my head snapped up to look at his face, it was full of anger, but there was somthing else. Sadness? My attention was dragged back towards Dorris, who was laughing evily.
"Do you think that will help?" She snarled, the loook on her face, made all the anger i had been storing come up to the surface, i jumped off the chair and fell on my knees at her head. i couldnt controll what i was doing, the anger did.
"Tell me!" i screamed into her face, my whole body shaking with rage.Dorris wasnt shocked by my outburst, infact she acted as if it never happened.
"Why dont you tell her Jaden, i dont have enough time befor they come for her," i looked at the boy "Jaden", my face confused, and my temper draining, his face fell to the ground, in shame. Dorris was laughing, but i ignored her. instead i looked for my rucksack, if what she said was true, i needed to leave now, i looked about the floor, trying not to return the stare coming from jaden. When i did find my rucksack i threw it over my shoulder and ran for the door, and remebered it was locked.
"The keys?"i asked looking at Jaden, he nodded towards the counter, i jogged towards them. once i had them, i turned back for the door and noticed two big black cars with blacked out windows pulling up outside the cafe.


posted by hailieywithin
I glanced at my digital watch. 7:48. Exactly 2 hours ago Emily my girlfriend of 1 year broke up with me right as I was going to purpose. Occasionally Darla the sexy girl behind me would talk to me about collage. She was going to learn about getting a PHD in Physics. Darla was actually quite smart. She had a letters to 8 major collages. Then she would ask about my life. My dad died when I was 6 and my mom lost custody of me when I was 12. I quit daydreaming and prepared my things to get off at the nearest motel. We would take off again tomorrow. At about 5 minuets from a Red Inn Motel. As we...
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posted by hailieywithin
You pull up to you're moms house after getting abused by your father. You limp inside as she is on the couch with vodka. "MOM"! you shout at she sees you looking at the bottle. "I'm so sorry-name-". She hugs you as you cringe because of a bruise on your arm. She is shocked when you tell her what happened. Quickly she calls the police and they arrest him and bring you for questioning. You break down in tears as you tell them you are sexually abused every week you are there. When you're father is put in jail for twenty years you believe you are at ease. Days after you fall down your stairs at...
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posted by Aisuanime
This is just a preview image of a lovely Gothic Lolita, but not the same outlook as the girl described in this short -short- story :)
This is just a preview image of a lovely Gothic Lolita, but not the same outlook as the girl described in this short -short- story :)
The Orient Train

The petite girl distraughtly writhed to straighten her black and red ruffled dress. Its somber frills drew abnormally eye-catching, causing her to sustain its contour along with every dainty ribbon and bow fastened. This became a slight drawback however. The black lace patently entangled with her mundane russet luggage affected the handle tousled within some lust-red ribbon. The legendary train will arrive at any moment. She tugged feebly to jerk the lace and adornment free. It finally gave out, with a soft muffled rip, disrupting the hushed atmosphere. No other person seemed...
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Are you bored? Despretly trying to find something on Google, but everytime you serch something innoceont weird and gross stuff just overflows your computor screen? Well, join this writing compeition! I will list five random genres and themes I pulled from a hat and all you have to do is write a short story from a genre or theme of your choice but it has to be one of the five. The compeition will run from November 07 2011 - November 21. Voting will start from November 21 - November 31.

1. Mystery
2. Fan Fiction (Lucky You!)
3. Sci-Fi
4. Children's
5. Drama

As I said, there random.

1. Magic
2. Sacrifice
3. True Story
4. Childhood
5. Anime (For Fan Fiction)
Just Post Your Entry on Fanpop and ur good to go!

The winner will recive 10 props and 5 runners up will recive 3 props. :P
posted by Harrypotter148
This Is A Story Story Based On A Couple I Am Writing In Another Story, I wanna see if I can Get The Chemistry Right. Kal Is A Healer, He Has The Power To Heal People And Is Connected With Heaven. Like An Angel But Less Powerful. Aria Is Half Healer, But More Powerful, She Could Even Be Deadly.

Part 1

Aria sat outside her house rocking back and forth on her porch swing, the only sound was the squeaking of the rusting chains. The sky was darkening into a peaceful cloudless night, and it seemed like the things around her, did not want to ruin it. She never moved her gaze from the small little...
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posted by wolfclan121
A tear ran down Jannet's pale cheek. David's footsteps echoed in the hall like a man's last words, and for Jannet, they were last words David will ever say to her. We never saw David again. Never. It's a hard word to handle when inlove.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" Mike screamed. The moment was so mindblowing, we forgot we were in Mikeal's orphanage. "She's not dead! She can't be dead!" The careers grabbed him by the arms, threw him to the ground and beat him. "Mike..." Jannet whispered, wiping a tear away. "Mike!" She shouted "Jane, don't interfeare, please!" I begged. It didn't work. When a spirit is enraged they have more energy, kinda' like an adrenaline rush.

"Jannet, where are you?!" Mike shouted. "She's dead! Get over it, boy!" The Head Misstrus boomed. "LEAVE HIM!" Jannet demanded. The women stared at her in disbelif.
posted by darkwave
"I forgave almost unforgivable mistakes ...
I tried to replace irreplaceable and unforgettable people forget ...
I've done things on impulse ...
I've never been disappointed with people when I thought let me down ...
But someone disappointed ...
Already embraced to protect ...
Since I could not laugh when ...
I made friends for life ...
I loved and was loved ...
But I've been rejected ...
I loved and not loved ...
It screamed and jumped for joy ...
I have lived and made vows of eternal love ...
"I broke the face" many times ...
I cried listening to music and viewing photos ...
Since I called...
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        Beginning of Prologue
I opened my eyes to the bright sun shining in through my window. It was too bright that I had to squint. I rolled out of bed lazily and went to my closet to grab my clothes for today. I rubbed my eyes and looked into the mirror and saw my messy hair, it looked as if it were medusas hair. There was a knock on the door and the familiar voice called out my name like honey. “Jamie? Are you awake yet?” Nick asked through the door. Quickly, I ran to my bedroom door and flung it open and collapsed into...
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posted by Kimi4312
(This is a popular online novel I had been posting on my facebook account, enjoy! ^_^)

~Chapter 1: How To Save A Life~
Dawn was a beautiful young woman who recently caught her boyfriend cheating on her with another woman, Dawn wrote a suicide note to give to her friends Jessica, Kristina, Alison and Madison, Dawn puts on her black dress and takes a razor blade with her, Dawn walks on her apartment housing roof that is 20 feet below, she sits there watching her boyfriend have sex with another woman, Dawn's dark eyes begins to pour out tears as her heart begins to break she steps on the edge of...
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posted by para-scence
I wasn't the only one that got busted; Jordan and Rigby did as well. They threw me into the police car, next to them. They stared sullenly at the floor.

"You kids are in a lot of trouble," the cop said as he drove us to the station. Why did he have to even say that? We all knew it already. I closed my eyes, and tried not to think. Already, I was getting a splitting headache. I didn't want to think about what was happening, or what was going to happen. I wonder what would happen if I asked the cop for my drugs back...

When we got to the station, they put us in a cell directly. They said we were...
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Once upon a time there was a girl named Evangeline Lovesky and all she wanted was to have friends, but no one wanted to be her friend because she was a princess and they thought that if they made her angry she would have them killed. But she was very nice and would not. Evangeline was about 5' tall and was 13 years old and has beautiful golden hair about to her waist. One day she was bored an decided to take a walk. She walked all the way from the castle, past the market, and all the way to a small corner of houses surrounded by fields. These were the farmers houses, though the farmers were...
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posted by RiverIce
When I wake up, my mother is shaking me around.
"Wake up, my Willow Princess! A meeting needs to be arranged right now! It is urgent, my princess!" She says. I get up quickly and put on my winter dress. when i get out of my wooden room my grandmother is standing on the Ceremony Rock shouting out angry words.
"We need to stand up for ourselves!"
"Yeah!" the Willow People shout altogether.
"We need to show the Wolves who's boss!"
this goes on until my grandmother calls my mother and me up.
my mother talks softly, "The wolves... they have sent the Death-Message... they want battle......
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posted by GabbyRaptor
All this pain just inside...I cannot let it go.... It hurts so bad...Seeing the one you love in the arms of another.... Each night I cry myself to sleep,just hopeing the next day will be even beter...But these words always run through my mind..."You're going to die alone".. It repetes and repetes...Pain ... Oh how it hurts so... But what makes it worse...That someone that's with the one my love ...is my rival....Time has stopped to you as your tears run down slowly on my cheek.... I've lost almost everyone in my life... It's even scary just trying to be myself....They say if you keep your feelings jared up...you'll snap... That's haven't happened to me yet... And hope it will never will. Don't keep your feelings jared up... Or one day you'll snap
posted by Insight357
    I bent back gracefully, my arms extended to where my fingers almost skimmed the ice. I slid along a curve before straightening back up, a black feathered sleeve coming across my face. My feet crossed as I went into a small spin on the frozen water. I skated over to the light blue wall, and took a long breath.
    I had been training for a skating competition for about a week, and I could feel the bruises from yesterday throbbing. I’d had my fair share of falls the past week and it seemed today the day the pain wanted to play hell.
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posted by wolfclan121
I loved to write songs. These beautiful poems of love, heartbreak, life and misery. I still do. Shame they'll never reach the world as I hoped.
But, life is life and death is well, death. I wish I could still play with Eyes Of The Wolf, my old band. I remember the lullaby I wrote for Jannet when she had nightmares.

'Prr, Prr
Of the Cat on the mat so peaceful
Cheep, Cheep
Of the Bird in the garden so alive
Neigh, Neigh
Of the Horse on the racecourse so swift
Woof, Woof
Of the Pup in the tulips so playful
But now please my dear Jannet rest
So tomorrow you take life's next test'

I still sing it to her every night. But she can't hear me now. Maybe i'm just not singing loud enough. Sometimes she hears me sing a few lines. I know because sometimes when I sing she'll start crying. I don't know why. Maybe she misses me. Or maybe I scare her. I don't know. The world is a very strange place
posted by SueLuvsVJ101
The leader, Miranda, looking like she stepped from a 17 magizine, as always.
The leader, Miranda, looking like she stepped from a 17 magizine, as always.
I watched the 'It' girls stride down the hall. They smiled their perfect, white toothed smiles at cute senior boys, who of course drooled and practicially fell over. The way they looked, you'd think they owned the school. The leader, Miranda, pulled out her perfectly intact iPhone with its blinged out pink case, and texted quickly, lavender thumbs tapping the screen. Her crew, Kristen and Lillianna, dutifully following like dogs on leashes. Miranda was a beautifully devious, and knew how to make it hurt HARD. Lillianna wasn't much for saying anything, anything NICE, that is. And of course,...
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posted by jklilly56
    “Dude are you even ready for school next Monday? I haven’t had time to go shopping with getting ready for fair and everything.” I was talking to my best friend Kat on the phone since I was freaking out about doing two project boards in less than 12 hours. “Hell to the no I’m not, you know me procrastinating Randy. We’ll have to go shopping on Sunday when we’re all done cleaning up.” It was so hard getting ready to go into our freshman year when our first day after the county fair ended. “Randy! How am I ever going to get all my clothes figured out?!”...
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posted by nick_cross
When I awoke it was already dark out, and there was a man on the other side of the porch screaming out into the night, I rose and tried to listen. I couldn’t make out much of what he was saying but it sounded like he was asking a lot of questions. For a second I thought maybe he was screaming at somebody. Out of curiosity, I started walking over to him to see who he was screaming at. When I got close enough I could see that he was looking up facing the sky, I couldn’t see his face because it was covered by the shadow casted from the ceiling of the porch. When I got even closer I smelled...
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Greetings writers club, i am also an artist like all of you :) i am the A&Os best heavy metal song writer and i want to show you all what i can do :).

branded the animal:

Branded like an animal
The lack of sleep will burn in my mind
You won't leave until you make your message clear
(for peace of mind) (for peace if mind)

Breathing very deeply
You will never know how I feel
Leaving me with images of perfect insanities field
(for peace of mind) (for peace of mind)

Leaves me with Words of pure damnation that I am.
(cause i am damnation personified)
i have been
branded like...
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posted by ttmrktmnrfn0830
This is a song inspired by Anastasia's Once Upon a December. Also, it's the main song for my novel-in-progress, Imaginary. It's a song in which one of the main characters sings to cheer her up when she's scared. And once I finally get the story posted here, you'll actually see the depth and power and horror of the song.
Written by a friend of mine from school.

Midnight settles, darkness falls
Close your eyes and remember
Fallen angels always sing
Once upon a December

Blood is flowing and it's warm,
Life's nightmares are like a storm
Demons dancing gracefully
across my memory

Broken butterflies with torn wings
The pain they will always remember
Fallen angels, I hear them sing
Once upon a December.