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posted by QueenVictoria73
I woke up one day from a dream and remembered every second of it. In the ten minuets I stayed in bed awake but didn;t get up yet, I thought up a story. I went downstairs and typed this up, not caring about grammar, spelling, or sounding good at all. I stopped halfway through because my burst of creative energy had run out. Please excuse the choppiness and poor style of it, and just pay attention to the plot. Maybe it will inspire you or give you ideas for something else.

There is an evil witch that has a gray, mushy body that is very bony and bat-like, she can fly and screech and materialize and shove herself down people’s throats to take over her body. She lives in a tall tower of a castle made out of dark blue stone in the middle of a dark forest that moves around in the world by magic. She is immortal.
In the 600’s, she lived near a peaceful fairytale village. In the center there was a castle, and the people who are important to the story who live there are; a king, queen, many princesses, and a jester. Visiting is a prince from another kingdom in hopes to marry the eldest princess. Outside the village lives a poor, beautiful maiden who is in an arranged engagement to a rich merchant who is neither mean nor ugly, but rather bland and unexciting.
But wait, the entire village is falling into a trap made by the evil witch. Years ago, when the king and queen had their first daughter, she was the most beautiful girl anyone had ever seen, even as a baby. The witch wanted to take over the girl’s body for two reasons. One, she was always tortured and incredibly jealous of youth and beauty since the beginning of her existence and wanted it for herself. Second, if she was in control of such a beautiful body, she could seduce the whole village to do her bidding, and then maybe control the entire world. Unfortunately for her, she would never be able to enter a body so pure and good. So, the night after the young girl was born, she flew into the castle stealthily and stole the infant, and replaced her with another baby girl that had just been born in the village. Her hopes were to have the princes live hard childhoods while watching the fake princess have all the care, attention, and frivolities anyone could ever ask for. When the real princess’s body was in the prime of its beauty, she would reveal to her that she was the one who really deserved all those nice things. Being evil, the witch was sure that this would make the girl angry and hateful, maybe even enough to kill the fake princess. That would dirty her soul just enough to let the witch take over her body.
This is how they grew up. The fake princess turned out to be almost as beautiful as the real one, but a lot of it had to do with the make-up, jewels, dresses, diets, and hairdo’s rather than natural beauty. She was very nice, but a little bit airheaded, but never did anything mean or wrong. The king and queen had seven other daughters after the first, who got along very well with each other and the fake princess. When they were young, they by chance met with the maiden who lived in the village, and played with her in the courtyard and became very good friends, until the king and queen came to say it was improper to meddle with commoners. The maiden’s family was very poor, and she had to do a fair amount of chores, but her parents weren’t unfair or controlling. They cared for her and wanted her to live a comfortable life when they sent her off into the world. When she was 16, they wanted her to marry the merchant because he would be able to support her. He was most happy to agree to marry her because she was, of course, incredibly beautiful and benevolent.
At age 16 was also the traditional time for the king and queen to bring in suitors for their daughter. The prince who first visited was known across the world as being dashing, charming, unimaginably handsome, confident, and talented. He and the fake princess, of course, was a perfect match and fell in love immediately. This was good news in the witch’s eyes, for she was sure the maiden would be passionately jealous of the fake princess. This didn’t bother the maiden, though, because she was secretly madly in love with the court jester. He grew up the same time as the maiden did, and was apprenticed as a jester to his father, and at age 12 he was old enough to start work. The maiden had always seen him practicing, she sometimes climbed up the wall of the courtyard to watch him; he was a different kind of funny. Instead of poking fun at different people’s jobs, political figures, people in the audience, ect., he made a fool of himself and graciously accepted applause and laughter. He also sang songs for the court, not just funny songs, but all kinds of songs. The maiden’s heart leapt every time she heard his voice. Not that the maiden really disliked the prince, but she was almost insulted when people talked about how amazing the prince’s loud bravado voice was, ignoring the talents of the jester. The prince sang songs about his own adventures and achievements, and sometimes he would sing a trite song about how pretty the fake princess was to woo her.
One day, the royal family was hosting a ball for the entire kingdom and beyond to attend to celebrate midsummer. The witch planned to reveal to the maiden the truth at exactly midnight. The maiden attended the ball with her fiancé, the whole time stealing longing glances at the jester, who was part of the band for the evening. Every time he smiled or hit an exquisitely lovely note, her heart would break a little more, knowing she was bound to the merchant instead of him.
Right before midnight, the witch’s plans were ruined. Just by chance, no magic or divine intervention involved, lighting struck the castle, catching it on fire and killing everyone inside. Very frustrated, the witch cast a spell on everybody there. She didn’t know when or where it would happen, but sometimes in the future, all those people who died that night would be reincarnated, body and soul, in a way so they would all be the same age in relation to each other and have the same kind of relationships that they did back then. That way, the witch could try her plan again. Until that happened, the souls would be stuck in nothingness, not able to pass on to the afterlife, whatever that may be.

It just so happened that everyone reincarnated around 2000, in and around Maryland. The witch’s castle and woods had moved to Cape Cod.
This time around, the witch wasn’t looking for power, only beauty. During all the time that had past, she thought of a better way to gain power. As you know, in today’s society, people are much easier to persuade to do something bad to get what they want. People are all about ambition and dreams, and jealousy can be mistaken for just wanting something you rightfully should have. This is especially true in the acting industry. The witch knew that with all these people’s preoccupation with singing and the arts, they would no doubt be part of the theatre in one way or another when reincarnated in the modern world.
There was a woman living in Cape Cod, whose soul was dry and withered, and the witch was able o take over her body. She was Maryl Streep looking, but with really grey hair, not white, but grey. She set up a kind of reward system that was all high and mighty in the world of theatre when she learned of the rebirth of the maiden. She would invite high schools from all around the country to bring ten people to her castle and perform in a play on a beautiful stage she built. She asked talent agents and casting directors from movies and Broadway plays (with a little magical persuasion) to come, too. The students would arrive a week before the scouts would be there, to decide who should get to try out for the play from their group of students, and auditioning to get the best part in the play. At night they all sleep on random parts of the floor of the castle in sleeping bags they bring. Since the witch runs the whole thing, people are already under her control. What they want is so much in her power, they half worship her. Everyone wanted to be close to her and get on her good side. The people who tried most to flatter her over the years became her minions. She turned them all into fish and threw them in sheep pond, and turns them back into humans only so they can do her bidding. These poor souls have been so brainwashed by their ambition to become an actor that even though she does all this bad stuff to them, they still revere her and gladly do whatever she asks without question, in hopes that she may one day put them center stage. The spell would be broken if they somehow came to their senses and admitted there are more important things to life than being the star.
added by axemnas
Source: Beastfire
posted by daitheflu4u
A Valentine’s Gift: A Story of Determination

    Every once in a while we face certain challenges in life; whether it would be at work, school, home, or an illness. At times we don’t know if we have the courage and inner strength to get passed our obstacle. And sometimes during our worst obstacles, we can accomplish the unexpected. Depending on the challenges we face in life, we still must keep our dignity, even if we lose the battle.
    The two were unprepared for the day at the hospital, where Lisa would undergo a biopsy. They thought of the procedure...
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added by XRoryX
added by shubzGswag
added by SomethingDreamy
added by ZekiYuro
added by ZekiYuro
added by greengirl8
Source: selectism.com
added by hurricane93
Source: AR
added by axemnas
added by IloveMyLord
posted by GreenLight24
Author's Note: Hey, guys! :D I've finally drafted the third installment of the "Blacktie." series. It does require some knowledge of the first two stories posted in order here: link]http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/writing/articles/213262/title/blacktie-revised-version[/url][/url] and here:link]http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/writing/articles/213538/title/blacktie-dinner[/url][/url] This is the story of Blacktie's run-in with a female accomplice! It picks up right where the second story left off. Enjoy. :D

Anthony gently pulled at his bow tie and unbuttoned his coat as he peered devilishly towards the...
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posted by malmcd
You want to be there. You know you do. Don't lie, dahling. It's okay. I know what you're thinking when you look up at that splendorous place atop the mountain. I
know what fills you, spurs you on, fuels your dreams. You're obsessed with being chosen. Everyone is.
    The Land you thirst for has loomed at the top of the mountain in Metopia for as long as you can remember. But for most of the year, it's covered in fog, it's color changing with each passing day as if it's a gargantuan mood ring. You begin your mornings staring at the fog, longing for the fateful evening when...
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posted by OlivFirecracker
You laugh at something just not funny and the only thing you do is apologise, even if you don't mean it, you do because the people hearing you laugh do not appreciate it. How could they?

You hear something sad about another and you apologise, because you may feel bad for them but you don't know what to say and you think saying anything else or not saying anything at all is inconsiderate, but it's not fair on you because you don't know what to do with that information.

You did you best to save something or someone for someone else but you fail and you know that you haven't lost anything but...
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posted by serenacullen93
Hello my name is Leila Claudette Xavier the daughter of Max Oscar Xavier. The CEO of Xavier Arms Of War or X.A.W. it is the number one provider of weapons for the arm forces. X.A.W. has been around since world war one we are a family of geniuses mean the Xavier are know for that. I graduated from college when I was ten years old and was valedictorian of my high school class at the age of eight. I’m now fifteen. I woke to the sun pouring thought my bay window here in Virginia Beach near Camp Pendleton so named after General William Nelson Pendleton an Episcopalian minister at Grace Church...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
posted by MomoThePuppy
Terrence moved slowly, watching where he placed his feet. He didn’t want to step on those certain floorboards that squeaked and risk scaring the small girl. He quietly picked his way across the floor, and stopped at the edge of the child’s bed. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder, and for a moment, his eyes became locked on the stark contrast of their skin tones. She was very light in color, almost a peachy shade. He was dark in tone, close to the color of chocolate. He smiled at this.

“Rosie,” He said, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s almost daylight. Time to get up, kiddo.”...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here
(Not a very creative name, I know)


I sat on the bed. Doing nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I looked at the clock. Friday, five-fifty-eight PM. Five-fifty-nine. Waiting. Waiting. Heart pounding. Counting seconds. Every week. Every week, SHE came. SHE would try to kill me. Then I would scream for help and they would come. Then I would get a lecture that nothing was there, possibly some treatment or whatever. Then next Friday at six, it would happen again.
Forty-five seconds. I glanced at the book. I brought it with me. That way, no one else would read it. It was old and leather-bound, and had pictures...
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added by IloveMyLord
posted by EmoKidSteven
Well you see
I'm not myself anymore
Well you can see
What I've done
Blinded myself
Lost my direction
In this times
That are getting cold
In this moment
To behold
And shine

Here's a poem
For all the loved ones
Here's a grave
For all the dead
Here's the oxygen
For all the living
Here's a tissue
For tears that are shed
I'm lost now
I'm here now
I'm lost here
By Myself
I'm gone now
I'm lost again
I'm lost
By myself

Well take your houses
Take your money
Take the things you don't need
Live the life
You've always wanted
And then burn the memories
Take the good times and the bad
Take the happy maybe the sad
And turn, turn yourself around
I'm lost in my own fairytale
Where I'm the winner
All over again
in my daydreams I've lost all hope
All ambition
Looking and losing an only friend

I'm lost now
I'm here now
I'm lost here
By Myself
I'm gone now
I'm lost again
I'm lost
By myself

I'm lost
I'm here
I'm lost here
By myself

I'm lost now
I'm here now
I'm lost here
By myself

By myself