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Hello! I am Cesar. I'm a being of infinite power, who just wants to fit in with the crowd. Anyway, being really powerful is really cool, but it also means I have to fight those who want to use my powers for numerous purposes, which I will discuss along the way. Anyway, my story began when I was 9 years old. The day I entered foster care was the best day of my life. But, I would soon find out that my whole life would change on my tenth birthday.
"Not so fast Cody! Slow down!" I said, trying to keep up with my foster brother. "Try to keep up Cesar! You don't want to lose for the third time do you?" Cody taunted. "No. I'm not going to lose to you again Cody!" I yelled boldly. "Oh, is that so?" Cody sneered. "Test your luck bro!" Cody yelled over his shoulder. I noticed that Cody was almost at the the finish line which was just a tree, so I dropped into a sliding position, slid past Cody, and touched base. "Wow Cesar! I'm impressed. You beat me. Let's go home." As Cody was turning around I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Wait! I think we've got time for one more thing." Cody smiled at me then said, "Sure. What do you have in mind?" I turned around in all directions thinking about what to do, then I noticed a cave. I smiled mischievously, then said, "Let's play hide and seek." Cody said, "Okay." As Cody turned around to count to twenty, I made a beeline for the cave. "He'll never find me here." I said softly to myself. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a soft, woman's voice say, "Ain't that the truth!" I turned around to see where the voice was coming from, but I had no luck finding the source for a solid 30 minutes until she revealed herself. "My apologies for frightening you my child. My name is Delilah, what is your name?" She began. "My name is Cesar. It's nice to meet you Delilah." Delilah smiled at me then continued. "I'm curious as to why such a handsome young man like you is doing so deep in the forest. Are you alone? Or are there others?" I began to respond but, she interrupted me. "That's n..." "Nevermind, my child. I already know. You're with your foster brother. Right? His name is... Cody if I'm not mistaken." I was now terrified of who I was confronting. "How do you know my foster brother's name?" She smiled at me again, then Delilah continued. "I know all and see all my child. You can't hide anything from Delilah the high queen of Vampiric society." I looked at her, now confused about what Delilah said. "Excuse me?" I responded. She smiled at me for the third time, then started backing up while speaking. "Don't worry my child. Everything will be revealed to you. Hahahahahaha!!!!" Delilah was laughing maniacally while fading out of existence. "I'll see you in 6 six years my love!" Delilah said, then disappeared. I then heard Delilah's voice whispering in my ear. "I'll be back..." Then I heard another voice behind me. "Cesar!" I turned around quickly to see that it was just Cody. "There you are! I've been looking for you for two hours man! You're good at hiding I'll give you that!" Cody looked at me then said, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I shook my head to return to reality. "I'm alright Cody. Let's go home." "Okay. Let's go!" He responded. As we were walking home I was trying to grasp who, or what I had just encountered. I thought about what Delilah might have actually meant by her being the queen of vampires. I thought to myself, "No way! Delilah's probably just some lunatic." I had a good laugh about it, then I went to bed,unaware about what I was dealing with. In my dreams, I was somehow hearing the screams of my loved ones. "Cesar! Help us!" In my nightmare, I was terrified of what I was seeing. I leaped towards my mother who was locked up in a cage. The cage vanished before I could get to it. Delilah then appeared out of nowhere, then said to me, "Do you think I'd lie to you my child?" Then Delilah tried to bite my neck, but I always seemed to wake up before she gets to.
posted by sawfan13
My stuff has already been moved down here to the jungle. I still can't shake off what happened yesterday, but Howl's been very sweet to me, assuring me everything's okay. Debbie has been helping me unpack my stuff and everything. Some people are still thinking that I'm crazy for moving down here, but I wanted to. Howl couldn't really adjust very well to my world, but with a little bit more time, I'll get used to his world more. Debbie ran up to me and hugged me and asked," Lil, I know this may sound ridiculous and silly, but is it okay if I may stay with you guys?" "Deb-" "I know it sounds...
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posted by sawfan13
Adam started to snicker,"You think you can defeat me again. I have a gun now, and I shot at your little wolf buddy earlier. I tied your little girlfriend up there. Yeah, she's good at shutting up, especially with this gun pointed at her. Ha!" I said nothing else. I started attacking him. I threw the gun out of his hands, as he started to fear. I grabbed him by the wrist, and started crushing the bones in his wrist with my bare hands. I wouldn't stop growling and yelling. I have never felt so angry and strong in my life. He whined and pathetically tried to get away. I attacked him, as if I were...
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posted by sawfan13
Running. Running as fast as I can and I can never stop, until I find her. I'm still in New York, but I'll ride a plane back to get her. But first I have to ask her parents for it. I don't know if they'll let me, since they wanted Adam to marry her. But I don't know. I just hope they say yes. I walked up to the door, and knocked on it. Lilith's mom answered it,"Howl? What are you doing here?" "I need the plane. I know where Lilith's at. I can feel it in bones." "Okay, but I have to send Debbie with you. She was the first person to help find Lilith as soon as she found out where she was at. I'll...
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posted by sawfan13
He was waiting for my reply, until I finally spilled out,"I love you too. I love you more than anything! I wanna be with you! Forever." He said nothing. All he did was smile, as he got up. He lifted me, as we both went back to the waterfall cave-area. We sat in the same place as we did before, except Howl wanted to do something else,"Remember what you told me about making-out?" I looked at him oddly and said,"Yeah?" He winked at me, as he got closer to me. He started kissing me, like making out kissing. We started making out very heavily, but I was wondering if this was okay or not? I mean,...
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Twas midnight in the warm summer. The stars so bright and lovely, along with the full moon lingering in the sky. She looked out of her window, sighing about what she is missing out on. The outside world. Oh how Lacrymosa wanted to be in the outside world. Mother never allowed it. Lacrymosa cringed and shuddered at the thought of Mother. What a monster of a being she was. Horrid woman. Very overprotective of her little Lacrymosa. A widowed woman with only one child is usually very protective of her children, but Lacrymosa's mother was quite different. She was overbearing. The Queen of Lithiumina....
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posted by magicgirl123
Alex paced her room, bored. It was just another summer Thursday in the city of Verona, Italy. Her mom was in her home office, reviewing a book for publishing, and Alex's little brother Sam was at the park with his friends. Alex would do the same, but she didn't have many friends, and her best friend was in Paris for the summer. Alex stopped pacing, stomped her foot and quietly cursed her bordom in Italian. Then she slipped on her ballet flats and bonded out into the hall.

"Mom! I'm going to check the mail! Be right back!" She shouted in American English into the apartment and grabbed the keys....
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posted by MissMuffin38
Daniel stepped onto the streets ahead of him, packed with different families doing their regular thing. One of the families Daniel knew. A familiar face stepped out of the car - his best friend Jonathan. Jonathan's mother caught a glimpse of Daniel in the corner of her eye. She turned round with a smile on her face. "Hello Daniel! How are you today?"
"I'm fine thanks, how about you?" Daniel answered politely. "I'm very good thank you. I suppose you'll be wanting to see Jonathan?" she asked him.
"Er, yes please." He walked over to greet Jonathan.

"How are you Dan?" Jonathan asked. "Your mother...
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posted by Elizabeth90luv
It was 3 o’ clock in the morning, October 31st, “the night of the living dead” as my mother had told me when I was a kid. I never believed her. I could never believe that one dead body can come back to life, and that was one of the reasons that New York’s crime lab selected me. But then it was different. A cold breeze was blowing outside this house –rumor had it that it was haunted- and three bodies were lying on the floor. I was alone in this dark room, while the other investigators were processing the second floor and everything was calm and quiet.

I started collecting evidence,...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
1st chapter: link

2nd chapter: link

3rd chapter: link

Chapter 4

Koda ran out of the school before anyone heard or found out about his little incident. But he knew sooner or later someone would walk in that office and see Principle Nakai on the floor with his desk on top of him and realize who wasn’t in school anymore…he would be serious trouble.

The sun was at its peak in the sky, probably around 1 or 2 pm. It was hot, the breeze that blew was dry and it burned Koda’s eyes. He stood next to his dirt bike, contemplating where he should go before any cop…or parent arrived.
He decided it didn’t...
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We sat there, tears falling from our eyes. We, being me and my sister Friday.We were sixteen year old triplets but our brother had left for boarding school, three weeks ago. We all had black hair. Friday's short and straight, Mitch's cropped and spikey, mine long and wavy. Friday's red face contrasted so much with her hair and I was sure that I looked almost exactly the same. Izzy the oldest of our younger siblings, age thirteen, just sat. Kate and Sammi, age eight, were twins. Kate rolled around restlessly and Sammi gripped her doll so tight that it almost seemed that it's one eye was popping...
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posted by Claudia4599
They always said that I was a bit mad.

I guess that’s why I hear bumble bees and geckos talking to me, and not about allergies or how to save money on my car insurance.

You see my dad and my mom is traveling the world for fun. My dad got me some teachers just for me so I won’t have to be in school with the normal kids. But I think it would be fun. I could have real friends instead of no one. Also I could also see some real doctors about some of the things that I think of. They are strange. My fathers doctors say that I am perfectly fine, don’t worry, mentally fine, ect., I don’t believe...
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chapter two
the try outs

gym passed quicker then i thought and that was a shocker i hated gym. end off, full stop. it was lunch now i know four leasons and the lunch is between them all is good. but the trouble was i had no idea where i was going.
there was this girl infront of me she didn't look mean or anything so i thought it would be safe to ask her.
"excuse me" i ran up to her tapping her on the shoulder. "sorry but i am like reallly lost and i was wondering if you knew where the cantein is?"
"oh you must be ellie everyone is talking about you, yeah sure ill show you im becca by the way"...
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posted by Angelcatz11
Bonnie's POV

I walked quickly away from the dead man. I headed in the direction of a old hotel. "It's around here somewhere" I quitley said. I walked for 4 miles until i reached the hotel. Carefully and quitley I pushed the door open. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I said asking the darkness. I heard a soft moan, then a sob. It grew louder and louder. It sounded like it was a little girl. I turned on my flashlight and stepped in. "Hello?" I asked once agian. In the corner I could faintly see a figure crouching over and sobbing continuesly. I walked up to what appered to be a girl. I rested my hand on her back. "It's gonna be okay" I ressured her. She let out a low scratchy growl. Then as fast as lighting I was on the ground starring at something Imbossible.
Hi! Im Amy Faery (Pronounced like Fairy)! You may seem I'm a normal girl, but I'm not. A few months before I was born my mom had visited a voodo witch, she had put a spell on my mother that the next baby she would have would be cursed forever to be a helper god. Who was that baby? Me, of course. A helper god is a person with superpowers that is a god but may never visit the god world. A few days after I was born the evil witch had stolen my mother and killed her. I have no dad to take care of me.


I got ready for school. I had used my powers to...
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I can't write this anymore.

I feel like its a copy of Avatar the last airbender. And the companions quartet. I never intended on making it like that. But whenever I imagine my characters using their powers I see them bending. I know you are all going to get. mad. Really mad. Really really mad. Really really really really mad. But my stories need more *sparkle*. A better writer with better talent. I think it needs more thought. I think I should create something that is REALLY from my imagination. Thats why, no matter what you all are going to say....

I'm stopping Girl who cried wolf.

I know your...
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posted by greenstergirl
Ok I was REALLY bored this time so I drew ANOTHER picture of Danny. It took me forever and it STILL sucks.
Ok I was REALLY bored this time so I drew ANOTHER picture of Danny. It took me forever and it STILL sucks.
Okay I just realized something. There's a movie called The girl who cried wolf. And I never knew there was until now so I think I should change this stories title. Tell me in my comment as a vote. Should it be called

Wolf Girl
Ice Wolf
I'm no werewolf
(I don't know I just loved my first idea the original one but if you have any better ideas tell me)

Which one? Okay lets start the story.



I moved in front of the group. Behind me I could hear Brenna and Kyla talking. Marcus trudged behind. I rubbed my tired eyes and told myself too keep walking....
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posted by greenstergirl
Chapter two

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!” Danny screamed as she tried to pick me up, but she couldn’t, it was like I was connected to the ground. I howled again, and all of a sudden I fell into a deep slumber right there on the dirt covered forest floor.
“IS ANYONE OUT THERE?!?!? PLEASE HELP ME!! MY FRIEND IS HURT!!!” Danny screamed as she tugged on my blue shirt. It was covered in dirt and as she tried to tug my body off the earth I would not budge. I was connected, one with the earth. Nothing could pull me off. Even though my eyes were closed in a deep slumber I howled again into the dark...
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Here is the end of the last chapter for you!

Unlike Alexis he wasnt soaked, accept for some dropplets of water in his hair that he had gathered from standing with her. Alexis sat on her knees and rubbed her now sore elbows.They looked at each other for a short period of time, before Alexis sneezed.
"You should probably go somewhere dry before you catch a cold," he mumbled offering Alexis his hand. Alexis shook her head at the offering, before slowly rising to her feet without the aid of his hand.
"I cant go back to school if that what you are thinking,"She snapped looking toward the small dot...
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posted by tiny_princess
hiiiiiii 3
this is my very first time to write an article here in fanpop
I`m in love with writing poems . In fact , i believe that words can do more . > that`s why my poems are my life !!!
this is a poem which was written with my hamble keyboard =) hope you all like it =)

~~ a letter to my dear prince ~~

Dear prince,
I`m tired of living in this unusual life
My diary
Took me to an old distain memory
when I become your wife
I don`t know why ?!!
Every good memory has became whiter then white
Except the day I saw you
You`re right
Special memories always colored with special liquids
But which kind...
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BANG! BANG!A shill cry; a scream.

It's funny, you never feel your death creeping closer. It's not like you feel the silent breaths of your death tip-toeing toward you. And if you did, like it would matter. Most people reach out to grab their world when they see it falling... then again, I'm not most people.

Hi, I'm Ever Flarez. I was- I mean, I am? - an average girl. The thing is, my life kinda clashed with the whole average thing.

Here I am. I'm not alive. But I am something. I'm ... well- dead, you could say. But the thing is I'm not gone, gone. It's like my life is gone- not me.

I know you...
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