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Hello! I am Cesar. I'm a being of infinite power, who just wants to fit in with the crowd. Anyway, being really powerful is really cool, but it also means I have to fight those who want to use my powers for numerous purposes, which I will discuss along the way. Anyway, my story began when I was 9 years old. The day I entered foster care was the best day of my life. But, I would soon find out that my whole life would change on my tenth birthday.
"Not so fast Cody! Slow down!" I said, trying to keep up with my foster brother. "Try to keep up Cesar! You don't want to lose for the third time do you?" Cody taunted. "No. I'm not going to lose to you again Cody!" I yelled boldly. "Oh, is that so?" Cody sneered. "Test your luck bro!" Cody yelled over his shoulder. I noticed that Cody was almost at the the finish line which was just a tree, so I dropped into a sliding position, slid past Cody, and touched base. "Wow Cesar! I'm impressed. You beat me. Let's go home." As Cody was turning around I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Wait! I think we've got time for one more thing." Cody smiled at me then said, "Sure. What do you have in mind?" I turned around in all directions thinking about what to do, then I noticed a cave. I smiled mischievously, then said, "Let's play hide and seek." Cody said, "Okay." As Cody turned around to count to twenty, I made a beeline for the cave. "He'll never find me here." I said softly to myself. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a soft, woman's voice say, "Ain't that the truth!" I turned around to see where the voice was coming from, but I had no luck finding the source for a solid 30 minutes until she revealed herself. "My apologies for frightening you my child. My name is Delilah, what is your name?" She began. "My name is Cesar. It's nice to meet you Delilah." Delilah smiled at me then continued. "I'm curious as to why such a handsome young man like you is doing so deep in the forest. Are you alone? Or are there others?" I began to respond but, she interrupted me. "That's n..." "Nevermind, my child. I already know. You're with your foster brother. Right? His name is... Cody if I'm not mistaken." I was now terrified of who I was confronting. "How do you know my foster brother's name?" She smiled at me again, then Delilah continued. "I know all and see all my child. You can't hide anything from Delilah the high queen of Vampiric society." I looked at her, now confused about what Delilah said. "Excuse me?" I responded. She smiled at me for the third time, then started backing up while speaking. "Don't worry my child. Everything will be revealed to you. Hahahahahaha!!!!" Delilah was laughing maniacally while fading out of existence. "I'll see you in 6 six years my love!" Delilah said, then disappeared. I then heard Delilah's voice whispering in my ear. "I'll be back..." Then I heard another voice behind me. "Cesar!" I turned around quickly to see that it was just Cody. "There you are! I've been looking for you for two hours man! You're good at hiding I'll give you that!" Cody looked at me then said, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I shook my head to return to reality. "I'm alright Cody. Let's go home." "Okay. Let's go!" He responded. As we were walking home I was trying to grasp who, or what I had just encountered. I thought about what Delilah might have actually meant by her being the queen of vampires. I thought to myself, "No way! Delilah's probably just some lunatic." I had a good laugh about it, then I went to bed,unaware about what I was dealing with. In my dreams, I was somehow hearing the screams of my loved ones. "Cesar! Help us!" In my nightmare, I was terrified of what I was seeing. I leaped towards my mother who was locked up in a cage. The cage vanished before I could get to it. Delilah then appeared out of nowhere, then said to me, "Do you think I'd lie to you my child?" Then Delilah tried to bite my neck, but I always seemed to wake up before she gets to.
posted by sahour95
She had left.
She is long gone; away from everything that connects her to this cruel world, dead, buried underneath the blue, glittering waves of the ocean. Shattered into small pieces, flew away from her body, leaving deep wounds in the heart of everyone who had loved her. He would never cry enough tears to erase her memory; no tears were enough to express that endless sea of grief and sorrow he sank gradually in. He would never stand enough hours in front of her grave to grasp the concept that she won't tap his shoulder and wake him up from a horrible dream. She is... Dead.
He looked around...
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I looked back down and we sat in silence for a couple of minutes. I looked to my right to find Looi holding the child that was being stubborn in his arms. This, in fact, reminded me of myself in his arms a long, long time ago. Oh, I’d say about 16 years ago when I was 2 and he was 11. My mom and dad had Looi when they were only 19 years old, so It took a while for them to decide to have me 9 years later when they were 28. I laughed at how old my mom was now. I know it’s nothing to laugh about, but, I couldn’t imagine my mom at Looi’s age now that she is 46.
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posted by potterrox
As twilight fell over Paris, it was as though reality loosened its hold. The ancient and modern buildings battled for domination of the street, and of one’s senses. The juxtaposition of old and new was on the precipice of being overwhelming. We were all caught in limbo between the past and present.

Limbo wasn’t a good place for me. My thoughts sprang out and ranged in all directions, with nothing solid to contain them. There were no comforting boundaries in the area between dreams and reason, and nowhere to hide.

I told myself that I shouldn’t limit the horizon, that I don’t need boundaries,...
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This is something I'm working on.. It's the first long piece I've attempted. People often told me I'm too good at imagery and description to write anything short. Perhaps I use too much imagery? I'm curious about what you guys think.

I already know it's a bit shakey at some parts. I still need to do some revising. I revise every time I finish reading a book. I feel each book teaches me more and more about writing.


Welcome to Birchmoss
(This was just a part of my planning and organization. It is subject to change)

Violet kept her skeletons right where they belonged. Hidden away...
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Elena’s POV
    The night got colder as I walked further away from the Founder’s Day party. Just a few more steps and I’ll be at the school.
    I reached the school’s front door but when I tried to open them but they wouldn’t budge. I gave up and sighed. I crossed my arm’s trying to keep warm. Looking around trying to find another way in, though the only way I knew of was the doors in the back of the school.
    I slowly walked my self to the back doors. I grabbed the frost bitten door handle and pulled it open. Once I walked...
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so...her it goes:P

Scene starts off in class,the first day at school,everybody looking tired,waiting for they're form teacher to be presented.
(a moment of silence as the door slowly opens...I'll be helping on that one!...and a creepy looking teacher steps inside the class-room)
(ACT 1)
Radu:(low and dark voice) Hello....everybody Im your new teacher as we all~~

Alex: yeah,yeah we know,we know

Radu:(laughs sinisterly)you'd wished you didnt say that.NOW...you've been..."disrespectful" to the teacher,come outside...
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posted by Annacrombie
This is writen in the point of view of Kara
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kara stood in apartment and stared out of thr window, just a few moments ago someone stopped her from jumping off her flat roof.

"Kara..."the voice said, it was the same voice of the man who saved her.

Kara looked at the time, it was 11.48. She yawned and went into her bedroom.After getting changed she slipped into her bed.That voice ringed through her ears."Kara....".She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep when she herd someone call her name "Kara...."

There was a knock on the front door, Kara grabbed her dressing gown and put on her slippers. She walked over to the door and opened it. There was a piece of paper on the floor with wriing on it. I was a note, on the note was written in 7 days all will be alright

Kara awoke from her bed, had it all been a dream? Kara noticed that she had the note in her hand.She read the note over and over again. What did it mean?
posted by Liisamyts
A picture of a young blond man was shining on the screen, it was Jacob, their brother, the one who always held it together when everything was falling apart. Adele snuggled closer to her brother. And for once, he didn't push her away, instead, he just held her, not speaking a word.”He promised! He promised he would come home early tonight!” she managed to say between her sobs. Then she burst into tears again. Simon held her until she fell asleep, tears still on her cheeks. He carried his sister up to her bed, where she could be far away from the pain. Dreaming, seeing mom, dad,...
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Words flooded my mind,
And some I could taste on the tip of my tongue.
A few flowed out of my mouth,
But that was just some.

There are so many words
As they creep up my throat
On the tip on my tongue, splintering words.
But something surrounds my mouth, like a moat,
And I can't spit them out.

And the words, finally spill out of my mouth,
But they have no tone,
No whispers no shout.

Don't let it get to you:

Don't let it get to you,
The pain that creeps up your spine.
Don't let it get to you,
The pain that's inside.

A simple song,
Says more than you'd think
One things wrong,
You have no clue what it brings.

The decision is yours,
That's what you need to embrace,
The decision is yours,
Not someone else's to make.

A decision,
affects more than you'd think,
If your choice is wrong,
theres no telling what it will bring.

Don't let it get to you,
You don't have to choose me.
Dont let it get to you,
Let your decision be free.
posted by hannah_vampire
I didn't know weither i should go back yet Or if I should just stay here for awhile like I said i would even though it feels weird but I dont have to go back I mean Damon or Melissa could go.

I was sitting on Damons when he had walked in, 'hey Belle umm I thought you might be hungry so Here have this'. I know that the look on my face said are you kidding I am straving but I couldn't take it even though i decide to grabb it to be polite.

Four Days later

I hadn't been to school for four days and the only reason was because i know they would be their but I had to go back to Blairs because sooner...
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Hey, I need honest opinion on how I write and where I need to improve, this is a part of one of the stories I've written. Thanks to anyone who can help. =)

Fallenfeather wove through a dark, leafy forest, sunlight just barely filtered through. He walked confidently through the spiralling trees, all of his sense trained to catch the deer in the clearing ahead. As the chocolate brown wolf neared his goal, he sunk lower and stared with bright cerulean eyes at the swift-footed dear ahead of him. His muscles tensed as he prepared to leap after the small deer when suddenly a silver shape charged...
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Brightness night

The sun sets, the moon raises, night has begun, the moon smiles down on us as it shines it's light. the stars twinkle in one by one, and day is done. the moon full, round and big hums it's playful tune. the starts, so bright shine it's light for everyone in sight, as they hum in tune with the moon.

Out side looking in

Laughter sailing out of the window, friends talking quietly together, people dancing everywhere. and I'm on the out side looking in. All of them are havening fun as the twirl in the in crowd. All but one who looks out side, he smiles at me and i smile back...
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posted by EmoKidSteven
I am bored with love
and it's passionless limbs
that drape over my bed
in a lethargic state of impotence
while wearing the same red heart
my soul picked up hitchhiking
off highway serendipity
Now here we are
alone in togetherness
trying to build dreams
with two by fours and glue,
but even a home
won't tie us together
when our hearts live alone
Poetic vows cliched
into nothingness
like all words do, eventually
and we allowed our bodies to become another pair of hollow shadows that make love to a wall
instead of each other
and we wonder why
the roses are dying
blood fills the faces of my fantasies
no mercy,you're trying to put me down
i can see clearly as you're taking a swing at me
come and i'll push you to the ground
what are you doing? what do you think this is doing to me?
you're taking all my faith
what are you leaving me now?!
i will make you suffer just like you made me suffer
i will watch you screaming and begging for forgiveness
all my hate can not be bound
i will not be bound by your darkest demons
so try to take my life and put me to the ground
i will follow you and torture you and i'll watch you screaming
look at the bloody faces smiling at you,taking you down and making you drown
i wanna kill you the same way you killed me
leaving me thoughtless
you can try to tell me that i'm worthless
but you can not break me down
gonna take you down because nothing in this world is going to save me
posted by Karartegirl99
Once upon a time There was a girl named Abby. She loved to talk. Her teachers eventually stopped calling on her.

One day, she talked during a fire while a kid in her class was telling her teacher where the 17 other children were.
The teacher couldn't here her, and the search for the children lasted twelve hours. During that time, a gang stole five computers, three cars, seventeen dogs, and blackmailed the mayor into giving them seven grand.

Abby was expelled from the school.
When she told her parents, they imediately looked for a school for her to go to.
But the only school that gave her acceptence was the class in the juvinille deliquent center.

So she was home schooled.

But she caused her parents so much trouble that in a week they lost their all hair and were standing on the thin line between sanity and the nut house.

So they duct-taped her mouth shut.

posted by Flana_2
The forest was so beautiful. Even though it was raining, I thought of the sun peering through the trees. There were animals all over. It was like Japan only slightly less busy. Lots of unfamiliar animals gave Minrough high-fives and hugs. After a moment, I scanned his mind. Patients? I thought he said he was a soldier not a healer! After a minute, I demanded to know who they were.
“Patients”. Just like I thought.
“I thought you said you were a soldier at the war”!
“Yeah, a war of diseases”.
“But you’re only a kid! How could you be a doctor”?
“Not a doctor, healer”.
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posted by Flana_2
Hi! I’m Lisa, the newest of the Hoycan clan. My story of how I got here is a tale of braveness, bullies, and ocean water. So snuggle up with a great friend and a big bowl of popcorn and begin a journey like none other you ever come by!! GO ON!!!
Two gorges animals were running off into the moon light. Ones name was Lisa, the other was Brad.
“I love you Lisa” Brad said
“I love you too Brad”! They were a short distance away when RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The school bell rang for lunch. I awoken from my daydream and hurried out the door. Hi, I’m Lisa the average...
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posted by Funnygirl77
love bites
love bites
Zack was still in his car, wanting so bad to go back to Kisa. He walked up to his house, opened the door and was immediately sucked into a vision. Kisa was going to get kidnapped and it was all because of Zack. Kisa got up and walked to her window, when she opened it she saw two guys in black coming up towards her.
She ran and locked the door, and all the windows, for some reason she just didn't fill safe. She opened her closet to hide, when a voice beside her said: "That won't work. The can smell you the can hear your heart beat." Kisa sung around ready to save her self, not looking at who...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
6: Uninvited

Three tall men, dressed in dark cloaks, stopped upon seeing the girls and simply stared. “Why have we stopped?” called a male voice from behind them. Suddenly, a man appeared from behind them, though they followed him like a shadow. “Ah. Company.” Rosalie and Alice looked at each other then back to the men. “No need to fear” the man that had come from behind the three much larger ones said. “We come in peace.”
“All of you?” Rosalie asked wearily, eyeing the three men suspiciously.
The man smiled and turned to the trio. “Stand down” he said firmly, though...
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Hey this is the l;atest chapter to the story, it is set when Nessie isfive months pregnant...x Hope you enjoy and keep your eys peeled for the next chapter...x

I slipped mums wedding dress over my head, it fitted perfectly. Mum smiled and sighed as she wiped a joyous tear from my eye.
“Don’t cry baby, Alice will kill us if you ruin your makeup she has spent all morning getting you ready.” She laughed looking at me with a delighted expression on her face,
“Oh mum! I am so happy; Jake is waiting down there for me isn’t he?” I asked nervously. I had felt a little queasy...
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