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posted by liissaaxx
I can’t even remember why I chose to marry you!” She yelled. Her beautiful face filled with anger, those sparkling brown eyes that I have loved since day one, bore into me with no affection. She had said them, the words I never wanted to hear.
The fight had been going on for an hour now and I started to yell back, I could no longer control myself. Our first real fight in five years. I knew she would be over it soon and that big bright smile will light up her face, but I was overwhelmed too. I was hurt. But I stopped myself.
There were no lights on in our house; the outside light had faded and the darkness began to rise. I hardly noticed though. We stood about ten meters apart, me in the living room and her standing just outside the bedroom. No one was talking, the sound of two hearts beating fast was all I could hear, and then her sobs reached my ears. I took a few steps forward and, like we moved in unison, she took a few back. Making it obvious she didn’t want me near.
“I…I’m…I’m going for a walk okay sweetie,” I managed to say, voice quivering, “and I’ll be back in an hour. I love you Mel.”
She whispered softly, “Be careful.”

I turned around and left, closing the door behind me knowing it’s her that should be careful. The emails may have stopped for a few months now, but a few months out of five years wasn’t much, he could be anywhere. Just waiting for her most vulnerable moment. That man caused tonight’s fight, it was stupid, the most ridiculous thing and yet for some stupid reason he has such an impact on our life. But I knew she would be okay, it was just an hour right? I wish I had touched wood.

Hands in my pockets, head down, I strode through the neighborhood park. It was getting dark quickly and by the time I had the exit in sight the sun was well hidden in the sky, and the darkness surrounded. I’ve always had a problem with the dark, something about it just sets me on edge, and I seem to see dangers that aren’t there. I was on well alert now, eyes moving over everything and that’s when I spotted it. Spotted him seeing her. He was crouched low, rising slowly behind the row of bushes that ran at the edge of the stone path. Ready to grab her when the well-lit street lamps faded to dark and anyone on the street wouldn’t see. Except me.
Water dripped slowly down my neck. The dirt covered my knees as I knelt behind the dead prickly bushes. Shivering in the shorts and t-shirt I didn’t change out of. It had begun to rain. I was watching her and watching him. As she slowly walked closer I tried to creep near, thankful to our local council in letting our park become overgrown with shrubs.
He sprang out from behind and it all happened in a blur, she had no time to react. His hands clasped around her, her mouth covered. He had succeeded. Trying to find a point of contact her legs flew aimlessly in the air, wanting to do anything to get away. But he was too quick. She landed on the grass heavily with his body pressed against hers. The blade moved swiftly in his hands, slicing her neck and her upper thigh. Just enough to tell her who’s in charge. His grip still firmly covering her mouth and then my phone rang. Loud and clear, that horrible song Mel loved, something from one of those romantic movies she adores. I shut it up quickly but not before he heard it. The wandering hands stopped where they were and he froze. The young girl felt his grip loosen and took her opportunity. Aiming for his eyes but scratched his cheek instead, it didn’t do anything. He was on his feet now, one foot pushing into her neck, holding her down. Giving her no room to breathe. “Did you hear that?” he whispered. He pushed that little bit harder and she squeaked. “Did you hear that?” this time with more force to his voice. Unzipping his pants he knelt back down. Straddling her. The cuts on her neck and thigh were still bleeding and her eyes were slowing closely. He didn’t bother covering her mouth, she couldn’t do anything now. Bringing his knife to her body he began cutting her bloodstained blouse open to reveal a perfectly sculpted figure.
I ran. It wasn’t a long distance but I ran with everything I had. I had no plan. That guy was not going to complete what he set out to do tonight.
I don’t think he heard me coming. Body tensed we collided, he fell on his back lying next to her. He had faster reflexes than me but it turns out not a great aim. A pain shot through my torso and I let out a shout. The night was turning into morning quickly; I had been away from Mel for who knows how long now. The anger and frustration I felt had vanished and I knew hers had too. I needed to get home. My nostrils were burning. The harsh smell of sweat and blood was dominant now; it was like a boxing ring after the fight had ended. With a grunt he got himself up, the distress was obvious in his movement. The blow to his body had damaged a few ribs.
Ignoring the throbbing pain in my side I got to my feet too, my fingers clasped around the blade. The shining sharp steel of his knife glistened in the night. I lunged. I just wanted to make a recognizable difference in his appearance because I knew I couldn’t stop him running and I definitely couldn’t restrain him here whilst waiting for the authorities to arrive. I was way over my head just being here. I’m an entrepreneur with a successful business, I sit behind a desk most days, and I am not equipped to be a hero. But I managed to slash at his nose, getting his cheek too. Dropping the knife I realized what I had done, my fingerprints were on that knife. Shit.
He didn’t do anything back; I expected some sort of physical harm inflicted on me, but he just ran. Blood stained my shirt and hands. I didn’t receive a fatal blow but it was a bit inconvenient. I stumbled over to the young girl and fell at her side to find she was ripped of clothing. Her blouse hang loosely open at the side and her skirt was at her knees. Only her bra and panties were left. Her chest was moving up and down but too slowly to be safe. The cut at her neck was severe and so was the one on her inner thigh. I lifted her skirt to her waist carefully and with her blouse I tied it around her neck. Seeing in plenty crime and medical shows they bandage a wound, I hope it helped.
Searching my pockets an unnecessary amount of times to find my mobile wasn’t there and the victim’s bag wasn’t at the scene. She probably dropped it on the path. We had no phone and no one else to help us. There was no way of telling where our attacker went. He could still be lurking amongst the bushes. We weren’t safe here and we weren’t safe walking.
I scooped her up in my arms and walked home.

Number 22 Collin Street’s purple door wasn’t locked. Mel never left the doors unlocked. I started to tremble with fear; another crime really wasn’t needed tonight. Opening the door I saw nothing different. There was no evidence of a break-in or a struggle and Celine Dion’s ‘Because you loved me’ was still playing from the bedroom. I assumed Mel was in there. But then I smelled blood, it was so strong and rich, I was ready to vomit and then the weight in my arms got my attention and I remembered the dying girl lying in them. It was her blood. I laid her on the brown suede couch. “Mel!” I called desperately, “Mel where are you? I need you!” There was no reply. I was panicking now. I didn’t know if this girl could be helped, maybe I didn’t get her here fast enough. The house was cool but I could feel the heat and the sweat of my body, my wound aching causing me to stumble and fall. I was shaking. Where was Mel? That was all I could think. Grabbing the landline I fumbled dialing triple zero. I didn’t know that was possible, its three zeros for goodness sake. I rose from the floor and with each step breathing became harder. Mel wasn’t in the bedroom. On her side of the bed the covers were drawn. I crawled to the study. She had to be somewhere. Maybe she fell asleep at the computer?

“Derly police station, what’s your emergency?”

I couldn’t answer, my whole body was frozen. The computer screen held the answer to everything. In bold letters it read: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE GONE FOR THAT WALK. It was sent from his email, my wife’s lover ten years ago, her stalker and now her captor. I must have said something into the phone because before I knew it the red and blue lights were circling my house and the cold metal handcuffs were placed securely around my wrists.
Pride is a belief in myself (or someone else) that within me is something no one else has just like me. Pride can be a wonderful thing. My coaches are proud of me when I execute a move perfectly. I am proud of my efforts when I get the right answer to a test question. However, pride can have a negative connotation. If I am prideful of my singing talent or of my sports accomplishments, then I am not feeling the right kind of pride. Yes, I can be pleased with my abilities; but when I let it go to my head, then I am full of pride, just like Odysseus often was. By believing that I am the only person with that talent, I inflate my ego. I believe myself to be “the best of the best,” and this can damage my relationships with others. They would not want my company if the only things I spoke of were my own accomplishments.
posted by lovepop
Meghan ran to the bus stop, where she saw Pompika. Thankfully Pompika looked at her politely and said “You know I saw Reg but ya know, how she’s jus’ across the street, she seems a lil’ mad!” Meghan thought for a second and thought ‘why lose Pompika?’ and said, “Geez I don’t know?” Now she wished she had told the truth, instead of lying. “Oh I wish ya did.” Pompika said. “Tsk-Tsk, bad grammar Pompi” said Meghan. “Sorry, fine I wish you did. There ya… you go” “Hhhmmm, nice save.” Meghan said. “Hey look, Reg’s a comin’” said Pompika. “Great that’s good… wait REG!!!” said Meghan. “What?” said Pompika. "nothing."
posted by Charlieminster
The morning lectures went quickly and very soon it was five minutes until she had to meet Zach at Starbucks. She walked with Jenii until she reached the turn she had to take “Hey Jen, Jake I’ve got to go” she said
“Ells where are you going?” Jenii asked and Jake looked confused as well
“I’m, um, going to meet Zach for coffee” she answered watching their expressions. Jenii’s face lifted in to a wide grin and so did Jake.
“Okay Ellie, see you at 2 at my place” said Jenii
“Okay see you then” Ellie said and rushed off to meet Zach.
    Ellie made it...
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posted by lucius_malloy
Somewhere, far away from here, there is a parallel universe. Somewhat literally parallel. There, you may not live in civilization unless you have a parallel – by the age of fifteen.
Some people, however, are lucky: twins. They have been born with their parallel.
A parallel, in this case, is a person who shares your hopes, your dreams, your deepest fears – someone, in fact, whom we call a soulmate.
On the first day of every year, a check is made. In every city, town and village, the people who have had the misfortune to turn fifteen during the past year must turn up and display their parallel...
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posted by CullenProperty
Since two days after we had our fight, I haven't seen Lola at school. It’s worried me, but I just pass it off that she’s sick or on a longer vacation or just ditching like she does at times. I haven’t called her or went by her house either.
The day I go back to school starts like any other day; Woke up to my screaming alarm clock, dress lazily, no breakfast, drive to school in my parents car, being Nick's not finished with my bug, get to English class and sit there dazed. I don't look around the class in Math; I didn't want to see or deal with Tom. Science and Wood Shop drag by and when...
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Prom Night
By: fatchick and moolah
Chapter three: Best ending ever!!
    Luke was lying in a hospital bed the whole time Ashlynn gave birth. He missed the birth of his little premature little girl. He was upset and also dreaming about what his baby girl looked like. Ashlynn was aloud to come see Luke. She started crying when she saw him. She was sad that he was in a temporary coma. She thought he was cute in a weird way. She went to lie down. On her way back she fainted. She fainted because she thought she saw Luke trying to hug her in the hall. The nurse screamed, “HELP,...
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posted by mona_me
i am looking for the star, our star, but this time i am alone, you aren't standing on the port next to me..
i feel i am lost now, i can't find this star. you remeber what did i descoverd that night? i found only one star in the whole Portsaid's sky..
you didn't belive that one star is exist.. you said: which star? the sky is felling of the stars!
i thought you was kidding, i was very sure that there's one star.. yeah, sure as the blind is sure that there's nothing around him!
now i see what you were talking about, i loved you, so i couldn't see anyone else but you..
you was my heart's only love..
it was Portsaid's only star..
but you .. you didn't point to the same star, you saw all the stars but mine..
now i am alone, seeing many stars, can't find my star, am i blind? or ..was i blind?
twinkle, twinkle, my littel star..
Portsaid's only star, which one is you?
*Portsaid is an Egyptian port.
posted by Charlieminster
Charlie Hawkins had always felt different to the other girls in her school. They were all really skinny, wore tight clothes and make-up and every boy who pasted them in the corridor would quite simply drawl all over them. Charlie was different to the girls in more ways than looks. She could do something that none of them could do which was influence people to do what she wants them to do.
The way Charlie looked different to the other girls was that she was very pale for someone who lives in LA, she had long dark black hair that came down to her hips, her eyes were a very strange cloudy yellow...
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posted by Percysclique
Chapter 2 – A Pain in the Night

Queen Amati sat up in bed with nausea sweeping through her body, causing her to jerk forward. The black haired woman grabbed her thin waist, as she doubled over in pain. Her breathing came out short and raspy.

She looked over at her husband who was sleeping soundly. A gentle look was plastered his handsome face and Amati wished she could have another peaceful night sleep. But those nights seemed like they were so long ago.

Amati reached for the golden goblet she had been keeping by her bed lately. She took a sip of the strong juice and forced it down her throat....
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posted by Dogluva363
My freind wrote a story wat do you think about it?

J+K Forever and Always

            Chapter 1
The final day of summer was a normal one. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and Juliet steerages was at my house [since I am her best friend] thinking of the days to come when school would start. She thought of her classes, her teachers, but most of all she was thinking of Kaleb Wese.Kaleb wese was the brother of her other friend Kara. All she wanted in the world was to be his girlfriend! Truth be told I never could figure...
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posted by Liisamyts
A picture of a young blond man was shining on the screen, it was Jacob, their brother, the one who always held it together when everything was falling apart. Adele snuggled closer to her brother. And for once, he didn't push her away, instead, he just held her, not speaking a word.”He promised! He promised he would come home early tonight!” she managed to say between her sobs. Then she burst into tears again. Simon held her until she fell asleep, tears still on her cheeks. He carried his sister up to her bed, where she could be far away from the pain. Dreaming, seeing mom, dad,...
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posted by Funnygirl77
Where am I? What happen to me? Who are you? What have you done to my sister and brother? These were the first questions that popped into my mind when I came to. The Boy who looked to be about 18 looked at me and smiled.
He took my hand, "all shall be answered in time." Is what he said, he sound older than I had thought him to be. He lead me to a room told me to sit and then close my eyes. I did as I was told, "You still haven't told me where I am, and where my sister and brother is, what happen to me, and WHO YOU ARE? I said in a tone that sound way to irritated.
He nodded, "I am Mark Lane."...
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posted by Funnygirl77
love bites
love bites
Kisa woke up, when she rolled over it was 12:00 at night. Zack laid in his bed,Kisa smiled and went over to Zack. "Are you asleep"? Kisa asked Zack, he rolled over and smiled at her. "No, are you still mad at me"? Kisa frowned, she racked her brain to see why she should be mad at Zack. Then she remembered.
"No, I was never mad at you. So where did you go?" Zack turned away, he didn't want to tell Kisa that he was out feeding on humans, he didn't want to scare her. "I was just out for a walk" Kisa smiled, she knew Zack was lying, she also knew what he was, she just never wanted him to know...
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posted by EmoKidSteven
You hurt me,
Both externally,
And internally,

You twist a pin into my heart,
And gather my flowing blood onto a cart.
You think you can hurt me,

Just because you gave me money,
You think you can make my life like hell,
Just because I am the one who made you fell.

I wish you have never given birth to me,
I wish I can expose what you are for all to see.
I hate you,

And I hate you to the heart's core,
I want you to hear my vengeful call.
I respect you because I must,

Yet you blame me for not giving you my trust.
How can I love, or trust, a person like you?
Who makes me feel I'm feebler than cotton wool?

I am forever imprisoned to you by blood,
For as long as I live,
The relation between us cannot be cut,

But soon I will take my leave,
Hoping that forever you will grieve
posted by Flana_2
The forest was so beautiful. Even though it was raining, I thought of the sun peering through the trees. There were animals all over. It was like Japan only slightly less busy. Lots of unfamiliar animals gave Minrough high-fives and hugs. After a moment, I scanned his mind. Patients? I thought he said he was a soldier not a healer! After a minute, I demanded to know who they were.
“Patients”. Just like I thought.
“I thought you said you were a soldier at the war”!
“Yeah, a war of diseases”.
“But you’re only a kid! How could you be a doctor”?
“Not a doctor, healer”.
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posted by Fangirl99
ok,this was my FIRST article i wrote when i joined fanpop.i just copy and pasted it. the characters are from Total drama action *a show*,so you may not understand to well if you dont know the show.but,hopefully,you'll catch on.

It was a normal day, most likely for Chris any minute now to announce the challenge. "I hope there's no challenge today" said Lindsey.
Beth: I know, that way we can do your hair and nails and stuff.
Lindsey: Oh i know, right?
Chris: Morning, everyone! I know you expect us to think of a way to torture you. But Union rules we have to take a break.
Heather: What?
The rest:...
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posted by I_love_Mikey
They say you are only supposed to trust yourself, and build few reliable allies, and get to know everyone you trust. They say that only time will tell if you follow that advice. They say that you are supposed to make yourself happy first, for if not you cannot make anyone else happy. But what if you don't know yourself well enough to trust yourself? What if you can't get allies? What if you're dead before time can tell? What happens when you stay behind, and give up on happiness for the sake of others. What if they're moving on before they even realize you're sad?

They say that world peace...
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posted by sapphire007
I love my mum. More than anything but my dad has always been my favourite. It’s not that I love him more than mum but he’s fun and understanding, he has wonderful advice and awful jokes. Two weeks ago, dad left. He left mum. He left me. Mum’s sad. She’s not up to much lately. I know she’s angry at him for leaving but she misses him. She’s unhappy and lonely.
    Dad talked to me before he went. He told me to study hard, stay healthy and enjoy my life. He made me promise to look after mum. I think he’d be disappointed in me if he heard her crying at night. I...
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posted by housefrk
Not incredibly good, I know, but it's a first attempt.

The woman, in the kitchen baking a pie,
Watches her daughter, getting ready to take the dog out for a wash.
The woman comments on the early spring
As she gets ready to put on the coffee.
The daughter takes the dog next to the car
And hums a song she learned long ago at school.

Down the road, the woman can just see the school.
She thinks about how, in home ec, she baked an apple pie
And how in the parking lot, she wrecked her first car.
The buzzer rings for the woman to hang the wash
So she pours a cup of coffee
And leaves it to cool in the breeze of...
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Chapter1 At my school (St.John's) we have only two majoir athletic groups. Those would be soccer and football. If your not an athlete your a wanna-be or you wanna kill one. KIll not being an understatment.

I'm Kris and yes I am both a loathed and suat after person. My being the captin of the girls varsity soccer team. I was the first captin to reject the boys vrsity captin. As i presume you've taken it under usumption that he didn't agree. Tushay you say, well I've thrown a spin on it. I'm dateing the wonderful, the glouriuos, the perfect Dakota Dawning(he's the captin of the football team)....
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