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posted by liissaaxx
I can’t even remember why I chose to marry you!” She yelled. Her beautiful face filled with anger, those sparkling brown eyes that I have loved since day one, bore into me with no affection. She had said them, the words I never wanted to hear.
The fight had been going on for an hour now and I started to yell back, I could no longer control myself. Our first real fight in five years. I knew she would be over it soon and that big bright smile will light up her face, but I was overwhelmed too. I was hurt. But I stopped myself.
There were no lights on in our house; the outside light had faded and the darkness began to rise. I hardly noticed though. We stood about ten meters apart, me in the living room and her standing just outside the bedroom. No one was talking, the sound of two hearts beating fast was all I could hear, and then her sobs reached my ears. I took a few steps forward and, like we moved in unison, she took a few back. Making it obvious she didn’t want me near.
“I…I’m…I’m going for a walk okay sweetie,” I managed to say, voice quivering, “and I’ll be back in an hour. I love you Mel.”
She whispered softly, “Be careful.”

I turned around and left, closing the door behind me knowing it’s her that should be careful. The emails may have stopped for a few months now, but a few months out of five years wasn’t much, he could be anywhere. Just waiting for her most vulnerable moment. That man caused tonight’s fight, it was stupid, the most ridiculous thing and yet for some stupid reason he has such an impact on our life. But I knew she would be okay, it was just an hour right? I wish I had touched wood.

Hands in my pockets, head down, I strode through the neighborhood park. It was getting dark quickly and by the time I had the exit in sight the sun was well hidden in the sky, and the darkness surrounded. I’ve always had a problem with the dark, something about it just sets me on edge, and I seem to see dangers that aren’t there. I was on well alert now, eyes moving over everything and that’s when I spotted it. Spotted him seeing her. He was crouched low, rising slowly behind the row of bushes that ran at the edge of the stone path. Ready to grab her when the well-lit street lamps faded to dark and anyone on the street wouldn’t see. Except me.
Water dripped slowly down my neck. The dirt covered my knees as I knelt behind the dead prickly bushes. Shivering in the shorts and t-shirt I didn’t change out of. It had begun to rain. I was watching her and watching him. As she slowly walked closer I tried to creep near, thankful to our local council in letting our park become overgrown with shrubs.
He sprang out from behind and it all happened in a blur, she had no time to react. His hands clasped around her, her mouth covered. He had succeeded. Trying to find a point of contact her legs flew aimlessly in the air, wanting to do anything to get away. But he was too quick. She landed on the grass heavily with his body pressed against hers. The blade moved swiftly in his hands, slicing her neck and her upper thigh. Just enough to tell her who’s in charge. His grip still firmly covering her mouth and then my phone rang. Loud and clear, that horrible song Mel loved, something from one of those romantic movies she adores. I shut it up quickly but not before he heard it. The wandering hands stopped where they were and he froze. The young girl felt his grip loosen and took her opportunity. Aiming for his eyes but scratched his cheek instead, it didn’t do anything. He was on his feet now, one foot pushing into her neck, holding her down. Giving her no room to breathe. “Did you hear that?” he whispered. He pushed that little bit harder and she squeaked. “Did you hear that?” this time with more force to his voice. Unzipping his pants he knelt back down. Straddling her. The cuts on her neck and thigh were still bleeding and her eyes were slowing closely. He didn’t bother covering her mouth, she couldn’t do anything now. Bringing his knife to her body he began cutting her bloodstained blouse open to reveal a perfectly sculpted figure.
I ran. It wasn’t a long distance but I ran with everything I had. I had no plan. That guy was not going to complete what he set out to do tonight.
I don’t think he heard me coming. Body tensed we collided, he fell on his back lying next to her. He had faster reflexes than me but it turns out not a great aim. A pain shot through my torso and I let out a shout. The night was turning into morning quickly; I had been away from Mel for who knows how long now. The anger and frustration I felt had vanished and I knew hers had too. I needed to get home. My nostrils were burning. The harsh smell of sweat and blood was dominant now; it was like a boxing ring after the fight had ended. With a grunt he got himself up, the distress was obvious in his movement. The blow to his body had damaged a few ribs.
Ignoring the throbbing pain in my side I got to my feet too, my fingers clasped around the blade. The shining sharp steel of his knife glistened in the night. I lunged. I just wanted to make a recognizable difference in his appearance because I knew I couldn’t stop him running and I definitely couldn’t restrain him here whilst waiting for the authorities to arrive. I was way over my head just being here. I’m an entrepreneur with a successful business, I sit behind a desk most days, and I am not equipped to be a hero. But I managed to slash at his nose, getting his cheek too. Dropping the knife I realized what I had done, my fingerprints were on that knife. Shit.
He didn’t do anything back; I expected some sort of physical harm inflicted on me, but he just ran. Blood stained my shirt and hands. I didn’t receive a fatal blow but it was a bit inconvenient. I stumbled over to the young girl and fell at her side to find she was ripped of clothing. Her blouse hang loosely open at the side and her skirt was at her knees. Only her bra and panties were left. Her chest was moving up and down but too slowly to be safe. The cut at her neck was severe and so was the one on her inner thigh. I lifted her skirt to her waist carefully and with her blouse I tied it around her neck. Seeing in plenty crime and medical shows they bandage a wound, I hope it helped.
Searching my pockets an unnecessary amount of times to find my mobile wasn’t there and the victim’s bag wasn’t at the scene. She probably dropped it on the path. We had no phone and no one else to help us. There was no way of telling where our attacker went. He could still be lurking amongst the bushes. We weren’t safe here and we weren’t safe walking.
I scooped her up in my arms and walked home.

Number 22 Collin Street’s purple door wasn’t locked. Mel never left the doors unlocked. I started to tremble with fear; another crime really wasn’t needed tonight. Opening the door I saw nothing different. There was no evidence of a break-in or a struggle and Celine Dion’s ‘Because you loved me’ was still playing from the bedroom. I assumed Mel was in there. But then I smelled blood, it was so strong and rich, I was ready to vomit and then the weight in my arms got my attention and I remembered the dying girl lying in them. It was her blood. I laid her on the brown suede couch. “Mel!” I called desperately, “Mel where are you? I need you!” There was no reply. I was panicking now. I didn’t know if this girl could be helped, maybe I didn’t get her here fast enough. The house was cool but I could feel the heat and the sweat of my body, my wound aching causing me to stumble and fall. I was shaking. Where was Mel? That was all I could think. Grabbing the landline I fumbled dialing triple zero. I didn’t know that was possible, its three zeros for goodness sake. I rose from the floor and with each step breathing became harder. Mel wasn’t in the bedroom. On her side of the bed the covers were drawn. I crawled to the study. She had to be somewhere. Maybe she fell asleep at the computer?

“Derly police station, what’s your emergency?”

I couldn’t answer, my whole body was frozen. The computer screen held the answer to everything. In bold letters it read: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE GONE FOR THAT WALK. It was sent from his email, my wife’s lover ten years ago, her stalker and now her captor. I must have said something into the phone because before I knew it the red and blue lights were circling my house and the cold metal handcuffs were placed securely around my wrists.
posted by Insight357
    I stepped outside the asylum doors onto the sidewalk. A blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman stood looking at me. She stood about 5’7”, and was my age. She walked over to me, and took my hands.
    “I’ve already talked to Dr. Laveney. Your next appointment has been set-up, and you have three refills on your meds,” Grey said. She had always been on top of things, literally. “Come on,” she pulled on my hand, toward the lot.
    I’d gotten used to her yanking me, and jerking me in every direction. Now, I let her, there was...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
I start changing into my purple tank top and blue denim jeans as soon as I get home. Thinking about Dustin and how he ended up in the hospital is...tough. The police said he crashed into a telephone pole when he hung up off the phone. I feel like everything is my fault! Hopefully he gets better soon. "Mrow?" My cat named Puma meows. "I'll be back." I start. I grab my magenta purse off the wooden dresser. "I have some work to do."

When I say 'work' I mean it. I shut the door behind me leading outside to the driveway. My mom quickly opens the door and pops her head out like a groundhog about to...
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posted by ambers1999
CH1 A Dream
I wake up on a shiny sliver table that I can bearly see my reflection in. Two men are beside me smiling down, I get up off the table one of the men try to grab my arm but I shake him off."Give off me" I said shaking. I started to run but as I turn the corner I drop on my butt and put my hand over my mouth. With my boyfriend right in fornt of me."Get in there you stupid mutt" one of the fat guys snared."Jason I'm scared whats happening"? Suddenly I pop my eyes open and almost fall out the bed, but I catch myself."It's just a dream Sandy, just a dream" I told my self in sigh of reilf....
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posted by Supergirl14
The club
We got to “Club monstruo” Their was the bouncer who really smiled when I showed up he let me in and looked at my friends with discontent, “They are with me, Mitchell!”He smiled again, “any friend of Angela is a friend of mine,”He replied in his gruff voice.
Smoke and strobe lights, half-dressed girls and boys dancing filled the room, “where is Juli,"I yelled, a girl almost half my size(I am 6'5)black hair /w pale pink streaks in a messy bun came in, the bulimic look did not fit her, she looked like a skank and did not look good as one. “ready to get it good?” I asked."only...
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posted by wolfkirby
The next day was a horror show.The school was burned down to the ground.All we had left was some desks,chairs,and books.The princepal and the church owner said we can us the church.Its to scared us to death because Sally Gunsman was burned with the school.Her brother Brandon Gunsman
was lucky he didnt go to the school with her to get her books,but he was sorry he did every go
because him could hav go her out.We all told him its not your fault ,she went in at the wrong time.
We had to save us and the town but how?
March 21, 1756, 8:47 PM, Appalachian Mountains.

Branches, bushes and trees flew by on the amazingly stable video display. The man’s labored breath was exceptionally clear. You could almost hear his heart pounding out of his chest. Occasionally, an upside-down glimpse of his face came into view, he appeared to be quite young, perhaps 30, but had a look in his eyes, the eyes of an old man. A wise old man. The video oddly seemed to be recording from a camera mounted on a chain around the neck. His dirty complexion and half-inch beard growth gave hint that he had dwelled in these woods for days....
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posted by sawfan13
I've called people all morning. No Lilith. I'm so freakin' scared about where she's at. I woke up this morning. Lilith wasn't in her bed, anywhere in her apartment, at work, nowhere. Howl was sleeping on the balcony, undisturbed in his sleep. I called Lilith's parents, her sister, and 911. I didn't bother to call Adam, but I did call work and told them about Lilith, and they told me to take the day off. No note, her car is still in the driveway, her cellphone is still here. I don't know what happened, but I'm freaked out! I've known Lilith since forth grade, and we've always been close. for...
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posted by I_DONT-KNOW
A big thanks to Silverain on her idea for a title!!

Chapter 2-The Pain.

She took a shaky step through the rippling shield, smiling when she was on the other side. The boy smiled too, but still looked wary. Alexis took anothr step, larger this time, but a surge of pain forced her to the ground. She screamed out grabbing her wrist where the pain pulsed the highest. The pain burned through her whole body causing deep shudders to run through her. The boy crouched over her, and closed his eyes.
"Don't worry, it will pass." He said standing once more and moving to lean against the wall he had before,...
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posted by gamer495
Upon a pricket of silver and iron, cold and brittle, a carved candle is put for display; or so the twisted wick believes.
Warm on the inside, safe from the echoes that make the brittle iron shiver moans around its placement, the twisted wick lies in wait for its moment.
It believes that because of its simple design of its outer coating, a green sapphire and a veil of black inner linings within its carvings, shaped like the scribbles of terrible children, it has such a confidence, such a simple charisma that cannot be matched.
The wick, suffocated by its very beauty-marks, shivers as the heat...
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posted by hannah_vampire
I felt cold fingers against my cheek, a tingle of seduction warmth on my neck; I woke to Beautiful Damon standing by the window in the vast morning sunlight. He stood there looking at me and I felt enchanted.

He had Black jeans on and he looked like one of those models out of a posh magazine, He walked over to me “ I hope you don’t mind my sister thought you’d sleep best in that dress” I looked down to find myself in a silk like lilac short dress that flowed .I followed Damon’s graze to a strange boy that looked at me. His hair fell to his ears it was a white-grey color and His eyes...
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posted by MissMuffin38
After getting there sweets, they decided to call it a day. As they were walking back home, the girls were gossiping about how their day had gone. “Did you see that?! He paid for me!” Grace whispered to them, so excitedly, she looked like she was about to burst. “Yes, we know! You have been talking about it for the last five minutes!” They both laughed. “Oh I’m sorry, it’s just so amazing!” She said, smiling like she had never had before. They had arrived at Amelia’s house where the girls would be staying for the night. “Well, here we are. We will see you some other time...
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posted by Elizabeth90luv
I, Stella Bonasera, criminologist from New York’s crime lab have to inform you that due to a severe medical problem I won’t be able to present on today’s court and testify against Antonio Vasquez, the primary suspect for Anne Blaire’s murder. Responsible for my absence is Mr. Vasquez, who shot me with a machine gun right outside the back entrance of the crime lab. The video of the security cameras can confirm it.

As a matter of fact, I want to present through this letter all the evidence that I have collected with the help of my experienced team. I swear to the bible that I will tell...
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posted by boomboombunni
"Andrew? Andrew? Are you okay?" Andrew hear Elizabeth's gentle, velvety voice as his consicness returned to him. "Hey honey, you've been asleep for awhile now." She seemed very concerned, considering she had only known him for a few hours. After the room stopped spinning, Andrew sat up and looked around. He was still in the hotel, but, he didn't recognize the room. When his gaze fell on Elizabeth, the room started spinning again. "So, when you said, "When I was alive." did you mean that you're a ghost?" Elizabeth's face was grim and solemn. "Yes. I'm a ghost." Suddenly, Andrew smelled cinnamon, honey, and something he didn't recognize. "Andrew I have to go. I'll be back tonight. By the way, call me Liz." She flashed him a dazzling smile, and she was gone. "Wow."
"Matthew tells me you're improving. Guess that brings us a step closer to being happy again, right?" Charlie stared at me with a hopeful expression, awaiting the answer he wanted to hear all along. Yes, Charlie. I'm finally moving on from the past because I love you. I love you and I want to make this work. I'm changing who I am for you. Dr. Thomas' words, his advice, echoed in my head as I slowly paced back and forth, playing with my fingers nervously. "Jamie, what is it?" "Do you think there's any point in staying married if the relationship isn't going to survive?" I blurted out the words...
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posted by Thaliagirl
Chapter 2 Dylan
--God? You are kidding me! I say.
--Sean! What are you talking about? Wiro says. He has no idea what happened just like I do.
--OK! First! There are gods in the world. And there are many of them. Second, you two are like me. YOU ARE MIND-GODS. Sean says.
--Mind-god? You mean children f gods? Wiro asks.
--No! MIND-CHILDREN of gods!!! Sean says.
--Is there any different? I ask
--Of course there is. Mind-gods have their own parents. When gods travel around the world, they will find someone they like. Then they will transport some power to them. They won’t get any power because power...
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posted by Vampiyaa
"So, where are we going?" Aiko grinned. Blaine beamed at her.
"I was thinking someplace special," he said, trying to sound casual. Aiko thought and then replied, "Do you have somewhere in mind?"
"Take a look." Blaine pointed to the entrace of the new amusement park. Aiko gasped.
"No way!" she laughed. "You actually got tickets?" Blaine shrugged and said, "It wasn't hard. When I said I was the agent of Dusk Rivers, they had to let me in."
"How much were they?" Aiko asked curiously. Blaine hesitated.
"Not much," he said hastily.
"Blaine, tell me."
"Yes." Aiko stared hard at Blaine...
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posted by ilovehouse345
I make mistakes
I mess up
but it was nevr enough
I no longer cry for you
no more pain
that means I will no longer stand it
you took my heart and ran it strait into the planet
now I'm taking control of this relationship
command it
that means I no longer die for
no longer cry for you
no more pain
but you always win
as th blood trickles down my arm
I wisper you name into the dark
the pain I went through for you
no longer
is anyone out there
feels like I'm talking o myslelf
feels like I'm going insane
feels crazy
guess I keep talking to myself
why in the world do I feel so alone
nobody but me
I'm on my own
is there anyone out there
that feels just what I feel
guess it's just me.
just to let you know.I'm no sewisidle or crazy.just a kid who's been through alot and has grown up faster
posted by ilovehouse345
Alot of high school's have drama but some more than others…
Alexis woke up,this was the first day she was coming back to school from spring break and she did not want to wake up. She got up putting on her clothes,a bright green and black plaid skirt and black t-shirt with the words AVRIL LAVIGNE written in bold white letters across the chest. She was a pretty...reserved kid,open yet not open. Only her closets friends know how she really is. She put on her makeup,grabbed her bag and walked out the door,waiting for the...
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This is all I have now, but I will add on more later. Just tell me what you think. I do enjoy ideas but please no mean comments.

She was sitting there. Tired, alone, and horrified. There was nothing to be scared of, people were around her, and there was nothing to be scared of. Why did she feel this way?
    Stephanie Williams had always been a little bit off normal, but today she was going too far. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, at school. Any person who couldn’t see what she saw would think she was absolutely crazy. But, there are still seven other people...
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posted by Buddy8fnj
I sat in the hospital, my mouth hanging open, unsure how to feel. My aunt and uncle, my abusive aunt and uncle, had been in a car accident due to drunk driving. I wanted to laugh, but i wanted to cry. They may not have been the nicest aunt and uncle, but they were my aunt and uncle and i loved them. Less than five minutes ago I had been told they were dead, and that the government would help find a new home for me until he was 18, when he would inheret his aunt and uncle's millions. My uncle had been an inventor until he retired at 56, having made enough money to be more than happy, but then...
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