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posted by Nicolicious
A Jedi using Force Shockwave
A Jedi using Force Shockwave
This is a list of powers that Jedi can have over The Force.

Telekinesis, abbreviated TK, was a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives had. With it, they could lift and move objects to their will. This ability was the base for Force Pull, Force Throw and Force Push, as well as telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques such as Saber Throw. It could be disputed that these are all the same power applied to different means.
Adiabatic Shield:
Adiabatic shield was a Force power You manipulate the air around you to function as a shield of sort. While this shield doesn’t protect you from blaster fire or impact with solid objects, it can disperse gases and airborne chemicals that could affect you. You can use this power to disperse smoke, poisonous vapors like chlorine, or more subtle chemicals like airborne pheromones.Jax Pavan and Laranth Tarak used this to disperse the pheromones Dejah Duare released in an attempt to secure their services.
Alter Damage:
Alter Damage was a Force technique used by the Jedi Order to change the damage their lightsaber inflicted upon a target.
Alter Environment:
Alter Environment was a Force power that involved various techniques that allowed the user to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of phenomena such as Force whirlwinds or fog that could be used to attack or to shield the user from opponents. Plo Koon further modified this ability with his considerable knowledge of physics.
Alter Image:
Alter Image was a Force power developed by Hyobu Sulloran which allowed the user to alter his or her own personal features, such as the height, weight, skin color, facial features, sex, voice, and body shape. These changes would stay as long as the Force-sensitive kept the power up, but would be dropped whenever the Force-user fell unconscious or simply lost concentration.
Ballistakinesis was a telekinetic Force power used by the Jensaarai, which used telekinesis to accelerate a handful of small objects to lethal velocities.
Force Aware:
Force aware was a Force power that allowed its user to become attuned and in harmony with everything and everyone in his/her surrounding environment. Odan-Urr was a notable user of this power.
Floating Meditation:
Floating Meditation, also known as Rising Meditation, was a Jedi meditation technique where one meditated while using the Force to float several inches off the ground. Often, surrounding objects would revolve around the Force User.
Force Punch:
Force punch or Force charged strike was an application of Telekinesis where the user would augument their striking strength, in the form of a punch or blow in close hand to hand combat.
Force Jump:
Force Jump, also known as Force Leap, used the Force to augment the user's natural leaping ability. Force-users adept in this technique could perform awe-inspiring vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity.
Life Sense:
Life Sense or Life Detection was a Sense-based Force power which allowed Force-sensitives to sense the life of others. It was capable of detecting live sapient beings that might otherwise remain hidden from a normal person's senses.
Life Bond:
Life Bond was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to permanently form a mental link with another person.
Force Lightning:
Force lightning was a well known Force ability, most often used by practitioners of the dark side of the Force, especially the Sith. The ability was commonly referred to as Sith lightning, because of the usual users.
Force Meld:
Force Meld, otherwise known as Jedi meld or Battle meld, was a technique where a number of Force users joined their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other. A refinement of battle meditation, it was known to the ancient Jedi, though dangerous. While battle meditation could influence both the Force-sensitives and the insensitives of both sides, Force Meld concentrates on coordinating and improving the Force-sensitives of the user's side.
Mind Barrier:
The mind barrier was a Force power that allowed the user to shield his or her mind from influence or attack.
Mind Trick:
Mind tricks, or mind control, refer to a spectrum of Force powers which influenced the thoughts of sentient creatures, most commonly used to coerce into agreement by suggestion through voice manipulation, or to cause one to reveal information. This allowed its practitioners to resolve matters in a non-violent way. It could also be used to appeal to a sensory impression for distraction or cause friendly fire among enemies. One sinister variation of the power was "Force Corruption", an ability that would force targets to the user's side, while slowly draining their life.
Force Orb:
Force Orb was a Force power which served as an attack. Under normal circumstances, it only worked underwater. It could also sometimes be used on land by gathering moisture in the area.
Pyrokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to manipulate and generate fire.
Force Reflex:
Force reflex was a Force power that allowed the user to effectively slow the world around them, heightening their reflexes and perceptions.
Force Shockwave:
Force Shockwave was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to emit a powerful destructive ring of energy, damaging or destroying anything in its radius.
Force Speed:
Force speed, also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack quicker with greater accuracy.
Telepathy was the very basic ability to mentally communicate over small or vast distances with other individuals.
Tutaminis was an umbrella title used by the Jedi Order to classify Force abilities related to energy absorption. Designated as one in a family of Control abilities, tutaminis techniques were taught to Jedi Initiates within the Jedi academy throughout the history of the Order. While taught to all Jedi during the days of the Galactic Republic, it was a rare feat to be capable of dissipating concentrated energy such as what makes up a blasterbolt or lightsaber blade. While it was named and practiced by the Jedi Order, tutaminis was not restricted to use by Jedi. In fact, most Force-based groups and Force-users in general learned to use or at least control some of the abilities taught at the Temple. Some abilities are being able to absorb lightning, stop lightsabers with the palm of your hand, absorb blaster shots etc.
Force Travel:
Force travel was a Force power which allowed a being to travel great distances instantly by creating a momentary rift in space. This power caused the user to be corrupted by the dark side, as it broke the normal rules of the galaxy by ripping the Force asunder. The technique became more corrupting to use depending both on how far away the target was, as well as how familiar the Force-user was with the location.
Please note that a lot of these skills, Tutaminis, Pyrokinesis, Force Orb etc, take a lot of control of the force, so don't have your character using a billion of these.
Satele Shan using Tutaminis to stop Darth Malgus' saber
Satele Shan using Tutaminis to stop Darth Malgus' saber
A Jedi using Force Jump
A Jedi using Force Jump
A Jedi using Floating Meditation
A Jedi using Floating Meditation
Anakin using Telekinesis to move a fruit
Anakin using Telekinesis to move a fruit
Yoda, Anakin and Aayla using Force Barrier to protect Padme and Chancellor Palpatine
Yoda, Anakin and Aayla using Force Barrier to protect Padme and Chancellor Palpatine
added by Allies57
Name: James Valor


Faction Ties-Old Alliance

Rank in Faction-Private, First Class

Appearance-Tanned skin, dark brown eyes, curly black hair. Lean, about 6"2'.

Attire-A rather plain attire consisting of a white tee shirt under a rather worn brown leather jacket, dark brown, nearly black jeans, and shin length boots.

Weapons-Prefers not to carry any due to his strong beliefs regarding violence.

Equipment-He doesn't have any equipment, other than a pair of goggles he wears around his neck.

Story- James Valor was raised in a very religious household. From an early age, he was instructed by his father...
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posted by Rogue475
Clarke Bolton


Mysterious, Untrusting, Cunning, Quiet, Ambitious

Rogue of the North


Dark Straight Hair, Pale Eyes, Fit Build, Grizzled

Black Leather-Hide overcoat.

A dark ebony-colored dagger, made for piercing armor. It was stolen by Clarke, just befor his first kill. Ever since he has carried the blade, using it whenever the Master of Whispers calls for its razor bite.

Since he was a boy, the Bastard son of Lord Bolton learned never to stand alone. He was taught to always fight for the winning side, no matter the cost of pride. His story is a dark one full of sadness and misfortune, but one thing can be said for the Bolton; whether it be by blade or sharp tongue, Clarke always gets what he wants.
The Castle of House Bolton is revered by many, and known only as; The Dreadfort.
posted by PungoBliss
Federal Insignia
Federal Insignia
Niall Erikson



Defense Pilot

Slim, delicate in appearance, but powerful and confident in her movements, tan skin and dark hair/eyes.

Eagle MK. V Fighter

Compensated Glock 26

History~ She's never had much, strugged to get as far as entering the academy, but strives to be the best pilot in the Federation. And she has the skill and smarts, just needs to move up in the rankings.
posted by PungoBliss
Name¬ Connor

Age¬ 26

Personality¬ Quiet and moody, he tends to be very short tempered and angry.

Title¬ None

House¬ He was abandoned when he was only three, left to the streets, and eventually befriended the Martell Twins, so he considers the Martell House his own, and will defend it to his death.

Appearance¬ Sandy blond hair, very messy, bright green eyes and skin that is tanned from hours upon hours in the sun. He is tall, and fairly powerful in build.

Attire¬ New armor, sometimes fancy clothing. He lives well, and likes to show it.

Weapon¬ Very skilled with a broadsword, and carries...
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posted by Rogue475
Name- Hans Pierre Nodstrum

Age- 51

Faction Ties- The Great Empire

Rank in Faction- Grand Field Marshal of the Imperial Army

Appearance- Quite Tall, Lean Build, Short Brown Hair, Dark Eyes, Clean-Cut.

Attire- Prussian Field Marshall Fatigues,

Officer's P08

Imperial Saber

Gas Mask, Light Flak Vest, Binoculars.

Story- Hans Nodstrum is known throughout eastern Europa as "The Butcher." A title he earned when he single-handedly massacred an entire airfield of Alliance Fighters with his bomber aircraft. Since then, he has been promoted to the highest combat rank attainable in the Imperial Legion; Grand Field Marshall. He commands an entire battalion, along with hundreds of support vehicles and a Steel Airbase known as the "Iron Maiden."
posted by PungoBliss
Name¬ Ser Kailan of House Martell

Age¬ 26

Personality¬  Calm and quiet, as any proper armsman, very laid back easy going. She is very quick to follow orders, and seems to posses little emotion, she just doesn't care, if an order is given, she follows through.


House¬ Martell

Appearance¬ slim, fairly small in stature, with long limbs and incredible grace, as well as dark hair and eyes.

Attire¬  lightweight armor, old and slightly tarnished

Weapon¬ daggers at her hip, and a well crafted spear, and a blade specially forged for her when she was appointed as a knight, a cold forged hand and a half sword.

Lore of House¬ House Martell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules the peninsula of Dorne in the far south of the continent from the city of Sunspear.

History to follow
posted by PungoBliss
Name- Randal Lee Parnaal

Age- 28

Faction Ties- Defiance

Rank in Faction- Generally unranked, technically a mercenary for the defiance, doing whatever someone pays him to do.

Appearance- Tall, fairly thin and wiry, ash blond, wild hair, and crazy blue eyes.

Attire- basic issued fatigues

Weapons- Lee Enfield MK 5

Equipment- Colt sidearm, wire cutters, a hunting knife, and various powdered ingredients.

Story- Spent his early years in the Empire, with a family that kept a low profile. As he aged, however, it was found, and well displayed, that he was a strange child, and an even stranger young man, constantly causing trouble for the simple fun of it, even blowing up several imperial buildings, the last act sending him on the run, for his life really. He escaped into Defiance territory, and it was found that the insane man was rather a genius, able to create explosives and disarm weaponry and machines without much effort at all.
posted by PungoBliss
Name- Kyell Amanda Briggs

Age- 30

Faction Ties- The Empire

Rank in Faction- Lieutenant Colonel Kyell Briggs

Appearance- Fairly short and compact, far less powerfull in appearance than reality. Medium brown hair and hazel eyes.

Attire- Military issued fatigues

Weapons- P08 Tactical

Equipment- whatever she needs to carry for a mission, along with an old saber and compass that had belonged to her father.

Story- Kyell grew up in a priveledged family, with strong ties to the Empire's military, and like her father before her moved rapidly up in the ranks of the army, surpassing him even, until the old man died in combat. Now she carries his saber and compass to remind her of her family, but continues on in her quest of military greatness.
posted by Rogue475
Name- Davis York Scholtz

Age- 38

Faction Ties- Imperial Marines

Rank in Faction- Major

Appearance- Tall, Average Build, Short Black Hair, Clean Cut.

Attire- Imperial Uniform

P08 Marine
7.63 High Velocity, 10 rounds
7.63 High Velocity, 10 rounds

Personal M712 Rafica
7.63 High Velocity, 15 rounds, automatic fire
7.63 High Velocity, 15 rounds, automatic fire

Imperial Marine Saber

Major Davis was a Warrant Officer in the Imperial Marine Corps during the early years of the Empire's Invasion. After surviving three tours of conflict in a heavy campaign to gain territory, the humble Warrant Officer climbed the ladder to the rank of Major. He...
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added by Rogue475
added by Rogue475
Source: Game of Thrones
added by Rogue475
Source: Game of Thrones
posted by Rogue475
Defiance Sigil
Defiance Sigil
Name- Kara Grace Nodstrum

Age- 27

Faction Ties- The Free People's Defiance

Rank in Faction- Warrant Officer Second-Class
(Beneath Lieutenant, but higher than Sergeant)

Role: Resistance Combat Pilot

Appearance- Average Height, Small Build, Dark Long Hair, Dark Eyes.

Attire- Dark Combat Fatigues underneath a worn coat

C96 Liberator

Equipment- Trench Knife, Field Satchel, Goggles, Parachute.

Story- Born into a Faithful Imperial family of great wealth, young Kara knew only the easy life. She Learned horseback riding, target shooting, even how to fly her father's old airplane. The girl idolized...
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
The canteen was bustling with activity, groups of people engrossed in their conversations. A pack of ladies were hastily chatting off about their husband, while a gang of young men express their vision of the future. But there was no love. No smile was they pass, no acknowledgement. What he sees is a broken unity, the people kept their distance under one banner. They scorn at the sight of one another, they avoid contact, they refuse to seek companionship no more.

He sees through the hour-glass. Disgusted, horrified, angry. The mundane emotion took over him, something that was expected in flesh,...
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~Anna Hanberg
Goes by "Anna".



~5"11, well toned, slightly darker skinned than those around her, short unevenly chopped black hair, dark blue eyes.

~Black cargo pants, steel-capped grey combat boots, old tattered green shirt and brown blood dried trench-coat.

~Flashlight, a gas mask, two air filters, a half used medkit and a trench knife.

~Revolver with laser sight and extended barrel, Bastard with stock and 2x sight and Valve with flash suppressor and IR sight.

~Born after the war, Anna has only seen the metro...
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added by Nicolicious
These are all the cinematic trailers etc from The Old Republic MMORPG. They are in chronological order, so the first one happened first and so on.
star wars
the old republic
short movie
posted by Rogue475
Name- Ethan Jackson
Nickname- E.J.
Age- 25
Personality- Outgoing and Funny by nature but serious when the situation requires it.
Appearance- Caucasian, Brown hair, etc... (pic)
Nationality- American
Education- MIT Master's degree in Programming and Engineering
Firearm Experience- Little to none, his father was the one that always used a firearm, whereas E.J. is against killing in general.
Role- Researcher and Technical Advisor for the expedition
Weapons- When the time comes he'll use a 9mm Beretta M92. But currently he only carries a survival knife just in case.
Attire- Casual clothing...
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posted by Rogue475
Wartime Attire
Wartime Attire
~Anderson Halliard
goes by "Anders"


Pre-War Affiliation:
~United States Marine Corps Intelligence, Field-Analyst.

Wartime Affiliation:
~MEUSOC Reconnaissance Detachment.

Wartime Rank:


~Caucasian male, moderately built, black and dirty wavey hair, slight beard coming on, pale from lack of sunlight.

~Worn and dirty Marine-Issued plain fatigues, radiation "resistant" under-armor designed early into the war, worn light kevlar vest, worn cargo pants, and Marine-Issued combat boots.

~Marine-Issued M9 Bayonet, Gas Mask, Climbing Harness,...
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Name: Rakhelis


Title: Squire to the Regent, Lord Jacaerys Connington

Appearance: Rakhelis looks like a normal Dothraki. He has copper skin and black hair. Although he eyes are purple, traces of Valyrian ancestry. Rakhelis is muscular and of average height. He hair is tied into a short pony tail. Before he had 3 bells in his hair but upon coming into Westeros he removed them and kept them close with him.

Attire: Despite moving into a new land and adopting a different culture Rakhelis still wears his normal leather armour.

Weapon: Rakhelis brought three weapons with him. He has an arakh, a wipe, a bow. From Lady Alys he received a Bastard sword.

History: Rakhelis is the son of Khal Lokh. He lived in Essos his whole life, fighting as part of the Kahlasar. Rakhelis is proud of being Lokh's son. After a tragic event, Rakhelis arrived in Griffin Roost where he was fostered for a time before being sent to be the Lord Regent's squire.