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posted by Nicolicious
A Jedi using Force Shockwave
A Jedi using Force Shockwave
This is a list of powers that Jedi can have over The Force.

Telekinesis, abbreviated TK, was a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives had. With it, they could lift and move objects to their will. This ability was the base for Force Pull, Force Throw and Force Push, as well as telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques such as Saber Throw. It could be disputed that these are all the same power applied to different means.
Adiabatic Shield:
Adiabatic shield was a Force power You manipulate the air around you to function as a shield of sort. While this shield doesn’t protect you from blaster fire or impact with solid objects, it can disperse gases and airborne chemicals that could affect you. You can use this power to disperse smoke, poisonous vapors like chlorine, or more subtle chemicals like airborne pheromones.Jax Pavan and Laranth Tarak used this to disperse the pheromones Dejah Duare released in an attempt to secure their services.
Alter Damage:
Alter Damage was a Force technique used by the Jedi Order to change the damage their lightsaber inflicted upon a target.
Alter Environment:
Alter Environment was a Force power that involved various techniques that allowed the user to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of phenomena such as Force whirlwinds or fog that could be used to attack or to shield the user from opponents. Plo Koon further modified this ability with his considerable knowledge of physics.
Alter Image:
Alter Image was a Force power developed by Hyobu Sulloran which allowed the user to alter his or her own personal features, such as the height, weight, skin color, facial features, sex, voice, and body shape. These changes would stay as long as the Force-sensitive kept the power up, but would be dropped whenever the Force-user fell unconscious or simply lost concentration.
Ballistakinesis was a telekinetic Force power used by the Jensaarai, which used telekinesis to accelerate a handful of small objects to lethal velocities.
Force Aware:
Force aware was a Force power that allowed its user to become attuned and in harmony with everything and everyone in his/her surrounding environment. Odan-Urr was a notable user of this power.
Floating Meditation:
Floating Meditation, also known as Rising Meditation, was a Jedi meditation technique where one meditated while using the Force to float several inches off the ground. Often, surrounding objects would revolve around the Force User.
Force Punch:
Force punch or Force charged strike was an application of Telekinesis where the user would augument their striking strength, in the form of a punch or blow in close hand to hand combat.
Force Jump:
Force Jump, also known as Force Leap, used the Force to augment the user's natural leaping ability. Force-users adept in this technique could perform awe-inspiring vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity.
Life Sense:
Life Sense or Life Detection was a Sense-based Force power which allowed Force-sensitives to sense the life of others. It was capable of detecting live sapient beings that might otherwise remain hidden from a normal person's senses.
Life Bond:
Life Bond was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to permanently form a mental link with another person.
Force Lightning:
Force lightning was a well known Force ability, most often used by practitioners of the dark side of the Force, especially the Sith. The ability was commonly referred to as Sith lightning, because of the usual users.
Force Meld:
Force Meld, otherwise known as Jedi meld or Battle meld, was a technique where a number of Force users joined their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other. A refinement of battle meditation, it was known to the ancient Jedi, though dangerous. While battle meditation could influence both the Force-sensitives and the insensitives of both sides, Force Meld concentrates on coordinating and improving the Force-sensitives of the user's side.
Mind Barrier:
The mind barrier was a Force power that allowed the user to shield his or her mind from influence or attack.
Mind Trick:
Mind tricks, or mind control, refer to a spectrum of Force powers which influenced the thoughts of sentient creatures, most commonly used to coerce into agreement by suggestion through voice manipulation, or to cause one to reveal information. This allowed its practitioners to resolve matters in a non-violent way. It could also be used to appeal to a sensory impression for distraction or cause friendly fire among enemies. One sinister variation of the power was "Force Corruption", an ability that would force targets to the user's side, while slowly draining their life.
Force Orb:
Force Orb was a Force power which served as an attack. Under normal circumstances, it only worked underwater. It could also sometimes be used on land by gathering moisture in the area.
Pyrokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to manipulate and generate fire.
Force Reflex:
Force reflex was a Force power that allowed the user to effectively slow the world around them, heightening their reflexes and perceptions.
Force Shockwave:
Force Shockwave was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to emit a powerful destructive ring of energy, damaging or destroying anything in its radius.
Force Speed:
Force speed, also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack quicker with greater accuracy.
Telepathy was the very basic ability to mentally communicate over small or vast distances with other individuals.
Tutaminis was an umbrella title used by the Jedi Order to classify Force abilities related to energy absorption. Designated as one in a family of Control abilities, tutaminis techniques were taught to Jedi Initiates within the Jedi academy throughout the history of the Order. While taught to all Jedi during the days of the Galactic Republic, it was a rare feat to be capable of dissipating concentrated energy such as what makes up a blasterbolt or lightsaber blade. While it was named and practiced by the Jedi Order, tutaminis was not restricted to use by Jedi. In fact, most Force-based groups and Force-users in general learned to use or at least control some of the abilities taught at the Temple. Some abilities are being able to absorb lightning, stop lightsabers with the palm of your hand, absorb blaster shots etc.
Force Travel:
Force travel was a Force power which allowed a being to travel great distances instantly by creating a momentary rift in space. This power caused the user to be corrupted by the dark side, as it broke the normal rules of the galaxy by ripping the Force asunder. The technique became more corrupting to use depending both on how far away the target was, as well as how familiar the Force-user was with the location.
Please note that a lot of these skills, Tutaminis, Pyrokinesis, Force Orb etc, take a lot of control of the force, so don't have your character using a billion of these.
Satele Shan using Tutaminis to stop Darth Malgus' saber
Satele Shan using Tutaminis to stop Darth Malgus' saber
A Jedi using Force Jump
A Jedi using Force Jump
A Jedi using Floating Meditation
A Jedi using Floating Meditation
Anakin using Telekinesis to move a fruit
Anakin using Telekinesis to move a fruit
Yoda, Anakin and Aayla using Force Barrier to protect Padme and Chancellor Palpatine
Yoda, Anakin and Aayla using Force Barrier to protect Padme and Chancellor Palpatine
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Name: Lord Jacaerys of House Connington.

Age: 43

Title: Lord Regent, Hand of the King and Heir to Griffin Roost

Appearance: Hair kissed by fire, purple eyes.

Attire: ~

Weapon: Griffin Roar, a Valyrian steel sword he got from a Lyseni pirate captain while delivering the King's Justice.

History: As a boy, he lived in Griffin Roost and shadowed his father. During a Tourney, at the capital, he squired for the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. When he became a man, he decide to leave Griffin Roost to live in King's Landing and become a part of the King's Court. As his days there prolong, so did he knowledge. Soon he was an Advisor in the Small Council...of course I till the the very event.
Griffin Roost
Griffin Roost
posted by Rogue475
House Reyne Motto
House Reyne Motto
Ser Aeden Reyne


Self-Reliant, Honorable, Unyielding, Brazen, Witty, Arrogant Tendencies(He's still got some learning to do.)

First Officer of the Kingsguard, In line for the title of Lord Commander.


Straight Chestnut Hair, Brown Eyes, Clean Shaven, Lean-Fit Build

White and Gold Armor of the Kingsguard over a Tanned-Leather Surcoat

Dracarys, [Old Valyrian word for "Dragon fire"] A costly sword given to Aeden from his Father; Lord of House Reyne and the great Keep of Castamere. As is custom for each heir of the Reyne...
continue reading...
posted by PungoBliss
ame¬ Analia

Age¬ 25

Personality¬ Fairly outgoing and energetic. She truly hates to see someone, whether man or beast, in pain, be it physical or emotional.

Title¬ Master of Whispers

House¬ None

Appearance¬ she is slim and graceful, with thick blond hair and hazel eyes that seem to change colors with her moods.

Attire¬ lightweight garb, best suited for travel. Usually a simple dress, though she carries with her a pair of trousers.

Weapon¬ her sorcery is her main weapon, as well as her ability to control beasts, but she also uses a long bow and daggers to defend herself if necessary....
continue reading...
posted by PungoBliss
Name- Anita Lee Raunen

Age- 17

Faction Ties- Civilian

Rank in Faction- None

Appearance- Fairly small with dark hair and eyes, but pale skin.

Attire- Worn pants and an old blouse, usually with a heavy jacket, old boots.

Weapons- none

Equipment- None

Story- She's been alone as long as she can remember, living on the streets, avoiding the wars. She used to live in an orphanage, but it was destroyed in the fighting, forcing the girl to flee and fend for herself. Anita is very bright, bookish really, and has a knack for remembering things, though she doesn't really flaunt the fact.
posted by Rogue475
Bronze Iohhs
Bronze Iohhs
Ranult Thel'varr

"Ran" or "The Flaming Arrow"


Quiet, Efficient, Focused, Devoted, Religious,

Veteran Marksman of the Brone Iohh

Bronze Iohhs Mercenary Company

Short curly brown hair, sea green eyes, short grizzled beard, fit build

Thick boar leather coat, leather leggings, vambracers of the Iohh, Silk vermilion scarf, robe hood and mask

An Myrian Bow of the Endless Night, along with a Samyrian Dagger

Holds the Blood of the Eternal Fire, which can be used to enchant any weapon. Blades touched by...
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added by Rogue475
added by redpanda
Source: SEGA :D
posted by PungoBliss
Name; Tristan
Age; only 20, but he has the mind of an old man
Title Weird. Creepy. The Wanderer
Personality, quiet and shy really, full of thought and careful planning. Very curious. His manner and way of moving reminds one of a wolf.
Appearance, tall and thin as a rail, shaggy cut black hair and tanned skin. Very angular and narrow.
Attire worn shirts and trousers. A ragged cloak and scarf to cover his face from the sand.
Weapon; a long bo staff.
Power, the ability to manipulate elements, using huge amounts of his own energy And needing a source.
Origin; he was a glace, along side his best friend Gwel, and has spent his time wandering and learning since they escaped.
added by Rogue475
added by Rogue475
Source: Ubisoft
posted by Rogue475
Banner of the Bronze Iohh
Banner of the Bronze Iohh
Hall'toric Thel'varr

"Hall", "Boss", or "Crimson Lance"


Calculating, Bold, Strong minded, Religious

Captain of the Brone Iohh

Bronze Iohhs Mercenary Company

Long wavy brown hair, pale green eyes, thick grizzled beard, larger build, rather tall

Bronze plated armor, leather leggings, vambracers of the Iohh, robe hood and mask

Dornish viper spear laced with the rare cockatrice venom, Samyrian longsword strapped to his back in a low hanging position.

Holds the Blood of the Eternal Fire, which can be used to enchant any weapon. Blades touched by the blood often light a blaze by the one true god of the fire.

Mostly unkown, for he has thus far not shared his story with a single living soul...
The Bronze Iohhs Company
The Bronze Iohhs Company
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
The Shadow Seer
The Shadow Seer
Name: Ozan of the Shadow


Personality: Mysterious, Cool, Collected

Title: Shadow Seer

Company: The Bronze Iohhs

Appearance:Long Black hair that drapes to his shoulders. He also ties part of his hair up. He has dark brown eyes that always appears black till upclose.

Attire: Clothe vest. Light Steel arm guards. Baggy Clothe pants. Just look at the picture..

Weapons: Ozan has his fist, and a heavy wooden staff.

Powers: Ozan is a practitioner of Magic. Learning everything he could about them as he travels across the lands.

History: Ozan originates from Ashai-by-the-Shadow. One day he decide to leave this cursed lands and travel West to see the world beyond and farther, to answer his calling.
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Name- Avis Vladimir Mavros Borodin
Nickname-(Optional) Avis
Appearance- PIcture
Age- 25
Personality- Cool and calm normally.
Nationality- Serbian
Education- None
Firearm Experience- His been using firearm since young.
Weapons- Beretta and a Sig 556. A kukri knife too(I can have this right?)
Attire-(Recommend pic) Both picture shows attire
Background Information- After his parent's mysterious death, his uncle took him in. His uncle is a mercenary and so Avis became a merc. He is still under his uncle's wing.

From 1 to Adele, how deep is my character?
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Brandon Stark


Pretty carefree. Isn't as serious as his family members tend to be.

Brandon the Black. The Stranger of the Seven


Short black hair. Clean shaved. Well built. The only one of his siblings with black hair.

A steel bastard sword. Owns a bow and arrow.

As a child, he was sent as a ward for Lord Reed at Greywater Watch. Brandon refuses to speak about much about the Neck.

When he turned 16, he traveled to Essos with a couple of companions.

He returned to Westeros, but instead of returning home. He spend some time in King's Landing. After which he traveled to the Wall. It was only a few months after the Red Dawn that Brandon returned home, on orders from his father.

posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Sergeant Adnor Spare

45, no 55? 50? Too many days he thought to himself. Adnor was huddled at the end of the trench where some dirt gave him shelter from the rain. It was in the dead of night where silence and darkness conquer. He can’t even see the stars, a sight that would usually soothe him. The sergeant wrapped himself with his trench coat, huddling a sandbag and his rifle, his wife. His real wife was back home, back home…he could only wish to be there.

He woke up stiff and cold and wet. The rain had gone but it left a little gift in the trench, water. Puddles of mud and blood covered...
continue reading...
added by Rogue475
posted by Rogue475
Federal Insignia
Federal Insignia
Christopher R. Falkner



Defense Pilot

Tall, Lean Build, Green Eyes, Light Brown Hair, Clean Shaven

Eagle MK. IV Fighter
Eagle MK.IV
Eagle MK.IV

The Advanced Combat Pistol developed out of MARS Armament.
ACP Tactical
ACP Tactical

The Falkner name holds weight in the federation, being held by a long line of Heroes and high ranking officers throughout the generations. Today, there are two who hold such a legacy, and his father is the other, Admiral Jonathan Falkner. The man is all but legend, said to have decimated an entire Imperial fleet with a single Federation Corvette class cruiser. He is the prime reason Christopher enlisted in the Aviation corps. on Mars(Sol System), and has ever since been waiting for his shot at the big leagues...
posted by Rogue475
Willam Stark


A serious tactician with a heart for battle. Will had trained all his life to lead soldiers into war, as he was to become his brother's bannerman, a lord of the North, it was his duty.

Willam Stark; Vanguard of the Northern Army.


Medium length brown hair. Beard trimmed short. Built lean.

A castle-forged steel Longsword, and Stark round shield.

To come...