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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I couldn’t believe that it had taken me this long to realise. This is what was nagging at the back of my mind, shouting at me but I couldn’t hear it. This is what he had known; I could see it in his mind now. He was so relieved that I could see how much I loved him. He was tired of being like a best friend, he wanted to be more. He wanted to be able to put his arms around me any time he wanted but for it not to feel awkward or wrong. He wanted to kiss my lips and not my cheek. He wrapped his cold arms around me now, holding me closer and tighter to him than ever before.
“About time too,” he muttered, kissing my hair.
“How could I be so blind?” I asked him, stunned at my own stupidity. “I mean – seriously.”
“You’ve had a lot on your mind,” Edward said. “I should know.”
“I suppose I have, what with this idiotic change thing.”
He chuckled.
“The idiotic change has actually made it better for me,” he said. “I don’t have to be too careful with you; you’re just as strong as and fast as me. It makes it so much easier to be myself.”
We both let go of each other as we became aware of fast running feet coming in our direction.
“It’s Esme and Carlisle,” Edward murmured. “They’re worried about you.”
I looked up at him.
“Shouldn’t they be worried about Jasper?”
“Alice will take care of him,” Edward replied. “She’ll take him hunting.”
Two white blurs streaked towards us and stopped gracefully. Esme and Carlisle both stepped towards me, their faces worried.
“Are you ok?” Esme asked. Her beautiful face was contorted with worry. She took another step towards me before she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight.
“I’m fine,” I said, patting her gently on the back. “He didn’t hurt me.”
“I’m sorry, Kayla,” Carlisle said sincerely. “Jasper finds resisting human blood very difficult.”
Esme was still holding me and it didn’t seem she was letting go anytime soon.
“I understand,” I said to Carlisle from behind Esme. “I don’t blame him.”
Edward very gently prised Esme’s arms from around me. She took the hint and let go of me and stood next to Carlisle, entwining her hand in his.
“Is Jasper ok?” I asked. “It’s all my fault, really. I got a paper-cut and I was bleeding and-”
Carlisle held up a hand to stop me.
“It is no one’s fault.” He turned to Edward. “It was all a big mistake and we hope that you will be able to forgive Jasper.”
I nodded quickly but Edward was slightly hesitant.
“Edward,” Esme spoke quietly, her voice full of emotion. “He didn’t mean to harm her. You know how difficult it is to resist. He is very, very sorry.”
“I know,” Edward said, quietly.
We all stood their in silence. I could hear every one of Edward’s tormented thoughts. He was finding it very difficult to forgive Jasper. He kept picturing me lying on his bedroom floor drained of blood, with dead staring eyes and Jasper, with his eyes crimson and my blood dripping from his chin.
Edward, don’t. That wouldn’t have happened.
But it could.
But it didn’t.
“We’ll leave you to think,” Carlisle gave Edward a meaningful look, telling him to forgive Jasper for Esme’s sake. He then pulled Esme away from us who was reluctant to leave us alone. When they were gone I turned to Edward.
“Look, I know you think Jasper is completely out of control and can’t be trusted around another human being every again, but I think that you have to understand that as long as Jasper isn’t tempted with a drop of human blood he won’t attack.”
Edward looked away from me, trying to keep his mind free of images of me dead. He knew I was right, he just wouldn’t admit it.
“Come on,” I said, smiling. I took his hand in mine. “I’m alive aren’t I? Please don’t be like this; I hate it when you go all depressed. You can be like this for hours and ruin my fun.”
Edward still wouldn’t lighten up. I let go of his hand and stomped away. I saw a big looking broken branch and smiled. I sent it flying at him, hoping it would hit him and he would forget about Jasper but he caught it and threw it in the opposite direction.
“Edward!” I whined. “Please, stop it! I hate hearing your thoughts when you’re angry. You can be so aggressive.”
I walked back to him, trying to think of a way to calm him, stop him thinking of Jasper. Then I smiled. I had it. I was up close to him, chest to chest. He looked down at me, confused. He didn’t know what I was planning to do, I was thinking of something that was completely and utterly stupid. A SpongeBob island filled with a thousand Patrick Stars and Squidwarts and jellyfish and anything else that was SpongeBob related. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed him softly on the lips. Jasper was totally wiped from his mind and it was only me he was thinking about.
What are you doing?
Distracting you.
Keep going.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly again. He picked me up and crushed his lips against mine, more passionate and fierce than I would have dared to do with him. He only let me go when I reminded him that I needed to breathe. I was dizzy from lack of air and because of his kiss.

“Local police are investigating the murder of Samantha Roberts, aged 21. The police believe that it was nothing more than a vicious animal attack but local residents are claiming it was something much more sinister. Samantha Roberts is said to have been on her way home from her evening yoga class when she was killed. She was found on the path near the local forest where dangerous predators are known to live.”
I turned the TV off and stared at the black screen utterly stunned. I couldn’t believe that there had been another murder. Was this an actual animal attack or like the local residents said; something much more sinister? I wanted to go and see the crime scene, examine the body myself but I knew the police would never let me near it. Maybe if I called Charlie, he would let me look at the dead body of Samantha Roberts. As I was about to dial the number I got an incoming call from Edward. I would ask him about this death. He might know whether any vampires have been lurking about.
“Kayla, have you seen the news?” Edward spoke quickly.
“Yes, I was just about to ask you. Do you know what it was?”
“No,” Edward said, slowly. “But Carlisle is still out there with the police.”
“Edward, do you believe this is another animal attack?”
“We are in Forks,” he replied. “It is not an uncommon thing.”
“But do you believe it?” I persisted.
“Do you?”
“Not really.” I answered. “I think I’ll call Charlie and get him to let me have a look.”
I was in the hallway, grabbing my jacket from the hook and picking up my keys up off the small stand.
“Carlisle will be back soon,” Edward said. “He’ll tell us.”
“I want to look myself.”
“Kayla really, just leave it to Carlisle.”
I was almost out the door when I light footsteps in the kitchen.
“Edward, I have to go,” I whispered down the phone.
I stood still, frozen, not making any noise to alert the intruder I was there.
“What’s wrong?” Edward asked, his voice slightly panicky. “Why are you whispering?”
A tall man walked slowly out of the kitchen. I stared at him, taking in every detail. He had shoulder length black hair and was strongly built. His eyes were a bright red and his skin pale white. There was blood on his around his mouth and chin.
“I think I’ve just met the animal that killed Samantha Roberts,” I whispered to Edward.
“Hello,” the vampire spoke, his voice light. “What’s your name?”
“Kayla, run!” Edward shouted at me.
I stared at the vampire. He was beautiful despite the blood on his face.
“Kayla!” Edward screamed at me. “GO!”
“I’m going!” I shouted back at him.
“You’re not going anywhere,” the vampire spoke softly to me.
He tilted his head and his nostrils flared. He was taking in my scent.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
I swallowed, feeling slightly scared. My hand was on the door handle, ready to pull it open and run. The vampire saw my hand and was in front of me in less than a second, his hand around my wrist. He pulled my hand off the door handle and held it.
He smiled at me, showing me his teeth. I could hear his thoughts and they were filled with me. But not like Edward’s thoughts were filled with me. This vampire was only interested in my blood. I shivered under his cold touch and his smile widened. He bent his head down intent on biting me but the small stand in the hallway hit him first. He let go of my wrist and I wrenched open the door and ran.

Guys, suffering from a little writer's block here. I don't know what to write next so I'm leaving it up to you. Would you like the vampire to chase Kayla or move on to another victim? Leave a comment saying which one and I will write whichever one is chosen most.

So we, as Twilighters, all know that even IF we both like Jacob and Edward, we're secertely more devoted to one than the other. Come on, addmitt it! You can't help but love that crooked smile of Edward's just a little bit more than Jacob's big grin. And what's so great about a white body? I want my man tall (prefrably 6'7 around there) and dark.
So here, on this soapbox of happiness, we're going to go over the amazing traits, that Edward and Jake DON'T have in common. If I leave something out that you think one has, leave it in your comment! Shout out your Jake or Edward support!

-He may...
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As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob—knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

Yes, yes, here it is…the long awaited third book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It’s been...
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ashley greene
posted by hayleyhoo
This is part of a story i have written, soz its so long
It was a surprisingly sunny day in Newquay when Meya arrived after travelling by foot across England and yet it hadn’t taken her as long as it would a human, she had trekked fast because she was being followed, by what, she didn’t know but what she did know was that it couldn’t be allowed to catch up with her if she wanted to keep her life. Meya was what could be called ordinary for a human, she looked like an ordinary 17 year old girl, about 5 foot 4, with shoulder length red, glossy hair, she was strangely beautiful, but there was...
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Twilight's going to keep a lot of people up all night.

Across the country, more than 1,100 midnight Friday screenings were reported sold out. In Los Angeles, pairs of tickets were hawked for upwards of $50 on Craigslist. On Facebook, members were planning their opening-night wardrobe.

Suffice to say, Team Edward T-shirts—and the fans wearing them—will be out in force.

"I think the opening day is going to be huge," says Bruce Nash of the box-office data site, the Numbers.

But how huge? That's a trickier answer.

"There are certain movies that are hard to gauge," says box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian...
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LOS ANGELES - The vampire romance "Twilight" drained the box office in its opening weekend, taking in $70.6 million.

Catherine Hardwicke's film also enjoyed the biggest opening ever for a female director, blowing away the previous standard of $41.1 million set by Mimi Leder 's " Deep Impact " in 1998.

Drawing from its huge fan base of teenage girls, who fell for Stephenie Meyer's novel of forbidden love between brooding vampire Edward Cullen and bookish high schooler Bella Swan , "Twilight" made a whopping $20,636 per theater, according to Sunday morning estimates.

And the fangirls will get another...
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posted by yesitsLorLor
To those who love Twilight, the 2nd teaser is just what we have been craving. Not only does it fill the gaps of the first teaser but it is amazingly compelling.

First Sight-(haha) of the Twilight teaser number 2 gave me chills and had my hair standing on end, it has now become offical that i WILL be there at the midnight showing of the ever so thrilling Twilight movie.

I think we will all agree that Steph' Meyer will do justice to the book by making the movie excatly the same.

To those Harry Potter fans, i am sorry to say that yes the Harry Potter seires was great, but the movies murdered the...
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posted by tigerlover656
A lot of people just go to the comment section to advertise. They don't care what the article says-they just pick the one with the most viewers so they will get attention. Like the girl who wrote Twilight Fansites. By cherry6chick. She wants more viewers so she goes to articles and puts:hey-you guys like twilight? well check out this Tell your friends!:) I thought it was a good idea because it got me to go to it so i started advertising on my first article called Who Is Better? on page 7 on What's Hot. All of a sudden i started to get all these comments telling everybody who the liked better. I told everybody there you can choose. Every month Ill anounce the winner for that month. Anyways...on this sight you can put an article and/or sight that you think is worth reading!
Hello, I begin with an introduction to myself. Greetings I am Karolyn from sunny SoCal and I am a Twihard. =]
From So Cal?, you may ask. How can you have a Twilight experience there?
Well, it was just a lil' thing. I shouldn't even call it an experience. But...I want the truck my neighbor has. It looks exactly like the one Bella has! O___O It mesmerizes me each day I see it there. Sitting w/no one who knows it's significance. With no one taking it out to hear it's thunderous roar!

Well, that's all... =[

But, while I am writing this I will state an opiniion of mine. Why does everyone hate on Jacob?...
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Source: <lj user="losto4ka">
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Source: evildeathchik
added by layla_14
added by Marta1717
added by Marta1717
added by Marta1717
added by CullenCult
Source: Myspace Group called: The Official Alice and Jasper Fanclub
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