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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I couldn’t believe that it had taken me this long to realise. This is what was nagging at the back of my mind, shouting at me but I couldn’t hear it. This is what he had known; I could see it in his mind now. He was so relieved that I could see how much I loved him. He was tired of being like a best friend, he wanted to be more. He wanted to be able to put his arms around me any time he wanted but for it not to feel awkward or wrong. He wanted to kiss my lips and not my cheek. He wrapped his cold arms around me now, holding me closer and tighter to him than ever before.
“About time too,” he muttered, kissing my hair.
“How could I be so blind?” I asked him, stunned at my own stupidity. “I mean – seriously.”
“You’ve had a lot on your mind,” Edward said. “I should know.”
“I suppose I have, what with this idiotic change thing.”
He chuckled.
“The idiotic change has actually made it better for me,” he said. “I don’t have to be too careful with you; you’re just as strong as and fast as me. It makes it so much easier to be myself.”
We both let go of each other as we became aware of fast running feet coming in our direction.
“It’s Esme and Carlisle,” Edward murmured. “They’re worried about you.”
I looked up at him.
“Shouldn’t they be worried about Jasper?”
“Alice will take care of him,” Edward replied. “She’ll take him hunting.”
Two white blurs streaked towards us and stopped gracefully. Esme and Carlisle both stepped towards me, their faces worried.
“Are you ok?” Esme asked. Her beautiful face was contorted with worry. She took another step towards me before she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight.
“I’m fine,” I said, patting her gently on the back. “He didn’t hurt me.”
“I’m sorry, Kayla,” Carlisle said sincerely. “Jasper finds resisting human blood very difficult.”
Esme was still holding me and it didn’t seem she was letting go anytime soon.
“I understand,” I said to Carlisle from behind Esme. “I don’t blame him.”
Edward very gently prised Esme’s arms from around me. She took the hint and let go of me and stood next to Carlisle, entwining her hand in his.
“Is Jasper ok?” I asked. “It’s all my fault, really. I got a paper-cut and I was bleeding and-”
Carlisle held up a hand to stop me.
“It is no one’s fault.” He turned to Edward. “It was all a big mistake and we hope that you will be able to forgive Jasper.”
I nodded quickly but Edward was slightly hesitant.
“Edward,” Esme spoke quietly, her voice full of emotion. “He didn’t mean to harm her. You know how difficult it is to resist. He is very, very sorry.”
“I know,” Edward said, quietly.
We all stood their in silence. I could hear every one of Edward’s tormented thoughts. He was finding it very difficult to forgive Jasper. He kept picturing me lying on his bedroom floor drained of blood, with dead staring eyes and Jasper, with his eyes crimson and my blood dripping from his chin.
Edward, don’t. That wouldn’t have happened.
But it could.
But it didn’t.
“We’ll leave you to think,” Carlisle gave Edward a meaningful look, telling him to forgive Jasper for Esme’s sake. He then pulled Esme away from us who was reluctant to leave us alone. When they were gone I turned to Edward.
“Look, I know you think Jasper is completely out of control and can’t be trusted around another human being every again, but I think that you have to understand that as long as Jasper isn’t tempted with a drop of human blood he won’t attack.”
Edward looked away from me, trying to keep his mind free of images of me dead. He knew I was right, he just wouldn’t admit it.
“Come on,” I said, smiling. I took his hand in mine. “I’m alive aren’t I? Please don’t be like this; I hate it when you go all depressed. You can be like this for hours and ruin my fun.”
Edward still wouldn’t lighten up. I let go of his hand and stomped away. I saw a big looking broken branch and smiled. I sent it flying at him, hoping it would hit him and he would forget about Jasper but he caught it and threw it in the opposite direction.
“Edward!” I whined. “Please, stop it! I hate hearing your thoughts when you’re angry. You can be so aggressive.”
I walked back to him, trying to think of a way to calm him, stop him thinking of Jasper. Then I smiled. I had it. I was up close to him, chest to chest. He looked down at me, confused. He didn’t know what I was planning to do, I was thinking of something that was completely and utterly stupid. A SpongeBob island filled with a thousand Patrick Stars and Squidwarts and jellyfish and anything else that was SpongeBob related. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed him softly on the lips. Jasper was totally wiped from his mind and it was only me he was thinking about.
What are you doing?
Distracting you.
Keep going.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly again. He picked me up and crushed his lips against mine, more passionate and fierce than I would have dared to do with him. He only let me go when I reminded him that I needed to breathe. I was dizzy from lack of air and because of his kiss.

“Local police are investigating the murder of Samantha Roberts, aged 21. The police believe that it was nothing more than a vicious animal attack but local residents are claiming it was something much more sinister. Samantha Roberts is said to have been on her way home from her evening yoga class when she was killed. She was found on the path near the local forest where dangerous predators are known to live.”
I turned the TV off and stared at the black screen utterly stunned. I couldn’t believe that there had been another murder. Was this an actual animal attack or like the local residents said; something much more sinister? I wanted to go and see the crime scene, examine the body myself but I knew the police would never let me near it. Maybe if I called Charlie, he would let me look at the dead body of Samantha Roberts. As I was about to dial the number I got an incoming call from Edward. I would ask him about this death. He might know whether any vampires have been lurking about.
“Kayla, have you seen the news?” Edward spoke quickly.
“Yes, I was just about to ask you. Do you know what it was?”
“No,” Edward said, slowly. “But Carlisle is still out there with the police.”
“Edward, do you believe this is another animal attack?”
“We are in Forks,” he replied. “It is not an uncommon thing.”
“But do you believe it?” I persisted.
“Do you?”
“Not really.” I answered. “I think I’ll call Charlie and get him to let me have a look.”
I was in the hallway, grabbing my jacket from the hook and picking up my keys up off the small stand.
“Carlisle will be back soon,” Edward said. “He’ll tell us.”
“I want to look myself.”
“Kayla really, just leave it to Carlisle.”
I was almost out the door when I light footsteps in the kitchen.
“Edward, I have to go,” I whispered down the phone.
I stood still, frozen, not making any noise to alert the intruder I was there.
“What’s wrong?” Edward asked, his voice slightly panicky. “Why are you whispering?”
A tall man walked slowly out of the kitchen. I stared at him, taking in every detail. He had shoulder length black hair and was strongly built. His eyes were a bright red and his skin pale white. There was blood on his around his mouth and chin.
“I think I’ve just met the animal that killed Samantha Roberts,” I whispered to Edward.
“Hello,” the vampire spoke, his voice light. “What’s your name?”
“Kayla, run!” Edward shouted at me.
I stared at the vampire. He was beautiful despite the blood on his face.
“Kayla!” Edward screamed at me. “GO!”
“I’m going!” I shouted back at him.
“You’re not going anywhere,” the vampire spoke softly to me.
He tilted his head and his nostrils flared. He was taking in my scent.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
I swallowed, feeling slightly scared. My hand was on the door handle, ready to pull it open and run. The vampire saw my hand and was in front of me in less than a second, his hand around my wrist. He pulled my hand off the door handle and held it.
He smiled at me, showing me his teeth. I could hear his thoughts and they were filled with me. But not like Edward’s thoughts were filled with me. This vampire was only interested in my blood. I shivered under his cold touch and his smile widened. He bent his head down intent on biting me but the small stand in the hallway hit him first. He let go of my wrist and I wrenched open the door and ran.

Guys, suffering from a little writer's block here. I don't know what to write next so I'm leaving it up to you. Would you like the vampire to chase Kayla or move on to another victim? Leave a comment saying which one and I will write whichever one is chosen most.


Ok so some of you were confused by Kayla’s purpose. Do not fret. An explanation of what her purpose, why she has to protect people, and basically everything Charlie said to her is coming up now.

Kayla is an Azdi. These are a race of people that protect humans. That is there sole purpose. They protect humans from any attack by a supernatural being. For example, if a Nahadriah was on the loose running around like a mad man killing innocent humans, the nearest Azdi to the place where the killings were taking place would deal with the creature by either destroying...
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As you can tell by the title I don't care who people prefer, to me they are completly different books in completly different genres- I mean would you ever see Ron fighting a grizzly bear. Okay so it is possible, but he isn't going to get golden eyes when he drinks it's blood, seriously?

So I decided to end this fight once and for all- although I didn't intentially come across this, I just found it on: link ,so that shows how bored you get to go to this extent when there's hardly any new Twilight news-right? It's a slow day today.

Okay so I clicked on a thing called Google Fight, and it asked...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is chapter eight. Hope you like it please read, rate, comment and enjoy!!


Bella’s POV

I cannot believe I have left him. But its for the best. He KILLED my parents. Or if you want to put it specifically, he killed my mum and his brother (Emmett) killed my dad. And he expects me to stay with him after that. Uh-huh, right.
    I don’t know what I would have done without Sara. She really is nice, once you get to know her. She has taught me the ways of living as a nomadic vampire. Without her I would have been crying at the Cullens’ doorstep by now. I don’t...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is chapter seven. I hope you like it!! i got my ideas from the Twilight Books so there are connections, but the story has got different points in it! Please read, rate and comment. Enjoy!!


Edward’s POV

She left me. I can’t say I blame her really. I murdered her parents. But I am hurting and I didn’t think she would leave with Sara. Of all people, Sara.
    There is a huge hole in my heart, and I am struggling to keep it together. Emmett’s trying to help. But I know he feels guilty, he killed her father. I’ve heard him blaming himself. ‘Damn, why didn’t...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
third chapter, full of shocks and crazy twists...enjoy!

The La Push students stood out among the vast amounts of students at school. They were tanner, and wore brighter colors than us, a very unusual; thing to do in Forks where your covered in an unclear haze of rain and shadow. The La Push kids mostly kept to themselves, at lunch in most classes, but there would be a rare occasion that they would have to communicate with you for an assignment or for something they needed help with. I was lucky to be in mostly senior classes, so I didn’t have to worry about that too much. If I sounded stupid,...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
hey, for those who did my question, this is the draft of my story, of edward and jacob for bella's protection, and when they come back, she is in fact, a vampire slayer/witch (havent decided which yet!!!)
let me know if you like it!


I never thought it would happen like this. The Quileute’s on my left, and the Cullen’s on my right. Both people I thought I could love and trust. Both ready to kill me. I waited in weary anticipation as Edward and Jacob took two steps towards me, both looking upset yet focused at the same time. I felt my new family stir uneasily behind me, bound by the...
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Okay guys, so I had a great idea, I'm still gonna continue writing this story, but I always seem to never be able to make up my mind on whats going to happen..

So, what I want to do, is ask you guys, I posted a question under "Picks" about who is behind Bella.

You guys are going to help me continue my story, and have some imput in how the story works, I'm really excited for this and think its gonna be fun!

If you're just reading anything from me for the first time, I would suggest going back to read all three chapters and then going under picks and selecting an option...

I think i'm gonna resort...
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posted by doyouknow
This is my first fanfiction so I need you to be honest and tell me what you think!

I dont own Twilight or any of it's characters.

My mother kissed my forehead softly, “You know sweetie, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Her eyes bored into mine and for a second I actually considered staying in Phoenix. But I knew Phil would be going on the road soon, and I also knew how hard it was for Renee to be away from her new husband. I didn’t want that.
“Mom for the last time I want to!” I replied, putting on the best brave smile I could manage, smiling was just so much effort...
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posted by dinosteph
Chapter two guys.

I opened my eyes slowly, noticing the time was 5:34. Early. I closed my eyes again rolling over to my other side. I could sleep for another hour before I had to get up and start my morning routine for school. I could hear Charlie moving around the house downstairs, probably making himself breakfast, and then I smelled burnt toast. Yup. Definitely making himself breakfast. I turned a few times trying to get comfortable when I heard the rocking chair in the corner creak. I peeked through my eyelashes holding my hand over my eyes, shielding the daylight coming in through the window....
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posted by team_edward_
Chapter One-Hunting

I pulled into the school parking lot. Most of the cars were old so my old truck didn`t stand out to much. “Oh my gosh you must be Isabella Swan right? I`m like Jessica and this is Angela, Mike, Eric, and Tyler. I`m so glad you’re coming here what’s your first class?” A girl about 5 foot 5 has wild, curly, dark brown hair and blue eyes was introducing me to her friends. “Hey please call me Bella not Isabella. Nice to meet yous. I have English first. What do you guys have?” The guys just stared at me. Jessica said she and Mike had English too. The other three had...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and said “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come join us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, you shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word you said about me.’...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
"Alice,what did you see?" I asked her in a soft tone.
"I saw us fighting newborns," she started, "there was only 25 of them and we finished them off in an instance." Alice started to sob again. "After we killed all of them, we started a bonfire and burned all their bodies." She paused. "We split up into groups. Well, actually couples- you and Edward, me and Jasper, you and Emmett, and you and Carlisle." Me, Rosalie, and Esme immediately knew who was with who. In her premonition, I was paired up with Edward, Alice was with Jasper, Rose was with Emmett, and Esme was with Carlisle. Alice went...
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Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Okay so I saw the movie and Taylor was PERFECT!!! I was a little iffy at first about him being my favorite character, but he really surprised me! He's SUCH a good actor it nearly made me fall out of my seat. He didn't have a big role, of course, but I'm looking forward to him in New Moon. He's just so GREAT!!! I mean, he has the smile, the voice, the body, the eyes, the hair, the height...why does Summit want to replace him so badly??? Yes, I understand that in New Moon he grows a lot and gets more muscle, but who cares? Taylor can work out and he'll grow, too. And if it's not enough, I say...
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posted by i_luv_twilight
Hey this is the first chapter of a story i m writing. if u like it comment! if ppl like it i'll post more!

I was walking outside of my house when I saw him. He was unloading a moving van across the street with who looked like his father. His hair was a glistening golden-red color. I completely froze. I was stunned by the beauty that was standing a few yards away from me.
He caught me staring, causing my face to turn a bright shade of red. I could tell he was laughing at my cherry-colored face.
I rushed into my house almost running my face into the door, because I didn't unlock the door fast enough...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Here it is: The long awaited, demanded Chapter 10!! Chapter 11 will follow shortly.

Jacob and I kept planning for hours in the cottage.
I decided that Mom, Aunt Rosalie, Aunt Alice, Grandma, Leah, and Emily would be my bridesmaids, and Jacob wanted Billy as a best man, and Dad, Uncle Emmett, Sam, Quil, Embry, and Seth as groomsmen. Uncle Jasper would read the vows. We wanted a house in Forks, in the woods, like Mom's and Dad's, but with a different design. Our interrests differed from theirs. We went to go see Grandma to tell her our plans for a house.
She and Aunt Alice were upstairs in Aunt...
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"You know, I am going to miss this place," I noted as Jacob took my packed suitcase.
"You'd rather stay here than be with me?" he pouted.
"Of course not! I'm just saying..." Oh. He was teasing. He grinned at me and I laced my fingers through his.
I was leaving Brenton. Today was the last day of my first semester. It had been a great experiance, but Jacob was more important than anything in my life right now. On the night of the dance, we had fallen asleep in the silvery moonlight, curled up by each other, under the tree. The next morning he was going to catch a flight back to Washington; he...
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it is just MY opinion...
i think it was very well done thinking of it just as a movie you know it wont ever be exactly like the book ... or with such many detailz
things i loved:
*the humor they use (for example bella: if things end bad like i would become the meal) haha
*alice ! the character is very well portrayed
*the end ( victoria watching)
*the baseball game!
*men cast haha =P
*stephenie meyer appearing wooow!
things that dissapointed me:
* the clearing ! i dont liked the sparkling effect ...
*it was really fast everything
*alice's story was missing ...
things that were wrong: (i didnt noticed until the third time i saw it)
*billy was driving !
*when edward is playing th e piano for bella he didnt sparkle
*victoria appears in the prom in the crowd (edward would read her thoughtz)

but i like it anyway ! it ir TWILIGHT !
posted by mandapanda
Well, as most of you know, the Twilight Score is coming out December 9th, and I can't wait for that day! The track listing has been released and I decided to match up the track listings with the movie scenes, and the book. (My guesses are in parantheses) Movie scores usually list the songs in the order that they are played in the movie. And, if my guessing is right, the movie is following the book chronologically. The tracks that don't have my guesses is because I'm not sure about where they fit. But anyways, please comment, either disagreeing or agreeing, both are welcome. :)

Track Listings...
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okay, so, all these people are complaining about Bella's Lullaby. I heard, "Bella's Lullaby sucked in my opinion" or "The strings and the orchestra weren't supposed to be in the song" or "They need to cut out the orchestra cuz it sucked with that in it". Just stuff like that which is disrespectful to Summit, Carter Burwell, and all the people associated with the project. People don't need to say such rude comments about it.

and in my opinion, this is the soundtrack. obviously they are gonna put the score they have that goes with the movie's music. It can't just be a random piece that doesn't fit in with the rest of the score. that's just what pisses me off. when people judge something too quickly without laying down all the facts.
posted by DefineDelicate
Hello My Follow Twilighters!
there's a New Spot Made, it's The Leah and Jacob spot, so if you like their friendship/relationsip couple wise, feel free to join!


where you can discuss their partnership, with other fans, make/find Leah and Jacob Fan Art, and what you think over all of Jacob and Leah.

and if you have any concerns, or request for the spot, don't be scared to ask, also if you know anyone else who likes the Couple, please spread the Jeah Love This way :)
