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posted by LexisFaith
I woke up the next morning, groggy. The sun beat down on the through a glass wall but within seconds disapeard behind the clouds. I closed my eyes again gripping my empty sheets next to me, shooting upright when I found them empty.
I heard the door close on my left. I turned my head to see Edward standing with a towel around his waist and rubbing his dripping hair with another.
"Sorry." He smiled crookedly.
I snapped my mouth closed and blinked a few times. His body was perfectly scuplted. From his abs to his pecks. His biscep bulged as he towel dried his hair.
I shook my head and finally found my voice. "No. It's fine."
He pointed to the chair that sat in the corner of the room. "Alice picked out some clothes for you. My bathrom is right here." He pointed to the door the had just came from.
"Thanks." I told him as he dissapeard inside his closet. I grabbed the clothes off the chair and went in to take a shower.
Alice, I assumed, placed everything I needed in his tiled shower. My favorite shampoo that smelled of strawberries and vanilla body scrub. I laughed at myself and figured they were something of her favorites too.
After I was done I found a hairdryer on the counter and dried my hair. As I reached for my clothes I noticed I had forgotten the pants. I left the towel wrapped under my arms and went into the room to grab the pants. I was halfway to the chair when Edward stepped infront of me.
He grabbed on of my hands and let the fingers of his other hand trace down from my collar bone to my fingers of my other hand.
He stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. His other hand floated from the base of my throat to the back of my neck.
I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as his head bent toward's mine.
Slowly his lips traced my jaw line and down the side of my neck. He looked down at me, his eyes smoldering mine. I couldn't stand it anymore.
I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. His lips were in perfect sync with mine as he picked me up and sat me down on the bed. His lips parted slightly and his tongue lighly traced my bottom lip. I pulled on his shirt bringing him down onto the bed with me.
I laid under him while he was perched on his hands and knees. He kissed down my neck again and pulled away.
"After school." He told me breathing heavly.
He pulled me up and set me back down on the floor. He handed me my pants and I walked back to the bathroom half dazed.

Alice had given me a tight fitting pair of jeans and a low cut sweater. She had given my flats to wear insted of heels. I would have to remember to thank her.
I steped out of the bathroom looking for Edward. I looked around the room but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I walked to his closet, his door still open. Just as I peek in his arms wrapped wround my waist from behind.
He kissed the side of my neck and turned me around to face him. "You look way to tempting, but we will be late if we don't leave now."

"So what's with you and that Cullen guy?" I closed my locker and Till was standing on the other side.
"None of your buisness. Remember?" I asked as I shifted my books in my hand and glared at him.
"Yea I know." He shrugged. "Just curious. Wanna' walk to class?"
"Actually, I have that covered." Edward walked up beside of me and smiled down at me. He stuck his hand out for my books and I handed them to him smiling back. "See you in class..."
"Till." Till glared at Edward. Guess he didn't approve.
Edward put our books in one hand and but one hand behind my back.
We sat down at our table and waited for Mr. Marcono to come in.
"Alice called your father this morning." Edward told me. "She told him after dinner you and Till had a fight and broke up. So you came to see Alice about it and fell asleep on accedent."
"Did he buy it?" I asked worried.
"On easy payments." Edward smiled.
We laughed and I felt Till's glare on our backs.
Edward bent down and whispered in my ear. "I don't think Till is aproving."
I laughed again and whispered in his, playing along.
"He doesn't have to." I told him. I placed my hand on his leg knowing Till could see. "Your place after school right?"
Edward placed his hand on the small of my back and whispered. "And you can stay as long as you'd like." He smiled and nipped my ear.
I cuoldn't help but laugh as I thought of Till's face through all of this.

"There is something going on with you and Cullen."
Till caught up with me on my way to our last class.
"His name is Edward." I told him. "And why would you think that?" I asked trying to keep a grin off my face.
"You were whispering in each other's ear, you hand your hand on his leg, and you were giggling. Not laughing, giggling." He pointed out.
"He wanted to tell me a secret." I told him trying my best not to bust out laughing.
"Secret my ass!" He yelled.
"Stop yelling class is starting." I groaned and turned my head.

Till caught me at the door leaving the class.
"What have you done with him?" He asked.
"What?" I asked as I shoved past him.
"What all have you done with him? Made out behind the school, in his Volvo?" His voice trailed off leaving other options unspoken.
I just shrugged.
"He better not have gotten you in bed yet. You wouldn't with me. So he better not be able to." Edward walked up beside me having hear Till's last comment.
"Maybe he already has." I smiled and walked away leaving him dead in his steps. Edward's hand traced across my butt and gripped it in his hand before holding onto my waist.
We reached his Volvo and once we were safely in we both let out wailing laughs.
"Oh my God." I gasped. "That was great."
"You should be an actress." Edward laughed.
We were out on the road now then rain like a sheet around us.
"I loved the squeezing my butt touch." I laughed.
He smiled. "That wasn't for him. That was for my own selfish benefit."
He put on hand on my thigh and my breathing quickened.
"What about your family." I asked suddenly aware.
"They are out again tonight. Carlisle has these Doctor's banquets he has to go to. I never have gone to them. We're safe." He assure me.
I hadn't notice we were already at his house. He opened my door and helped me out pulling me against him.
The rain soaked my clothes and he pressed his lips to mine just has he had this morning. My hands tagled in his hair as I tried to get myself closer to him. He kissed down my jaw and his tongue lightly traced my collar bone. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I hadn't noticed we had made it upstairs untill he laid me on the bed. He hovered over me again as I slid his shirt off. My hands traced down his stomache and unbuckled his belt. My sweater was on the floor beside the bed. I hadn't notice him take that off either. I pulled away gasping for air as he kissed my throat and made his way to my stomach. I shuttered and my pants dissapeared.

I laid on his barechest a few hours later still panting. I hadn't wanted anyone the way I wanted Edward. I wanted what he had just given me for the rest of my life. And nothing more. For the first time, I honestly believed in soul mates. And Edward was mine.
Team Edward versus Team Jacob - Twilight fans will surely become one of the two largest Clan , whether it vampire clan or werewolft clan . When the official Press New Moon on the question of who would win if a war between Team Edward and Team Jacob. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have a different opinion about this. wether it will be add to scene in film?
Cek This Out in
it still fresh and come on this is hot topic if u are truly twilight fans

It Snippet Opini from Robert And Taylor
Robert Pattinson laughed when he said who would win between his character Edward Cullen and the character of Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black.
art video I wouldn’t do something unless I had a weapon. "
Meanwhile, Taylor responded with more analysis. "Oh man. I do not know between me and Rob. He often exercises boxing when he was off duty. This will probably be the fight interesting. we've already discussed this when filming,
posted by decullen
I shot up in a fright I was in a a pitch black room I was on a silk covered bed, the air was damp, the wind soothing as it bounced off my neck , I heard a smooth voice . An angel? Edward? My Edward. "Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. Your the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love." I was reassured to know that Edward was there so I slid back under the sheets and head slowly drifted away into sleep, in my dream there was a beautiful white room full of heavenly light and beautiful smells whispers echoed around me, "Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy...
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justt pay them?
justt pay them?
this is starting to annoying me.. this whole.... the actors are getting upset by the shortage of wage they have been offered for breaking dawn

like first ashley and kellen,,, now kristen, robert and taylor the main leads.
but to begin with ... ashley,,, who plays alice, i can quite safely say everyone here loves alice to bits,, i want to know WHAT KIND OF PRIORITIES DO SUMMIT HAVE? like? does the role of Alice meaning anything to summit? considering they earn 3/4 their monney from the twilight...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I screamed in horror, trying to pull free, the hand was just like Jasper’s… just thinking brings tears back to my eyes, but they won’t spill, so I just blinked them away like I always did… I looked at my capturer I gasped, my eyes went so wide I thought they’d pop out, my mouth curled into an ‘O’ shape, the capture WAS Jasper. Oh, how I was relieved he was alive, in one way, but his very being wasn’t, oh, how I wanted to wrap my arms tight around his neck, and just forget all this has happened and go back to the Happy times we had… but there was no way to do so. For, my beloved...
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The Social Security Adminstration recently released it's annual report of the most popular baby names. Or, should I say 'vampire' baby names? The results were quite interesting.

I wonder if Stephenie Meyer ever realized just how much her writings would impact the planet. With Meyer's wildly popular Twilight series holding phenom reign over the past couple of years, her books and the characters she created have actually influenced the most popular baby names of 2009... Full Story Here link
posted by BellaCullenHale
5:32 A.M.

I woke up cold. My hair tusseled in the attempted ponytail I had made last night. I really was out of it last night. Yesterday I found out the boy I'm in love with is a Warlock? A mythical creature that I didn't even know exsisted? I still wasen't quite sure if I believed him or not. I didn't know what to do. Would Austin and I still be like usual? Or would it be akward now that I knew what he was? I wasen't sure what to do. But how could he be lieing? I saw the scenes of his memory at Witch School. How could he be lieing if he was able to get his memories in my head. Looking at his...
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At long last we have a photo of the ring that Edward gives Bella in Eclipse!

This scene is very revealing because we can see the bracelet that Jacob gave Bella plus the bite mark left by James and finally the ring, too.

Remember that this ring is very special because it belonged to Elizabeth Masen, the biological mother of Edward, so it has a lot of sentimental value.

The ring is gorgeous, with tons of diamonds. It shows the true love that Edward has for Bella, and that he wants to spend eternity with her.

Of course, the ring scene in the book and movie is one of the most romantic and emotional of the Twilight series.
By Twilight_News |

So there’s a bunch out there circulating. Here’s what we make of it.

Rumor 1: The Host casting in full swing and Ian Somhalder cast as Ian. Now as much as Alphie would personally love nothing better than to have this be true, at the moment it’s rumor. A number of sources that we checked with were surprised to learn of this because the movie is still actively being developed. What we think sparked this was a German fansite stating Ian would be great for the role combined with a casting website that puts out general information about projects.

Rumor 2: Kristen Stewart is...
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posted by Jessie-Louise

Dear Diary,
I think I love him,I want him to be mine forever,we shared our first kiss tonight it was so magical, I but if my dad found out he would break his legs or even worse kill him and I don't want that to happen.
If my mom knew she would probably attack him and scream at him,Why does he have to be so special to me?,Jacob I love you.
Love Renesmee..x

As soon as I had put my diary underneath my bed,there was a knock at my bedroom door
"come in" I said quietly trying not to wake my mom up.
"Sweetie,get your pyjamas on,time for bed you have school tomorrow."Dad said to me.

As soon as he left my...
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posted by whatupiloveyou
Italics are Bella’s dream!
Bella’s POV

    I can’t believe I was smiling, the last time I smiled was when Ed…he was here. My mom was in shock that I was finally showing a change in emotion.
“Sweetheart, your happy, or smiling, at least. I love you so much. You know that right?” my mom was over-joyed. I just smiled more, and that made my mom more excited. I know its stupid, but I really want that wish to come true. I want to see him again, to be happy again. I know that sounds so hopeless.
“Its late, sweetheart, you should really go to sleep. See you in the morning.”...
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posted by MrsJonasLautner
This article is not an opinion, fan-fiction, list,review, or guide. This is.....
Ooooookay. I CANNOT BELIEVE how many stupid PEOPLE joined this club. (Well, a small part of the members are Twilight fans wanted to give you guys a smack in the face.... Which I cheer on!) But all you guys do is insult Twilight. Have you guys actually read the books or seen the movies? I THINK NOT!
Author's Note: Hey, you guys said it doesn't matter what team you're on, so on behalf of Twilight Fans, I'm writing this article to guess who... YOU!
If you're a boy, and you don't like Twilight,...
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Your original, unique, beautiful Twilight inspired artwork may be considered for inclusion to the fine art section of link. This is a high traffic website for vampire enthusiasts.

Any pieces accepted to be displayed on the site will receive a bio on the page, written about the art and the artist, which can be used in self promo's, with full credit to the artist going back to the piece.

Exceptional pieces or artists will receive a full page dedication and write up similiar to this one: link

Any work displayed will remain the full copyright of the artist. This will be clearly stated on the site....
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posted by lollipopszx3
Sadistic_Vamp has logged on.

HuntYouDown has logged on.

Sadistic_Vamp: Hey.

HuntYouDown: Yo.

Sadistic_Vamp: Yo?

HuntYouDown: Yeah. Some chick from Cuba was talking 2 me and teaching me to be fly. I fit right in.

Sadistic_Vamp: Yeah I'm sure you do.

HuntYouDown: Yeah. I've already been asked out by 3 ppl. Tho I'm sure 1 is a guy.

Sadistic_Vamp: That'll be awkward.

HuntYouDown: Nah. I'm sure he has a girl so we can double.

Sadistic_Vamp: o.o ohh I see then we can suck out their blood. smart.

HuntYouDown: No! You will not suck out BiGuy093's blood!

Sadistic_Vamp: Well that's an awkward name.

HuntYouDown: Oh...
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i gave jacob time to think about what i asked, let it settle in. i didint wont to make him feel unfomfitable about this, well i guess he allready does.
as soon as we were through the door i went straight to bella i watched her as she watched me for a second then i help lock with jacob. i could feel her eyes on me now.
"were going to let jacob and belle talk privetly" i told the rest of them
"over my pile of ashes" rosalie hissed at me she was still holding bella like she was some toy that no one els was alowed to touche.
i ignored her and turned to bella
"bella jacob would like to talk to you...
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Sorry it's been so long (been on holiday and trying to like choose all my exam choices for year 10)lifes been pretty hetic but enough of my life!!! Last time I left off Nessie and jake were going to keep their baby and now we visit them 9 months later. No one actually knows what to expect but the exact being of Aimme (youll know who she is when you read the chapter) will be discovered in the next chapter. Also you would have noticed that this chapter is from Jakes point of veiw I had a fab time writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it eaqually as much! Thankz for reading and please...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

I was ninety-nine point none percent sure I was dreaming.
The reasons I was certain were that, first, I was standing in a bright shaft of sunlight - the kind of blinding clear sun that never shone on my drizzly new hometown in Forks, Washington - and second, I was looking at my Grandma Marie. Gran had been dead for six years now, so that was solid evidence toward the dream theory.
Gran hadn't changed much; her face looked just the same as I remembered it. The skin was soft and withered, bent into a thousand tiny creases that clung gently to the...
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By Twilight_News

At first the list included Gus Van Sant, Sofia Coppola, and Bill Condon discovered by Hollywood insider Nikkie Finke who writes for Deadline Hollywood. Then the name Stephen Daldry surfaced discovered by the LA Times. Right after that MTV (there seems to be a pattern here, you’ll see in a minute) asked The Runaways director, Floria Sigismondi, if she were interested and she gave a polite and non-committal answer.

Now enter M. Night Shyamalan, director of the upcoming The Last Airbender that stars Jackson Rathbone. MTV put the question to him, and to our surprise M. Knight (can we call him just Knight?) was a apparently fan of the first movie…who knew?

“”I would’ve loved to be– I love the series, and Catherine [Hardwicke's] movie, it was one of my favorite movies of that year,” he said. “Really, I thought tonally, it was a perfect movie. I called her up after I saw ‘Twilight’ and was like ‘That was amazing.’ So I’m a big fan.”
I decided 2 write a book on the twilight is only a little bit here but I really have 85 pages done, this is only the first page nd a half I wrote here...this is after eclipse like 'breaking dawn' never happened...this will be like Bella never married Edward nd never had Renesmee. I will post more of my writing when I have a chance. I hope u like it cuz i would like 2 be a writer when i grow up.....plz comment! :)

I looked around as I picked up my phone.Hoping to get in touch with anyone before he shows up. Edward isn't to fond of me that I keep checking in on Jacob. But how am...
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posted by whatupiloveyou
3 months, 2 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes, 17 seconds. That is how long I have been away from my ... Not mine anymore, Bella. She looked so sad when I left her in the forest.
Edward, I mentally screamed, stop thinking about her. She is better without you!
It's about 10 pm. I wish I was human so I could sleep away the pain. Up in the sky a shooting star, I used to think those were Earth's little miracles, that was until Blla came into my life. She was my miracle, I knew it was stupid but I closed my eyes and whispered, "I wish I could do the right thing with Bella."
That was stupid, I scolded...
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1:please dont tell everybody that they are vamoire... if you do , you wont survive sor long....
2:dont ask alice stupid questions,she wont like it.....
3:only challenge emmet to an arm wrestling match is yuor a vampire or completely stupid and want to break yuor hand, but then of-urse carlisle will treat you and thats almost worth the pain...
4:DO NOT tell the volturi that nessie actualy is an immortal child, they just changed the kid every now and then so it looked like the original kid is growing..