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posted by LexisFaith
I woke up the next morning, groggy. The sun beat down on the through a glass wall but within seconds disapeard behind the clouds. I closed my eyes again gripping my empty sheets next to me, shooting upright when I found them empty.
I heard the door close on my left. I turned my head to see Edward standing with a towel around his waist and rubbing his dripping hair with another.
"Sorry." He smiled crookedly.
I snapped my mouth closed and blinked a few times. His body was perfectly scuplted. From his abs to his pecks. His biscep bulged as he towel dried his hair.
I shook my head and finally found my voice. "No. It's fine."
He pointed to the chair that sat in the corner of the room. "Alice picked out some clothes for you. My bathrom is right here." He pointed to the door the had just came from.
"Thanks." I told him as he dissapeard inside his closet. I grabbed the clothes off the chair and went in to take a shower.
Alice, I assumed, placed everything I needed in his tiled shower. My favorite shampoo that smelled of strawberries and vanilla body scrub. I laughed at myself and figured they were something of her favorites too.
After I was done I found a hairdryer on the counter and dried my hair. As I reached for my clothes I noticed I had forgotten the pants. I left the towel wrapped under my arms and went into the room to grab the pants. I was halfway to the chair when Edward stepped infront of me.
He grabbed on of my hands and let the fingers of his other hand trace down from my collar bone to my fingers of my other hand.
He stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. His other hand floated from the base of my throat to the back of my neck.
I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as his head bent toward's mine.
Slowly his lips traced my jaw line and down the side of my neck. He looked down at me, his eyes smoldering mine. I couldn't stand it anymore.
I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. His lips were in perfect sync with mine as he picked me up and sat me down on the bed. His lips parted slightly and his tongue lighly traced my bottom lip. I pulled on his shirt bringing him down onto the bed with me.
I laid under him while he was perched on his hands and knees. He kissed down my neck again and pulled away.
"After school." He told me breathing heavly.
He pulled me up and set me back down on the floor. He handed me my pants and I walked back to the bathroom half dazed.

Alice had given me a tight fitting pair of jeans and a low cut sweater. She had given my flats to wear insted of heels. I would have to remember to thank her.
I steped out of the bathroom looking for Edward. I looked around the room but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I walked to his closet, his door still open. Just as I peek in his arms wrapped wround my waist from behind.
He kissed the side of my neck and turned me around to face him. "You look way to tempting, but we will be late if we don't leave now."

"So what's with you and that Cullen guy?" I closed my locker and Till was standing on the other side.
"None of your buisness. Remember?" I asked as I shifted my books in my hand and glared at him.
"Yea I know." He shrugged. "Just curious. Wanna' walk to class?"
"Actually, I have that covered." Edward walked up beside of me and smiled down at me. He stuck his hand out for my books and I handed them to him smiling back. "See you in class..."
"Till." Till glared at Edward. Guess he didn't approve.
Edward put our books in one hand and but one hand behind my back.
We sat down at our table and waited for Mr. Marcono to come in.
"Alice called your father this morning." Edward told me. "She told him after dinner you and Till had a fight and broke up. So you came to see Alice about it and fell asleep on accedent."
"Did he buy it?" I asked worried.
"On easy payments." Edward smiled.
We laughed and I felt Till's glare on our backs.
Edward bent down and whispered in my ear. "I don't think Till is aproving."
I laughed again and whispered in his, playing along.
"He doesn't have to." I told him. I placed my hand on his leg knowing Till could see. "Your place after school right?"
Edward placed his hand on the small of my back and whispered. "And you can stay as long as you'd like." He smiled and nipped my ear.
I cuoldn't help but laugh as I thought of Till's face through all of this.

"There is something going on with you and Cullen."
Till caught up with me on my way to our last class.
"His name is Edward." I told him. "And why would you think that?" I asked trying to keep a grin off my face.
"You were whispering in each other's ear, you hand your hand on his leg, and you were giggling. Not laughing, giggling." He pointed out.
"He wanted to tell me a secret." I told him trying my best not to bust out laughing.
"Secret my ass!" He yelled.
"Stop yelling class is starting." I groaned and turned my head.

Till caught me at the door leaving the class.
"What have you done with him?" He asked.
"What?" I asked as I shoved past him.
"What all have you done with him? Made out behind the school, in his Volvo?" His voice trailed off leaving other options unspoken.
I just shrugged.
"He better not have gotten you in bed yet. You wouldn't with me. So he better not be able to." Edward walked up beside me having hear Till's last comment.
"Maybe he already has." I smiled and walked away leaving him dead in his steps. Edward's hand traced across my butt and gripped it in his hand before holding onto my waist.
We reached his Volvo and once we were safely in we both let out wailing laughs.
"Oh my God." I gasped. "That was great."
"You should be an actress." Edward laughed.
We were out on the road now then rain like a sheet around us.
"I loved the squeezing my butt touch." I laughed.
He smiled. "That wasn't for him. That was for my own selfish benefit."
He put on hand on my thigh and my breathing quickened.
"What about your family." I asked suddenly aware.
"They are out again tonight. Carlisle has these Doctor's banquets he has to go to. I never have gone to them. We're safe." He assure me.
I hadn't notice we were already at his house. He opened my door and helped me out pulling me against him.
The rain soaked my clothes and he pressed his lips to mine just has he had this morning. My hands tagled in his hair as I tried to get myself closer to him. He kissed down my jaw and his tongue lightly traced my collar bone. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I hadn't noticed we had made it upstairs untill he laid me on the bed. He hovered over me again as I slid his shirt off. My hands traced down his stomache and unbuckled his belt. My sweater was on the floor beside the bed. I hadn't notice him take that off either. I pulled away gasping for air as he kissed my throat and made his way to my stomach. I shuttered and my pants dissapeared.

I laid on his barechest a few hours later still panting. I hadn't wanted anyone the way I wanted Edward. I wanted what he had just given me for the rest of my life. And nothing more. For the first time, I honestly believed in soul mates. And Edward was mine.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    The ritual began. Ethan took the ESSENCE OF OSIRIS and spilled three drops ontop of the book, took another bottle labled MOON WAX and poured some ontop of it. Then he handed me the knife. I decided to brick my finger, and I squeezed a drop of blood onto the blade, and then another onto the book. Then I passed the knife to Jerek who did the same while I sucked on my new wound. He cut his thumb, smeared his blood on the knife, dropped a drop, and passed it to Ethan. The knife went...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
Chapter 11
            “oh boy”
    Edward and everyone greeted us at the door, rose walked up to Nessie and said “you spent to much time with dogs, other then one of your aunts being a dog” I rolled my eyes and I walked up stairs thinking about how me and Seth were talking about how it would be so cool if we swam all the way from La push to where ever. I must have been so deep in thought I didn’t hear the door open because Emmett’s face was in my face. I rolled off my bed “ok I am ready” Emmett’s...
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posted by bluemc24
me and indie were 3 weeks into our imortal lifes. aro had explained that we were the new volturi members but, he had also explained we had gifts.

"we have a vampire in our ranks, who senses gifts in other vampires." Aro had said, "he senses that you two both, have gifts." he concluded.
"So if we have gifts, what are they?" imortal life had made indie 10 times more nosey than before.
"Young ones," aro said in a sweet voice, "your gifts are that, if you imagine what you want, it will happen."

After that me and indie went back to our room,"hayley?" indie asked
"yes." i answered putting down my book, "whats wrong?"
"I found this when we were out hunting." she handed me a flyer. the flyer had a picture of me and indie and it read 'MISSING'
"our parents are looking for us?" i asked...
we went silentg for 2 minuites.
"but we can't see them!" i said
"i know but i miss them!" she replied her cheerfull voice cold.

just then, Aro came in........
*episode ten*
*The Breakfast Club*
Alice’s P.O.V:
Vomit is a color no-one likes.
They get sick.
They die…
Or worse…
They find out they’re…pregnant…
Like me.
*done thinking*
Carlisle: I found out why you are pregnant. I think you can get an abortion.
Alice: *focused on how she got pregnant* how did I get pregnant?
Carlisle: *rolls his eyes at the door* boys! Just come in.
Edward: *barges the door down* Thanks!
Emmett: Yeah.
Jasper: ALICE! *runs over and grabs her hand*
Bella: Anyways…
Carlisle: You got pregnant because the last time or so you fed it was a pregnant animal-the pregnancy...
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posted by bluemc24
Hayley and indie were walking along the beach at sunset. They had spent a whole day sunbathing and getting a tan.- but lets hope they were good ones as they will be spending the rest of forever looking exactly like that.

Hayley’s POV

I woke up I felt strong but, a weird burning was in my throat. I sat up, where was I? it was definitely a palace or a mansion!? Just then I realised that I could hear and see everything. Then suddenly, indie sat up.

“indie?” I asked, my voice sounded different, sort of like bell’s. “yes” she replied. “where are we?” she took a while before...
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posted by DarkStranger
Alice POV

"Edward!" I shake his shoulder, He didn't respond.He was kneeling on the grass, his head bowed.I started to matter how hard I tried to watch his feature, I saw just black. And it was not good. All this situation was not good.

I take out the phone from my pocket and dialed Bella's number.After a few beeps I heard her voice.

"Alice, I don-" She began

"Something is wrong with Edward" I interrupted her. "He doesn't move, don't react. Just kneels on the ground" I was waiting for Bella's reply, but she said nothing. "Ar you listening?" I asked her, no word's. "Bela something wrong...
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posted by groovychicklisa
We spent two more days unpacking and getting settled in our new home, and then we flew down to Jacksonville to spend a week in the sun. Renée was thrilled to have us there, and though the house was definitely crowded, she refused to let us sleep at a hotel.

Both Renée and Phil had to work while we were there, so Edward, Lily and I would spend the day by the pool in the back yard, at the beach, or strolling around the streets of Jacksonville. In the evenings, we would barbecue on the patio or order take-out. It was a wonderful – and necessary – vacation.

I was sad to leave the sun when the...
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posted by groovychicklisa
I decided that I'd might as well head over to Newton's that afternoon after school. The store was empty except for a couple who was looking at tents at the back, and Mrs. Newton welcomed me with a smile and a concerned hug.

"Hello, dear. I do hope you're feeling better."

I didn't know exactly what Charlie had told her when I hadn't come in to work, but she didn't seem to need an explanation, and I was grateful for that.

"Mike said that I should stop by to work out a schedule. And thank you so much for letting me stay on, it's really nice of you."

"Of course, dear. We all have our rough spots, don't...
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posted by Jessie-Louise

Dear Diary,
I am so happy that the whole family now knows,i'm going for my first scan today.
Jacob,Mom,Dad and Billy are coming with me.
I can't wait,until the second scan when I find out if my baby is a beautiful baby girl or baby boy.
Ella Marie Black or Justin Antony Black,there both perfect names for my child.
I still can't get over Billy Fainting last night,but at least he agrees with our decision.

Love Renesmee..x

Jacob and I got up and went downstairs for breakfast.
A nice bowl of cereal and a glass of fresh orange should do it.
Afterwards we went and got ready.
I Just chucked on a sweater and...
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posted by NeeNee14
I got up the next morning and got up to get ready for school. My phone kept going off. It was Danny, but I ignored it. I decided to where my black skinny jeans and my pink plaid flannel shirt with my black ballet flats. My dad already left for work so I grabbed my purse and book bag and walked out.
I started to walk towards school since it was only a ten minute walk when a car pulled along side me.
"Hey do You wanna ride.?" The guy asked. He was cute,but not like my Seth. I smiled at the thought of him being mine.
"I'm okay" I said. I thought he would pull away but he kept right along aside me....
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Sorry its SO short

I got out my car Monday and walked over to Maci.
"Hey Maci, who are you waiting on?" I asked her.
"No one just thinking about Seth." I heard her heart accelerate and a smile broke across her face when she said it.
"Someone's in looovvee."I said and laughed.
"I know" she replied." Is Jake still in High School?" she asked me.
"No, he graduated last year." I said to her. I wondered if Seth told her about Vamps and Wolfs yet.
We started towards our first class when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned to see who it was. It was Jake. I smiled and he wrapped me up in a Bear...
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posted by karpach_13
nessie's school outfit.
nessie's school outfit.
they looked at me like i was saying something that they didnt understand. i felt bad, but i didnt know why. maybe my father was right that me and jake will never be together. but maybe i would be better off being just friends. i still didnt understand what love really feels thats what hurts me. my parents felt love in high school too but still.
"you guys okay?" i asked them. i was worried, because they froze.
"you guys!!!" i shouted. and this time they unfroze.
"what?" they asked at the same time.
"so do you guys want to hang out?" i asked them.
"not with him" jake said.
"jake you chose be friends...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok so I am going to start a new fanfics, which I think I'm gonna call unhappy love and I wondered what everyone thought.

Basically Chloe(lets name her that for the moment) Moves to La Push and gets imprinted on by Paul. This annoys her to no end so she starting to ignore him.Eventually A family crisis, bring them closer together and Chloe realises she needs Paul more then she thinks.

That was the story line I had in mind.If you have any name suggestions or anything like that please let me know.

And PLease comment and let me know If I should write this fanfic.

By the way: If Things Were Different is almost finished!!!
I pulled into the parking lot and everyone was staring at me again. My friend , Maci ran up to me.
"Hey Ness. I heard what happened at the party. Who was that Guy?" She asked me.
"That Guy was Jacob."I said to her. I saw a grin stretch across her face.
"So that's Jacob.Oh My God he is soo hot."I laughed a little.I saw Jackson staring at me from across the lot. I walked up to him. He had a black eye and a broken nose. WOW, Jake fucked him up.
"Hey Jackson. I just wanted to apologize for the way Jacob reacted."I said to him
'It's okay Nessie.I was acting like a jerk anyway. Are we still friends?"He...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"Hey, dad, I'm going to the Blacks to see jacob after school, do you think you can organise your own dinner?," i asked when in my rush down the stairs. I was running late for school again.
I hope that charlie understand that when i said organise, i mean order pizza not cook, i want to come home to a house, not ash.
"Ok Bells, One cheese pizza should be enough" he snickered. Charlie had been given days off from work lately, for his back. He fell while taking out the trash. It was then when i realised that my clunsiness was in fact gene related.
i scuffed over to his side, struggling to get on my...
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posted by karpach_13
nesssie's outfit
nesssie's outfit
"hi guys, whacha talking about?" i asked them. they turned toward me and Jake smiled. he was by my side in a sec. he grabbed me and swang me aroung.
"Y havent u visited me for so long?" jake asked playfully.
"family problems" i answered. before Jake or anyone else could say something, Eric comes out of the woods.
"what are you doing here?" jake asks Eric with a tilt of anger in his voice.
"can't i see my imprintee?" he asked jake. seth embry, jared, paul, quil, and sam widend their eyes.
"whats wrong ?" i asked sam.
"only one person can imprnt on you, if there's two they have to fight, and only...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    I followed him into the lab room, and realized Tabra and the body was gone. There was a note in his place. I walked to it, picked it up, and read it out loud.
    "I called 911. They are on their way to help you guys out. Jerek, you need to tell them about the phone call, that's all. I'll meet you back at headquarters, Cyd, put this note in your pocket once you have read it. Bye."
    "Now, we wait." Jerek said, and a tear slipped from his eyes,...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 6


2 weeks later.
I had successfully managed to spend 2 weeks without Edward. No Talking. No Looking. No Communication! Tomorrow I would be flying to Jacksonville to spend time with my Mother for 7 weeks. I had to get away from here. Away from him. I began packing I placed clothes, my I -pod, mp3 player and laptop in my bag too. I then moved the case to the door of my room. I went over and opened the curtains so he could see me packing up my life because of him. As soon as I opened them I saw him sitting at his desk staring at my window, when he realized I had opened the curtains...
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I woke up in an unfamiliar room and in an unfamiliar shirt that was like 10 times bigger than it should be. I hoped out the bed and opened the door. Now I realized I was at Jake's , he was sleeping on the couch.
I went over , lifted up his arm and snuggled into him. I guess he felt the change because he woke up looked at me and smiled.
"Morning beautiful. How did you sleep." I wrinkled my nose and laughed
"YOU breath stinks but I like it." he smiled and rolled his eyes. "I slept well, but why am I at your House?"
He sat up taking me with him.
"Well, I didn't want to see Edward and I didn't want...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "So, you just met these people in the castle and now they are with us in the Alliance?" Tabra asked as we pulled into the driveway of our headquarters.
    "Yea, pretty much." I said, and Time laughed.
    "Alright." Tabra said, and we went inside, making sure that we didn't wake anyone in the bunkers as we went down the stairs to see that Shropee was still up, waiting for...
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