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posted by meeek
Edward and Carlisle in a hospital approx. 107 years ago. Edward dying in the bed. Carlisle walks over.
Carlisle: You ready?
Edward: For what?
Carlisle takes his wrist and bites him
Carlisle: For the wicked awesome parody!!
Edward yelps and pulls away
Edward: What the fuck! I thought you were a doctor!!
Carlisle frowns and bites him on the neck, Edward starts flinching in pain, and the screen goes blank. Twilight is born flashes across the screen followed by three days later. Edward waking up confused remembers being bitten and sees Carlisle standing over him, Edward frowns gets up, and hits Carlisle across the face
Edward: That’s for biting me, Old men shouldn’t touch your children, especially boys, It looks wrong!!
Carlisle: I just saved you from death!!
Edward: You bit me!! Do you know how hard that is to cover up?
Carlisle: are you an idiot!?!?! I just saved your life!
Edward: Wait, you saved my life….Awkward
Carlisle: You’re a vampire; you should be thankful, great way to get the ladies
Edward: Awesome! (Runs away yelling) Yay, I’m immortal!!

Edward and Carlisle in a hospital approx. 107 years ago. Edward dying in the bed. Carlisle walks over.
Carlisle: You ready?
Edward: For what?
Carlisle takes his wrist and bites him
Carlisle: For the wicked awesome parody!!
Edward yelps and pulls away
Edward: What the fuck! I thought you were a doctor!!
Carlisle frowns and bites him on the neck, Edward starts flinching in pain, and the screen goes blank. Twilight is born flashes across the screen followed by three days later. Edward waking up confused remembers being bitten and sees Carlisle standing over him, Edward frowns gets up, and hits Carlisle across the face
Edward: That’s for biting me, Old men shouldn’t touch your children, especially boys, It looks wrong!!
Carlisle: I just saved you from death!!
Edward: You bit me!! Do you know how hard that is to cover up?
Carlisle: are you an idiot!?!?! I just saved your life!
Edward: Wait, you saved my life….Awkward
Carlisle: You’re a vampire; you should be thankful, great way to get the ladies
Edward: Awesome! (Runs away yelling) Yay, I’m immortal!!

Bella: about 3 things I was positive, First Edward was a vampire *drool* second um he’s a hot vampire! And third I am in love with him oh and (whispers) he wants my blood, so worth it though, he hot!!

Bella arriving in Forks meeting Charlie
Bella: Wow, I can totally see why my mother left you, I mean god, and seriously you let yourself go
Charlie: Okay I love you too, let’s go I guess
Both get into the car

Bella: so this is my room
Charlie: Yeah, this is your room, kind of obvious since it’s been yours since you were little.
Bella: Gosh trying to make conversation here dad,
Charlie: Well I have to go, kitchens downstairs you’ll be making dinner, got to earn your keep, Bathrooms to the right…
Bella’s jaw drops open: Wait, what only one bathroom!?!?! We can’t share, I’m a girl!!
Charlie: and I own this house, I only have and need one bathroom, you’ll live through this (Charlie’s voice slowly rising)
Bella: *gasps* Mom let me have my own bathroom!!
Charlie: Do I look like your mother?
Bella: Well you do have boobs---
Charlie: Okay, I have to go! (Walks out of the room quickly and slams the door behind him)

Bella in her room later unpacking, picks up her laptop, and signs into her email.
Bella reading her email out loud: Dear Bella, its mom—wow mom couldn’t have figured that out—why haven’t you emailed me!?!?! I’m worried; I can’t do anything before I hear from you, anyways I have to go--- but you just said that you couldn’t do anything without hearing from me, whatever--- Phil just go home, wicked smiley face going to go have fun—wow that’s disgusting!---Please email me soon, love mom
Bella starts writing back to her mother
Bella: Dear mom, it’s raining, I’m good, got to good, love Bella
Bella turns off her laptop and goes to bed muttering it’s so green

Bella sees her new car, which is actually a very old truck, and Jacob walks out.
Bella: wow…
Charlie: Don’t you love it! I thought it was perfect!
Bella: (Mumbles) thanks dad
Charlie: what do you think? Perfect eh? (Smiling)
Bella: (sounding sarcastic) OMG! I am going to be the envy of my class with this
Jacob: I rebuilt the engine myself
Bella: Wow, um how’s’ the gas mileage?
Jacob; haven’t thought of it, want to go for a ride?
Bella: Sure, I’ll drive though (slips in front to go for the driver’s seat)
Jacob: What makes you think I’m not old enough to drive?
Bella: The lights on your shoes
Jacob: What they’re cool it shows when I’m walking (smiles)
Bella climbs into the vehicle; Jacob gets in on the other side, but not before Bella hits him with the truck door
Bella: God, smells like beer and cigarettes in here, what did you do in here?
Jacob: Excuse me? And I thought you were polite
Bella: sorry, its just wow… Gross
Jacob: This was Billy’s car by the way, not mine, complain to him
Bella: He looks like he could kill me, no thank you! (Crosses arms over chest)
Jacob: And I don’t? (Grins showing all teeth)
Bella: when you do that you look like a pedophile. Please stop
Jacob: (snickers and whispers) I have puppies in my car and if you don’t like puppies I have candy in my car
Bella: My car, my rules, gets out (Pushes Jacob)
Jacob: No one lets me have any fun, (mumbles as he is getting out of the truck)
Bella: will I see you at school tomorrow?
Jacob: NO
Bella: OH, you skip? Rebel without a cause (smiles)
Jacob: No, I go to school on the res.
Bella: Oh, okay see you when I see you then (walks into the house)

Bella walk s out of a classroom and Mike follows her and starts up a conversation
Mike: Hey, um what’s up? (Drapes arm over Bella shoulder)
Bella: what are you doing?!?!?
Mike: Making sure everyone knows
Bella: Knows what?
Both walk into the cafeteria.
Mike: That your mine
Bella: GROSS (gets away and sits by 2 girls)
Bella: Hi, I’m Bella and you are?
Angela: I’m Angela, and this is Jessica, we know all about you want to sit with us, cause that would be nice, and I think that we will make really good friends and
Jessica: Sorry for Angela when she gets nervous she talks and can’t shut up (giggles and Angela glares)
Bella suddenly stares up hearing music: Who are they?!?!(Staring at the Cullen’s walking in)
Jessica: That’s the Cullen’s
Angela: The big one is Emmett and the blonde one is Rosalie (said as Emmet and Rosalie come and sit down)
Jessica: the gorgeous one---
Angela: who looks in pain---
Jessica: Is Jasper, and the cat on his side is Alice, so ADORABLE!!(Said as Alice and jasper walk in)
Angela: and that hunk is Edward (Said as Edward walks in)
Bella: Do you hear music it started when the Cullen’s came in
Jessica: Maybe they are so cool they get their own theme music
Angela: No, sorry (pulls out cell phone) that’s my ring tone, got to take this (walks away)
Jessica (mumbling): Liked my idea better

Cafeteria the next day, you see The Cullen’s walking in jasper in pain, Alice grabbing onto him, followed by Emmet and Rosalie. Rosalie glares at Bella flips her hair and walks and trips.
Rosalie: Damn it, not again!!
Emmett: Calm down, Rose, it’s not the end of the world!
Rosalie: Damn Heels (takes off heels and throws them)
Emmett runs and grabs them helps Rosalie up and walks to the table, Alice snickers and Rosalie glares at her.

Edward randomly comes up to Bella and pushes her
Bella: what the hell was that for?
Edward: Um the car (looks around to try to point to the car that he thought was going to hit her) DAMN IT ALICE!!
Alice Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett all giggling
Edward: You said it was going to hit her, you little midget! Damn it Alice seriously!!
Edward walks away from Bella’s side, and a car hits her
Edward: ALICE!
Alice: I didn’t say which car was going to hit her…
Edward runs over to help Bella

Bella and Edward walking in the hallway
Edward: so what made you come to Forks?
Bella: well my mother married Phil
Edward: Sure you can’t go somewhere else?
Bella: and she was sad staying with me-
Edward: I know this great island no one would look for you there
Bella: So I came to live with my dad
Edward: No one could hear you scream (sounding like he is thinking of something)
Bella: It’s weird with my father though.
Edward: you aren’t paying attention are you?
Bella: We only have one bathroom which sucks since-
Edward: I want to kill you and drink all of your blood
Bella:-I’m a girl
Edward: I never noticed that
Bella: Whoa, totally not paying attention what did you say?
Edward: I said that’s interesting.

Mike with Bella in the cafeteria
Mike: Hey Bella
Bella: Hey Mike
Mike: Bella wanna come to La Push beach with me and some friends this weekend?
Bella: Sorry can’t leave the continental U.S
Mike: What?
Bella: Can’t go to France (sounding impatient)
Mike: I mean La Push, the reservation
Bella: Oh Um, sure
Mike: and Cullen can’t come
Bella: Why?
Mike: They have a thing against the Cullen’s, smartest thing they’ve ever said

Bella walking up to Edward later.
Bella: Hey, wanna come to La Push with me this weekend?
Edward: The reservation?
Bella: God, does everyone know that but me?
Edward raises an eyebrow at Bella.
Bella whispering: I thought it was France.
Edward: I really can’t sorry; we have a thing against La Push people.
Bella: We?
Cullen’s turn up (Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper)
Alice: yes we(smiles)
Bella: Hi, I don’t think we’ve met before
Rosalie mumbling: Smells like wet dog at La Push *giggle* wonder why-
Emmett elbows Rosalie
Edward steps in front of the other Cullen’s
Edward: Bella obviously I’m the best thing out of that gene pool, so lets go.
All of the other Cullen’s jaws drop.
Edward: They aren’t important
Edward wraps his arm around Bella and pulls her away:

Bella laughing: I know what you are
Edward: Say it.
Bella giggles: Superhero
Edward: Excuse me?
Bella: Sorry, vampire.
Edward: First thing you got right in a while.
Bella: So how old are you? 17? Sexy.
Edward: But I’m only 16
Bella: Shut up, it’s better for the storyline if your 17
Bella: So how long have you been 17?
Edward: *cough 16 *cough over a hundred years
Bella backing away slowly: Wow, total pedophile.
Edward: Hey, you shouldn’t judge people, I know what you do alone at night- cause I watch you
Bella: wait, you watch me
Edward: Umm, yeah about that, why are you screaming my name at night? Seriously, I’m not a one ladies man, I’m a ladies and mans man
Bella: What?
Edward: Hey don’t want anyone to be lonely-Excuse Me.
Bella Smiles
Edward: But now you should know why we are dangerous
Edward walks into the sunlight.
Edward: are you scared?
Bella: No, not really why you sparkle you think that’s scary?
Edward rips open his shirt
Edward: this is what we look like in the sunlight! I am an ugly creature! Look upon evil
Bella laughs as she sees Edward glittering
Bella: Damn it Edward, that’s the last shirt I am going to buy you if you keep ripping it up like that.

Edward appears at Bella’s house.
Edward: Hey Bella
Edward sees Bella sleeping
Edward: Bella GET UP BELLA!!(Banging pots and pans)
Bella: What the…?
Edward: BELLA!
Bella: WHAT
Bella sits up furious
Edward: Want to come to my home?
Bella throws a pillow at him
Edward: Ouch, I’m hurt you know I can’t sleep and anyways I’m not leaving until I get an answer…
Bella: Fine! Now GET OUT! Charlie might hear you!
Edward taps his head: This will tell you if he hears us, anyways he has iron ears
Bella confused: Your forehead?
Edward: What no, I can read minds
Bella: Since WHEN?!?!
Edward: Bella I thought you knew this, some vampire have special abilities-
Bella: NO WAY!
Edward: Yes, in my family. Jasper, Alice, and I have powers. Jasper messes up your emotions, Alice sees the future, and I read minds
Bella: whoa
Edward: Do I need to show you with pictures?

Edward bringing Bella into his house, sees Emmett and Rosalie talking pulls Bella back and Shh’s her, they look in and hear Rosalie’s and Emmett’s conversation.
Emmet munching on gummy bear: yum I love irritable grizzly bears” smiles
Rosalie: umm Emmet you do realize they aren’t grizzly bears right?
Emmet: yeah, but they are bears (said in a obvious sounding voice)
Rosalie: they aren’t even irritable, they are smiling and bright colours, and HOW ARE YOU EATING THEM? YOU’RE A VAMPIRE!
Emmet: yeah, I know, but I love catching them they are so hard to find
Rosalie: Emmet you just go to the store and buy them duh!!
Emmet: I don’t say out loud things you don’t want to hear so why do you say things that hurt so much
Rosalie: Pfft
Emmet: AT LEAST I DON”T HAVE TO DYE MY HAIR BLONDE!!! Oh, was that a secret
Rosalie gets up and walks away pissed, sees Edward, and Bella Giggling their asses off, she glares at them both before walking away
Esme walking in: Hello Bella, come and meet the family
Esme pulls Bella into the kitchen
Esme: This is my husband Carlisle
Carlisle: Hello Bella, nice to meet you, Edward has told us so much about you
Bella: I hope not any bad things.
Esme: This is Emmett (Points to Emmett)
Emmett: Hey Bella, Um Sorry about Rosalie
Bella: It’s no problem
Esme: And this is Alice and Jasper
Alice: Hello Bella, Oh Wait, (sounding angry) Edward now can I talk to her?
Edward: Yes
Alice: Oh Bella, I know we are going to be Great Friends don’t worry about Rosalie she’ll come around
Esme: Alice! And this is Jasper
Jasper: Pleasure to meet you Bella
Carlisle: So Bella, care to play baseball with my family?

Bella: SO Edward, when are we playing baseball?
Edward: We have to wait for the storm
Bella: Storm?
Edward: You’ll see why we need the storm later.

Later in the Cullen’s living room, you see them all warming up and getting ready to play
Bella: Are we going?
Carlisle: Bella, we play right here?
Bella: Um then why do we need the storm?
Alice: Emmett likes his vocabulary of curse words.
They turn on the T.V. and start to play Wii Baseball.
Esme: Bella, you can be Ref.
Bella: How do you cheat with Wii Baseball?
Esme: They do watch
They start playing the game, you hear Emmett yelling, Emmett’s on the couch climbing
Rosalie: That’s my monkey man

You hear a knock on the door. Carlisle goes and gets it.
Carlisle: Hello
Laurent: Hello, we are looking for a place to stay
Carlisle: Of course, come inside
Laurent: This is Victoria (Pointing to Victoria) and James? Where did he go?
Victoria: Damn it, I know I should have put a bell on that boy.
James: IN HERE!
They all turn around to see James in the living Room
James Sniffing Bella: Smells Delicious
Edward: Bella and I were just leaving
Edward pulls Bella out of the house, and throws her into his car.

Bella and Edward in the car.
Edward: Bella… Damn you! I knew you smelt to good, Screw it, I’m eating you.
Bella: What?
Edward: Joking! But seriously Alice is taking you away.
Bella: Alright, god lion and lamb much, and so the lion fell in love with the lamb
Edward: Wait, I want to be the cute little lamb, why do I have to be the lion?
Bella: Because you’re the vampire…
Edward: So you’re a man eater, and I don’t bring that up every five minutes GOD! Now go to Alice, and Jasper.
Bella: Sorry I’m going
Bella gets out of the car and goes off with Alice and Jasper.

Alice, Jasper and Bella in a hotel room
Alice: So Bella…
Bella: So Alice, what’s up?
Alice: I got to ask you to leave, Jasper and I agreed that you got to go
Bella: Where?
Alice: Come On, just go to James, I dare you
Bella: Ah
Alice: Double dog dare
Jasper: Triple Dog Dare
Bella: Damn now I have to do it
Bella walks out and slams the door
Bella goes to the Ballet Studio
James: Wow, my snacks here (claps hands)
Bella: So how are we going to do this?
James: Well I’m going to video tape this and then give it to Edward and Um.. OMG do you think I can post this on YouTube
Bella: No I think you should choose Americas funniest home videos, wait is that show still on the air?
James: Um I don’t know, I thought the guy died!!
Bella: So
James: Yup, I’m going to kill you
The Cullen’s burst in, after James pushes Bella to the floor. The Cullen’s walk closer to James and Bella, and James bites Bella. Bella Screaming on the floor
Edward: Bella SHUT UP! I’m trying to deal with James
James and the Cullen’s start fighting. They kick his ass and the scene fades.

Bella in the hospital with Edward by her side
Bella: Edward do you love me?
Edward: whoa, um about that, while you were unconscious I kind of hit it off with Jacob, nothing against you but, he keeps totally being an ass to me, and it totally turns me on, do you think if I asked him to go out with me he would say yes?
Bella: Ummm, he’s a dog, do you realize that, He isn’t really into the whole umm
Edward: what the gay thing Bella: WHAT!! No I meant the vampire thing, undead thing, kind of a turnoff for him since he hates your guts...
Edward: Aw man
Bella: And Edward wtf? Why are you wearing a Team Jacob button? I thought…
Edward: It’s so cool! Love it, with the cool scratch marks and…
Bella: Earth To Edward!!
The Prom scence, you see all the Cullen’s, and Angela, Jessica Mike, etc
Bella: Why did you bring me here?
Edward: Your dad paid me twenty bucks
Bella: damn him! He knows I can’t dance
Edward pulling out video camera: That’s why he asked me to tape it
Bella’s jaw drops
Bella: I thought it was more expensive to bribe you
Edward: Oh yeah I also get this camera, and he paid for this outfit
Bella mumbling: Didn’t pay for mine
Bella: Did he do anything else for you?
Edward: He got rid of my criminal record
Bella: What?
Edward: Just kidding.
Bella and Edward enter a secluded area; Jacob finds them and pulls Bella to the side.
Jacob: Bella, what are you doing with him (moves head in the direction of Edward)
Bella: He’s my date
Jacob: My dad paid me 20 bucks to tell you to stay away from the Cullen’s
Bella: Why is everyone being paid money for stuff involving me!
Jacob: Um yeah, so don’t be with Edward
Bella: Um
Edward: Edward is right here!
Jacob: It just got cold in here!
Edward: I’ve been standing here the whole time! The temperature can’t just drop
Jacob stamps his feet and walks off pissed.
Edward sarcastically: Yay, now we’re alone
Bella walks over to Edward
Edward: Whoa, um yeah I have a thing for Jacob sorry
Bella: Damn YOU!!

See Victoria walking down stairs angry undoing her hair and falling.

Cut to end credits and at the end you see one more scene. Edward is holding up the Twilight DVD case, and runs over to bella after putting it down.
Edward: I just saw the cover for the movie, and why the hell are you on the front you don’t even have any cool powers
Bella: well, I’m your love interest
Edward: Really?!?! I thought you’d be hotter

These are only excerpts. The whole thing is posted on this link: link

Credit to: link
Okay... maybe I was going completely phscyo- loving, crap over Renesssme....... anyway, I found a true human girl...{okay I truly do know if she is a werewolf monster like me.. except I wouldnt call her a monster, perhaps a beautiful transforming warewolf babe..]as I would think she was.. I haven't knowned alot about her completely like everything... but a little chunk of information about her, like: she loves it when I tickle her back, she loves the tribal food that the pack and I make her...] stuff like that makes her go all up on me[kissing and all that.. well, you get what I'm trying to say} I find it very awsome when she does... she likes it when I let her sit on my lap, and drive my volkeswagon rabbit around the old dirt road. We've been a couple for over almost a year....
Tyler :)
Tyler :)
Before i could do anything Edward yelled my name. I knew something was wrong so i said "sorry Emmett i was running away from Edward". I got up and ran into the forest thinking to Edward 'Follow me'. I sat down on a fallen tree trunk and Edward stood in front of me. "dont do it yet" he said. I nodded my head "alright Edward" i said smiling at him. I got up and we walked back into the house. Emmett looked at us confused and Jasper was rubbing his temple. Rosalie was sitting on Tyler's lap and they all give me knowing looks. Alice came down the stairs with Bella just then and Edward went to her....
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I walked into a big Victorian house and it instantly let off a homey vibe. I looked around and Jasper was smiling. I had gotten to know Jasper on the way here and i have found out he used to be in the civil war, he fought on the confederate side. He was changed by a vampire named Maria and he was in many vampire wars. He told me all about his past and about his mate Alice. Alice seemed like a adorable girl she reminded me of my sister Alicia. I smiled as a caramel haired women came in front of me and Jasper. "Jasper you didn't tell us you were bringing a guest" she said sweetly. I frowned and...
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posted by cheerathlete08
Hey guys what's going on? Well I survived the first week of being a sophomore in high school how about you? Well anyways I have half of part eight edited but tomorrow look for midnight sun part 8.5 because there is a whole lot of editing needed. But here is the first part edited. The rest will be tomorrow and edited *promise* so here's part eight don't forget tomorrow look for part 8.5 anyways here we go:
      We mostly were walking I was still very angry with her. I had recently found out that nobody knew she was with me except for Alice. Which was more pressure on me. If I kill her nobody...
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Chapter 6:
Honey POV:
2 weeks and 5 days later.

I leave Italy in 1 week from today, I don’t know how I’m going to tell Alec. For any time I’m away from him, my heart beats for him to come back to me.
“Alec, I need to tell you something.” I told him.
“Okay.” He replied a little confused and a little curiously.
“You might want to sit down.” I told him. We sat down facing each other, he took my hands in his.
“Alec, I’m leaving in 1 week to go back home. I was only meant to be here for a month, but I can’t live without you, but I need to go home.” I told him he looked upset,...
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Chapter 2:
I woke up at 7 o clock, I was a little to excited to sleep any longer as today I was going to the castle of Volterra for a tour. I love my history, I learned that every year the people of Volterra hold a festival celebrating St Marcus’s day. They believe that Marcus chased vampires out of the Volterra and to this day is still chasing vampires to keep them out of the Volterra. It was absurd I know but they believe it. It was really hot out today so I wore light jean shorts, white belly top with my white pumps, I put my hair in a messy bun, with my dark framed sunglasses, I brought...
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Alec and Honey
New Life.
Chapter 1:

I’m Honey Matthews. I’m 16 years old. I was going away for 4 weeks to Italy, Volterra. I have a deep desire to learn the history of the world. Volterra is full of history and meaning. There are many stories, festivals that the people of Volterra celebrate every year, never getting tired of the same celebration every year. People of Volterra like to stick to tradition, only a few minor changes are made, but everything else is the same.
I just flew out to Italy, it was a 3 hour flight from London Heathrow to Italy. I got a taxi from the airport to Volterra...
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posted by cheerathlete08
So I know it's late and I'm sorry I just got back in Los Angeles and the air port made me turn off my iPad so sorry anyways i am also very sorry about last Fridays, i didn't edit because I had zero time. I know this one will be short as well and so I am sorry about that it seems like I have a lot to apologize for anyways next Fridays will be longer *promise* anyways here's part four enjoy what little of it you can!
Here's the link to part three link

        I frowned as I stopped in the front door of our house. I heard Carlisle, mental anguish in his head. Rosalie told him. I heard...
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posted by ananya1

Though Edward and Jacob have totally different existence in the TWILIGHT SAGA, but still they can be well compared. I am personally more addicted towards Edward than Jacob. Here I have noted down few reasons why I like Edward over Jacob:

1.    Edward has a better physical appearance than that of Jacob. He looks very cool and his paleness suits the character of a vampire but as for Jacob he looks cool but lacks a personal appearance which doesn’t make him suitable for the character of a werewolf.

2.    Ed is a dashing fellow and an agile...
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 10: Imprint.
There was no sound around her, except for quiet breathing. Renesmee felt groggy and disoriented, and she wasn’t sure where she was. Her arm seared with pain.
“She’s awake,” Someone murmured. Renesmee recognized the voice of her father. So she was home. Slowly Renesmee opened her eyes, letting them adjust quickly to the bright white light. The first face she saw was her mother’s, her golden eyes filled with concern.
“Renesmee, baby, are you ok?” she whispered, her beautiful voice breaking the tense silence in the room. Renesmee was laying on one of the white...
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 9: Confusion.
“Kid!” Paul exclaimed, waving at Renesmee, the fire shining off of his bright white teeth. She narrowed her eyes in at him, ignoring the laughs from the other wolves. Jacob chuckled next to her, pulling her closer to his side.
Renesmee looked around at the great fire, 18 wolves scattered along the edges.
Seth hopped up from beside Leah and Carson and gave Renesmee a big hug, squeezing her tight.
“You stink Ness,” He grinned as she swatted at him. Of course the smell didn't really bother Seth, it never had in the first place.
Jacob pulled her towards the fire, sitting...
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Chapter 5: A Favour

People always dream about monsters like the boogeyman, or maybe that mysterious werewolf, or a creepy bloodsucking vampire. But myself, I live in that dream, and those dreams live amongst you. So is it really just a dream, or is it your self counsious speaking to you in a twisted, creative way? I started to wonder if all ledgends about monsters and demons are true.

I drove into La push, although there isnt a treaty line anymore, there are still limits for my family, but of course for some reason i'm untouchable. I began to wonder the point of trying to make sense of it. If...
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posted by wbraithw
Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer
In a first new book for almost two years, Stephenie Meyer returns to the world of Eclipse. This story features Stephenie's unbeatable combination of mystery, suspense and romantic intrigue.

To be honest, I was about to give this book 3.5 stars, just barely 4 stars. At first, a lot of it was pointless and I just didn't really care much for the story. Then, I got to the part when the newborn vampires clash with the Cullen family in Eclipse and I loved it, loved seeing how the stories interspersed and loved seeing it from Bree's perspective.

I kinda hoped that because Stephenie was writing from...
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posted by karlygirl26
Chapter 2)

When we arrived at my house Charlie, my dad, was home. I slumped my book bag over my shoulder and climbed out of the truck. “I love you,” Edward whispered. “Love you.” I said back to him walking away. He got out of my truck and disappeared into the woods. I looked back at him but he was already gone. I walked inside the house to Charlie, who already ordered pizza and was watching ESPEN. I threw myself onto the couch and Charlie looked up from the TV. “Bells? What’s wrong?”

I spoke into the couch pillow. “Edward and his family are going away for a while and they don’t...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Okay, so my other fanfic Starlight will be on hold because sadly, (and quite embarrasingly) I LOST my notebook that had ALL of my chapters in it!:'( So until I can find it, I've begun to write this little idea out. For those who don't know me, I'm waaay into fantasy andf supernatural. My favorite beings are angels, and this is where this story was born so please... read and review!:)

A once glorious race once walked the Earth, the angels. Bella is the last remaining pure angel there is -- the rest have been turned into fallen angels, monsters that are drawn to pure angels. Raised within...
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Bella's POV

When me and edward arrived home we or edward was shocked to see that Ness and Jacob were cuddled up. "That filfthy bastard, hopefully he didnt touch her" Edward growled. "Hunny calm down, there in love its okay!" I said carefully. "It's not okay if they..." "If they what? have a baby or do adult stuff?" He nodded, I sighed. I then walked up stairs hopeing to get in bed. Edward sighed and joined me.
6:00 AM
Renesme's POV
I awoke suddenly, i sat up and looked around I was on the couch with jacob.... Oh! thats right we slept toghter. I thought. "Why did I just wake up?" I quitley whispered???...
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posted by Angelcatz11
Jacob Black's POV

When I awoke the next morning Renesme was snuggled up agianst my chest, I smiled down at her, Remembering what happened the night before. I gently moved the ruby red curls out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She smiled and kissed me back. After a few moments her face changed into a serious worry face. "Crap, I've gotta go! I-if my parents find out I'm gone they'll kill me!" She cried. She got up pulled and blanket over her and gathered up her clothes. I layed sideways starring at her. "What?" She asked. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. She shook...
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posted by EmmettOk
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters - unfortunately. I don't own the songs either.


TooHuman signing in
vampboi signing in
grizzlybears sgning in
TooHuman:Hiiiiiiii Peeps!
vampboi:hi love,are you alright?
TooHuman:oh i'm fiiiiiiiine
vampboi:Emmett did you give her sugar?
TooHuman:who wants to play a game?
grizzlybears:me too!
TooHuman:ok which song i'm a i singing- We’re soarin’, flyin’There’s not a star in...
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posted by Angelcatz11
The Cullens house

Nessie's POV

It was a few minutes later that dad had walked, I gave him a weak smile, "Dad... can I ask you something?" I whisperd. "Sure! whatcha wanna ask?"
"Well, Jacob he umm asked me out on friday, do you think I can go?" I watched him, His smile dropped and his amber eyes turned to coal black. "No...It's..." But he didnt finished he just shook his head and walked away. "Dad!" I shouted and ran forward, I caught him by the sleve and spun him around. "Why???????" I asked. "No Ness! Vampires and Werwolfs are forbidded to love!!!! You may never see that boy agian! Okay?!" He shouted, I have never seen him get so angry before... My face turned into a pout then a sad face, Tears poured out my eyes, I pushed past him and ran up to my room
posted by runlikeawolf
No.It couldn't be true.A wave of black engulfed my vision.He was a hard,cold,selfish monster!How could this be? I'd always had a sliver of hope inside of me.Now,nothing was worth living for.Nothing was worth fighting for!
I was falling.Falling in despair.Why were the leaches even created?How could they strip you of everything that you loved?!?
I took a shocked step back.Why had I even hoped for things to be different?Suddenly,the anguish was replaced with a never-ending wave of fire.Shudders ripped through me.Bella's words stung more than anything I could have ever imagined.
Everything exploded.The...
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