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posted by twilight-7
I slammed the front door shut and pounded up the stairs. I had to make this look real.
Charlie was, as usual, sitting on the couch watching the TV. Was that all he did? Didn’t he have a job?
“Is that Kayla?”
I froze when I heard that. That was Billy Black. And with Billy came...
“Jacob, go see what’s wrong with her.”
I was only prepared for Charlie, not Billy and Jacob.
I was in my room and throwing some clothes into a bag when I heard Jacob climbing the stairs.
“You need to hide,” I whispered to Edward who was fishing more clothes out of the drawers.
He nodded and was out of the window when Jacob opened my room door.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, watching as I zipped the bag. “Are you leaving?”
“I have to go,” I said, as angrily as I could. “I just can’t take him anymore.”
Jacob walked into my room and sat on my bed.
“I thought you and Charlie were cool now.”
“Not Charlie. Edward. I don’t love him anymore.”
Jacob’s brown eyes were watching me intensely. He could tell easily when I was lying. I tried to make my eyes angrier, show him just how much I hated Edward.
“So, you don’t love him,” Jacob said. “It’s no reason to leave.”
“It is,” I said. “He’s obsessed with me. I can’t get away from him. I turn and he’s there. I walk down the street and that stupid shiny Volvo of his is there, creeping along behind me. I need to escape.”
“If you want him dealt with I can do it.” Jacob puffed his chest out.
“No. I will deal with it.”
“By running away?” Jacob scoffed.
I nodded and headed for the door but Jacob’s warm hand locked around my arm.
“What’s the real reason?” he asked me softly. “I know you do still love that leech. What’s the real problem that’s making you leave?”
I stared defiantly into his chocolate eyes.
“I do not love Edward,” I said, angrily. “I am leaving because of him and also because Forks is just way to weird. Vampires and werewolves? I’m going back to plain old England.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Jacob was watching me fiercely. “If you’re in trouble I can help. I’m here for you.”
I didn’t want to lie to Jacob. But I couldn’t tell him. He would run after the vampires and get himself killed. I didn’t want him death hanging over me. But someone needed to know. Someone that could help cover for me. If Jacob knew he could lie to Charlie for me.
“Two vampires want to eat me.”
Jacob laughed. He actually laughed. His hand let go of my arm so he could wipe his eyes.
“You’re running from vampires?” He was crying tears of laughter. He found this extremely funny. “You fight vampires almost every day and you’re running from them?”
“This is different, Jacob,” I sighed. “They really want me. They could have just walked away but they really really really really want me. I don’t know how to stress it enough. They want my blood.”
Jacob’s eyes turned serious.
“He exposed you to this, didn’t he?”
“No,” I said. “We were playing baseball and they turned up. It was my fault. I thought that I could have passed for a vampire but he wanted me to go.”
“Don’t defend him!”
“He did nothing wrong! He wanted me to leave without telling Charlie! I came back here to tell Charlie a lie so he wouldn’t get hurt!”
“And this is your lie?” Jacob asked. “I don’t love Edward and he’s become too obsessed with me?”
“Got anything better?”
“Just say you hate Forks,” Jacob shrugged. “It’s easy enough to understand. This place is cold, wet and boring. Say you want to go back to the noise and life of London.”
“That’s a great idea, Jacob,” I smiled. “Ready for some acting?”
“If it saves you.”
I walked over to the door and threw it opened.
“Nothing you can say can change my mind!” I shouted at Jacob. “Just leave me alone!”
I ran down the stairs and saw Charlie standing in the hallway. Billy rolled in when I reached the bottom.
“What’s up, Kay?” Billy asked me. “You and your boyfriend have a little argument?”
I ignored Billy and tried to walk to the front door. I hoped that I wouldn’t have to say anything to Charlie and Jacob could explain it all but no.
“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked. “What’s happened?”
I turned to him. Here it goes.
“I can’t stay here.” I put as much rage into my voice as I could. “I am English. I may have been born here but I have lived in England for almost my whole life. I was brought up in England, I speak English slang, I have an English accent! Then I come here, to America, and I expect something better than England. And I get this! This small, cold, wet, town with freakish vampires and werewolves. I can’t hack it anymore. I need to go home.”
Billy sat in his wheelchair, stunned. Charlie stared at me for several seconds before he spoke.
“I thought you liked it here?” he said. “You have Edward, don’t you? I thought you liked him?”
“I do like him,” I said. “I do. But I just can’t stay here. Don’t you understand? It’s just not me. I wanted something more but I didn’t get it. I expected more and got less.”
“But what about us?” Jacob said from the stairs. “We just got to know each other again. Now you’re leaving me.”
I turned to him.
“I’ll text and phone you,” I said to him. “I’ll write you big long letters but I can’t stay here.”
I slung my bag on my shoulder.
“I’ll see you later.” I walked to the door but Charlie grabbed my arm.
“I just got you back,” he said, quietly. “I thought we were getting on great after everything. I thought we could be a proper family.”
“We can’t be a proper family,” I said, venomously. “I am a teenager and in love with a vampire. My best friend’s a werewolf. I have bizarre abilities. I have to get out of here before they shut me up in a mental asylum.”
“Do you want us to do stuff together, Kayla, is that it?”
“I don’t want to do anything with you! Don’t you get it? I don’t want to live here anymore! I want to go back to where I belong!”
I tried to move but he wouldn’t let go of my arm. I was finding this more and more difficult to do. I was running out of things to say. But then I found something to say and it felt cruel of me to say it but I knew I would be able to leave if I did.
“Just let me go, Charlie.”
He let go of my arm as if I had just given him an electric shock. A big electric shock. I opened the door and ran down the street to where Edward was waiting in his Volvo.
As soon as I was in he was speeding down the road.
“We have to go back to my house,” he said.
“Why?” I asked. “I thought you wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.”
“There have been some complications.”
“What kind of complications?”
“Jasper said you were looking at my Aston Martin.” Edward was deliberately changing the subject.
“Yes, it’s very pretty,” I said. “What complications?”
“I might let you drive it, if you behave.”
“Edward, what complications?”
“But you have to promise to not get it scratched or crash or anything. That car is one of my prized possessions and if it-”
He didn’t answer. He continued to stare at the road but we both knew he didn’t have to concentrate on driving. I let him sit there in silence for a while. I knew it had to be something big. Something that was making him frustrated.
“I can’t go with you.”
“What? What do you mean you can’t go with me?”
“Kayla, Carlisle called me when you were inside. He says that the vampires will know that I won’t leave you. The way I reacted after you left showed that. Someone else will have to go with you.”
“But I don’t want anyone else,” I said, panicking. “I want you.”
“Don’t worry,” he placed a hand on my thigh to soothe me. “I will be back very soon to get you. I won’t be away long dealing with them.”
“Who’s going with me?”
“Alice and Jasper.” Edward didn’t like the idea of Jasper going with me. He still hadn’t forgotten Jasper’s little lapse in self control.
“Jasper’s just trying to make it up to you,” I told him. “He wants to prove that you can trust him with me.”
“Since he couldn’t save you from himself he’s saving you from them.”
“I don’t want you to be with anyone but me,” Edward said. His velvet voice was tinged with pain. “I only trust myself to protect you.”
“Jasper looks and probably is a good fighter, Alice can see the future and I have telekinesis. What can go wrong?”
I have made this so you guys can see how it was when Embry first saw stella.

At the bonfire:
Where is Jake? Sam wont start this bonfire with out him. ugh! how long does it take him to go get Nessie! i thought to my self as Paul and Jared were trying to eat the food but Emily just smacked there hands. we all heard two wolf howls and gave each other looks. Sam was getting prepared to attack when we saw Nessie running out of the wood and wave at us. Then Jake walked out with this almost pale, long wavy brown hair that almost touched her hips. she had green as grass eyes and was smiling at Jake....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "What?" Shropee looked stunned.
    "You are a doctor, why not take care of her yourself, under the protection of us all, at the Alliance?" Tabra looked at Jerek. "It's a good idea, we can keep an eye on her, out of harms way."
    "He's right." I added.
    "Do you want to do that, Jerek?" Shropee asked him.
    Jerek looked at his hands. "Yea."
    Shropee looked back into the mirror...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Alright, it's almost been an hour, where are they!?" I was growing impatient with nervousness.
    Then ten knocks came to the door, and I sighed in relief. I opened the door, and let Shropee and Jerek inside.
    "Hello, Ethan." Shropee gave him a quick hug.
    "Hello, Shropee." He smiled.
    "Cyd." Jerek said, and gave me a hug, too.
    "We're all here," I said. "Good. Let's do this,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Ethan." I said, interrupting their talk. "Sorry, but...when you aren't checking on her, who is?"
    "My friends, Derek and Faith." He said. "Don't worry. They know how much danger she is under, and when Derek isn't checking on Verona, I am, and if I am busy, Faith will. We always have someone checking on her."
    "Can you put someone in there right now to stay with her, and make sure no one unauthorized gets in?" I asked.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "You're married?" I asked, and he nodded.
    "Her name is Olivia. We got married last Fall, and I love her. She knows about my Death Clan of the Fallen days, says my tattoo is sexy." I laughed. "She forgives me for what I've done, which is good. I didn't tell you, because she didn't want me to tell you yet. She was wanting to meet you first. But, I thought, once all of this is over, you can come over and meet her or whatever." Tabra was rubbing his left ring finger,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Shropee pulled Jerek, Tabra and I off to the side, out of sight from the actual doctor's of this hospital.
    She looked around before speaking. "Cyd, take Tabra to room 26 on the third floor, got it?" I nodded. "Now go."
    I took Tabra's arm, and we started off for the nearest elevator. We clicked on the UP button, and waited.
    "Do you have any idea on what we are going to do?" Tabra asked.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    We fixed up our suits and trained, and once we were done, it was almost time to go. We had an hour and a half left until it was time to go, and I was ready. Nervous, but ready. As I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror, wondering if I looked good enough to pull being a female doctor off, I sighed. I was ready. I pulled my hair back into it's pony-tail, looked myself over once more, gave myself that positive nod and told myself we'd pass this test with flying colors!
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posted by beachchick
There were more than us of them and we could beat them.... that’s what Riley told us anyway well he was wrong. I had keep my distance from Riley so that he wouldn’t know my secret, I was a gifted Vampire. Most people thought that Fred was the only one but they were wrong. We entered the clearing and the rest of the new borns went mad but I could control myself. I looked around there were only a few of the gold eyed vampires but they were good really good. Are numbers were dropping fast when one of them noticed me. The big one and his mate and blond girl were running at me. I was going to...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    To beat the odds is to overcome a loss, or the loss of something that challenged you. When I was younger, beating the newest level on a video game after losing 20 times in a row, had me overcome the losses that were in my way so I could move on to the end. Every year, that loss grows, and as you enter the new level of your life every year once you've reached the new aging mark of your life, you start to face challenges that are about to come into your way. Such as high school, or...
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posted by mia1emmett
i am thinking of ending it in the next chapter.

Chapter 8
    Emmett told the family that he was going to drive around with me; I knew it was going to be a long ride. I rolled my eyes at that fact. The whole car ride Emmett was acting like a father I wanted to laugh so badly but I couldn’t I knew it wasn’t good for me to right now. Edward would have said “smart girl” if he was here. Boy do I wish jasper was though Emmett was so tense. I was scared to step into the car. As I...
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posted by mia1emmett
chapter 2 is short so i added chapter 3. and i hope you like it :) i know i posted this way to early :-p sorry if miss spelled or words sound out of order :-p

Chapter 2
I sat where Jill was sitting. The same people from before. The blonde
Kid, the reporter with a few other people. They introduced themselves.
And I giggled when they all were done. I said "I laugh a lot...sorry"
Ken rolled his eyes. I cracked up. Mart the one who bumped into me asked me "so Estella--" "call...
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Thankies to each of you for all the support! Believe me, I always take to heart each of your comments <3 I hope you enjoy this one...there's something you didn't see coming in this chapter ;) Much love to y'all, from me!!
Supernatural Love

“Summer, geez, would you wake up already?!” Alice fussed, shaking Summer’s shoulder. They were back in Forks, and, since Alice was such a speedy planner, Summer and Jake’s wedding day came along sooner than the couple expected. Summer tucked her face underneath the pillow and sheets, “Alice…please…sleepy.”...
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The time I got obsessed with Twilight cuz it started the time I watched the movie, almost January 2009.
I got bored so I decided to watch and searched for DVD's in the shelves.
I saw Twilight and I don't have any idea what Twilight was. Actually its my dad who picked the Twilight DVD that day when my mom and dad went out to buy something. So I watched it.
Oh my gosh! Edward is so handsome and omg....I don't know anymore.
I was like "Gwapo!!" meaning handsome or "pogi" in Filipino language.
Then I really got "kilig to the bones" kilig means you giggle and giggle like you're not yourself; I got really...
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posted by a-jforever
I shook my head at her, hardly anything scared me. Jacob’s dad was a small man, in a wheelchair, wearing a western styled hat.

“Hey Chloe, I’m Jake’s dad Billy, please take a seat.” Sitting down I felt like I was in a conference, I half expected him to pull out a massive white board and one of those long cane things. The only people in the room were Me, Billy and Kim.

“Have you ever heard the Quileute legends?” Kim asked. It was funny how she said “Legends” like that wasn’t quite the right word for it.

“Yeah. My Gran use to live over here, she use to tell me them over and...
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was the next day,i looked at my alarm clock it was 7.35.
Mom and dad had already woken,the smell of bacon was lingering underneath my door. Dad walked in with a bacon sandwich and told me to wake up,but i was already awake i looked at him and smiled he handed me the sandwich and sat down near me.
"I'm proud of you princess,i mean taking this baby on,you will be a great mother.Okay Jacob will be a great father too,Aha.Maybe this baby will bring me and jacob closer togeather and we could stop all this argueing."
Dad said to me in a happy voice.

Cough* Cough* i started to choke on my sandwich.
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Bella’s P.O.V:
I sat all alone in the empty cell. Edward and Alice had left with Carlisle a while ago and Charlie was still doing some paperwork. I was waiting for him to let me out. I asked him for a soda but he didn’t give in. He gave me back my cell-phone and let me text and talk and e-mail and all that-but I wasn’t aloud to leave. I was now texting mom and was trying to call Edward-but every time I called I got a new text from Renée. Charlie came over to the cell and opened the lock. “Come out, Bells.” I smiled, “Finally! Can I go back to Alice?” He sighed, “Yeah. I heard...
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Bella’s P.O.V:
“And I though we were gonna di-“ Carlisle walked in and the bells jingled as I was saying “die”. I looked over at him, “CARLISLE!” I screamed. Carlisle walked over to Charlie and asked him why Alice and Edward were in jail. “Why are my children in jail, Chief?” Charlie turned to Carlisle and smiled, “Sir, your children and my daughter are under custody due to the woman who was talking about them,” Charlie cleared his rough throat. “They are being released for the secrecy truth policy I did on them.” Carlisle smiled, “Great, can I take them?” Charlie...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Edward friends with Bella
Edward friends with Bella
"Hey Bella, well , i hope you know i wouldn't ask you, unless your were the last resort cause i hate to be a pain, but do you mind driving me home? i just got a text from alice, she went home like an hour ago, her headache got worst."
Edward asked on our way out the front doors.
Everyone was rushing like a torado out the front door all at once, everyone was excited for the weekend. Which made me wonder, its not like they have something super exciting happening, nothing is really exciting here.
Edward's question startled me, but i diddnt have the strength to say no.
"Yeah sure, what about your...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Ok im sorry, for the wait, I just got hook on other and rah rah, Plus, i was writing my new one In the new world can you please tell wither you liked that?

ok, here where we go.

I stood in the middle of the stage, still, lifeless. Edward, Alice Jasper stood in front of me, no hallianation this time , but really there.
My heart weeped for the final time.
Do i move, do i even think. Edward, stood as perfect as perfect as he always have been. His bronze hair still sat in the same style, his face still soo beautiful , and his eyes were my peace.
"ALICE!" i screamed. My best friend, i missed her...
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*episode seven*
*I’d kill myself, Alice*
Alice’s P.O.V:
I was shaking now.
Jasper was squeezing my hands-tightly
Nothing made me feel better though.
Something lurched inside of me.
I was scared.
What if…what…if…I…died?
*done thinking*
Carlisle: *going across her stomach with the paddy thing* *gasps*
Alice: *gulps* Carlisle?
Carlisle: *whispering* Alice, I will be right back, honey.
Alice: *nods* Ok?
Carlisle: *leaves*
Alice: *looks over at Jasper* what’s wrong with me? *crying*
Jasper: Ali, everything’s gonna be alright.
Alice: No! It’s not!
Jasper: Alice. I swear if anything happens...
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