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posted by twilight-7
I slammed the front door shut and pounded up the stairs. I had to make this look real.
Charlie was, as usual, sitting on the couch watching the TV. Was that all he did? Didn’t he have a job?
“Is that Kayla?”
I froze when I heard that. That was Billy Black. And with Billy came...
“Jacob, go see what’s wrong with her.”
I was only prepared for Charlie, not Billy and Jacob.
I was in my room and throwing some clothes into a bag when I heard Jacob climbing the stairs.
“You need to hide,” I whispered to Edward who was fishing more clothes out of the drawers.
He nodded and was out of the window when Jacob opened my room door.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, watching as I zipped the bag. “Are you leaving?”
“I have to go,” I said, as angrily as I could. “I just can’t take him anymore.”
Jacob walked into my room and sat on my bed.
“I thought you and Charlie were cool now.”
“Not Charlie. Edward. I don’t love him anymore.”
Jacob’s brown eyes were watching me intensely. He could tell easily when I was lying. I tried to make my eyes angrier, show him just how much I hated Edward.
“So, you don’t love him,” Jacob said. “It’s no reason to leave.”
“It is,” I said. “He’s obsessed with me. I can’t get away from him. I turn and he’s there. I walk down the street and that stupid shiny Volvo of his is there, creeping along behind me. I need to escape.”
“If you want him dealt with I can do it.” Jacob puffed his chest out.
“No. I will deal with it.”
“By running away?” Jacob scoffed.
I nodded and headed for the door but Jacob’s warm hand locked around my arm.
“What’s the real reason?” he asked me softly. “I know you do still love that leech. What’s the real problem that’s making you leave?”
I stared defiantly into his chocolate eyes.
“I do not love Edward,” I said, angrily. “I am leaving because of him and also because Forks is just way to weird. Vampires and werewolves? I’m going back to plain old England.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Jacob was watching me fiercely. “If you’re in trouble I can help. I’m here for you.”
I didn’t want to lie to Jacob. But I couldn’t tell him. He would run after the vampires and get himself killed. I didn’t want him death hanging over me. But someone needed to know. Someone that could help cover for me. If Jacob knew he could lie to Charlie for me.
“Two vampires want to eat me.”
Jacob laughed. He actually laughed. His hand let go of my arm so he could wipe his eyes.
“You’re running from vampires?” He was crying tears of laughter. He found this extremely funny. “You fight vampires almost every day and you’re running from them?”
“This is different, Jacob,” I sighed. “They really want me. They could have just walked away but they really really really really want me. I don’t know how to stress it enough. They want my blood.”
Jacob’s eyes turned serious.
“He exposed you to this, didn’t he?”
“No,” I said. “We were playing baseball and they turned up. It was my fault. I thought that I could have passed for a vampire but he wanted me to go.”
“Don’t defend him!”
“He did nothing wrong! He wanted me to leave without telling Charlie! I came back here to tell Charlie a lie so he wouldn’t get hurt!”
“And this is your lie?” Jacob asked. “I don’t love Edward and he’s become too obsessed with me?”
“Got anything better?”
“Just say you hate Forks,” Jacob shrugged. “It’s easy enough to understand. This place is cold, wet and boring. Say you want to go back to the noise and life of London.”
“That’s a great idea, Jacob,” I smiled. “Ready for some acting?”
“If it saves you.”
I walked over to the door and threw it opened.
“Nothing you can say can change my mind!” I shouted at Jacob. “Just leave me alone!”
I ran down the stairs and saw Charlie standing in the hallway. Billy rolled in when I reached the bottom.
“What’s up, Kay?” Billy asked me. “You and your boyfriend have a little argument?”
I ignored Billy and tried to walk to the front door. I hoped that I wouldn’t have to say anything to Charlie and Jacob could explain it all but no.
“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked. “What’s happened?”
I turned to him. Here it goes.
“I can’t stay here.” I put as much rage into my voice as I could. “I am English. I may have been born here but I have lived in England for almost my whole life. I was brought up in England, I speak English slang, I have an English accent! Then I come here, to America, and I expect something better than England. And I get this! This small, cold, wet, town with freakish vampires and werewolves. I can’t hack it anymore. I need to go home.”
Billy sat in his wheelchair, stunned. Charlie stared at me for several seconds before he spoke.
“I thought you liked it here?” he said. “You have Edward, don’t you? I thought you liked him?”
“I do like him,” I said. “I do. But I just can’t stay here. Don’t you understand? It’s just not me. I wanted something more but I didn’t get it. I expected more and got less.”
“But what about us?” Jacob said from the stairs. “We just got to know each other again. Now you’re leaving me.”
I turned to him.
“I’ll text and phone you,” I said to him. “I’ll write you big long letters but I can’t stay here.”
I slung my bag on my shoulder.
“I’ll see you later.” I walked to the door but Charlie grabbed my arm.
“I just got you back,” he said, quietly. “I thought we were getting on great after everything. I thought we could be a proper family.”
“We can’t be a proper family,” I said, venomously. “I am a teenager and in love with a vampire. My best friend’s a werewolf. I have bizarre abilities. I have to get out of here before they shut me up in a mental asylum.”
“Do you want us to do stuff together, Kayla, is that it?”
“I don’t want to do anything with you! Don’t you get it? I don’t want to live here anymore! I want to go back to where I belong!”
I tried to move but he wouldn’t let go of my arm. I was finding this more and more difficult to do. I was running out of things to say. But then I found something to say and it felt cruel of me to say it but I knew I would be able to leave if I did.
“Just let me go, Charlie.”
He let go of my arm as if I had just given him an electric shock. A big electric shock. I opened the door and ran down the street to where Edward was waiting in his Volvo.
As soon as I was in he was speeding down the road.
“We have to go back to my house,” he said.
“Why?” I asked. “I thought you wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.”
“There have been some complications.”
“What kind of complications?”
“Jasper said you were looking at my Aston Martin.” Edward was deliberately changing the subject.
“Yes, it’s very pretty,” I said. “What complications?”
“I might let you drive it, if you behave.”
“Edward, what complications?”
“But you have to promise to not get it scratched or crash or anything. That car is one of my prized possessions and if it-”
He didn’t answer. He continued to stare at the road but we both knew he didn’t have to concentrate on driving. I let him sit there in silence for a while. I knew it had to be something big. Something that was making him frustrated.
“I can’t go with you.”
“What? What do you mean you can’t go with me?”
“Kayla, Carlisle called me when you were inside. He says that the vampires will know that I won’t leave you. The way I reacted after you left showed that. Someone else will have to go with you.”
“But I don’t want anyone else,” I said, panicking. “I want you.”
“Don’t worry,” he placed a hand on my thigh to soothe me. “I will be back very soon to get you. I won’t be away long dealing with them.”
“Who’s going with me?”
“Alice and Jasper.” Edward didn’t like the idea of Jasper going with me. He still hadn’t forgotten Jasper’s little lapse in self control.
“Jasper’s just trying to make it up to you,” I told him. “He wants to prove that you can trust him with me.”
“Since he couldn’t save you from himself he’s saving you from them.”
“I don’t want you to be with anyone but me,” Edward said. His velvet voice was tinged with pain. “I only trust myself to protect you.”
“Jasper looks and probably is a good fighter, Alice can see the future and I have telekinesis. What can go wrong?”
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
(Attention: This chapter goes back to Cyd's Point Of View. Enjoy!)
    "Great" I muttered, and ran back to catch up with Shropee and Tabra.
    But I stopped as I heard a bump come from the inside of Jerek's car. I opened the back door, and I gasped.
    "SHROPEE!" I called. "TABRA!"
    In two minutes they came around the car, and I backed up against Shropee's.
    "What is it?" They asked.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I waited for Jerek's return, not wanting to walk into her room and feel awkward and not say anything. And when Jerek did return, Shropee and Tabra trudged down the stairs behind him, just as shocked as I was. We all walked into the room together, and we stopped at the sight of Verona's eyes that were open, looking at us at the doorway.
    "Hi." She whispered.
    "Welcome back." Shropee smiled, and we all laughed nervously except for her.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Are you sure?" Jerek asked. "I mean, that sounds a bit-"
    "Weak." Tabra said, filling in the blank.
    "Yes. But, Cyd's right. We have no idea when the fight is, nor where. If this fight happens, they'll spring on us. Not the otherway around. Which means, we wait. We wait for them to bring the fight to us. It doesn't sound brave, but it's smart." Shropee was leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest. "It's only three in the afternoon,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Shropee left the room, going upstairs to file Verona's paperwork that Ethan and his friend gave her and told her about. Tabra and I stayed where we were, up against the wall, Jerek sat by the bed, looking at Verona. Her bruised face, her stitches and scars that would soon fade blotched her face, making her look like something that came out of a halloween catalog. But the difference was, it wasn't fake, she was in a hospital bed, and she was unconcious.
    "Does Shropee know...
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Bellas POV
Well the day finally came. Alice helped me with my costume after school, and she gave me a necklace to wear for confidence. She is the sweetest! I gave her a massive hug to say thanks. To me; Alice is a great sis through everything, and she always helps me.(Or tries!) Edward then arrived at my house in his costume. He looks like Romeo, but it is a really weird costume. He found it funny as well, so I giggled at it as a joke.
Then he asked "Ready to go Juilet?" So I played along and curtursed and said, "Why of course Romeo." So we got in his shiny volo and he drove to school. We...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
The last thing I remember, was bad . Before I got to class; Mike (suprise, suprise,) grabbed my hand willing to say something threating... These were his words. "Enjoy it while you can Cullen, and stop showing off you have Bella. I am drawing the line and if I see you lovey-dovey again, your face will be gone." There was going to be no holding back where once and for all I pumble him into a pulp. But my Bella stopped me; "hey Edward, is everything ok?" I had to reply because I hate keeping secrets. "Mike is being an idiot. He was threating me because I was showing off I had you....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Whatever Jacob had said about Imprinting,, made no sense to me. Was it a new hip word that i haddnt tuned into .
Was it a word the boys use as something else. I now flash back to recall if he has said this to me. But nothing came possitive.

"Just go home bella, before Leah gets here." He tone both hard adn soft.
Leah? Like Leah clearwater?
"Why? is she your new Girlfriend or something? Jacob please, what happened. This isnt you getting back at me from the baby is it?"
He stopped, finally. But i knew the my words stopped him. His face went from anger to identical to mine. Confused.
"What are...
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Hello female fans of the Twilight book series! We are inviting you to take part in an online study that investigates your general attitudes and beliefs about the characters in the book and about your own life and relationships. The survey will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You are female
2. You are currently romantically attached (i.e. you are dating someone, in a relationship, or married).
3. You have read all four Twilight series books at least once.
4. You have proficiency in the English language.

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Hello female fans of the Twilight book series! We are inviting you to take part in an online study that investigates your general attitudes and beliefs about the characters in the book and about your own life and relationships. The survey will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You are female
2. You are currently romantically attached (i.e. you are dating someone, in a relationship, or married).
3. You have read all four Twilight series books at least once.
4. You have proficiency in the English language.

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posted by KatiiCullen94
i sat in my chevy, the gift from my boyfriend that no longer wanted that title. Was jacob seriously that angry at me, that i allowed edward hold while i was sick?
He still diddnt even know, about.
i was debating about saying hello to billy inside, i knew knew i was outside awaiting his sons arrival, but a sense of unwelcome , kept me away.
i sat fusuing over whiether to take jacob with i am woman here me roar, or just start crying now. i have alot to cry about, at least he wont think its fake.
But i interuppted by a bang on my window. Jacob. He had cut his hair to a short do, and his bare chest...
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*Comment/Review and recieve a prop!Thanks...enjoy!*

A Youtube Script:
*episode eighteen*
*1 Week Later*
*Bella’s P.O.V*
Bella: *lying on the couch, sick*
Edward: *stroking her hair* Are you sure you don’t want anything? *worried*
Bella: *hoarse* I’m sure…but please leave me alone…I don’t want you to see me like this.
Edward: Fine, but I’m having Carlisle check you out.
Bella: No! I’m f- *pukes on Edward’s couch*
Edward: Oh, Bella! *runs over to her and picks her up*
Bella: *starts crying; leans head on his shoulder*
Edward: *swaying with her in his arms*
Bella: *still crying…throws...
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Anna Kendrick, co-star of the upcoming film ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” has a unique perspective on the hullabaloo surrounding the “Twilight” movies and book series. Kendrick has had a role in the first three films of the franchise (playing Bella’s friend, Jessica Stanley), but because she’s not a main character, the 25-year-old actress isn’t the focus of intense media or fan attention, like Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are.

During a recent conversation with Kendrick, Speakeasy asked the actress about her insider-outsider status. “I just feel really...
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*Props for reviews &comments! Comment/Review and u will get a prop! Thanks for the support and all the nice reviews...thanks and bye,moolah!*

A Youtube Script:
*episode sixteen*
*Emmett’s Dog*
--Emmett’s P.O.V:--
Once upon a time
There was a dog named cat
The “cat” wanted another “cat”
The owners left Cat on the street while they moved
Cat was all alone…
*done thinking*
Edward: *sucking blood out of deer*
Emmett: *sitting on the ground* I’m dead bored, Edward.
Edward: *puts finger up to shut him up while he feeds*
Emmett: No, I’m serious. C’mon. Let’s go to the...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
I'm sorry I know it's short. I'll try and write more soon. I hope you lke it!

Chapter 9


I felt self conscious when my father and sister came to the Cullen’s. I had hoped I wouldn’t show my embarrassment to Emmett when he made a joke about me and Ethan kissing the other day. Let’s just say I failed miserably. Ethan slipped his muscular, arm around me in almost a protective state. Trying to reassure me he gave a light squeeze. He was probably making a mental note like I was to return the favor.
I noticed my sister was glued to Seth. I wanted to talk to her to see if I could find out...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode fourteen*
--Rosalie’s P.O.V:--
*done thinking*
Rosalie: *walking into the Cullen house; her eyes are Cullen color again*
*from other room*
Emmett: *screaming* YOU IDIOT!
Jasper: I’m the idiot? *screams* YOU ARE!
Edward: Guys, chill.
Jasper: *screaming* TELL EMMETT TO CHILL!
Bella: Guys.
Rosalie: *runs in there and pushes Bella out of the way* Bella…you don’t want to die do you?
Bella: Sure-what’s up?
Rosalie: Let’s get pregnant.
*Emmett, Jasper, and Edward turn their heads toward Rose and Bell*
Emmett: Rosalie.
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This Is Tala's story.....Seth's and Lanise's daughter. I hope you like it!!!

I looked out my window, It was sunny.I put on my bikini some shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed my beach bag and walked downstairs.
"Nana, I'm going to the beach." I said as I walked into the kitchen..Lucas was eating some cereal.
"Okay Sweetie,just remember to put on sunscreen." She said. I shook my head okay and kissed her on the cheek and left.
I walked down to the beach and put down my towel. I took off my shorts and a t-shirt, and start putting on some sunscreen. I put my hair, that was down...
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posted by LexisFaith
I burst through the door still wondering where the hell my Volvo was. "Mom! Where the hell is my car?!" Panic was setting in, and fast.

"You have a rental car remember? The Ashton Martin." She called though the kitchen.

I had forgotten I had to leave my Volvo at home. Damn. Insted I was driving a dark blue Ashton Martin.

"Edward? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Esme asked sitting down on the couch.

"Mom." I groand. "I have to go pick up Bella."

"It will only take a moment." She begged.

"Mom. I really do-"

She cut me off. "Edward, if you would shut up for a second, it could be over with and done."...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 13

I introduce them.
“nice to meet you” my father said.
“niced to meet you too” ivan replied.i wondered if he knew that ivan was a vampire. But there would be no guessing.. my father didn’t know that I lovve ivan.. so its going to be a shock to him .eric went to the cafeteria and then s couple secconds later the bell rang.ivan hurried to class, while I stood there with my father and aunt.
“dad ivAN IS COMING TODAY TO MEET MY FAMILY”I TOLD HIM AND BEFORE HE COULD SAY anything aunt alice grabbed to to class. After school aunt alice rode in her car and me ivan and eric rode...
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posted by zanesaaomgfan
Edward: The covesation's really good.
Bella: Uh huh.*gets another call*
Bella: *rejects call*
Edward: Who was that?
Bella: Jacob...

They talked for days.

Jacob: *growls*WHY WILL THEY SHUT UP!
*makes an new answering machine*

Bella: I gotta go. *makes a kissing sound and hangs up*
15 Missed Calls
Bella: Alright you win!
*calls him*
Jacob: Hey its Jacob. If its Bella, STFU and if its the pack, leave the message.
Bella: *waits for tone*

1 Hour Later
Bella: Forget it!*hangs up*
Phone: *tone*
Bella: T.T

Jacob: *laughs histericly*
posted by NeeNee14
I quit my job in L.A and moved back to Forks with Seth and Tala. We've been here for a couple of months, it was almost spring.
I'm sitting in my room now, just sobbing. I didn't know why I started crying. I was making the bed and the tears came. Seth was at work and Tala was with her Grandma Sue for the day. The phone rang and rang. The answer machine came on.
"Hey, I was wondering if you were still at home. You're not answering your cell so call me when you get this." It was Seth. I walked over to the phone and called his job.
"Jake's Garage. This is Jake speaking." He said.
"Hey Jake. It's...
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