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posted by team_robward
Chapter 15.

We walked to our lunch table.
“So how was bludge session?” Gemma asked me.
“Huh, oh social studies? Umm good” I said.
“Oh my god! Bella who’s your pen pal? I don’t even know!” Gemma smiled with intrigue.
“Well his name is Edward Cullen...” I began
“Edward, that’s a strange name” Gemma interrupted. Caitlyn stared straight at us, her gorgeous eyes beaming.
“He lives in a small town, he has lots of siblings and they’re all really close in age” I continued. Caitlyn was still staring. I looked at Gemma.
“Oh his dad is a doctor and his handwriting is so beautiful” I let out a small sigh.
“Ooo you’ll have to tell me more every time you get a letter, okay?” She said. I nodded, chewing.
“Ah I so wish I did social studies” Gemma complained.

“So where are you from?” I asked Caitlyn, curiously.
“Oh my parents move around a lot I’ve never really had a permanent home” she sighed.
“That must suck” Gemma said bitting into her apple.
“Yeah you get to go a lot of places though” She smiled.
“But you never get any long term friends” She added.
“You got any siblings?” I asked, I had a strange feeling she was not telling us something.
“An older sister, but I never see her anymore, you know since she kind of moved out. Well got away from the moving” She giggled to herself.
“I got an older sister too” Gemma realised still eating.

The bell rang. We stood up.
“What you got now?” Gemma asked Caitlyn.
“Uhh English?” Caitlyn said like she was asking what subject Gemma had.
“Hey same as us” Gemma said.
“You can come with us if you like” I offered.
“Thanks” Caitlyn smiled.
Gemma and I started walking in the direction of our lockers, Caitlyn followed, but I noticed she was kind of leaning more into the shade of the passing trees.

We each got our books out of our lockers. Gemma and I waited a couple of minutes until Caitlyn found her English books.
“You ready?” I asked Caitlyn.
“Yes” She said getting up.
“Lets go” Gemma took the lead.
“You any good at English” I asked in Caitlyn’s direction.
“Well she’s speaking it right now” Gemma said laughing. I giggled and Caitlyn joined in quietly.
“I meant the subject, Gemma!” I said in a mocking tone.
“Umm I’m okay” Caitlyn smiled sweetly.
“I’m not, it’s too boring to be good at” Gemma laughed. We each laughed once again.
“And here’s good old room 7H” I said sarcastically. Gemma sighed and opened the door.

“Girls” Mr Quince nodded. We nodded and walked to our seats.
“I see you befriended Caitlyn” He smiled. Everyone turned to look at Caitlyn and then returned to their quiet chatting. Caitlyn moved to sit with us.
“Okay, okay turn your text books to page 168” Mr Quince controlled the class. Books came out and pages turned. Mr Quince started explaining what to do, the class groaned and the session began.

After English we went back to our lunch table. I noticed once again that Caitlyn sat deep under the shade provided by the large tree that towered over the table.

I saw that Gemma was wearing a new bracelet.
“Oh I like your bracelet, Gemma, where’d you get it?” I asked moving across to examine it closer.
“Umm I’ve had it for ages” Gemma undid it and placed it on the table. I reached for it and played with the tiny beads in between my fingers.
“I found it when I was cleaning my room the other day, so I put it on” Gemma explained.
I almost purposely dropped the bracelet on the ground right in front of Caitlyn’s feet.
“Oh I’m sorry, Caitlyn can you please pass the bracelet?” I asked. Caitlyn looked at me and then down to the bracelet in front of her.
“Umm sure” Caitlyn looked a bit inconvenienced as she reached down for the ground. As her arm went into the sunlight it kind of looked a tad brighter than the rest of her body. She passed it to me.
“Thanks” I smiled.
“No worries” She smiled back.

For the rest of lunch we made small chit chat, Caitlyn joined in when necessary. When the bell rang, we each got up and walked to get ready for our next class, Caitlyn staggered behind a little.
“Come on Caitlyn” I half joked.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me” She smiled.

We all got out our books.
“Does everyone have Maths now?” Caitlyn asked standing up.
“Nah, three classes now, three some other time, I’m not quite sure” I answered truthfully.
“Where do you have it?” Gemma asked Caitlyn.
“Umm 9G?” She said like she wasn’t sure where that was.
“Oh we have it in 4F, but that’s where Gemma, Nicole and Cara have it” Gemma replied.
“Except Gemma and Nicole are away today” I pointed out.
“Oh” Caitlyn sighed.
“Oh Cara?” I tapped her on the shoulder as she walked past.
“Yes Bella?” Cara smiled.
“Um would you mind taking Caitlyn to Maths with you? It’s her first day and she doesn’t really know anyone yet” I asked, sweetly.
“Oh sure of course, come on Caitlyn” Cara guided her out of the crowd.
Someone wolf whistled and a group of boys laughed as the girls walked past.
“Oh I hate new girls, especially the pretty ones” A girl behind me said to her friend. Hmm I guess Caitlyn was pretty.
“Coming Belle?” Gemma called, gesturing towards herself.
I nodded and ran towards the open door.

Maths went as fast as Maths ever goes.
“Finally home time!” Gemma smiled as the bell rang.
“Yep, home” I smiled back.
posted by ec_and_hg_4ever
I was walking to the cafeteria with my new friends. They were talking about my schedule, and asking what classes I had. Mike asked me if I had eighth period gym, and that’s when I saw him. The most beautiful creature that I’d ever seen. Then I heard Mike and the rest of them yelling my name, but I couldn’t see them. Then someone with really cold skin wiped their hand over my eyes, and I could see again. It was him. I tried to lean up on one of my hands, and wobbled unsteadily. He said,” whoa there be careful you probably hit your head pretty hard when you fell into that trash can....
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posted by teamalice_0
I changed my shirt in my room, and put on a deep blue one. I grabbed a blanket, I was going to sleep in the living roo on the couch. Tomorrow was Friday, but the principal said I could get everyhting unpacked first, so I didn't have to go to my classes tomorrow. I would of skipped class anyway, even if he didn't let me. I didn't have anything in my room, well besides boxes, my suitcase, and all the things for Ashes she needed.

Jasper came out and told me that he was sleeping here, because Alice 'persuaded' him. Which means I better sleep with earplugs. Ashes found me on the couch and curled...
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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the idea. Thanks. J

Please as always… if you like what I write let me know. I have been going through a divorce so the encouragement that you like what I am writing is so very helpful! And your patience is very much appreciated too.

Chapter 18

I heard Edward pleading with me to wake up and say something to him. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t feel like I could move yet. I felt as though my body were as stiff as marble. I felt his hands on my face as he leaned down to kiss my lips. His hands weren’t cold to me and they were surprisingly soft....
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posted by beccaluv92

I stared at his icy blue eyes, watching his smile fade to a grin, then to a thin line.
"You don't believe me." It was a statement, not a question. Something on my face must have given my thoughts away. How could he not be human? He looked and sounded and smelled human, so he must be human right? Obviously not. Like he said, sweeping me up into his arms in one second flat with lightning fast reflexes wasn't normal. I shook my head.
"I believe you." I whispered, half convincing myself. He frowned at me. He was beautiful even when he frowned. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"You don't believe...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Nine

    My heart was pounding as I took in the other person’s face. He was very good looking, having light blonde hair and green eyes. I relaxed a little, taking in the confused way he looked at me. He didn’t know what was going on either. I suddenly realized how pale he was. I jerked my eyes back up to his face. He had light purple circles under his eyes. After being around the Cullens for so long, I immediately recognized him as a vampire. My heart started pounding again.
“ Hello.” His voice was calm and deep, almost soothing.
“ Hi.” I answered, wondering...
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I woke up with a stir, the strangest dream ever. It wasn’t me Bella Cullen was there. I was at their house, lived in it and I had a little baby girl. She looked remarkably like Edward but she had my eyes, she was seven or eight much older then Aly and she was laughing with Jacob. There were other People in the dream Yard aside from the family, there were three more girls and another man. One girl was talking to Edward she had curly strawberry blond hair and a dazzling smile. I watched all of this like it was a scary movie, I turned and watched how everything was two perfect. Seth...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
MY room was the way i left it, bed unmade, blinds wound down, even the plate at my desk still remained in its place, I was 5 years old when i left, and things were identical at age 17. The air smelt of dust, it was aslo foggy, i had to fight the dust to make it through my way to the blinds. Opening the blinds, Light began flitering throught, at this moment all the memories floated in.

Flash back.

Knock knock!
"Come in, if you dare"i giggled a innocent laugh, a child, i was 4 years old.
"Hello my darling, you getting up your silly games again, thats very naughty of you, you know good little...
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Chapter 7: A Confession
Rosalie’s POV

I'd like to thank my awesome sister and editor. without her this story would not be here.

I was stunned when Bella stuck up for me with Edward. I felt like maybe Bella and I could be friends in the end.
“Come Bella.” I said motioning to the spot next to me on the fallen tree. Bella walked towards me as she reached the tree I helped her up and steadied her. “Bella there’s a lot you don’t know about me. First of all I graduated with the highest compliments from Columbia. Meaning I have a medical degree just like Carlisle. Second, I’ve killed...
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added by MiizLadiDiime
posted by genyva
15. Reunion

“Have fun at the potluck Bella don't work about the time we have Aly” Nicole kissed my cheek while Jake played airplane with Alison.

“Bye blonde” he waved. “Bye blonde” Alison copied what Jake said.

“See what you do.” Nicole called. I waved and walked out the door and headed to Port Angles. I told Jake that I was going to the company potluck in Port Angles at the boss’s house but I knew where I was really going, a block away, at the bowling alley. I will be with six vampires tonight. I don't even realize the consequents of my actions. What if another incident like...
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