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posted by alicia386
Chapter 2 – Southern Belle Rule #14: Never Drink Alcohol
Jazmyn Langston stood in front of her mirror feeling defeated. Her auburn hair was braided to the side, but there were still loose strands. She wore ripped, faded skinny jeans and a tight fitting Paramore t-shirt that barely fit over her belly button with black combat boots. Nothing in her closet made her look as if she belonged. The images of the beautiful girl across the street made her grit her teeth and change her outfit for the third time.
The girl across the street wasn’t the only reason why she thought she didn’t belong in Brantley County. Everyone in the town dressed as if they were from a magazine. All the girls had perfect hair that wasn’t close to the frizzy disaster Jazmyn has to deal with every day. Their clothes were always neat and elegant. No one wore ragged skinny jeans and oversized graphic tees. When she walks down the street, she could feel scrutinizing eyes on her, judging her unkempt hair and sloppy outfits. It was awful being the odd ball from New York City.
Throwing her hands up in defeat, she settled for shorts and a low cut camisole with a brown jacket that tickled to her knees when she walked. Her hair stayed in the braid because it would be too much work to redo it.
From the kitchen, she could her sister, Macy, humming while making breakfast. She smelled her sister’s signature blueberry muffins from her room. Her stomach growled in impatience. Hurrying down the hallway, she saw her beautiful sister with the phone in between her shoulder and her ear while eating a muffin. Her reddish brown hair was pulled into a tight bun and she wore minimal amount of makeup. Jazmyn never bothered with makeup. It seemed like a hassle. She had chaotic mornings from simply brushing her hair. There was no reason to add more trouble to her mornings.
“No, I thought the money from the house was going to us. You didn’t say anything about relatives, Martin.” Macy was livid at the person on the other side of the phone. “Well, I don’t care what Uncle Tony says. He was never there for mom. Yeah, whatever. Goodbye.” Macy slapped her phone down on the table.
“Whoa, calm down before you break the screen,” said Jazmyn. She sat on the counter next to the fridge.
Macy rolled her eyes. “As if I care,” she said. “Do you know what they want to do with mom and dad’s house? They want to give it to Uncle Tony. You know the guy from Missouri who we never met until mom and dad’s funeral.”
Jazmyn nodded her head. “Mom did leave most of her money to our uncle. She cared about him so I guess it isn’t too much of a surprise that she wanted Uncle Tony to have the profit from the house.”
It had been a couple of months since their parents died in a fire. Macy and Jazmyn were at a party and were spared from the flames. Their parents, however, were killed from the smoke in the air before the fire burnt their bodies to ash. They couldn’t tell if it was their parents. The firefighters found their parent’s gold wedding rings underneath all of their ash. Macy had cried for weeks while Jazmyn appeared unaffected. It disturbed Macy that her younger sister hadn’t shed a single tear when they heard the news. Jazmyn had wondered the same thing.
“Whatever, that scumbag isn’t getting a dime if I have anything to do with it.” Macy began dialing on her phone fiercely. She exited the room leaving Jazmyn alone with a plate full of muffins.

Hunter Henderson stood inside the principal’s office. The bell for first period had run a couple of minutes before. He could see students scurrying to get to class before the final bell rung. He remembered why he hated high school. Everyone was so desperate to fit in and to get good grades. No one cared for real issues. The things a person in Brantley County care about most is what everyone thinks of them. People here care about their image more than anything else.
He shook his head as Principal Stewart shoveled in his office. He was a round, tall man that loved donuts and kept a stash hidden away in his desk. He had a baldhead that was covered up with a Lincoln-like top hat. His wife, Justine Stewart, was a part of Women of the South committee, the ones that organize the debutante ball every year.
“I don’t want any trouble out of you, young man,” the principal said as he handed Hunter his schedule. “You can’t act anyway you want in my school. Do one thing and I’ll kick your butt out of this school faster than a squirrel hopped up on caffeine.”
“Yessir,” Hunter said mockingly. He snatched the paper out of his hand and swung the door open to the main office.
The door hit something solid and he heard a low moan when he stepped out. A redhead was lying on the ground with her hand on her head. He bent down to help her up and felt bad when he saw her eyes shut in pain.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“No, you just rammed the door in to my head like a maniac,” she said. As he steadied her on her feet, he got a good look at her. She had a white shirt that was low cut and shorts that reached above her mid-thigh. She had painfully bright red hair that was not dyed like most women in the south. “Do you always do this to innocent by standers?”
A smile tugged at his lips when he realized that she was not from here. Any southern women would have brushed it off and smiled, as if everything was fine. Some were brave enough to flirt with him despite the head injury. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.
“Ha, you’re telling me.” She gathered up her bag that she slung across her shoulder. Her raggedy old bag had buttons of various band names. “Next time, watch where you’re going.” She slipped by him and out the main office to the halls.
He stood their stunned for a moment, stunned that he met a person like that. He gathered his stuff and rushed out into the halls after her. “Hey,” he greeted when he caught up to her, “I didn’t catch your name.”
“I know, that’s because I didn’t give it to you,” she said.
“I’m Hunter, if you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t,” she said adjusting the strap on her bag. He held back a laugh as they continued walking. “I’m sorry,” she said after a couple of minutes of silence. “I’m just having a crappy day. My name is Jazmyn.”
“Crappy day, huh? Join the club. Every day in Brantley County is a crappy day,” he said.
She peered to the side to face him. He could see a smile form on her porcelain pale face. “And here I was thinking Brantley was a cool place.”
“Sure, if you like royal bitches and fried everything,” he said with a smirk.
She stopped in front of him. Her hair was unloosing from the braid she had plaited. “I have to go.” She pointed with her thumb at a door labeled Physics. “See ya around.”
“Bye,” he whispered as she closed the door behind her. For a brief moment, he could hear students growing silent as she entered.

Cara tilted her head to right as she surveyed the cheerleading tryout posters hanging in the gym. “Darling, they’re crooked,” she barked as a petite girl with limp brown hair scurried next to Cara. Cara pointed to the poster in front of her. The girl rushed over to adjust the problem. “Better. Go see if Izzy needs any help.”
Cara smiled happily. She loved bossing the rising freshman cheerleaders. Since she was head cheerleader, they listened to every word she said. It didn’t hurt the fact that her family is known for building Brantley to the booming town it is today. She was grateful for not being a freshman. Everyone considers freshman of being the lowest in the high school social ladder. Even though she spent most of her first year hanging out with the senior guys and making out with the handsome Biology teacher, it was still a miserable first year.
She flipped her brown curls behind her shoulder while walking towards Izzy. She held back an eye roll as she saw her best friend. It was obvious that Izzy was gaining weight. Her once thin hips were now about to burst from the ill-fitting skinny jeans she wore. She refrained from mentioning it. Cara knew how much Izzy hated the fact she was getting heavier. Like the good friend she was, she bit her tongue and smiled warmly as Izzy turned around holding a stapler and glue gun.
“Have you seen the new girl?” Izzy asked.
“More importantly, have you seen her hair, Izzy?” Cara giggled as she pictured Yankee wearing her messy hair in a braid with shorts the length of panties. It had taken all of her will power not to laugh in Yankee’s face. “Ugh, can you believe she is my neighbor now?”
Izzy smiled, “Your life must be so hard.”
Realizing Isabelle was being sarcastic, Cara gave her an amused eye roll. “Ha ha very--”
Isabelle tugged at her Cara’s arm harshly, wildly pointing at the gym entrance. “Look who it is,” Isabelle half-shrieked, half-whispered in Cara’s ear. A tall, slender boy with brown hair flopping around on his head entered the gym followed by five other boys in varsity jackets.
“Ugh, you still have that crush on Tanner Hughes?”
Tanner Hughes was a senior playing varsity football. He was every college’s dream student and every girl’s dream boyfriend. Isabelle has had a crush on him since freshman year. All the freshman girls had gushed over Tanner when the school year began. He had pearly blue eyes and a dimpled smile. The freshman girls melted at the sight of him and some even lost their virginity. Cara didn’t want Isabelle to end up like the ones losing their virginity. Tanner Hughes was not worth a girl’s first time.
“It is more than just a crush. I might be in love,” Isabelle said dreamily.
“Spare me the love story, sugar,” spat Cara. “You need to get over this guy.”
“How? It isn’t as if I have offers banging at my door.” Isabelle fiddled with the bottom of her blue tank.
“You just let me handle that,” said Cara with as much sincerity as she could muster. “Besides, guys should be breaking you house down trying to get to.” A loud bell exploded in the gym. Sighs of relief rippled through the cheerleaders as they abandoned their jobs heading for the exit. “Time for lunch, Izzy.”
“You know what, you are so right about the guys,” said Izzy as they exited the gym with Cara’s arm resting on Isabelle’s shoulder, the perks of being tall. “If Tanner Hughes can’t realize how perfect I am for him, then he doesn’t deserve me.”
Cara nodded along. “Who cares about Tanner? He is just another douchie guy sugar.”
“You’re right,” Isabelle agreed, swallowing hard. “Expect he has the most amazing smile you have ever seen.”
“Izzy,” warned Cara once they entered the cafeteria. Students moved everywhere like ants. They were bumping into others, laughing with friends, and chattering without a care in the world. “I thought we agreed there would be no more talk of you and Tanner together.”
They walked over to a booth against the wall. It was their usual table since in the beginning of high school when the other tables were filled. Cara and Isabelle didn’t bother with school lunch. Cara was able to convince one of the cafeteria ladies to bring food to their table. The woman would always cook a gourmet meal for them, which was a thousand times better than the dump they served.
Isabelle began chatting about her plans to travel once she turned 18. Cara was only half listening. Her attention was focused on Hunter Henderson who was strolling in with Yankee next to him. Hunter was the one reason she had wanted to become friends with his little sister, Savannah. Hunter had intrigued her since middle school when she saw him sketching in the back of the school next to the flowers. He was so peacefully and reclusive in his corner. She watched him sketch, unaware of anything around him. He interested her more than she was willing to admit.
She whispered an excuse before walking over to Hunter’s table. He had sat at a round table with Yankee. She was laughing at something he said. It disgusted Cara to witness Yankee’s lame attempts at flirting. Putting on a beaming smile, she pushed the annoyance down and sat with them.
Yankee took one look at her and recognized her. She smiled, “Hey, Cara, I didn’t think I would see you here.”
“Hello, Yankee,” Cara said, ignoring her anger. Yankee stared at her confused for a moment. Cara had already adverted her attention to Hunter. “I need to talk to you.”
Hunter held back a sigh. “Go ahead.”
Cara motioned with her eyes that she couldn’t say anything with Yankee there. He got the hint and told Yankee he would be right back. They walked in silence out the cafeteria and into the halls. Cara stood across from him with her arm folded. Hunter was leaning on a locker.
“So what do you want, Cara?”
She could feel her heart quicken. For a confidence boost, she flipped her curls back. “Where is Savannah?”
“My sister,” he asked confused.
“Yeah, who else could I be talking about?”
“Sorry, I just didn’t know you knew my sister.”
“Oh, she didn’t tell you?”
Cara didn’t realize that she was pinned against a locker and Hunter centimeters away from her face. She could smell is usual apple scent and deodorant that covered the aviator’s jacket he often wore. Her heart sped up quickly as he leaned in closer and closer. She could feel her head leaning up towards him. Hunter had placed one hand on her hip and the other gently on her shoulder. She had her hands around his neck. It was funny how fast they had gotten into that position.
In seconds, their lips were smashed against each other, fighting for control. That is how it was with Hunter, Cara thought. He’s constantly fighting for something or someone. She pushed those thoughts aside as he melted in the warmness of his lips. She tried pulling him closer by grabbing at his shirt. He held her head.
The kiss ended as fast as it happened. He had pulled away. His pale blue eyes were wide and shining. He had light skin. The kind you get when you mama was white and you daddy was black. She had never seen blue eyes on someone with light brown skin. On him, it looked hot. Tendrils of dark brown hair bounced in his eyes. She carefully brushed it away.
“We can’t repeat last summer,” he whispered. He started to back away. “I am not letting you suck me in, again.”
“No,” Cara began. He was nearing the entrance of the cafeteria, “it won’t be like last summer, I swear.”
He shook his head as if he didn’t believe her entered the cafeteria letting the swinging doors swing wildly behind him. Cara stood their paralyzed in spot. She didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know to do. Not liking the feeling of cluelessness, she shook herself until the image of them subsided, but it never truly went away.

When the bell signaling the end of the school day rung, Hunter climbed into his car and sat there. He ran his fingers through his brown curls and tried to focus. Going home was out of the question. He had accidently gotten Savannah drunk last night at the party. His parents were pissed beyond comprehension. It wasn’t his fault that he had lost track of her. He had apologized a thousand times as he held Savannah’s hair while he threw up in the toilet. She had forgiven him and reassured him that it wasn’t his fault. He still felt bad.
He decided to drive around Brantley. Brantley didn’t offer much, which was good since he wanted to focus on his thoughts. The first week he got back, he had already gotten his little sister drunk and kissed Cara VanDere. He groaned at the thought of Cara. He remembered everything about her and that small week they had before he left. It was the most chaotic week of his life. During that first week of summer, he had loved Cara just as much as he had hated her. He most definitely did not want a repeat.
This was why he had wanted to stay away from Cara. She was a mess, but a beautiful mess that intoxicated him. If he was being honest with himself, he was a mess, too. That was why they had worked. They were both messes that were looking for a clutch. It had worked for a while before things turned ugly.
He shook his head. He didn’t want to think about Cara and him. He just wanted to drive away and leave his worries dangling on a cliff.
added by h3rmioneg
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 22
    Dead end or a breakthrough?
    “What?” Cadence asked for the umpteenth time, and I gave him an exasperated look.
    “Again?    Seriously Cadence, your supposed to be the one actually paying attention?” I say, frustrated.
    Cadence flashed me a wicked smile. “Age is a number cupcake, I’m not that boring.”
    I surpressed my smile as I told him and Jess everything that happened again.
    “So,” Jess said after I was finished...
continue reading...
posted by hgfan5602
Look through the one-way glass,
The other side's covered in dust
You can only see ahead
But not back again...

There's no time for disappointment
No time to look back and cry
We gotta go ahead and see to the future
Cuz there's so much more to be done then

Look to the future
We will see ahead
Nobody's gonna wipe up the other side
You can't look back now, just see to the future

The future's so much more important than the past
So why weep over the memories?
Just plan ahead for the future
And you will find it's worth it

The one-way glass
Is a wonderful thing to have
And it helps you to stop worrying over your troubles,
To go ahead and shoot for the future

We will not look back to the past
Cuz it's covered in dust, no one can see through
Just go ahead and look to the future
The clear future that everyone sees
posted by alicia386
Chapter 3: You Just Couldn't Resist

      Faye, Marco, and Trina, Faye's mom, were all situated on the couch. Faye had arrived 30 minutes ago to find her mom and Marco making out in the kitchen. They didn't even acknowledged that Faye had strolled in until she said, "Hey, I'm home!" When they finally noticed her, Trina said for her to sit on the couch. They had something big to tell her. 
      Faye sat in between Trina and Marco. "Okay, here goes. Marco is your father." Trina said as she shifted uncomfortably. She was a petite woman and didn't take up much space but Faye felt suffocated...
continue reading...
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 21
    The opposite of her
    I remember how it used to feel when I didn’t seem to matter. It was always Dorothy this, or Dorothy that, and I was always left out or ignored. I remember having to shout to get people to look at me, and then they’d be all like ‘oh, I’m so sorry, didn’t see you’.
    I remember what it was like when I didn’t like my sister, or at least, not much as I did when we grew closer. I adored her in the few years before she died, but there was a time that I didn’t want to be just like her....
continue reading...
added by alicia386
posted by alicia386
I guess I never realized
What we had until it was gone
Then fun we had together
And the laughs we shared

It is funny how we acted
We would pretend to hate each other
Even though that want the case
I cared for you deeply

I didn't know until the end
That you felt the same way
After everything we have been through
The separation was the most difficult

When we were young
We laughed and shared secrets
You the loved me
While I then loved someone else

It was only when we were older
That I realized my true feelings
But it was much too late
To express them to you

You have a girlfriend now
One who you might marry
She is very...
continue reading...
posted by Problematic129
*Thanks for all the comments and fans :) Right now I'm working on three stories, this one, girl code, and a new one you'll see soon. Please read, review, and don't copy*
Chapter 19
    The girl named Serache
    “Aren’t you supposed to be at home, I watch the news too you know.” Rob, Cadence’s uncle said, as soon as I stepped foot on his boat.
    “My parents are a bit pre-occupied at the moment, there both at work, but my mom’s probably at the police station. Doesn’t matter, I have to ask you something.”
continue reading...
posted by hgfan5602
I saw you in your handsome little suit,
So I wore my purple gown
Cuz it matched you
But one thing's for sure...

Nothin's ever gonna be the same again
Even though you and I look the same
In our hearts, we're both broken
Like shattered pieces of glass

We were dancin at the ball
When someone pushed us over
They knocked our drinks away
We locked eyes...nothin was the same from then

It's a tragedy
But it's the painful truth
Nothin has been pleasant from that moment on
When the horrible thing striked

We knew nothin was ever gonna be the same
We accepted it, but it was hard to
I started to bawl my eyes out...
It was a difficulty

Nothin is ever gonna be the same...
But we'll always be together in our hearts...
And, well...
Life will go on.
added by hgfan5602
posted by hgfan5602
Bring it on,
No one's ever gonna stop us again
We're gonna be the champs
Like no other person tonight

We're the awesome ones,
We're unstoppable,
Our mission's clear
We're gonna win it all

Be the star of the stage
We're gonna rock it 'cross the land
Gonna be heard as the ones
Who revolutionized the world

Bring it on,
Not a ghost or ghoul's gonna scare us away
We're not gonna look back now
Not even if the world ends, kid

So bring it on.
We're not afraid of you
Cuz we will rock you
Rock you.
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 8 : Epilogue

It is the year 3020, and Kitsunes and Humans live in harmony! The arena was destroyed, and all the guards were fired. Jay became the King, he adopted 2 Kitsune Children and ruled with a Healing Hand...

King Jay was thinking to himself: "I wonder if there is such a thing as heaven?". When stopped he saw something incredible, an Angel! Not just any Angel, it was Amber!

"Oh Amber!" Jay ran up and kissed the angel Amber and she disappeared. "Was that just a hallucination?" Jay asked to himself as she heard Amber's Voice say...

"I love you, Jay, i am Forever yours, we have such beautiful Children, me and you, i will always be in your Heart..."
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 4 : Recovery

Two Hours after the Kitsune's beating, Jay went to go check on the badly hurt Kitsune. When he saw her she had bruises all over her body. He realized that he would have to take care of her for the next few weeks.

"Hey, don't fret, i am here for you" Jay told the Kitsune who was still crying after the incident, "Don't cry, i will take care of you". This made the Kitsune fell better.

"Still hanging around Trash!" Cole sneered, "Just look at how ugly and filthy she is!".

"She is beautiful!" Jay said in defense of the Kitsune, "She is a living thing, with feelings, and i have to...
continue reading...
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 3 : Rage

One week after the indecent, King George had news for Prince Jay.

"I will let the Kitsune go" King George told Jay.

"Really?" Jay asked, confused.

"Why yes" King George answered as he winked to Prince Cole as he smiled back. They took off the Kitsunes chains as everyone cheered, Jay sensed something was up.

"Now!" King George yelled as a group of Guards and Cole surrounded her and started whipping her. Then the citizens circled her and started Kicking and Slapping her as the Kitsune started crying.

"Stop it!" Jay yelled as he started protecting the Kitsune. Then Cole kneed Jay in the stomach, grabbed the Kitsune and out her back in her cage as Jay could only watch...