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posted by Problematic129
*In case were still doing this, Genre:realistic fiction, humor. Also I do not own Doctor Who, or anything in it, it's just mentioned in here.*
Chapter 14
    The boy named Ryler
    It was quite refreshing to not be thinking of the fact that my crush Cal, nearly ignored the fact that I existed but showed up to my house, insulted me, and then made out with his girlfriend in front of my face.
    Yeah, if I had been thinking that I’d probably be flinging something out my window. But Ryler is totally distracting, he’s funny and different from anyone I’d ever met. He’s kind of like me, we share loads of interests.
    “No! The end of time had to be definitely the worse!” Ryler stated.
    “Oh come on, definitely not, the weeping angels in season 5 had to take the cake! I mean, the angels lost all their scary points when they were moving statues and not some creepy monster inside like the doctor first described.”
    Ryler shook his head. “No way! David Tennant, our beloved doctor, leaving us. By far the worse!”
    As you can see we were talking about Doctor Who, one of the best shows ever! We’ve been switching topic to topic through the whole early morning, and two hours later finds us here.
    “Favorite companion?” I asked and he nodded. “On three.”
    We both yell but didn’t here each other clearly. I cock my head, “sorry, what did you say?”
    “Donna, funny, interesting, and red hair!”
    I shake my head. “No way! I have a tie between Mickey and Rory, by far the best.”
    “You realize we both picked different genders?”
    I nodded. “Strange, but Mickey was totally bodacious after his trips with the Doctor, and I just love sweet, innocent Rory.”
    “I’ve already explained my choice.”
    I hit him with my pillow.
    “Yo, Ryler! I don’t know if your up but-” Adam’s voice was cut off as he reached the bottom of the stairs and saw us sitting on the couch, sipping our juices. “Hey Patrica.”
    “Hey Adamroni,” I say waving at him. “Met your roommate.”
    “I can see,” Adam eyes our drinks. “Is that orange or red juice.”
    “Why do you want to know?” Ryler asks, taking a long sip of his.
    Adam scowls at him, before giving me the puppy dog eyes.
    I roll my eyes. “It’s the green juice smart one, you should really get glasses.”
    “Whatever,” Adam says as he pats our heads on the way to the kitchen.
    I stand up. “That’s my cue to wake the gal’s, or he’ll be complaining until there up.”
    “Then please get them, I’ve had him for a roommate for a while, I don’t need more whining!”
    I shake my head as I make my way up the stairs to my room, I cringe when I see Talia sleeping on my bed! But make sure not to wake her as I drag the gal’s out of there.
    “What?!” Sage snaps the minute were at a safe distance from the door.
    “Brother just woke up, and you guys never greeted last night.”
    “Adam?!” Beth asks.
    I nod and they all jump and squeal silently. “He also brought his roommate Ryler.”
    “Cute?” Ali asks immediately.
    I nod eagerly and the gal’s share a look. Ali smiles brightly at me. “Boyfriend material?”
    “Definitely, he’s super funny too.”
    The gal’s smiles brighten. “Good to know,” Sage says mysteriously.
    I slap their heads individually as we make our way downstairs. Ryler whistles as we come to view. “Well, nobody told me we were at a pretty convention.”
    “Shut your mouth, these are my gal’s.” I say, as I snatch my drink from him and take a sip. “Delicious.”
    “We’ll be in the kitchen to get some of our own,” Beth says, walking towards it, the other gal’s beguilingly following. Beth winks at me when I look at her, I could see payback written on her face, for all the times I stranded her with Grey, or at least, took her there ignoring her protests.
    Ryler raises an eyebrow at me.
    “There my gal’s, there crazy, so am I.” I settle back in my seat at the couch. “What were talking about. Yes! Doctor Who. So…what’s your favorite monster?”
*Thanks for reading! Please review, or fan, and don't copy. Really appreciated :)*
added by dragonsmemory
Source: Knowitall123
Copyright: 2013


The year is 1850. My name is Ashley Garland; I live in the small town of Crystal Falls, on the west coast of the United States. At the moment, I am being hunted, by what I do not currently know. All I know at present about my foe is that I fear for my life. In fact this whole ordeal has been about a week in the making. About a week ago, the people of Crystal Falls were gathered in the town hall, when a man suddenly began pounding on the door, pleading for help. After some of the citizens finally...
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posted by Problematic129
Part 9!!!Wow, I made it all the way here, thanks for viewing and commenting! Anyways I do hope you enjoyed the song I wrote, and thank you for reading it. I don't have a song for this one however I do have a song list I'm going to give you guys which is down there |, there really inspiring and good, hope you think so. But first I have to say that I don't own none of these pics, nada, zilch, they all go to the rightful owners. I hope this inspires you, as it did me. Sorry no song today, but I was thinking of giving you guys a song list so you can check them out. Sounds nice? Enjoy!
posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 16
    Awkward, it’s not the first time
    It was very unpleasant to be kicked out of our special bakery do to our girl fight. Now, it wasn’t that bad, we were just pulling each other’s hair, though I did get a good kick on my side, and Ali’s going to have an ugly bruise on her cheek from my fist, but hey.
    No damage done to the love.
    We immediately went to the mall buying ourselves ice cream, and saying sorry over and over again, with a few nice shopping trips....
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posted by Problematic129
Yay! A part 3, because of your encouragement and all, I have decided to continue on my Inpsried series. This one is called beautiful truth :), first of all I don't own any of these pictures, I've found them on various tumblr's. Some pictures in particaulr is from the little reasons to smile tumblr and the learnlovelivelife tumblr, so you should check them out, it's really nice. I own non of these pictures, this is just for inspiring my lovely people out there. Comment what you think! And fans appreciated ;) Again I own none of these pictures :) I don't know if I'm supposed to post a genre, and what genre this is, so sorry.
I own nothing!
added by h3rmioneg
posted by vampirefreak_26
When I held her something in me broke, my wolf took over. I was looking at her trough my wolf’s eyes, I hadn’t shifted but it almost felt like it. My wolf was awakened by her and it had recognized her. She was the one my wolf wanted to belong to, it had waited for her for a long time. And now he finally had found her, she was the one he was willing to lay his live for. My wolf had accepted her as his. His mate. She was going to become his everything, but in order to have a mating bond with her; she would also have to except him. His wolf sensed her attraction towards him, but there was...
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Chapter 17

My mom got me a job working st a summer camp. I will be starting Wednesday. Am I looking forward to getting up early at 8am every morning? Heck no! My mom thinks I will make new friends. I don't think so.

Chapter 18

L. J was at summer camp and he was working there too. It was tons of fun working with him and everything was cool. Until something happened. He kissed me and I like it. Oh and bu the way, this is my last blog. I'm still friendless but at least o have a boyfriend that will always stick by my side. My sister Velvet is still being awesome. She will be going to college next week. I don't think keeping a blog is healthy. I need to communicate with actual people. So this is my last post. Goodbye blog!
posted by alicia386

This party is off the hook! Whoever hosted this party is a flat out genius. They have chips, of all kind, punch, soda, boys, movies, and the latest songs by Jake Miller. Jake Miller is an awesome rapper. I'm surprised they have him though. Kyle was there and we were dancing for hours. I had to sit down and get some soda. My clothes and my feet were drenched in sweat. It was so worth it though. On occasion Kyle would grab my butt or whisper words that entangled with the music so I wasn't able to hear him. I didn't like it but this is what boyfriends do. Right? After a short break, we started dancing again. Kyle had gotten us some punch and whatever was in that punch made me loopy but I was able to dance longer and harder. It was so much fun! Kyle has to be the best boyfriend ever!
posted by alicia386
Chapter One- First Day of School Sucked Beans

Ky Daniels wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. Kasey, Bruce, Lacey, and Jonas were right behind us. Kasey Michaels was making out with Bruce Turner while her brother Jonas was lip locking with Lacey. Finally, we were all back together again.

Last summer, the guys went off to some summer camp for weeks while Lacey went touring with her metal rock mom. Don't tell Lacey or her mom, but her mom will never be famous again and should just give up the career all together. It was just Kasey and I all summer. It was nice to have everyone together again....
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 2

At the hotel, everyone was talking to Nick Wolfe, congratulating him on his heroic deed.

"Nick! Nick!" Mari, a half Ram girl asked Nick.

"Yes young lass?" Nick responded to his new fan.

"Can you show me how you slashed off that scientists arms?" Mari asked him curiously

"Of course!" Nick responded as he showed them the slash that cut off the scientists arm.

"Woah..." All of the girls were watching in suspense.

"Nick...I have to thank saved Lucy...and...I can't find a way to pay you..." Emily told Nick.

"You don't need to pay me!" Nick responded, "I just save people because it...
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posted by alicia386

I don't want to talk about the funeral. I don't want to talk about how I cried all weekend or how Velvet, my only friend at home, went with my aunt to Malibu for the weekend. No, I won't talk about any of this. Instead I will say that Kyle invited mr to this awesome party Wednesday night. Yes, I know it is a school night but in less than 6 days school will be over for me. I can't wait. No more preps or annoying L. J's. Kyle, however, I will miss. Maybe I could invite him to the movies or something.
posted by alicia386
Okay, I will admit that I was in love with Destiny Malone. I will even admit that one of my favorite hobbies was to watch her. I am not a creepier. I just thought that she was really beautiful. The problem was that I was a jock and she was a loner. There are two completely different social groups and social groups do not mix with other social groups no matter how gorgeous you are.

But her death was a shock to me. It shocked everyone in town.

Destiny was sweet to everyone and was fair. Her death only shows how cruel the world is. She drowned in the lake with her hands tied behind her back.

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posted by BlondLionEzel

Once upon a time...

"We must get away!" A Female Kitsune panicked to her Husband, while holding a crying baby Kitsune.

"Right!" The Father said as he started to run with his Wife and his infant child.

"Stop!" A Woman in a cloak holding a sword yelled as she charged on a Horse, chasing them.

"I will take the child!" The Mother said as the Father handed the baby to her.

"Now die!" The Woman said as she ran and slashed the Father, killing him in one slash.

"No! I will not let you take my child!" The Mother said as she stood her ground at the Woman.

"Such foolish nonsense, dirty Kitsune!" The...
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posted by hippy-hoppy

5 years ago

As I crouch in the wardrobe, trembling with fear, I hear shouts coming from down the stairs, I don't know who it is but I know that there's 2 men and 1 woman. No rewards for me guessing who one of the men and women are, my mum and dad, but the other one, who seems to be shouting the most vile and mean things I've ever heard, I have no idea of who it is. As I'm trembling I think to myself," whats going to happen to my mum and dad?" and other questions like," why did my dad hide me in here?" and "why are they shouting at the man so violently?" I keep thinking about...
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posted by alicia386
June 18
Today was the first time I saw her. It was the annual festivals for them. It began today and ended June 25. I happen to be hiking today. I had heard myths and legends about how they fall from the skies to dance and celebrate among the humans,

Back to the girl. She had light blue eyes and a thick head of hair. The part of her that really caught my eyes were her angel wings.

They had a noticeable sparkle to them. I was certainly bewitched by her beauty the moment I saw her.. It was hard to get her image out of my head.

Eventually, I had to leave. Those angels would pick up on my scent and...
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Garren struggled for breath as he woke up. Why you ask? No reason, only that he found himself underwater.

Swimming up as fast as he could, he tried as hard as possible to not let go of his breath. Finally, he reached the surface.

As he broke the water's surface and gasped for air, he looked around his surroundings, nearly sighing with relief as he saw the simplicity of it.

It was a simple room. The walls and floor were made of stone, and nothing else was in the room other than 2 portals. A red one and a blue one.

Climbing out of the water onto the cold stone floor, Garren realized that nothing...
continue reading... head. What the hell happened?

Garren slowly opens his eyes, but there wasn't much to see. The room was dim, and the only light coming into the room was from a small candle. The light didn't go far, and many spots in the room were still darkened to a great extent. It looked like a medieval dungeon. He tries to move, only to realize his wrists and ankles are chained to the wall.

"What's going on?" Garren demands, speaking to no one in particular. Has he failed a test, and is now dying for it? He's about to repeat himself, when he sees something lying on the ground not too far from him...
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Chapter Two- Setting My Sights

If ghost could pass out from shock then that was actually what I was about to do. It isn't the greatest feeling in the world to realize that you're dead, that no one on Earth will be able to hear you say anything ever again. Everyone thinks you are dead. There was a silver lining in this tale of misfortune. Everyone thinks I'm dead which meant, most likely, everyone would be gossiping about my death. I might just get some answers on this untimely tragedy. I longed to know what happened to me. Why was I like this? I surely don't want to be a ghost forever although,...
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Chapter 16
    Code furnace
    “Pam, how many times have I told you to not fake injuries to the nurse and sleep through the whole day of school?”
    I scrunched my brow. “Over twenty times.”
    Adam scowled. “You missed a whole day of school, and! You made Beth too!”
    “Hey! Beth agreed with me!” I said, “her life, her choices.”
    Adam rolled his eyes. “You’ve been doing this since ninth grade Pam, just endure the pain of school with the rest of your...
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