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*Please go to the Forum page and check out this contest. This HAS to be a short story about a monkey, a clam, a balloon, and some cake. The most creative writer wins. This is my entry. The rest of you, enjoy this one and good luck.*

Bubble Soap

by Sawfan13

He looked out from his big huge cage in the zoo. Human beings annoyed him, especially during birthday parties for whiny little bratty kids. He was a chimpanzee, he didn't have to deal with snot nosed, bratty disrespectful humans. Yet, he did and it bothered him to no end. He wanted freedom. He wanted respect. He no longer wanted to be some creature that was constantly looked and stared at. As the kids were laughing, yelling, and eating this odd pink and blue cake with a white filling, a little golden haired girl in a pink dress with yellow flowers and white lace trim walked up to the monkey, carrying a red balloon. She tied the red balloon around a bar on the cage and said,"Happy birthday, cutie monkey!" She skipped away from the cage, and went back to the hyper, sugar-filled children. The chimp sniffed the string from the balloon, and untied it. He noticed that the cage did not have a cover or anything blocking it, so he let the balloon go, quickly climbed up on the cage and grabbed onto it, floating away to freedom. He was very surprised that no one noticed a flying monkey!

The sky was blue and cool the clouds were fluffy and white, as the little chimp's arms started to grow tired. Yet, his physical weariness did not force him to let go of this red balloon carrying him to freedom. He inhaled the air deeply, so deeply he could taste it. I bet this is what freedom tastes like, he thought as he had never felt this alive before. He never wanted to let go, never ever ever! This was the best feeling ever, and it should last for a long- POP! The balloon popped, as he was now falling, falling far from the earth. His heart nearly jumped from his throat, his stomach tightening from the fear. He feared for his life until-SPLASH! The ocean was below him, as he swam to the top, letting the waves carry him to land.
He was blessed. Blessed for the ocean and blessed that primates of all kinds could swim! This so far was a lucky day for this little chimp. He thought he would die, but didn't. The ocean caught his fall, and now is carrying him to the surface.

He landed on a soft beach on an island far, far away from the zoo. The land had beautiful soft sand, and it lead to a tropical jungle a few feet away from the ocean. Yet, there was something wrong. Something very wrong. He didn't feel happy. The little chimp felt....lonely. He started to miss the noise, the eyes gawking at him, and the free meals everyday. Now, he has to hunt for food, find his own shelter, and be alone. He found a clam washed up on the beach and picked it up. It squirted him with water, but that didn't bother him. He walked into the tropical jungle and was upset. His only friend was a water squirting clam. He started to cry, as he missed his old life, until he heard noises, similar to his. Then, all of these chimpanzee monkeys looked at their new family member. That day he realized that he wasn't so lonely anymore.
posted by alicia386

The preps have got on my nerves for the last time. They decides to expose my crush on Kyle. How dare they? Who do they think they are? Their leader was like we all know that Laurie likes Kyle. U was all like please, I so don't. Then we got into this huge argument. Jennifer, L. J, and Tammie had my back though. Jennifer started trash talking their leader, Carly Louis, and they rest of her desperate followers. Kyle interjected and said that if I liked him then it wasn't any of their business. This is why I like the boy so much. After school when I was walking him from school, Kyle caught up with me. He told me that he thought those girls were cruel and should stay in their own business. I couldn't agree more. He whirled around suddenly and kissed me! I was utterly speechless. He started stuttering and then sprinted off in the other direction before I could say anything. Yep, that kiss was everything that I had imagined it would be but why do I feel like it was so wrong.
I'm back and better than ever! My brief hiatus has allowed me to prepare spoilers for the Shadow Trilogy for you. Remember, nothing leaves this website.
Eden, its inhabitants, and the Shadow Trilogy books copyright © 2013 Johanna Glass. Do not use without permission.

A few months ago, I gave you the full first chapter if Hope in the Strangest Places. At the end of the chapter, Twera reveals that she and Thunderhawk are siblings. BUT, there is a story behind them. WHY was Thunderhawk apprehensive about seeing Twera? WHY was he thinking what he was?
The story all starts with Siik and Fynd. Their...
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Note: to those who are reading this and like it, I will take requests, as long as:
1) It doesn't interfere with what I've already written
2) It doesn't create a new character

Sometimes I hate school so frigging much. Actually, I wouldn’t mind it so much, except for no one really likes me. See, I’m real social. So when the only people I have to talk to is a budding juvenile delinquent, a geek with freckles and braces, a hyper redheaded girl, and a sarcastic blond (Quin can get really sarcastic sometimes), you can understand why I feel like that.
    Don’t get me wrong....
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posted by sadiebugz00
Chapter 2 (BTW, I'm just copying and pasting from Word, so it may look like I don't have paragraphs, but I do)

Derek’s Perspective

A while later I call Jesse over so we could discuss Carter’s situation.
Jesse is quite attractive; she has ocean-blue eyes and long, flowy, bleached blonde hair, and looks much like a Barbie. However, she can be very fickle, so if I use the correct wording I could be able to keep Carter. But, if she’s in one of her “moods” there’s no way on Earth that I’ll be able to keep him.
I hear a pounding hard knocking on my door.
Great… I think. She’s...
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We all have that shy kid in class who keeps to themselves and doesn't utter a word. They never raise their hand to answer a question and they need try to socialize with others. Well, one day you might decide to go up to that shy kid and start a conversation. You immediately ask them their name, how old they are, and what is their interest. That shy kid isn't participating. They answer your question in one word and never show emotion. You feel uncomfortable so you leave. You leave the shy kid by themselves and you go and talk to your band of friends.
Half way through the school year,...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 6
        Opposing and spoiled opinions
    The website made chills run down my back for the whole day and everything, it was…in other words, extremely creepy. The website was in the form of some kind of creepy old wallpaper, and you can immediately tell it was created by the crazies. You could just see the scent of craziness all over it, and I didn’t feel that excited to read on, but I did.
    More victims, more confusions, the one person in this town to befuddle our police men, either that or their losing...
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"no" Kyle said. "I'm so sorry."
"What for? you were always there for us, what else could you have done?" James said.
"I could've been more of a brother, instead of your leader." Kyle said and looked at his brother.
"But then what would I have gotten angry at you for then?" James said they smiled at each other.
"Take care of them.Kyle said, " Kyle croaked, "Please?" James nodded "I will." James wanted to say dont go or something, but he knew it was time. "I'll be watching you, hot-head." he said.
James looked down and didn't speak.
"I wish it were different to." Kyle told him. James hugged Kyle tightly, "Say hi to mum for me"
"I will, bye" Kyle cried on James' shoulder and he cried on Kyle's. "To let you know, I do need you."
"Your a funny kind of brother, aren't you!?" Kyle whispered. "Goodbye." said James.
"Look under my bed, remember Sheila" his eyelids growing heavy. "James. You couldn't have stopped this"
"What do I do without you?" James asked.
"Live on"
After the war was finally finished, three years, seven months and twenty weeks, people waited at the hospital. Hoping, praying for their loved ones to be found. Kyle Goodman's Foster Dad; Angus, his two sisters; Tiffany and Mariah, brother James and girlfriend, Summer Thorn waited. Their friend, Katherine Dreamwhisper. They called her Katie for short, had finished her shift, working as the nurse and went to join them. "They'll find him" she said. Nobody spoke, they just sat there. Three hours past and it was getting cold, the night air was coming and the warmth from the sun disappeared. Katie...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 4
    The second day
    “The second day of school and already gossip flows like a waterfall,” Beth says, shaking her head.
    I nod as we walk through the front doors into the school entrance, it was in the parking lot where people pointed at us and horribly trying to whisper, though we can hear the words clearly. Of course about Ali’s luscious slap, to jerk and still is lovelies, Chad Holder, who according to Ali had some relationships problems.
    I smiled and waved at Grey, who was by our lockers,...
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Thank you the people reading my work, it is encouraging to have you read + comment. ;)


    The Story of Zerokenum:

"Zeus you can't do this. I'm supposed to be king and ruler of the stars and solar system; you can't just take that away from me!"
"Zerokenum we see dark in your heart, you have been practicing forbidden black magic and human alchemy. Someone who is ruler of our galaxies should be trustworthy and pure. As of now I will run all the skies and you are to be banished to earth as an esse mortal." Zeus I hope you take great care of yourself because I’ll be...
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The night was cool and dark. You can’t even see three feet in front of you. It is a good thing I want them to see me. Otherwise I would have fell over a hundred times because of those stupid tree roots. And above all I have the worst possible luck because my flashlight is dying. It flickered once twice three times and I am now left in the dark. I threw aside my disappointing flashlight and picked a good tree and started to climb.

I was almost half way up the tree trunk when I heard barking. Is that a dog? Then I saw a blinding light in the darkness. Then I heard them two voices having an argument...
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posted by 1999jacko
3 miles away

Gemini woke from his sleep, his wand in his hand with an old brown tendril half out of it as though he had been fighting someone. He slowly said under his breath," samantanes," his voice rough and gravely from a thousand years of unconscious, after a second of waiting a huge water hand shot from his body clearing his way backup to the surface. He grabbed the wand and jumped up onto the surface as 18 of his ( former) captors came towards him tendrils flying everywhere. He could see the fiery robes of his worst enemy Virgo at the front, but as they ran forward Gemini saw the flabby...
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posted by 1999jacko

Walter Duncan sat down on his giant blue beanbag, his newest book 'The Black Wizard' tightly clutched in his hand. As soon as he sat he opened the book and started to read, that is until one small hand appeared through the page and tightened around his neck," MUM HELP MEEEEEE!" he managed to shout out before he was pulled into the page.

He suddenly dropped through the other end of the page into a large, velvet lined room with 1 door and a small man in the center. With a very dull and bored voice he said," welcome to the entrance between worlds." Strangely after he said this his head spun...
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It's time to rock the floor,
Break out all your dance moves like never before,
And let all of your worries vanish away,
Vanish away.

Isn't it just easy
To eat the whole chocolate cake?
Just creep over to the table
And get your face filled with sweet heaven

No, no, go over to the floor
And show me all your moves
Cuz I got DJ replaying "Party Rock Anthem"
Tonight, on this glorious night, tonight

It's time to rock the floor
Get a partner and swing them across
Show them you're workin your mojo
Tonight, tonight, tonight

It's your night
So get up everybody and dance,
Like you don't care about another thing
Just dance,...
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Chapter 1
October, 1964

I lied awake on my bed.

I couldn’t sleep.

My mind was wandering, racing to different topics at the same time. I couldn’t stay on one subject in my mind for more than ten seconds. I was restless.

Just then, out of nowhere, I remembered something that I particularly didn’t want to remember. But I did anyway. It was something that I hated thinking about, and something that I thought about all the time. I got up, clad in only a pair of jeans, and walked over to my closet and turned on the light. I pulled down old, dusty boxes and yellowed papers off of the closet’s...
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Chapter (17):
"Glad you came dude" said Josh, "Yeah" replied Noah "Aren't you three going to sit down or wait to be invited?" asked Bonnie, Noah stalked away from Abbie and Leo, and settled himself next to Bonnie, Abbie and Leo sat in the two remaining chairs side by side, "Your Noah's sister Abbie right?" asked Josh, Abbie noticed that Bonnie and Josh weren't pale haired but there hair was deep golden blonde like their mother, "Yes, your Susie's cousin right?" she asked, "Yeah, I am do you know her?" he answered with a ghost of a smile, "Yes, we go to the same school and she's in few of my...
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Chapter 2

Twera sat on the ledge outside her cave, thinking. Like all dragons, she knewthe king's name. She had seen King Parthurnax on a few occasions. He was clearly noble and a great ruler. The prince was a mystery. As far as she knew, she had never even seen him. She didn't even know his name.

Twera looked off to the west, where an empty valley lay. No dragons had coaxed caves from the steep mountainsides there. Further in the distance, the palace scraped te clouds like a towered and turreted mountain. Few...
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posted by Problematic129
*I am still debating on whether I should make this a story or a short story, right now this is a short story, but if you want it to be a full fledged story please comment so. Please don't copy and please read and review*
My name is Pamela Jones, but call me Pamela and meet my fist. Everyone calls me Pam, everyone, they know not to cross me or anger me ever.
    Well it’s not that I’m evil or hot, it’s that I have a major anger issue. When I get angry, someone usually gets punched. My anger issue is what got me suspended for a week, I nearly knocked this kid out. After...
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posted by wantadog
Chapter 1; Humans and Demons and Abominations.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Odessa blearily opened her eyes, that damn buzzing was going to drive her crazy! She sat up, expecting to see Arlon sitting in his throne, grinning from ear to ear at his power over her, but all she saw was a small meadow, a tiny pond, a few trees scattered around, and…metal bars? What was going on? If she was in the wilderness, there wouldn’t be metal bars. That means she must be…
A roar sounded to her left and her head snapped towards the sound. There, maybe 20 feet away, was a lion. The lion was small by any standard, but...
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posted by hgfan5602
Once upon a dream
There was a world
Where everyone came together as one
Where they would join together and sing

We share in the riches
We join together and sing
Of the amazing journey we've had
In our lives

No one would back away
In fear and cowardice,
No one would slink away
Everyone would be bold

We will be as one
On this beautiful earth,
While sharing our resources
We shall be together and sing

We are the world of destiny,
We are the people of the world,
And we do our very best,
To make this world brilliant

I have never seen a place
Where no one would
Be a traitor,
And they would hold hands and sing

We are...
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