Total Drama Island Club
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*Non-First class*

*Bridgette crys*
Rayven: You got to gte over Jordan! I mean your as bad as Ray when Noah left!
Ray: Never menchen that again! *starts to cry*
Rayven: aaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... I'm going over to the storeage room with Jamie.

*Storage room*

Jamie: what are you doing in here???
Rayven: Ray and Bridgette are crying over there loves.
Jamie: my love is Duncan.
Rayven: wo wo wo!!!!! Duncan????? He's like was on the other team.
Jamie: So he's still hot. I bet you have a crush on someone!
Rayven: Nope no one.
Jamie: I can hardly belive that!

*First class*

Jax: Dang! Those girls can cry!
Natalie: One of them is crying over your best firend.
Jax: what jordan broke up with Bridgette??? I haven't seen him for awhile.
Rochelle: Jordan got votted off.
jAX: wait what???
Trent: yeah man! They came in here and told us.
Jax: wow! Why wasn't I here?
Ezekiel: I think he went to the restroom eh.
Jax: Maby.
Chris: hellow finle 10 conpesters. Befor i say where we are going next please go in the cnfessional room and say something about you being in the finle 10. Team Win then team USA!


Ray: *crying* I miss noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bridgette: *crying* Jordan was so nice!! Why!!!! Jordan i hope your watching this cause I love you!I wiil win for you. ok?

Rayven: I have to be on the same team as those girls. and only 7/10 girls there are only 3 guys. i bet a girl will win again for sure!

Jamie: I was so close to not have making it...... but i got in the finle 10 by cheeting!

*flash back*

Jamie: chris can you make the person with the 2nd most votes get votted off please??
Chris: Jamie i know you don't wanna be votted off, but i c...........
*Jamie holds out 100 dollors*
Chris: where did you get that????
Jamie: I still have it from las vagus. so do you want it???
Chris: fINE YOU WIN!

*flash back over*

*back to confessionals*

Jamie: Like i was saying i would do anything to win.

Ezekiel: Finle 10 eh! This is the farest i ever gone in my life eh! this season rocks!

Natalie: Finle 10???? I didn't think i would make it this far. and i'm even with the guy of my dreams......... TRENT! he's so hot. I'm glad he's in here with me.

Jax: The finle 10 mean that peaple come back. i hope one of them is ether Jordan or Zoey...... Mostly Zoey! sorry Jordan!

Annie: OMG! The finle 10! Team WHO-NEST-EGGS will so win!
Rochelle: *through door* It's USA!

Rochelle: That annie girl is so dunb. i rather have Lindsay here than her. But i'm not mean. I just want to win. *sigh* hope cody comes back. I miss him. Hi cody! *blows kiss*

*TDA aftermathshow*

Lulu: *gags* cures you Rochelle!!!!!!!!
Cody: hey she's a good friend!
Lulu: she stoll you from me!
CodY: were just firends.
Lulu: then why did you kiss her?
Cody: cause i was missing you and i need someone to kiss me so i wont miss you so much.i love you Lulu!
Lulu: *blushes* hehe! I love you too!


*Back to confessionals*

Trent: Me and Natalie are so tight! But i can't beleave she hates my best bud Justin beiber! I will never forget that! But other than that.............. She's on fire!

*Jordan craws trough confessional window*
Jordan: ok i finshed step 2 get in side plane! Step 3....... hid for 2 epsodes! *looks down in the trash and sees he's bridgette doll* Don't worry Bridgette I will make it.


Rochelle: Ok we talked in the confessonal happy????
chris: yes yes i am.
Jax: so where are we going today?
Chris: hawii!
Bridgette: *startsing to stop crying* didn't we already go there?
Chris: Yes! but it was a great spot for today's epsode!
Ray: I wonder what today.
Rayven: If you ask that....... your so dead!


Ray: Yeah Rayven is mean, but not all the time.

Rayven: Ray just makes me mad when she ask chris about the challange. I mean she knows chris is going to tell us.


Annie: This place is so cool!
Natalie: we been here befor. you should recanize it. *looks around* dosent look the same.
Chris: That's because we are on the other side of Hawii! witch brings us to your challang......
Bridgette: are you going to tell us??
Chris: Not yet!
Bridgette: why?
Chris: caus i'm bringing back some people.
Jax: *crosses fingers* please let it be zoey please let it be zoey.
Chris: hellow to............ Aljeandro!
All: WAHT??????
Aljeandro: hellow everyone.


Natalie: He votted off Zoey and changed the votes! he should not be back!

Jax: That guy! I hate him! He should not come back!


Trent: Please not him!
Ezekiel: Yeah eh.
Alejandro: Hey Annie.
Annie: I might be domb sometimes........ but i'm smart anough not to trust you.
Chris: and welcome................ Jar3d!
Jar3d: hey everyone!
Annie: OMG OMG!!!!!!!! It's Jar3d!!!!!!!1 OMG!!!!! I love you!
Jar3d: Oh my!


Jar3d: When chris asked who wants to come back to all the losers me and alejandro were the first to wase there hands. I tottly forgot about Annie! Goush! I'm so domb!


Chris: Aljeandro and Jar3d have inevnceabilty til the finle 10!
All but Aljeandro: really??? for alejadnro???
Alejandro: really!
Jar3d: at least i get to stay for awhile!
Annie: yay!!!!!!
Chris: and i have some new people. Meet Draven!
*Drvaen looks hot*
Rayven: wow........
Jamie: he's he's he's.......... HOT!
Annie: wowy! He's hotter than you jar3d.


Jar3d: I don't know if that's a good or bad comment. Is it good???


Draven: Hey rochelle.
Rochelle: sorry but i have a boyfriend!
Draven: Oh one hotter than me???
Rochelle: yeah...... maby............. NO OK!


Rochelle: sorry cODY! he's just so dreamy! I just want to hug hin and kiss him.......... argggggg!


DraveN: hey natalie:
Natalie: *blushes* hi.
Trent: Ok back off my girl!


Natalie: I'm he's girl!


Draven: Hey bridgette!
Bridgette: keep walking.
Draven: you know that Jordan hates you. he was just useing you.
Bridgette: Oh and how do you know that???
Drvaen: watch this.

*tape rolls*


Jordan: Bridgette???? ugly! she's just like...... Ugly! I......... will.......... just......... use her ..... for awhile to win.


*clip stops*

Bridgette: what????


Bridgette: Oh i should have known! sorry geoff!


chris: and................ Buddy!
Buddy: Hey! hey hey hey!
all: aaaaaaaaaaaaa...... hey.
Buddy: hey!
Chris: Ok your challange is....................
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants had to go through some trivia and had to go through some though challenges when they got it wrong. Like Leaches, ice water, and bees. In the end, Blake was kicked off the show for sneaking around in the studio with out premisson. Who knows why. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will scream their heads off? Find out right now on Total.. Drama.. Reality Check!

(theme song)

(Castle (set 9))
(All the final 15 are laying on the ground)
Mathew: (wakes up and screams waking everyone else up)
Liza: Huh? WO! Where are we?
Lily: Looks like some...
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Little girl: He killed them! (starts to cry) I know he killed them.
Eli: Who killed?
Little girl: His coming!
???: It's ten o'clock! You know what that means!! You have five minutes! And then I want to hear a pin drop!
Eli: Was that-
Lia: Victor?!
Mathew:WHAT?!?!Victor killed a little girl's parents?
Elizabeth: L-let's play a different cylinder!
Jordan: ummm... here. Here you go. (Hand Elizabeth a cylinder and she puts it in and it starts making loud, scratchy noices)
(Elizabeth turns it off)
Mathew: W- what was that?
Lia: I sounded like a moan. A death moan. Like-...
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Blake: Wow, I can't believe my team won again. I'm really glad, and I just hope that we will keep working as hard in challenges that we don't expect to be happening at the moment.

Ashley: Oh my god. Like oh my god. Our team like, totally sucks. Okay. S-U-C-K-S. I suck lollipops, but I don't suck horribleness. I'm like sooooo gonna vote off Alice. We coulda won if those stupid guys, even Blakey Snowflakey got scared from something truly horrifying and dropped to the floor.

lily: i must say im making some friends here but layla.....................shes so mean (closes eyes and turn...
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posted by TotalDramaVoter
Season 1
Team Red (Screaming Gophers):

Team Silver (Killer Bass):

Season 2
Team Red (Screaming Actors):

Team Silver (Killer Directors):

Season 3
Team Red (Team Mextli):

Team Teal (Team Eiffel):

Team Gold (Team Amazon):
“Are you guys ready for your first challenge?” Stella questioned the contestants.
“I wonder what it is!” Natasha clutched Carter’s arm.
Stella smiled, “Your first task... is to go on a “speed date.”
“Speed date?” Jenny questioned. “But we’ve already met our partners...”
Stella rolled her eyes, “That’s not what I meant Jenny... I meant that you and your partner will have to go on a speed date, and will only have three minutes to find as much info as you possibly can about the other. I don’t care how weird it makes you feel, or how strange or obscure the info you...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! The plane got into a little struggle when we entered the Bermuda Triangle. We almost crashed s our challenge was the first one to touch the ground wins! Cole was the first one to touch the ground leaving Layla with out invincibility. Layla also showed Annie the confessional of Lia saying she DOES like Jordan and man was she mad. In the end, it was Layla taking the boot leaving Liza partying. Who will win? who will lose? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(first class)
(Liza, Annie, Cole, Rochelle, Amber, and Lance...
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*In the Confessional*

Jordan: YAY! I beat Draven in a fight... well, got him arrested... But I still made him lose!
Draven: Agghh... stupid Jordan... I swear, when the merge happens, he will be eliminated.

Draven: But right now I need to eliminate someone else... hmmm... Daisy.
Daisy: I've got a few plans up my sleeve to stay in.

Daisy: I'll just change the votes if the try to boot me >:)
Sayu: It was wo afainst one >.> there was no way that was too fair...

Sayu: Anyways! i guess i havve to vote daisy out...

Sayu: she's kinda mean but its ok. I still have faith! We shall raise again!...
continue reading...

Cole: Something's up with Joss, Liza and Layla....I think they're in an alliance and this fighting is all an act...

Chilly: So I saw something interesting....I went to get something for the pizza and saw Joss cheating on Liza with Layla.... so its time to put my plan into place.....


(First class)
(Liza is sitting on a couch crying)
Amber: (enters) Are you okay Liza?
Liza: Just get out okay!
Amber: Is it about Joss?
Liza: don't ever say that name again!
Amber: (sits by Liza) Listen, Joss-
Amber: Sorry. HE didn't mean to kiss Layla.
continue reading...
(Non-first class)
Rochelle: So I think we should vote off Cody. I mean he is such a traitor.
Annie: well, yeah. But what about Eva. She should not have stayed this long.
Lia: Well, we need to pick one of them. They're the only ones we can pick.
Fawn: What if 2 of us pick Cody and 2 of us pick Eva. Then, who ever Draven, Eva, and Cody pick get's eliminated.
Rochelle: THAT'S ME!!!
Fawn: oh.... ummm... I got to go. (exits)
(Mess hall)
(Fawn enters listening in on Eva's and Cody's conversation)
Cody: But I don't want to eliminate Rochelle.
Eva: me either. Draven was such a jerk today.
Cody: I think we...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! London! The home of the famous movie Nanny McPhee. Here I played as Nanny McClain and made the campers hate me to death. I made them go to bed at 7:00 and made them wake up and 3:00! Made them clean the plane. And also made them be nice to their worst enemy. In the end, Sierra quit because of her lost information of Cody leaving Lance with no one to be in an alliance with. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will die of dehydration and hunger. Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-first class)
Layla: Great. Back here...
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Liza: I bet you all know who I'm gonna eliminate. I mean, is it really that big of a surprise? (stamps Layla's passport)

Lance: I would vote off Sierra but, we're in an alliance. So, I'm going to vote for who she is voting off: Liza. Don't know why, but... She wants her gone for some reason. (stamps Liza's passport)

Layla: I would vote for Liza because she was so rude today! But, Sierra made us lose. Bye bye Sierra! (stamps Sierra's passport)


(Elimination room)
Chris: You have all voted. And the first one goes to... Lance.
Lance: YES!
Chris: Joss
Joss: (smiles and walks up and...
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*In the Green room*

Chris: welcome to Total Drama Video Game Highschool!

Sgt. Calhoun: Last time these pathetic campers got put into teams

Chris: and tonight one team will be expelling a team member from the school

Sgt. Calhoun: Todays challenge will be super....*laughs*

*Theme song plays*
*In Team Noob's room*

Marina: *leaning against the wall, looks down at her phone*

Isabelle: *sitting at a table, reading a book*

Ryan: *sits next to Isabelle* So where you the one that knifed me in the last challenge?

Isabelle: *quiet* I...don'

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Fawn: Okay, Mike or Svetlana who ever it was, really insulted me. Because I am Lesbian. So I will have to say, Good bye Mike! (stamps Mike's passport)

Mike as Syetlana: okay, that Fawn girl really has some nerves to kiss me. I mean, I'm no Lesbian! So she's out! (stamps Fawn's passport then turns back to regular Mike) huh? why did I stamp Fawn?

Eva: ooooo.... Cody sleeping on me during our challenge really got me mad. I bet he's the reason we lost. So good bye Cody. (stamps Cody's passport)

Annie: Out of everyone here, there are 2 people I can't stand. the 1st one is Alejandro, too...
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Super sorry that it took my so long to make this :/ I'm afraid it make take me as long to write the second part due to our school exams coming up. I really hope you guys like it, I promise, more interaction and speaking in the second part. Feel free to leave suggestions, comments, confessionals for characters, etc in the comments!
“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama: Date Night!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a dark blue dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore eyeshadow and blue high-heels....
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"Words hurt but starts love epilogue" & Intro to '"regret something  beautiful"

After finishing high school, Mike and Ally continued their relationship  for six years. they were able to go to college together and enjoyed each others company in an apartment Mike bought with his donation money.
Mike is just finishing college and is about to get a masters in acting. Ally is also finishing school and getting a masters as an entrepunaor. She plans on having her own music store.
Both Mike and Ally were very happy, they even though their friends didn't go to the same schools they did, they always...
continue reading...

-Love hurts, but we do it anyway-

Ally was rushed out if the ambulance and into the hospital. She was immediately wheeled into the emergency room. Mike tryed to get in, but was stopped by  male and female

"Ally! Ally! NO!" he wailed trying to push pass the doctors.

"I'm sorry sir. You cannot go in the emergency room with your girlfriend." the female said.

Mike was flushed at the thought of Ally being his girlfriend.

"You can see her later. The other doctors will work on her the best they can." The male said.

Mike really wanted to see Ally. He didn't care what he had to do to see...
continue reading...

-The ugly truth-

"I can't believe Tiffany.. Of all people.. Is signing up for Snow Princess!" Ally exclaimed. She had called an emergency meeting with all of her girlfriends at the park.

"I'm a  surprised you didn't see it coming.". Izzy said hooking her legs onto a tree branch.

"For once, I agree with Izzy. Do you know how big it would be for her ego if she won?" Courtney said.

"It was a good thing you signed up now, or she would've won by default." Dawn stated giving a squirrel a little acorn.

"You guys are right! I'm going to apply myself all the way until I beat Tiffany's stuck up butt!"...
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posted by TDI_Zeke
All About Me:

Name - Ezekiel James Rodgers

DOB - June 7, 1995

Favorite Animal - Horse

Spiritual Animal - Mouse

Favorite Color - Green

Spiritual Color - Yellow

Favorite TV show - Total Drama Island

Favorite Movie - Hmm... Night at the Museum

Favorite Book - Hmm... Half Moon Investigations

Favorite Part of the Body - Elbow

Spiritual Part of the Body - Wrist

Things you should know - I don't have any friends in real life... it would mean the world if you added me on this.

About Spiritual Stuff:

I've become interested in spiritual beliefs ever since a spiritual healer got rid of a pain in my stomach which had...
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posted by HoldsteinSingh
1. Heather (TDI)- Lost her hair after kicking the razor up in the air.
2. Justin (TDA)- Broke every bone as retribution for his behavior.
3. Courtney (TDA)- Didn't get any points in the Animal Challenge, lost her PDA, and got betrayed by Duncan.
4. Alejandro (TDWT)- Lost his prize money in the Alternate Ending. In both endings, he gets kicked, by Heather, in the groin. He also gets trampled by the ex-contestants, and covered in lava.
5. Chris McLean (TDI, TDA, TDWT)- In TDI, Owen and the guys throw Chris into the lake. In TDA, Geoff shows secretly taped footage of Chris, doing his out-of-character...
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posted by colecutegirl
destery: Hello people it is i destery knight of the seventh round table. for some reason im a knight today. youre probably thinking Holy s*** destery where is riley! well she is mega tired from a hot party she had with her all time fave bnds and pixie hr best friend. Now im tking over the show for hour for 2 i dnt f*****g know. wanna know whats in my cabin well i cant tell you cause i actually keep my slaves in there.

*walks into boys cabin*

all the boys wake up *
boys: Where where *destery points out the door to the mess hall...
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