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Total Drama Island Question

sould i start writing total drama party articals (sihn ups optional)

well when i am on the total drama highschool fourms, i noticedi al ways want to have a party, well of cource parties are fun, but i want to know if i should write articals about it?
well if i do make the articals i need people to sighn up but if i don't have anofe sighn ups then i wont make it ok. so here is what i need.

fav person on the show:
least fav person on the show:
show crush:
who you hate:
are you-A:singel or-B: taken- if you pick B tell me there fanpop name.
anyother info you think i shgould need for parties like a bio or something.
and lastly a pic please:

sorry this was so long please reply ^^D
sould i start writing total drama party articals (sihn ups optional)
YOU GIVE MEE DUNCAN OR I EAT YOUR HEAD. (Lol srry Sofie, I kinda stole your line there XD) But Penny... PLEASEEEE?!
Mp4girl posted over a year ago
 CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
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Total Drama Island Answers

tdikatiefan said:
Name: Briana
Age: 16
Fav person on the show: Katie
least fav person on the show: Harold
show crush: duncan
who ya hate: harold
B-doesn't have a fanpop but if they have to then tditwin if its alright with her.
fears: spiders' the dark.
strength: strong, fast, smart.
bio: she can really party and she loves animals and HATES animal abusers! you animal abusers SUCK
select as best answer
Name: Briana 
Age: 16
Fav person on the show: Katie
least fav person on the show: Harold
show crush: duncan
who ya hate: harold
B-doesn't have a fanpop but if they have to then tditwin if its alright with her.
fears: spiders' the dark.
strength: strong, fast, smart.
bio: she can really party and she loves animals and HATES animal abusers! you animal abusers SUCK
posted over a year ago 
ummm ok then
TDItwin posted over a year ago
I made that pic :D. Im just saying x3. IF you want me to make you one just ask (Y) :)
IDDfan posted over a year ago
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
TDIlover4ever said:
Yea! That'd be awshum ^^
Can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez be in it? :3

Name: Madilynne
Age: 15
Fav Person: Gwen and Izzy (can't choose)
Least Fav: Justin and Eva
Show Crush: Trent
Who I hate: Eva and Justin >.<
A - Single
Fears: Being alone in the dark, very servere weather
Strengths: None really...

I can message you some info if you want. Oh, and a quick question...are Sierra and Alejandro in this? Are there any TDI characters in dis? :O

select as best answer
Yea! That'd be awshum ^^
Can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez be in it? :3

Name: Madilynne
Age: 15
Fav Person: Gwen and Izzy (can't choose)
Least Fav: Justin and Eva
Show Crush: Trent
Who I hate: Eva and Justin >.<
A - Single
Fears: Being alone in the dark, very servere weather
Strengths: None really...

I can message you some info if you want. Oh, and a quick question...are Sierra and Alejandro in this? Are there any TDI characters in dis? :O
posted over a year ago 
The TDI characters might be in this; she wouldn't ask about show crushes and stuff if they weren't... At least, I don't think so...
DuncansMyLuv14 posted over a year ago
ya all tdi but not tdm i just havent goten to know then yet
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
okay@ :3
TDIlover4ever posted over a year ago
DuncansMyLuv14 said:
Name: Rikki Daniels

Age: 16

Fav: Courtney and/or Duncan

Least fav: Heather

Crush: Duncan and/or Courtney (she's possibly bi)

Who I hate: Heather, Justin, Heather, Ezekiel, Heather, Noah, Heather, Chris, Heather... Oh, and Heather.

Are you: Single, but secretly likes Duncan (and even more secretly likes Courtney, but they're currently best friends).

Fears: Heights/growing up without love or friends.

Strengths: Good singer, nice, strong (physically).

Other: Hot-headed... Oh, and it's best to keep her from vodka; she goes CRAZY when she drinks anything, but it's the WORST with vodka!!
select as best answer
Name: Rikki Daniels

Age: 16

Fav: Courtney and/or Duncan

Least fav: Heather

Crush: Duncan and/or Courtney (she's possibly bi)

Who I hate: Heather, Justin, Heather, Ezekiel, Heather, Noah, Heather, Chris, Heather... Oh, and Heather.

Are you: Single, but secretly likes Duncan (and even more secretly likes Courtney, but they're currently best friends).

Fears: Heights/growing up without love or friends.

Strengths: Good singer, nice, strong (physically).

Other: Hot-headed... Oh, and it's best to keep her from vodka; she goes CRAZY when she drinks anything, but it's the WORST with vodka!!
posted over a year ago 
good to know >:-)
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
RavenRox2 said:

name: Raven
age: 16
fav person on the show: Gwen
show crush: Duncan
who I hate: Heather
I am A: single
fears: Being elecricuted,being eating alive
strengths: speed, teleportation, good at sports
Bio: Raven grew up in Cailforina and is now and actress and a singer. she has her own beach house somewhere in malibu. she loves parties and having fun with her friends. she's really cute and very nice but if you get her mad enough she will throw a very violent temper fit hard time doing. she plays volleyball and she swims. but she is also very good at agruing so she was on her schools debate team but she got kicked off becuase she had a temper fit and punched a girl in the face and Raven accidently broke the girls nose. but above all Raven is very loving and kind-just dont get her mad. :D

*i have 2 tdi people with the same name because im obsessed with the name Raven. but im going to use her. but they're both exactly the same just look totally different*
select as best answer

name: Raven
age: 16
fav person on the show: Gwen
show crush: Duncan
who I hate: Heather
I am A: single
fears: Being elecricuted,being eating alive
strengths: speed, teleportation, good at sports
Bio: Raven grew up in Cailforina and is now and actress and a singer. she has her own beach house somewhere in malibu. she loves parties and having fun with her friends. she's really cute and very nice but if you get her mad enough she will throw a very violent temper fit hard time doing. she plays volleyball and she swims. but she is also very good at agruing so she was on her schools debate team but she got kicked off becuase she had a temper fit and punched a girl in the face and Raven accidently broke the girls nose. but above all Raven is very loving and kind-just dont get her mad. :D

*i have 2 tdi people with the same name because im obsessed with the name Raven. but im going to use her. but they're both exactly the same just look totally different*
posted over a year ago 
I luv your charecter!
graysie14 posted over a year ago
you oc is really pretty
TDItwin posted over a year ago
RavenRox2 posted over a year ago
graysie14 said:
Can i pwease beh in it?
Name: Kiara
Age: 16
Fav Person: Courtney and Sierra and Chris >3
Least Fav Person: Ezekial, Duncan
Show Crush: Tyler, Cody (mostly Cody)
Hate: Duncan and Ezekial
I Am Single!
Fear: Tornadoes
Strengths: WTH are those????????????
Bio: Kiara is really uptight and bossy somethimes (like courtney). She is usually nice and loyal (like bridgette). She gets down in the dumps and has a loner feeling. She is funny, crazy, weird,an awesome friend, and totally cool. She is a BIG team player. She is like a tom boy and rarely a girly girl. She would consider herself the pretty one. Labled, The unepected one.
Talents: Singing, dancing, drawing, song writing, can play any instument, and a good fasion designer.
Theme song and favortie song is Rose's Theme or Dance in The Dark or Maniac or Anthing by Lady Gaga.
Roses theme: link
U should know what Dance in The Dark is or any other Gaga song. If u don't,........................LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE!!! make sure to play her fav songs! tnx!
select as best answer
Can i pwease beh in it?
Name: Kiara
Age: 16
Fav Person: Courtney and Sierra and Chris >3
Least Fav Person: Ezekial, Duncan
Show Crush: Tyler, Cody (mostly Cody)
Hate: Duncan and Ezekial
I Am Single!
Fear: Tornadoes
Strengths: WTH are those????????????
Bio: Kiara is really uptight and bossy somethimes (like courtney). She is usually nice and loyal (like bridgette). She gets down in the dumps and has a loner feeling. She is funny, crazy, weird,an awesome friend, and totally cool. She is a BIG team player. She is like a tom boy and rarely a girly girl. She would consider herself the pretty one. Labled, The unepected one. 
Talents: Singing, dancing, drawing, song writing, can play any instument, and a good fasion designer.
Theme song and favortie song is Rose's Theme or Dance in The Dark or Maniac or Anthing by Lady Gaga.
Roses theme:
U should know what Dance in The Dark is or any other Gaga song. If u don't,........................LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE!!! make sure to play her fav songs! tnx!
posted over a year ago 
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
Fangirl99 said:

fav person on the show:izzy
least fav:justin
show crush:alejandro (?)who you hate:justin
strengths:drumming,drawing,singing (kinda)break dancing!
fears:bees and wasps
details:when brooke goes to a party,she like to BREAK DANCE! :D
bio:brooke is afun,crazy,easy-going girl.she is funny,smart,and can sometimes be up-tight.

select as best answer

fav person on the show:izzy
least fav:justin
show crush:alejandro (?)who you hate:justin
strengths:drumming,drawing,singing (kinda)break dancing!
fears:bees and wasps 
details:when brooke goes to a party,she like to BREAK DANCE! :D
bio:brooke is afun,crazy,easy-going girl.she is funny,smart,and can sometimes be up-tight.
posted over a year ago 
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:
Name: Natalie Charm
Age: 16
Fav person on show: Courtney
Least fav person on show: Harold
Show Crush: Trent
Who I Hate: Harold, Eva, Alejandro, Twilight, Robert Pattinson, and The Jonas Brothers
Are You Single or Taken?: A, Single.
Fears: Plastic Ball Pits(looong story), Spiders, Horror Movies, No music for a WHOLE DAY.
Strengths: Will not give up, always seems like she has a sugar rush, can run pretty fast, can't be phased by even total hawtness when she's trying to win, has a happy place that makes it really awesome to do anything competitive, and can disract you by talking about nothing for an ETERNITY.
Other important info?: Will do anything it takes to win, is basically a mix of Izzy and Courtney in personality, and gets really annoyed by anyone who constantly talks about Twilight, The Jonas Brothers, and all those anime shows that are soooo precious to them because she can't freakin find the freakin anime channel and... oops, sorry. Ranting again. Oh yeah, and when something ticks her off, she yells. Alot.
select as best answer
Name: Natalie Charm
Age: 16
Fav person on show: Courtney
Least fav person on show: Harold
Show Crush: Trent
Who I Hate: Harold, Eva, Alejandro, Twilight, Robert Pattinson, and The Jonas Brothers
Are You Single or Taken?: A, Single.
Fears: Plastic Ball Pits(looong story), Spiders, Horror Movies, No music for a WHOLE DAY.
Strengths: Will not give up, always seems like she has a sugar rush, can run pretty fast, can't be phased by even total hawtness when she's trying to win, has a happy place that makes it really awesome to do anything competitive, and can disract you by talking about nothing for an ETERNITY.
Other important info?: Will do anything it takes to win, is basically a mix of Izzy and Courtney in personality, and gets really annoyed by anyone who constantly talks about Twilight, The Jonas Brothers, and all those anime shows that are soooo precious to them because she can't freakin find the freakin anime channel and... oops, sorry. Ranting again. Oh yeah, and when something ticks her off, she yells. Alot.
posted over a year ago 
Great thanks
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
AGH! Forgot bio! Bio: Natalie lives in an apartment in New York City in Times Square. She lives with her mom and twin little EVIL sisters Megan and Dolly. She loves singing and acting and writing and drawing and music overall. At night when she can't sleep, she stares out her window and lets the lights of the jumbotron put her to sleep in the hustle and bustle of the city with the cars and people's voices as her lullaby.
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
cool is that the pic that TDI100 made ??
TDItwin posted over a year ago
Mp4girl said:

Name: Kiyurie Satomi (Yuri)

Age: 16 for the article sign-ups.

Fave person on the show: Duncan

Least fave person on the show: Courtney

Show crush: Duncan. Penny, please can I have him? There's nothing I wouldn't do to have him be mine.. I'd do anything. Lyk, it's not just a fangirl crush. It's LOVE. I actually love him in real life <33


I'm single, but there's lyle ten million guys who're in love with me... and I have a huge crush on Duncan.

Fears: Rejection, being "wrong"

Strengths: Cute-ness, is really popular, liked by everyone, nice, flirty, friendly, thoughtful, intelligent, crazy, is a risk-taker

Here's the pic link: link

THANK YUH! And ... Penny, you might as well just give me Duncan.. because if you don't, I'm gonna be all grumpy for the rest of my life. I'm sorry to all the Duncan-lovers, but OH HELL I LOVE HIM MOST.

Lol. I'm not that mean. GODDD. I'm kinda defensive, though. XDD
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posted over a year ago 
lol wow i dot it the first time at the top lol yuri your funny haha
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
dont kill courtney shes nice >:( grrr
TDItwin posted over a year ago
Mp4girl posted over a year ago
-Penny: *puppy-dog eyes* Duz dat mean I gets Duncan??
Mp4girl posted over a year ago
TDItwin said:
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz


age:16 (for the story)

fav person on the show courtney/lindsay/izzy

least fav person on the show:justin/harold/eva

show chrush :CODY CODY CODY CODY (plz can he be mine courtneygirl plz i would do enything *makes puppy-dog eyes* PWEASE)

who you hate:i dont know im what kindof question is that is dont hate anybody

A-single (uless taken by cody >:) heheheh

fears:spiders heights and BRAD PITT *shudders*

stengths:sinigng acting dancing stalking cody Opps did i just type that *blushes like mad*

bio:if i tell you i would propably have to spray cola in your face >:)

theme song: wild child link ----> link (just like izzy !!)

select as best answer
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz 


age:16 (for the story)

fav person on the show courtney/lindsay/izzy 

least fav person on the show:justin/harold/eva

show chrush :CODY CODY CODY CODY (plz can he be mine courtneygirl plz i would do enything *makes puppy-dog eyes* PWEASE)

who you hate:i dont know im what kindof question is that is dont hate anybody

A-single (uless taken by cody >:) heheheh

fears:spiders heights and BRAD PITT *shudders* 

stengths:sinigng acting dancing stalking cody Opps did i just type that *blushes like mad*

bio:if i tell you i would propably have to spray cola in your face >:) 

theme song: wild child link ----> (just like izzy !!)

posted over a year ago 
It's 'kay, hun. >D I stalk Duncan all the time. Anything to see him shirtless. XDD
Mp4girl posted over a year ago
k cool
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
can i have cody plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
TDItwin posted over a year ago
Agreed with Mp4girl. :P
DuncansMyLuv14 posted over a year ago
Sugartooth900 said:
name: Crystal
age: 16, 17 in October
fav person on the show: COURTNEY!!!
least fav person on the show: Bridgette, my character's best friend is bridgette but my oc's least fave character is duncan
show crush:Noah
who I hate: Duncan,bridgette is who i hate not my oc
i am A
fears: Bees, wasps, hornets, killer bees, bumble bees, honey bees, being wrong and being rejected
strengths: acedemics,reading, NOT DANCING, and any animals
P.S. Crystal's eyes are blue like lindsay's
select as best answer
name: Crystal
age: 16, 17 in October
fav person on the show: COURTNEY!!!
least fav person on the show: Bridgette, my character's best friend is bridgette but my oc's least fave character is duncan
show crush:Noah 
who I hate: Duncan,bridgette is who i hate not my oc
i am A
fears: Bees, wasps, hornets, killer bees, bumble bees, honey bees, being wrong and being rejected
strengths: acedemics,reading, NOT DANCING, and any animals
P.S. Crystal's eyes are blue like lindsay's
posted over a year ago 
k in
CourtneyGirl posted over a year ago
agtimm said:
name: Annie
fav person on the show: Lindsay
Least fav person on the show: EVA!!!
Show crush: Justin or Geoff
who i hate: Eva and harold
Fears: Losing my Boy Bff jared (he dosnt have a fan pop
strengths: Im smart, im really good at soccer, im funny too!

Here are some other things: I have blonde hair, blue eyes, i love the color green! I've scored over 75 goals in my whole life in soccer,i like to make people laugh, im really easy to get along with and im really calm.

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posted over a year ago 
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