Tiva Fan Fiction Club
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posted by Ms_Montana
I don't know what to say about this fanfiction. I hope you like it and please make me happy with a comment. All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own NCIS, if I would, Tiva would have happened already.

You changed me

From the day she was a member of Gibbs’s team; until the day Michael died there was only one scenario Ziva knew: A call, she did what she was supposed to do, she went home and everything started again. There wasn’t anybody she had to care. In all the years she had worked for the NCIS as a liaison officer, it had always been the same.

But then she had been held hostage in Somalia. Suddenly nobody called. Nobody was there anymore. Ziva had had much time to think about everything. Some time after her come back, this scenario was about to rerun. But now something was different. Not the calls; they stayed the same. Now there was somebody she cared of. When she came to her apartment, Tony was with her. Ziva didn’t know if this was good or bad. She never felt alone, she never was scared and she needed him. She needed him so much. But this was the first time she let anybody so near to her. And she was thinking if it was the right decision…

“Probette, where are you with your thoughts?” Tony asked. Ziva woke up from her little daydream and saw him looking at her confused.
“Just trying to figure out what to do next with our suspect.” she answered and she tried to look the same. Tony wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t question her answer. Maybe she was really thinking about the case, maybe she was just tired. He didn’t even know if he wanted the right answer.
“My apartment or yours?” Tony asked. The building was almost empty, McGee already went home and Gibbs was talking to Vance. They hadn’t made their relationship official, because of two reasons. First, Gibbs would kill them, fire them or split them apart. The second reason was that they didn’t really have a relationship. Ziva told him this. But there was no explanation, why. Ziva gazed at him. Another night with her favourite feelings; love, safety and passion; and with her favourite guy, wouldn’t kill her.
“Yours.” Ziva answered immediately. She didn’t say it, because she loved his flat; there was something different behind her answer. She grabbed her bag and switched of the light. Tony was right beside her.


“Have you ever thought about, what we are doing here?” Ziva asked. Her head rested on Tony’s chest and his fingers ran through her thick hair.
“I don’t know if I can follow you.” he admitted. Tony couldn’t read her face, it was too difficult.
“I mean, if it is right what were are doing.”
“Right? I don’t know a law against us.” Tony laughed, but he was confused. Talks with Ziva confused him. She confused him, with all her looks and words.
“You don’t get it.” Ziva hissed.
“What? What’s your point?” he couldn’t understand her. He didn’t understand anything she said.
“Since we are together everything has changed. I have changed. And I don’t know if it’s right.” Ziva got up and sat at the edge of the bed. Her mood wasn’t the best anymore, although the evening had started beautiful, as always.
“You have changed? And this is my fault?” Tony asked. He got angry.
“I’ve never said it’s anybody’s fault, it’s just... There is such a big difference between the person I was and the person I am.”
“But you should say that it’s somebody’s fault, because it is. You can’t blame me for changing you. I didn’t change. He and your father changed you. Saleem changed you, but not I.” Tony stared into her face and could see her big brown eyes. The moment he spoke his thoughts out loud, they were full of hate.
“Stop talking about them!” she shouted directly at him.
“Then stop blaming me. It’s their fault. They did this to you, not me! You tell me, it’s wrong to be with me, but you don’t think about anything they did. You don’t even talk about them.”
“You don’t know who I am.” Ziva mumbled, her eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t allow herself to cry.
“I do, Ziva. You are broken. They broke you.” Tony whispered this sentence with the calmest voice Ziva had ever heard, he didn’t shout, he wasn’t angry. He meant every word he said. He reached out his hands to touch her hands, but she lent away. Ziva threw on her clothes and ran out of Tony’s apartment.

There was the reason; she had decided to go to Tony’s apartment: She was able to leave it. She had the possibility to get away from him.
It was cold outside the building. She shivered and tears rolled down her cheek. She was torn apart. Ziva knew that ever word Tony had said was true. It wasn’t his fault. But he had said it with so much anger, he had shouted with so much pain. Ziva had seen it in his eyes.

Tony poured some Tequila into a glass. It wasn’t the healthiest way to forget this evening, but the most effective way. He hadn’t wanted to shout at her. This wasn’t the way he had imagined this evening. Tony put down the glass and sat down on his couch. In the whole time he knew Ziva, he hadn’t seen her like tonight. She wasn’t the person he had met. Even her first words had been full of life and fun.

Having phone sex?


Ziva drove her car in the small parking lot. She didn’t want to work. She didn’t want to see Tony. Not after what happened last night. Her feet walked straight to the elevators, her eyes almost closed. Ziva tried to calm down. She didn’t want that anyone knew what had happened. The elevator door almost closed behind her. Almost. There was this small little gasp. It opened again and Tony went into it. Ziva didn’t look at him. He pressed the power-down-button and the elevator stopped.

“Ziva…” Tony said quietly. Ziva turned her head.
“Not here, not now.” she answered and switched on the power-down-button again. They both remained silent. Nobody spoke a word. They could hear each others breath. The elevator door opened again and Ziva got out as fast as possible. Tony went to his desk and looked at Ziva. She ignored him. He knew she was hurt.
“Good morning.” McGee said. Both did what they always did. Doing their job. They didn’t let McGee know what had happened. That was professional.


“You wanted to talk?” Ziva stated. Tony turned around surprisingly. He stood in the Men’s room and Ziva behind him.
“Here? The elevator isn’t the right place, but the Men’s room is?” he asked.
“The elevator belongs to Gibbs, this is our place.” Ziva answered. To her own surprise she wasn’t angry anymore. She didn’t have the feeling to kill Tony. She didn’t hate him either.
“You aren’t angry?” Tony asked. Ziva shook her head.
“Why?” This simply question made her raising her eyebrow.
“Why? You aren’t happy I won’t kill you with a paper clip?”
“It’s impossible to kill anyone with a paper clip and I hardly believe you know 18 ways.” Tony wanted to talk, but he tried to avoid it.
“Do you want to talk or not?” Ziva hadn’t the time for games.
“I think so.”
“You think so? Am I the one with the bad English, or you?”
“I remember that you are the one... with the bad English” Tony answered.
“I’m the one with the bad English.” Ziva mumbled to herself.
“Okay. Stop. You are the one. You aren’t the one with the bad English. You are THE one! You are what I need. And I'm sorry for everything I've said yesterday.” Tony said to her. Ziva’s eyes widened. Nobody had ever told her that. Nobody had ever said it directly into her face.
“Oh…” She didn’t have words for it.
“Oh…? Do…”
“Tony, can you please let me think? You don't have to be sorry. You were right and wrong. They changed me, they broke me. It’s their fault; that’s true, I can’t deny it. But you changed me too. In a good way. I’m happier, I’m calmer, I’m…” She didn’t avoid Tony anymore. Ziva leant against his chest.
“… even more beautiful than before.” he whispered into her ear. Tony took Ziva’s face into his hands.
"Are we a official couple now?" he asked. Ziva nodded and then he kissed her like never before.

Suddenly McGee opened the door and interrupted their kiss. Tony and Ziva stopped and looked at him. McGee smiled a silly smile, they had never seen. He went out of the Men’s room and shouted: ”ABBY! You owe me 50 Dollar!”
“They didn’t kiss, did they? They really kissed, they kissed. They finally kissed!!” she shouted up the hallway.

**** THE END ****
Abby franticly raced around her lab completing various tasks. She was trying to keep her mind off of Tony and Ziva. It had only been two weeks since they had departed and she had confessed to McGee about going through “Hebrew” withdrawals and being behind on the latest movie craze. Gibbs had promised her a surprise that morning and she assumed it would be a new Caf-Pow! Card for the year seeing as the one she had was about to expire.

“McGee, have you seen that forensics report I finished just this morning? I swear I came back down here with it after I saw you and The Boss Man.”

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posted by mossheart1235
This was actually going to be my submission for the TFFF, but I changed my mind. I hope you enjoy it, though :)

In her apartment, Ziva watched news of an explosion, from somewhere across the country. Tony had been sent on an undercover mission in Los Angeles, working with NCIS Los Angeles team. Ziva hoped that he was all right. She had to tell him something important.
Her cell phone rang. She picked it up, not recognising the number. “Hello?”
“Ziva?” It was one of the L.A. Agents.
“Agent Callen? What is going on?”
“That news of an explosion on TV? You watching it?”
“Yes. Why?”...
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posted by NCISCHIK
Hope you like I spent more time on this with less interruption well except a texting war with my friend I hope I win that
Tony being Tony let the girl in, even though Ziva was on his couch asleep. Once the girl was inside Tony led her to the kitchen. They introduced themselves. About this time Ziva woke up at the sound of Tony dropping a beer bottle. She ran in the kitchen, gun in hand and screaming. At that, the guest, Lizzy, screamed and Tony yelled for every body to calm down. That's when Ziva finally noticed Lizzy, but all Lizzy seemed to...
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Tony gets off the elevator and sees her. She still didn't look good. It's been a week after Samalia and she still is being withdrawn, acting like someone is going to pop out of no where and drag her back there. Back to all the pain and torture. Tony knows that that is imposible but even if it wasn't it wouldn't happen. He wouldn't let it. He would not loose her again. He sighs as he gets to his desk and sinks in his chair. They had just finished a case and now it was time for paperwork. To his surprise his computer made a dinging sound signaling that he hd a new instant message. He opened up...
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When I spend time with my sis heather she always gives me ideas not all good but you know what this one was really good like so good that I had to write it so here I go
ziva’s pov (the italicized part is thoughts)

I should not be here

I should just be home

what was I thinking of course someone will recognize me I mean the probe giving the tore wont but that is besides the point

Abby will of course will ahhh I am so so incredibly stupid

And tony no I refuse to think of him and what he said when...
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Rating: K+
Words: 943
Summary: Set directly after the warehouse scene. Mainly thoughts about everything.

Radiation poisoning meets metaphor


Radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning was bad. Really bad. Ziva thought so. In her mind Radiation let people think about their death. It let people think about other people’s death. It let people think about a specific person’s almost death. And that was the problem with radiation poisoning. That was the problem with bombs. That was the problem with everything that could kill people.

Come on, Ziva. His sentence echoed in her mind. Like a little...
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Two black silhouettes

Rating: K+
Words: 383
Summary: A short moment in Paris…

Two black silhouettes are lying in a cozy bed in the middle of the night. When one of them changes the position, the other one does so too. Like magnets they are bond together, they aren’t able to leave the other alone.
She opens her big brown eyes. Her hand is in his hand. Her lover. Her co-worker. Her soulmate. She walks on the balcony of the small of hotel room. Her lungs fill with cold, fresh air; it nearly brings her to tears. It’s still early morning and the sun begins to rise on the horizon. Only a short,...
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posted by TabbyLover
What The Heart Wants
Chapter 1: In the Ladies' Room?

What had driven Ziva to this point in life? Every time she had given her heart to someone, they always ended up giving it back to her in tiny little pieces, so tiny that she could never put them back together. But now her heart was whole once more and she didn’t even know why. Was it because she was selfishly in love, or was it because she knew that the special someone in her life was the one and he didn’t even know it. How much longer would Ziva have to keep her feelings hidden in the closet?

Would she always have to carry this love and...
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DISCLAIM-seriously? y'all get it by now. Don Belisarrio and I are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE! Therefore, i own NOTHING to do with NCIS except DVD s. Or anything else i mention in this article. so yeah, stop reading this and get down to what u actually clicked for.

PROLOGUE: An older gray haired man entered, and immediately all eyes went on him. He was almost never here, but he was the most famous man in the building. Everybody knew he was here for one thing, and would never stop until he got it. He was a dangerous man, and there was only one force...
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(Rating: K/ Word Count: 1498)

It was Tuesday. As Ziva rode the elevator up to the bullpen alone, she could not avoid dwelling on the last three weeks. A desperate search to find Jackson Gibbs, days of terror, a thrill of relief at seeing his kind, if exhausted, face, blessedly unharmed, the fearsome crack crack of two gunshots during the rescue–-and suddenly, just like that, it was over. Paloma and Alejandro lay dead in the battle, McGee shaking as he replaced his gun in its holster and ran to Jackson’s side.

Today was boring, but boring was a relief. It was just another Tuesday, just the...
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posted by NCISCHIK
this is just something that popped into my head while I was reading a fanfiction but it is not a repeat at all it is completely different it is just something that they had ziva say so remember I don’t own ncis or the characters that play in it I just took them out to play

Ziva’s pov
She had to admit the past 3 months had been the best of her life she did not think that she could ever been unhappy again.
She was going on a run before she meet her boyfriend for lunch that is right an ex-assassin just said boy friend do not look so shocked...
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva POV
The music ends. He slowly removes his hand from her face.
I’m blushing… I wish I had a break on the floor to crawl. I need some… space…
I run to the mini bar, I’m needing a cold drink.
-Please, give me a cold margarita.
-Are you alright ma’am? Your cheeks are a little red. –The waiter says.
-Ah ah... –I hear McGee laughing, and even don’t seeing I know that Gibbs is smiling. This only makes my cheeks turning even redder.
- I’m fine. I just need a cold drink. –I say.
-Ziva look to that knife there on the mini bar.-Gibbs says.
-Yes, I’m seeing it, what does it have?
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posted by Ms_Montana
Life after you

The sun rose in morning. The sun sank down on the horizon at the end of the day. Day after day. Time passed by unnoticed. Rain drops fell from sky and dried up again. Wind blow through the city and the skyscrapers. Leaves lay under big trees. Children ran through the streets. Flowers lost the last colour. Autumn was a beautiful season of the year. Autumn should be a beautiful season.

Everyone needed a personal life. Everyone deserved happiness. Everyone wanted someone to cry out at his shoulder. Important content in life. All this wasn’t important for her. She wanted vengeance....
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva POV

I see him, he is rigth there, in front of me, sitting on his chair, with his feet on his table, probably reading one of "those" magazines... He will never know how much he irritates me... so probably he will never now about the chills I have everytime his eyes cross mine, or about how he makes me sing mentally, but more than that he will never know how much I love him. Yes, I admit, I'm not stronger as I seem... if I was maybe I would tell him everything I feel.
He is looking at me now, and a stupid fever is crushing down on me, I'm being consumed with the desire of kiss him. But I...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
Sorry for the oh so long break & oh so short chapter, but I think my muse in back. The next chapter is already in the works. Enjoy & don't be mad!

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS, the characters or any of the lyrics used.

Having phone sex? Laila Tov. Nesiah Tovah. I’m tired of pretending. I was just going to tussle your hair, sometimes it makes you smile. For you. Why are you here, Tony? I couldn’t live without you…

Tony groggily tried to open his eyes but was unable to. He was confused and in pain. What happened? he wondered. He turned his head to the side searching for his McGee,...
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posted by NCISCHIK
ok heads up this is written from my I pod touch so it we be a little rough so be gentle I just had to write it before it was out of my head forever
All of a sudden when she thought that it was an all clear she heard a single shot Followed by hearing her partners agonizing cry
She had never been so scared in her entire life ... Or so she thought seeing him being carried off on a gurney was way way worse
Upone her arrival to the hospital she ran in flashed her badge and said DiNozzo
The woman didn’t even bother to look up she had dealt with NCIS...
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Tim made his way to the bullpen after briskly jogging off the elevator he set his workload down on his desk and stopped as he noticed Abby leaning on Gibb’s desk…his coffee was there but he wasn’t.

“Hi Abby” He smiled

“Your late Timmy..” She smiled back.

“I know…I know” He was about to sit when he was stopped by the footsteps of his boss.

“Sorry Boss…I nearly overslept”

Gibbs nudged the Goth.

“Oh! Yeah….your going to be training today.”

He looked at Abby.


“Nope…well kind of… your going to train with our newest probie.”

He smiled.

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Rating: K+
Word Count: 1.479
Summary: The story is about Tony and his meeting with Louisa. Italics are flashbacks.

The blood in his veins froze. Tony was sitting on the most uncomfortable chair in his whole life and that made him crazy. Being a nervous wrack would be overstated, but it hit the mark. It was just a cheap, plastic seat. Not ideal for hospitals. Relatives and friends, who spent 24 hours here, needed something better, he thought. Beside him, in front of him and everywhere around him – A rush of colours running up and down the hallways. Nurses with clothes, coloured like the...
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added by obsessedbyncis
my first vid ever... so dont rate to hard. thanks.
added by Lie_to_Me_123