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posted by Ms_Montana
I don't know what to say about this fanfiction. I hope you like it and please make me happy with a comment. All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own NCIS, if I would, Tiva would have happened already.

You changed me

From the day she was a member of Gibbs’s team; until the day Michael died there was only one scenario Ziva knew: A call, she did what she was supposed to do, she went home and everything started again. There wasn’t anybody she had to care. In all the years she had worked for the NCIS as a liaison officer, it had always been the same.

But then she had been held hostage in Somalia. Suddenly nobody called. Nobody was there anymore. Ziva had had much time to think about everything. Some time after her come back, this scenario was about to rerun. But now something was different. Not the calls; they stayed the same. Now there was somebody she cared of. When she came to her apartment, Tony was with her. Ziva didn’t know if this was good or bad. She never felt alone, she never was scared and she needed him. She needed him so much. But this was the first time she let anybody so near to her. And she was thinking if it was the right decision…

“Probette, where are you with your thoughts?” Tony asked. Ziva woke up from her little daydream and saw him looking at her confused.
“Just trying to figure out what to do next with our suspect.” she answered and she tried to look the same. Tony wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t question her answer. Maybe she was really thinking about the case, maybe she was just tired. He didn’t even know if he wanted the right answer.
“My apartment or yours?” Tony asked. The building was almost empty, McGee already went home and Gibbs was talking to Vance. They hadn’t made their relationship official, because of two reasons. First, Gibbs would kill them, fire them or split them apart. The second reason was that they didn’t really have a relationship. Ziva told him this. But there was no explanation, why. Ziva gazed at him. Another night with her favourite feelings; love, safety and passion; and with her favourite guy, wouldn’t kill her.
“Yours.” Ziva answered immediately. She didn’t say it, because she loved his flat; there was something different behind her answer. She grabbed her bag and switched of the light. Tony was right beside her.


“Have you ever thought about, what we are doing here?” Ziva asked. Her head rested on Tony’s chest and his fingers ran through her thick hair.
“I don’t know if I can follow you.” he admitted. Tony couldn’t read her face, it was too difficult.
“I mean, if it is right what were are doing.”
“Right? I don’t know a law against us.” Tony laughed, but he was confused. Talks with Ziva confused him. She confused him, with all her looks and words.
“You don’t get it.” Ziva hissed.
“What? What’s your point?” he couldn’t understand her. He didn’t understand anything she said.
“Since we are together everything has changed. I have changed. And I don’t know if it’s right.” Ziva got up and sat at the edge of the bed. Her mood wasn’t the best anymore, although the evening had started beautiful, as always.
“You have changed? And this is my fault?” Tony asked. He got angry.
“I’ve never said it’s anybody’s fault, it’s just... There is such a big difference between the person I was and the person I am.”
“But you should say that it’s somebody’s fault, because it is. You can’t blame me for changing you. I didn’t change. He and your father changed you. Saleem changed you, but not I.” Tony stared into her face and could see her big brown eyes. The moment he spoke his thoughts out loud, they were full of hate.
“Stop talking about them!” she shouted directly at him.
“Then stop blaming me. It’s their fault. They did this to you, not me! You tell me, it’s wrong to be with me, but you don’t think about anything they did. You don’t even talk about them.”
“You don’t know who I am.” Ziva mumbled, her eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t allow herself to cry.
“I do, Ziva. You are broken. They broke you.” Tony whispered this sentence with the calmest voice Ziva had ever heard, he didn’t shout, he wasn’t angry. He meant every word he said. He reached out his hands to touch her hands, but she lent away. Ziva threw on her clothes and ran out of Tony’s apartment.

There was the reason; she had decided to go to Tony’s apartment: She was able to leave it. She had the possibility to get away from him.
It was cold outside the building. She shivered and tears rolled down her cheek. She was torn apart. Ziva knew that ever word Tony had said was true. It wasn’t his fault. But he had said it with so much anger, he had shouted with so much pain. Ziva had seen it in his eyes.

Tony poured some Tequila into a glass. It wasn’t the healthiest way to forget this evening, but the most effective way. He hadn’t wanted to shout at her. This wasn’t the way he had imagined this evening. Tony put down the glass and sat down on his couch. In the whole time he knew Ziva, he hadn’t seen her like tonight. She wasn’t the person he had met. Even her first words had been full of life and fun.

Having phone sex?


Ziva drove her car in the small parking lot. She didn’t want to work. She didn’t want to see Tony. Not after what happened last night. Her feet walked straight to the elevators, her eyes almost closed. Ziva tried to calm down. She didn’t want that anyone knew what had happened. The elevator door almost closed behind her. Almost. There was this small little gasp. It opened again and Tony went into it. Ziva didn’t look at him. He pressed the power-down-button and the elevator stopped.

“Ziva…” Tony said quietly. Ziva turned her head.
“Not here, not now.” she answered and switched on the power-down-button again. They both remained silent. Nobody spoke a word. They could hear each others breath. The elevator door opened again and Ziva got out as fast as possible. Tony went to his desk and looked at Ziva. She ignored him. He knew she was hurt.
“Good morning.” McGee said. Both did what they always did. Doing their job. They didn’t let McGee know what had happened. That was professional.


“You wanted to talk?” Ziva stated. Tony turned around surprisingly. He stood in the Men’s room and Ziva behind him.
“Here? The elevator isn’t the right place, but the Men’s room is?” he asked.
“The elevator belongs to Gibbs, this is our place.” Ziva answered. To her own surprise she wasn’t angry anymore. She didn’t have the feeling to kill Tony. She didn’t hate him either.
“You aren’t angry?” Tony asked. Ziva shook her head.
“Why?” This simply question made her raising her eyebrow.
“Why? You aren’t happy I won’t kill you with a paper clip?”
“It’s impossible to kill anyone with a paper clip and I hardly believe you know 18 ways.” Tony wanted to talk, but he tried to avoid it.
“Do you want to talk or not?” Ziva hadn’t the time for games.
“I think so.”
“You think so? Am I the one with the bad English, or you?”
“I remember that you are the one... with the bad English” Tony answered.
“I’m the one with the bad English.” Ziva mumbled to herself.
“Okay. Stop. You are the one. You aren’t the one with the bad English. You are THE one! You are what I need. And I'm sorry for everything I've said yesterday.” Tony said to her. Ziva’s eyes widened. Nobody had ever told her that. Nobody had ever said it directly into her face.
“Oh…” She didn’t have words for it.
“Oh…? Do…”
“Tony, can you please let me think? You don't have to be sorry. You were right and wrong. They changed me, they broke me. It’s their fault; that’s true, I can’t deny it. But you changed me too. In a good way. I’m happier, I’m calmer, I’m…” She didn’t avoid Tony anymore. Ziva leant against his chest.
“… even more beautiful than before.” he whispered into her ear. Tony took Ziva’s face into his hands.
"Are we a official couple now?" he asked. Ziva nodded and then he kissed her like never before.

Suddenly McGee opened the door and interrupted their kiss. Tony and Ziva stopped and looked at him. McGee smiled a silly smile, they had never seen. He went out of the Men’s room and shouted: ”ABBY! You owe me 50 Dollar!”
“They didn’t kiss, did they? They really kissed, they kissed. They finally kissed!!” she shouted up the hallway.

**** THE END ****
posted by iheartwheaterly
I own nothing , including the people this article.

The sound of knocking on the door woke her up.She had dreamed that Tony finally said the words, I love you.Ziva got up and limped to the door,she opened it and it was Tony. He had brought her coffee.''Hey, sleepy head.'' he said with a cute smile.She opened the door and said ''Thanks.''

He gave her a grin, and asked ''What did ya dream about?'' She looked up at him with a confused look. ''Come on everybody dreams about deep secrets, what was yours?'' ''A man.'' She said with a smirk. He dug in his jacket pocket ,and pulled out her favorite...
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posted by Ms_Montana
I don't know what to say about this fanfiction. I hope you like it and please make me happy with a comment. All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own NCIS, if I would, Tiva would have happened already.

You changed me

From the day she was a member of Gibbs’s team; until the day Michael died there was only one scenario Ziva knew: A call, she did what she was supposed to do, she went home and everything started again. There wasn’t anybody she had to care. In all the years she had worked for the NCIS as a liaison officer, it had always been the same.

But then she had been held...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
She watched Tony speed away from the parking lot and she closed her eyes letting a few tears fall down her face. She banged her hand against the steering wheel wondering why she did not just confess her feelings. She did not understand why she was being so stubborn, Tony obviously felt the same way she did. She had been happy lately, no she had not been sleeping better, but something was making it easier for her to relax before the night came. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a black sedan with tinted windows, she had seen the same one the night she had went to Tony's apartment. She...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
05:00 am

She awoke groggy & disoriented, turned over and almost found herself on the floor. She slowly sat up surveying the room trying to figure out where she was and what happened. She couldn't think... her head hurt too much. She groaned and put her head into her hands. Several hundred feet away a loud noise jolted her & she reached for her gun instinctively only to find it not there. Suddenly Tony came waltzing out. "Good morning sunshine! I have some tea on for you." he said cheerfully. For a moment Ziva was confused, then a flashback to last night.... the bar, McGee calling Tony,...
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posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Just a little something. I've actually been depressed at how I haven't had a smidgen of inspiration for so long! Grrrr. Anyway, hope you like it. Comment and rate, ya know you want to!

Chocolate Polar Bears

The time was 3am. Tony was sleeping soundly, shaking his legs occasionally. Ziva, however, was wide awake, pacing the floors. Of course, she didn't make a sound. Ninja skills, afterall.

She wanted it so much. And when an assassin wanted something, they'd get it. But for the life of her, she just couldn't bear waking up the beautiful man, who usually slept next to her. Even what she wanted...
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added by earane
Just a vid I made
posted by earane
Here is my ery first story.
Okey so this isn’t a fun story where the end up together, prepare for a happily never after.
From the moment on he heard it, the world around him just became one big haze. After hours have past he goes home, not sur he can make it.

He opens the door to his appartment, the door closes behind him. His coat slips out of his hand, and he falls down on the couch. How could it come this far. She knew how to fight and protect her self he thought. He had made some big mistakes, she would never forgive him, but still he loved her.
Couldn’t imagen life without...
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posted by nciscsinysvu
(Dis: i don't own CBS or NCIS including its characters, just making what i think will be a sweet finale!)

*Propellers start, a plane takes off from a runway at heart racing speed. There is only two people on board. Their names are concealed, but their faces are shown. They are white and look to be of Christian race. Their heart beats are racing, not knowing the outcome of the flight ahead*

(cut to bull-room at NCIS)

Gibbs is sitting at his desk, drinking his coffee. McGee is typing something at breakneck speed. Tony is talking to McGee as he types.

"Hey, MgGoo" He shouts across the squad room....
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posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Hanging By A Moment

She stared at the phone, wondering if she should call him. But what if I ring and he rings at the same time and we miss each other? She slapped a cold, harsh palm against her forehead. I'm not this girl, I'm Ziva David, she told herself, shaking her head.

She had changed so much since she met Tony. She'd become the jealous, reading-into-everything-he-says type of girl. She detested what she had become. She defended herself against murderers, rapists, you name it. So how could one man make her more scared than she had even been, yet still make her heart skip a beat, every...
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Made by VMReborn on YouTube. It's one of my favourite Tiva videos.