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TWD ends its season on a hilariously stupid cliffhanger

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Review: 'The Walking Dead' ends its season on a hilariously stupid cliffhanger
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Your local critic has no regrets about his decision to make this his last episode
The Walking Dead season finale coming up just as soon as I have a recipe for you, and it ain\'t gazpacho...
After I watched last week\'s episode, I resolved that, barring some kind of creative miracle, the finale would be the last time I bothered watching The Walking Dead, as the frequent lows had finally made me unwilling to wait for the occasional highs.
"Last Day on Earth" was just about the opposite of a creative miracle. It was every bad decision the show has made over the last few years, all included in a dumb, lifeless, repetitive 90-minute episode that couldn\'t even be bothered to give the comic book fans the one moment they\'d been waiting for — and that the show had been desperately teasing since the fall, in hopes that news that this sociopath with the anthropomorphised bat would forgive every dumb decision involving the herd, Glenn crawling under the dumpster, Carol\'s abrupt personality transplant, etc. — by instead going with a cliffhanger ending that will leave the victim\'s identity a secret up until fall. (Or, at least, until that actor signs on to do another show.) At times, there seems to be a schism between fans who have read the comics(*) and those who haven\'t: the finale impressively found a way to alienate everyone equally, whether they knew what was coming (and were curious to see how or if the show might deviate from it) or didn\'t.
spoiling what happens with the bat later in this review. It\'s impossible to talk about this fiasco without discussing it. If you don\'t want to know and keep reading, I\'ll be okay with it, though there will be an additional warning before we get there.
There was a nonsensical subplot about Morgan on horseback chasing after Carol, who was also being chased by a Savior who had chosen to bleed to death following her, rather than simply hopping into the car Rick and Morgan abandoned last week and driving home in search of medical attention. It ended with Morgan running into a couple of guys in body armor who appear to be from another settlement entirely, but that was all just filler to justify the running time and delay Negan\'s arrival even further. So were all of the Saviors\' many roadblocks, which were meant to illustrate how far out of his depth Rick was, but didn\'t work because they were so repetitive, and because the show has been so wildly inconsistent in depicting the Saviors\' competence level — and their degree of absolute evil(**) — from one episode to the next.
(**) Remember: the Saviors had never so much as heard of Alexandria before Rick and his people went and murdered a bunch of Saviors in their sleep. Rick has no moral high ground here, no matter how many curse words Negan drops, nor how smug he seems while trying to convince us that his feminized bat is awesome.
No, the whole thing — the horse, the roadblocks, the reminders of characters (remember Aaron?) and character arcs (Carl is overly protective!) the show hadn\'t bothered to service in forever, the periodic glimpses of a series of lights that resembled the UFO from Fargo but were instead just the POV of Daryl and the other prisoners from last week (which was itself more or less lifted from shots of the group locked into one of the Terminus train cars) — was, like this entire half-season, just a stall to get us to Negan. That is placing a lot on a sneering sociopath villain who seems like a slightly more charming version of the Governor (with nearly all of that charm owing to Jeffrey Dean Morgan rather than anything he was given to say or do), on some of the audience\'s knowledge of what Negan would be doing with Lucille, and on all the hype AMC has been giving Negan for the sake of the non-comics readers. But there is putting all your eggs in one basket, and then there is pulling the basket away before anyone has a chance to actually see what\'s inside it.
Ending on a cliffhanger like that is a move you can get away with if you have so thoroughly dazzled and thrilled your audience to that point that they will be angry only that they have to wait a while to get more of your terrifically entertaining show. For all that I complain about the lack of exploration of the hatch at the end of Lost season 1, the episode leading up to that was an all-timer, and gave the show enough goodwill to survive that decision. Though Bear McCreary\'s score occasionally hit the gorgeous levels of Michael Giacchino\'s Lost music (particularly in the sequence where Rick and Eugene think they\'re saying goodbye for the last time), this felt more like the hatch cliffhanger had been tacked onto the end of the episode where we found out how Jack got his tattoos. (Or, if you want to stick with another AMC show, this was like that time we didn\'t find out who killed Rosie Larsen, even though all of the marketing had strongly implied that we would, at the end of a season of TV that by that point had run out of other things to offer its audience.)
And, for the comic fans who had defended Operation Miracle Dumpster as justifiable audience manipulation because they knew Glenn would soon be beaten to death by Lucille... well, so much for that. Even if the victim had been someone else — whether an important character like Daryl, or someone the show doesn\'t care about like Rosita — it would still have underlined what an embarrassing miscalculation that was. But to not reveal the victim\'s identity at all — perhaps as a contract negotiating ploy, or an opportunity to focus-group the whole thing during the hiatus — makes it all vastly, vastly worse. There were ways the show could have pulled off the Glenn shenanigans (say, by cutting away as Glenn and Nicholas are falling off the dumpster, rather than showing what seems to be a screaming Glenn\'s innards being torn out of his body) without making the audience feel like they were being messed with for the sake of being messed with. Instead, the show went the phoniest and most obnoxious route possible... then chose to build the entire season to another moment designed only to jerk our chains. That\'s not fixing the previous mistake, but doubling down on it.
The good news is that I saw it coming, not just in my resolution from last week to quit the show following the finale, but as I watched the episode drag and drag and drag until it became obvious that a cliffhanger was the only way it was going to end. As a result, I wasn\'t even mad at the way they closed it (though I was bored for much of the episode leading up to it), and could only laugh at what a huge miscalculation that was, and at how happy I was that this would be the last time I would watch the show.
So I\'m done, and I feel good about it. For the rest of you, whether you intend to be back in the fall or not, what did you think?
Alan Sepinwall has been reviewing television since the mid-'90s, first for Tony Soprano's hometown paper, The Star-Ledger, and now for HitFix. His new book, "The Revolution Was Televised," about the last 15 years of TV drama, is for sale at Amazon. He can be reached at
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The Walking Dead, Andrew Lincoln, Michael Cudlitz, Robert Kirkman, Norman Reedus
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You\'re not alone, Alan. This show is officially off my schedule for good.
Come on, you don\'t want to miss the season 7 premiere...
.. In which we catch up with Father Gabriel and the Alexandrians. In the last moments, we\'ll see the RV pull up. Rick steps out looking shell-shocked *cut to credits*
@RobTong you forgot to mention that it will be a two-hour premiere...focusing on the Alexandrians.
So glad I gave this show up years ago.
Then why are you guys still reading reviews about it? lol
@Matt makes a good point. I mean, I\'m still following an old boyfriend around after two years, but that\'s totally normal behavior, comparatively speaking.
Reading reviews is a good way of keeping tabs on a show after checking out. If it some sort of consensus emerges that it\'s getting good again, you might want to opt back in. Doesn\'t always pay off though. I spent more years reading reviews of Dexter than I spent watching it, for example.
Quit the show right at the end of season 3. Glad to know I made the right decision.
I\'m going to pat myself on the back and say I gave up on the show after the season 2 premiere. I had already given up on the comic and had even less confidence in the showrunners after that premiere. Yay me!
And why am I commenting? Because I read Alan\'s headlines and I like to check in every now and then to see how the show is doing.
I get reading recaps but to brag how long it has been since watching the show? RL point about ex boy-friend is right now point.
@Matt, I\'m guessing that people who don\'t watch anymore don\'t enjoy the show. They read the recap because they enjoy reading it. Just a thought.
Yeah but to comment on something they arent even watching and to brag about how long they quit the show, when really they havent...i read recaps of shows i dont watch, but I am not commenting on them. I got nothing to add cause i didnt watch the episode. These people have nothing to add but "i havent watched since..."
@GSMOOTH89 ...Fair enough, the comments are sort of pointless.
But you know, a little OT but, as far as cluttery kind of comments go, Alan\'s stuff has very little of it.
You go to some of these other places, and there are literally hundreds of posts from people who I guess fancy themselves as clever...this endless back and forth with each other, ugh, it\'s horrible. Exhausting and unreadable.
*HitFix message board anxiously awaits Hislocal\'s opinion*
I gave up on the show a few episodes into the 4th season. Not in some big dramatic fashion. After several boring weeks, I realized that my wife and I had both spent the hour playing on our phones instead of paying attention, and we both sort of just decided to remove it from the DVR schedule.
I still check in on Alan\'s recaps just to get an idea of how the show is progressing. It\'s better to spend 4 minutes reading a recap of the major plot points, than to spend an hour wallowing in horrible dialogue and decision-making by the writers (I don\'t blame the actors, they\'re all good).
After liking most of this half of the season I\'m pretty close to done. And the 90 minute episodes need to stop
Annoyed enough that I\'m not going to bother with this when it returns, or the spinoff show.
The Walking Dead doesn\'t need me. Which is good, because I\'m out, too.
Yeah, I\'m not really excited to watch Fear the Walking Dead next week. I got through the first season, but I didn\'t love it. I was going to give it another chance to see if it improved, but this finale has kind of soured me on watching another Dead show right now.
I\'m disappointed you won\'t be watching just because I enjoy your reviews (basically, I only read your review, the AVClub review, and Shane Ryan\'s Paste Magazine review at this point) but I understand.
It was terrible watching Talking Dead and seeing how visibly uncomfortable Scott Gimple looked. He barely said a word during the entire show, and when he did, he was tremendously defensive about the decision. He looked shellshocked by the vitriol the ending got on social media. But how the hell could he not see it coming?
They were trying like crazy to justify that ending on Talking Dead, but none of it worked. It\'s such a slap in the face of the viewers. You\'re telling me that by cutting there, THAT\'S "showing Rick at his lowest" and that actually showing the aftermath somehow detracts from that?
Agreed. He did look defensive and he should. I love this show. Thought this "cliffhanger" was not needed. What is this Dallas? Is reedus going to be in the shower and have it all a dream.
I felt sorry for Gimple too, (how did he know though, was he checking his phone throughout?). All of their answers made no sense: "this was the end of THIS story, showing the body will be the beginning of the NEXT story." What? And Alan\'s right, as soon as the nerd-blog finds out what actor is not on set, the whole game is up, so why not just use the only opportunity available to you?
I stopped watching "The Talking Dead" when every opener started with "--what an amazing episode". How can you take it seriously anymore?
The Talking Dead after East was pretty revealing when that superfan woman said she knew Daryl wouldn\'t die because he\'s a major character and a major character can\'t die to a minor character. That\'s the problem with a zombie apocalypse show when cast members are immune unless they\'re a redshirt Alexandrian/Savior/Wolf. I\'ll just stick with Game of Thrones
Jason, I find it hard to believe Norman Reedus would take a shower.
Scott Gimple is smug in that Los Angeles Hollywood way (yes I lived there and saw it). He is arrogant and came off as condescending to the viewers (both the show and comic book fans). He thinks he is a script writing genius. He needs to try being humble and realize the fans are what keep his pockets lined (not his dumb scripts with fake outs, inconsistent plot points, and unexplainable character shifts).
I could easily walk away at this point, I think. That was annoying.
Final observation: Andrew Lincoln has a hell of a beard.
I was asking how he kept it so trim during the episode. thats not a scissor job for sure. hell of a beard
Yeah, me too! .....see you in October with the rest of the U.S.
Yep. I\'m done. There\'s way too many good shows on TV these days to waste any more time on this one.
After a couple years of watching and feeling significantly less interested and invested in the characters and their plights (but allowing myself to get pulled back in nonetheless), I finally gave up watching after the first episode following this year\'s mid-season finale. That decision was partly informed by your increasingly critical reviews. I can see I made the right call. TWD is dead to me.
It\'s ironic because I promised myself that I wouldn\'t read another one of this douche\'s reviews, but here I am. I have an excuse though; I was hoping that someone might have a fresh perspective on it. I was wrong. There is no way in HELL I\'d be commenting about a show that I stopped watching. What\'s your excuse?
why so much anger? what\'s it to you if someone stopped watching the show but continues to follow it through Alan\'s reviews? you call Alan a douche and keep coming back to read his reviews, because of a possible "fresh perspective". dontcha think maybe thats why some former fans follow the show through reviews???
Count me out as well in the future...I wasn\'t even mad about it heat
I went in with low expectations. I fully expected to be annoyed by some convoluted & dumb cliffhanger. At this point I think I mostly watch the show for the snark on twitter. Well honestly the show didn\'t disappoint. I must say it\'s rather amusing to see Kirkland & Gimple acting all smug on Talking Dead. They really think they are being brilliant.
You would too, if you had a show people love for 6 seasons....they are doing something right. Alot of the actors have said if Gimple goes, so do they.
The season was excellent. Not a fan of the cliffhanger exactly but I doubt a few people whining will alter there record breaking ratings ;)
No more record ratings after this. Jumped the shark for sure.
Yes, I suspect this show is extremely popular among people who don\'t know the difference between "there" and "their."
lol @ Utah above. Fucking delusional. The premiere ratings will be huge too.
This season was terrible. Everything was so forced and contrived. There was no organic character development. Too many characters introduced only to never be heard from again. Repeated storylines. Gimmicks galore. What happened to this show, it used to be great.
"Yes, I suspect this show is extremely popular among people who don\'t know the difference between "there" and "their.""
Rick is so unlikable at this point. He is a psychopath and makes terrible decisions. They need to move on from him. But they cant.
I liked the roadblocks; found them a suspenseful way of showing how overconfident Rick had been. Agree though that it was undercut by earlier foolish behavior by other Saviors. (Also, if the Saviors are that ubiquitous throughout Northern Virginia; how did they not show up at Alexandria\'s gates a long time before. The group shown last night would have made short work of that group; pre-Rick.)
I also liked the Eugene as a martyr; only to have them undercut that too, as he was apparently taken captive without resistance.
Thought the cliffhanger a really bad idea though. And if Negan kills someone minor (Aaron, Rosita) the show will have manipulated book readers into watching by making them thing they were following it; only to try to please TV show fans by not killing off anyone major.
Haha, the roadblock with the logs was the most ridiculous thing this show has ever done. That would have taken weeks to set up with a ton of heavy equipment. Why? A couple logs across the road achieves the same result. Not like Rick and his people would have abandoned their RV and starting walking at that point. But this being Walking Dead, of course the Saviors had the time and could waste a plethora of resources setting that up.
God, what a boring episode. Nothing happened, there were commercial breaks every 30 seconds (seriously, this was a normal length episode cut up to include as many commercial breaks as possible to get it to "90 minutes"), and absolutely pointless moments (yea, lets drag out Eugene going out on his own, only for it to last like 30 seconds until we see that he\'s already captured).
This show is a mess, and it\'s not helped by the fact that AMC fires the showrunner just about every half-season, so every 8 episodes feels like a different show, with plots just ending out of nowhere and characters disappearing for no reason (hi Aaron!).
I\'m not sure about my feelings on the episode yet but if you\'re going to shit on the show, at least try to know what you\'re talking about.
No, it wasn\'t a normal length episode. Factually. It\'s always funny when people say that nonsense even during regular hour-long episodes. No, those are always 42 minutes. Sometimes they place commercials in different moments than other episodes and you might FEEL like it\'s different. But you\'re wrong.
The episode was 105 minutes, so just over 20 minutes longer than a normal episode.
Also, AMC does not "fire the showrunner just about every half-season." It\'s been the same showrunner for the past three full seasons. And he\'ll be the showrunner next season too.
Truthfully, I\'m doubting you even watched it and you\'re just trolling.
Yes, I remember saying through one of the two hundred commercials: AMC made the finale an extra 30 minutes so they could add an extra 28 minutes of commercials.
I also said looks like this is going to be classic WD: boring as hell for the bulk of the episode with a few good minutes slapped on at the end.
@Jeff: 105 minutes? So you\'re saying the episode was 1hr, 40 minutes long? Right. That\'s even longer than 90 minutes, so get your math right.
Things did "FEEL" different in this episode, and it was the commercials that made it feel like this was a slog of an episode, and that\'s not what you want. It\'d get back from commercial, show the RV driving up to another roadblock, Rick would say something, and it would go back to commercial. Like Alan said, nothing of import happened for 80 minutes, with them driving up to different roadblocks, Morgan and Carol\'s dumb adventure, and then long shots of Morgan riding off on his horse, the RV driving down the road, and towards the end, I swear there was at least 30 seconds of a slow pan on Negan\'s people staring at Rick\'s group with NOTHING HAPPENING. Just to pad out the run time.
I\'ve watched this show from the beginning, and have endured every terrible thing this show has thrown at us.
What is with this attitude from people lately where people are only allowed to talk about something only if it\'s glowing praise?
Jeff - it was not 105 minutes. It was 65 minutes. it\'s still 23 more minutes more than the 42 minute standard episode. But 18 mins of commercials to 35 mins of commercials is closer to what Karen is saying.
Sorry Blipp, I misspoke. I meant 1 hour 5 minutes but I\'m tired and said 105 minutes. This should have been obvious to you though as I also said "just over 20 minutes longer than a regular episode."
It was the exact length that an hour and a half long drama usually is. Every half hour is about 20-22 minutes of show. That\'s what happened here.
It has nothing to do with you not praising the show. It has to do with you saying something factually incorrect. I notice you didn\'t reply to me pointing out that you were wrong with your showrunner comment as well.
@Jeff: Fine, I was wrong about the showrunner, but there\'s still constant turnover in writers and producers every year. It seems like the only people who\'ve been on the show for more than one season are Gimple and Kirkman.
They went extra long on the opening scene before the credits and then shaved down some of the rest of the scenes to make up. Imagine how bad it would have been during the RV scenes if they were normal length.
Aren\'t you just too cool for school. It\'s easy to sit back and be a critic. The shows have more or less followed the Comic. Now you\'re just mad that a tv show is operating like a tv show, complete with cliffhangers. Not sure why people announce that they\'re not going to watch something. So what, no one is losing sleep.
It\'s not that it\'s operating like a tv show. It\'s that it\'s operating like a really bad tv show.
Pretty much all of your comment is wrong, except for the last part.
As Alan stated he feels pretty good about quitting, so you can safely assume, he won\'t lose sleep over it.
You may disagree (it is subjective, after all), but given the breadth of television he does watch, he probably has a pretty good idea of how tv shows operate, good ones and bad ones.
It\'s not that we are mad at the cliffhanger. We are mad about how bad it is. Season two end. Andrea saved my a mysterious figure. Rocky storage with the prison in the background. That was a hell of a cliffhanger. The main issue here is it must be Glenn for the story to make sense. For Maggie to turn into who she is supposed to become. This death set up a near 30 issue arc. So the writers are in a corner. If it is Glenn, we will be desensitized by the time we figure it out. If it\'s not Glenn, it makes the entire seen pointless. We know it\'s not a girl, since he said "he\'s taking it like a champ". We know it\'s not Carl or Rick. So we get to choose between Eugene, Abraham, Daryl, Aaron or glen. 3 of them really don\'t make an impact. Daryl makes an audience impact but not a story driven one. Glen makes the largest impact. This all being said. I won\'t want the premiere just to spite the show. I\'ll watch it after the fact. Just disappointing. It\'s the most iconic scene in the books and they muffed it up.
have defended this show more times than I can count. I said, "the good FAR outways the bad!" This show has been my favorite show from when I started watching, but not anymore.
+ Jeffrey dean morgan was fantastic and was written fantastically well.
- the pacing back felt weird it was like they were just cycling through deleted scenes
I have seen every episode that has aired on tv since I began watching ( I have canceled on lady friends and ditched my bros) but by the time October comes I genuinely might not care anymore, I have put up with this show but I might be done. Congratulations The Walking Dead! You might have lost yourself a very loyal fan who has gotten many people on your bandwagon! I think this community has every right to be mad/sad/just plain disappointed in the way this "great" season finale was handled
I loved Trevor! Was so excited they got him. He was Trevor-y which is what this show needs.
I gave up the show when they killed Beth the way they did so watching it fail miserably is wonderful for me.
Ditto on that. And to hear Kirkman and Gimple talk about it on Talking Dead they don\'t seem to have a clue how terrible it was.
I\'m glad I\'m not the only one feeling this way. To leave us hanging is cheap. I\'ve watched this show since season 1 and I\'ll be done after a lack of any reasonable finale. They don\'t respect their viewers. Their intention is not to reward their viewers for dedicating 2 hours every week to a couple of shows, it\'s to force us to keep watching. We are numbers to them. Thing is, if you write that finale correctly and reward the viewer for their time, they\'ll always return.
Dumb cliffhanger and completely unnecessary. But I will keep watching and will keep reading the comics. It\'s not The Wire but that last 20 minutes was entertaining as hell...despite the cliffhanger.
I couldn\'t make it past 30 minutes. I could care less who dies. Yes, I am done. It\'s time.
I want to know how one goes about being a critic? I mean does one just create a blog and whine about things they consistently don\'t like? Kind of like BvS. Panned by the all knowing critics and will still do a billion dollars.
Panned by audiences too...and had a 68% drop week over week.
Oh, hey, you\'re back here being a sooky baby again this week, that\'s cool, have fun.
You do so by writing about a wide variety of programs, some that you like and some you don\'t. Over time you (hopefully) develop a skill at analyzing why these programs do or don\'t work such that people start reading your work. If enough people start reading your work you\'re then able make a living at it.
Remember that next time you feel angry that someone else doesn\'t like some piece of crap that you like and you feel the need to rush out and defend it.
Then could you please review Black Sails, which is one of the best shows on tv, with each season better than the last. Thank You!
I\'ve been asking for the same thing. Black Sails has become one of the best written, well acted, and tightly produced shows on television. And the production value... HOLY COW! It looks like each episode of Black Sails costs more than a season of TWD. It\'s not even close. I\'m glad to see Alan finally came to his senses and is abandoning this non-sense, even he doesn\'t become fully aware of the greatness of BS. He did join me on the Banshee bandwagon, so maybe there\'s hope.
This may sound like a stupid question, but I\'m guessing you feel this is the worst season of the show, right? Or has you patience just ran out? Cause I do remember dropping the show back in season 4 (can\'t remember which episode though), and I still felt that was better than large chunks of seasons past. I just knew this was a trainwreck that could never be fixed.
Wow, so true. Horrible season and even worse finale. Just erased it from my DVR schedule. I\'m done
That\'s it for me too. FTWD. And I don\'t mean "fear."
"but as I watched the episode drag and drag and drag until it became obvious that a cliffhanger was the only way it was going to end."
I don\'t know how that\'s obvious, to me it seemed like classic TWD: futz about through an entire episode to get to the one idea they\'re excited about. I fully expected this to be THE MOMENT, (although I have to say I\'ve felt a little uneasy about the fact that I was looking forward all week to see someone get their head bashed in). But to not deliver?
I don\'t think I\'ve ever gotten angry at a show. I pitied Heroes. I was disappointed by BSG. But no television show has ever made me mad at the show itself. TWD did it. This cliffhanger pissed me off, and for reasons I can\'t really explain - I don\'t even like the show enough to be passionately driven to anger.
Maybe it\'s the fact that any person with a working brain could figure out that the audience was playing a guessing game for a while, and therefore anticipating SOMETHING. The implanting of "Negan" in to the marketing, the teasing of a classic scene, the way source-material fans interact with non-source fans - there was a fundamental expectation of it. I think I\'m pissed in the same way a sportsfan gets pissed seeing a player squander their potential so ridiculously. How could Scott Gimple possibly think this was a good idea?
Good 2ord! Don\'t take the show so seriously and you won\'t be disappointed. It\'s just background silliness while doing other things. How could a show about a zombie apocalypse be viewed any other way? I assure you if you take that attitude then the chronic stupidity won\'t bother you nearly so much. (Okay, I will admit the \'Fear the Walking Dead\' zombie parade was a step beyond even my low standards.)
I enjoyed Alan\'s rants and will miss that.
If Alan told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Stop taking a show about zombies so seriously.
"Stop expecting shows to be good! Just accept that it doesn\'t matter if shows are good or bad! Everything is meaningless! Life is death! The universe continues its slow march towards total entropy!"
He makes a good point though. We should never take anything seriously because nothing matters. 200 years from now we\'ll all be dead and nobody will even know we ever existed. So let\'s all just get drunk and play out the clock.
#stickaforkinit yup done. There was so much wasted potential in season 6, and it took me far too long to realize that the producers just don\'t care. When it becomes blindingly obvious that every 60 minutes is just a vehicle to sign up advertisers.
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