The RowdyRuff Boys Club
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Narrator: The City Of Townsville! Where the Powerpuff Girls are all grown up now but sadly the Rowdyruff boys got destroyed… but the Powerpuff girls have children of their own! Let’s see what they’re doing…

Bolt: But mom school is so…Boring!

(Bolt is Buttercups son he has Black and green hair.)

Buttercup: I know you think school is boring but I think you’ll like this school they have sports and stuff.

Bolt: okay…

(He Flys off to school now let’s see what Blossom and her daughter is doing)

Blossom: Bloom come on get up you’re already late for school!

Bloom: Okay mom (yawns and gets out of bed, finally she’s ready for school and Flys there)

(Then we go to Bubbles and her daughter Blitz)

Bubbles: Come on Blitz you have to go to school now! You don’t want to get yelled at by your teacher, would you?

Blitz: No… I can’t believe it’s already the first day of school!

(She flys there and meets her cousins Bloom and Bolt)

Blitz: Hi guys!

Bloom: Hi!

Bolt: Hi!

(Blitz looks over and some kids are coming over to them)

Blitz: Hi! What’s your name? My name’s Blitz and they are my 2 cousins Bolt and Bloom!

Bolt: what’s up?

Bloom: Hi!

1st Girl: Uh yeah, you see we don’t appreciate new super powered kids in OUR school.

Bolt: YOUR school?

2nd Girl: Yeah we are the most popular kids in school so back off losers!

Bolt: LOSERS? Why I outta- (Puts hand out to punch her but Bloom stops him)

Bloom: Uh Bolt let’s try not to get upset on the first day here.

Blitz: Or get into a fight. Who are you guys anyway?

2nd Girl: I’m Mayhem!

3rd Girl: I’m Mischief!

1st Girl: And I’m Mystery and we are….

The Girls: The Powerpunk Kids!

Bloom, Blitz, and Bolt: (Gasp) THE POWERPUNK KIDS!?

Mystery: Yeah, So? You heard about us?

Bloom: Yeah-

Blitz: You guys are evil!

(Sarcastically) Bolt: No really. What ever gave you that idea?

Blitz: Well let’s see-

Bolt: I was being SARCSTIC!

(As they’re walking away)

Mystery: Whatever Losers!

Mischief: We’re out of here!

(Mayhem kicks Blitz)

Blitz: Ow!

Bolt: Okay that’s it!

Bloom: Bolt no!

(He flys full speed at Mayhem and tackles her. But she quickly takes control and starts beating him up)

Bolt: Get off me!

Mayhem: You see unlike you I’ve have lots of practice!

Bloom: Come on Blitz we got to help him!

Blitz: okay!

(Then they start to help Bolt and soon Mayhems’ sisters join in and start to over power Bolt, Bloom, and Blitz. The teacher comes out and stops the fight.)

Teacher: What’s going on here?!

(They all start talking at once)

Teacher: One at a time! Mayhem you start.

(She starts to fake cry and is talking through her tears)

Mayhem: It was horrible I was minding my own business when Bolt attacked me and it really hurt....And he was calling me bad names and…and I had to use self defense and-I just… just… WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Bolt: She’s lying I never said any bad names to her EVER in fact I’ve never even met her until today!

Teacher: Quiet! Now Mischief what do you have to say to this?

Mischief: Well I was just minding my own business too when I saw him attack her! I and Mystery tried to split them up when those other two jumped in and attacked us and Mayhem!

Teacher: Bolt, Bloom, and Blitz I’ll have to call your parents you are suspended.

Bloom: But they’re lying they were calling us losers and it got Bolt upset and-

Teacher: you are suspended so I don’t want to hear anymore nonsense!

Bolt, Bloom and Blitz: (Sigh)

(The Teacher goes back into the school)

Mystery: (Evil laugh) (Sarcastically) Sorry you BABIES got tricked by us...

Mischief: And you guys are the Powerpuff Girls kids ha ha ha!

Mystery: And you’ll never be like them if you’re such wimps and can’t fight!


Bloom: Bolt stop! You don’t want to get in more trouble with our parents do you?

Blitz: And get grounded for the first time.

Bolt: (Sigh) Sorry…

(The Powerpunk Kids go into the school. Then Bolt, Blitz and Blooms parents come.)

Blossom: Bloom, Bolt, Blitz what happened?

Bloom: The Powerpunk Kids out smarted us!

Bolt: And gave me a black eye…

Blitz: And beat us up…

Powerpuff Girls: THE POWERPUNK KIDS!?

Kids: Yes…

Blossom: Come on let’s go home and you can tell us more about what happened.

Kids: Okay...

(They arrive home)

Buttercup: Okay, what happened?

Bloom: Okay we were talking to each other when they came over and started teasing us.

Bolt: Yeah and they’re just like-

(Hotline Beeps)

Blossom: Well tell us when we get home, okay?

Bolt: Hey can I help mom?

Buttercup: No honey it’s too dangerous for you kids!

Bolt: Oh wow you never let us-

Bubbles: We don’t have time to talk we’ll talk when we get home!

Kids: (Sigh)

(The kids go to their room)

added by 4jenas
Source: 4jenas
brick_is_gonna_get_you online
blossom_never gonna_date you online
brick:hey hey bloss ;)
blossom:leave me alone!
brick:what makes you think i will --grabs her and pulls her toward him--
blossom:let me go --pushes him away-- hmph
brick:why you so mad!!
blossom:because... can be such a hag...
brick_your_a_hag offline
im_not_a_hag offline
--the rest of the PPGs and RRBS come out of hiding--
butch:what we gonna do now!?
buttercup:i dont know but why not just lock them in a room together?
boomer:brick would kill blossom
bubbles:proble...right alrightey so in other plans?
butch:hmmm lets just tell...
continue reading...
added by Vitani0
Source: Me
added by boomerlover
Source: i drew this with Adobe Photoshop CS2. ^^
added by Vitani0
Source: me
added by Butterscotch000
Source: For Boomerlover,BLF and me.

BLOSS:hey can we ask you a question
bc:on the date were going as friends right
bubbles: cuase we have bf
ppgz:we like you too
butch: wat about your bf
ppgz:we made it up
rrbz:wat why did you,do that
bubbles:cuase we thought you guys,were jocking
bommer: no were not and since you did that we are giong to tell your secreat
ppgz:no and will do this
rrbz: wat
(ppgz kissed rrbz)
rrbz:ok were good
bc:so butch were are we going
blossom;where are we going
bricky:candy shop and park
bommie:bubs were going to the park and mall
ppgz & rrbz:were dating are enemies
bloss: we have to keep this a secreat
(shool ended)
NARRATOR: Looks like the fans were right! They DO fall in love!!

BUTTERCUP: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!!!!!!!!

BUTCH: Jeeze, do you hate me that much?

BUTTERCUP: A lot more than you think!!!


BOOMER: I KNEW IT! He does have a soft spot for her!!!

(Butch gives him an evil look and picks him up by his shirt coller.)

BUTCH: Boomer, your gonna die.

BOOMER*scared*: Bri-Brick!! Help!

BUTTERCUP: What a baby. Bubbles doesn't even call or help when I manhandle her!

(Boomer gets mad and socks Butch in the face, causing his mouth to bleed.)

BOOMER: Call me a baby now, eh?

BRICK: Boomer!

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added by 4jenas
Source: 4jenas
NARRATOR:The girls are now quietly sleeping and....oh! Whats this?! Bliss is waking up at
5:00 in the morning!

BLISS:Girls come on, wake up already!

BUNNY:What? Its 5:00 in the morning. "yawn" Go back to sleep.

BLISS:Its the first day of middle school. We need
to get up early.

BLAST:Go back to sleep. School starts at 8:00 and its... holy crud! 5:05! How do you wake up at this

BLISS:I don't know. Maybe its out of being to excited.

BUNNY:I think that's the answer, Bliss.

BLAST:Can we talk about this at 7:00 Bliss. I am really sleepy.

BLISS: Morning

(Bliss goes back to sleep and Blast and Bunny follow)...
continue reading...
---were still on the chat--
buttercup:i cant believe your dating him!
blossom:hey! i love him and you should be happy
buttercup whatever lets go back to chat
blossom:uh fine...
--back in regular--
butch:your finally back...
butch:how could you reject him?!--grabs blossoms collar--
buttercup:let her go shes already dating someone!
butch:fine--lets go--so who you goin out with?
blossom:-whispers- dexter....
butch:what!how dare you!brick is cooler than that dork!
blossom:no hes not!
butch:make me! blossom your stupid! go out with brick --makes fist--...
continue reading...
--last at--
blossom:brick!! why did you do that!!
blossom:BRICK WHY!!!
--somewhere in hiding--
butch:i cant let him get in this position
boomer:ya lets go beat her up!!
butch:ya!-both run toward them-
butch:you better leave him alone!!
blossom:hes the one who kissed me!!
brick:its the one who kissed her first --puts hands in his pockets and walks off thinking--
butch:you dont think?
boomer:i agree lets go!
blossom:wait!! whys brick all sad
boomer:the kiss duh!
blossom:oh--flies off crying--
butch:this isnt good for eather of our relationships
boomer:ya! lets go --both fly off-...
continue reading...
posted by Butterscotch000
Here you go Boomerloverfan!
I saw the picture you drew me and
I had to do something.

yea, its cool!!!!!!!!!!!!1

love your art Boomerloverfan! Make more plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye the way, want me to make storys about Butterscotch and Remona? I would be glad to write and draw the storys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUTTERSCOTCH:I love Boomerloverfan's art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you later! Hey, did you know that you burn 12 caliories a hour chewing gum?
Butterscotch and Remonda!
Butterscotch and Remonda!
--where the rowdymean boys,rowdyruff boys and blossom were last at--
brick:whats quite simple?!?!
blake:you see if we erase yall from the PPGS memories then they will want us!! mwahaha
brick:dont you--runs toward blake---DAREEEE!
--blake grabs brick's arm and swings him in a rope to tie him up--
blossom:b-brick--starts crying--
blake:STOP CRYING!--blossom stops cryin--
brick:you better not touch her!
blake:hush or ill bite!
boomer:hey butch you ok?
butch:NO DO I LOOK OK TO YOU?!--starts crying--
boomer:ar-are you crying?
butch:i think so :'(
boomer:but why?
butch:you idiot!! because of buttercup
continue reading...
---where the rowdyruffs were last at--
brick:what the heck happend?!
--mysteries voices---
???:step away from them now
????:ya back up
???:HUSH! only i talk!
brick:hey! who are you!?
???:oh im so sorry >:) were the rowdymean boys!
brick:rowdyMEAN? boys?
--steps in light---
???:now you know who we are! im blake the leader
????:im blade the dumb one
?????:im blain the cool one!
butch:why do you look like me except for your eyes?
blake:dont you dare talk to us like that
brick:whatever will be taking these...
continue reading...
--last at--
brick:just give up and leave all of us alone!!
blossom:brick...just listen to what h-he says please
butch:hmmm spike?
butch:did you use to know someone named butch?
spike:ya me and him were best friends why?
butch:hmm cause my names butch and i knew someone named spike
spike:ohhhh come with me
brick:no hes not leaving!!
spike:not just him i need boomer too
brick:there not leaving!!!!!!
boomer&butch:--looks at spike--
boomer:let us leave now!!
butch:YA!! or youll pay a thousand deaths!!
brick:huh?--boomer and butch pushes brick--
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posted by ppgFireball
Brick: god, i'm gonna feel this in the morning.
SB: stupid teletubbies.
Butch: -wakes up- what happened?
Fireball: i just got acorned.
Brick: where the hell is Boomer?! i'll kick his ass for not helping me!
Boomer: right here.
Boomer: :(
the next day at school...
Ms. Keane: lunch time, children!
SB: Ms. Keane, we need to be excused
Ms. Keane: restroom?
SB: no, we need to go out and look for all the Boomer clones.
Ms. Keane: -laughs-
SB: Ms. Keane, this is serious
Ms. Keane: -laughs- you kids are so funny, and so cute.
SB: this is serious.
Ms. Keane: you can play defeat the...
continue reading...
posted by awesome23
---at the rowdyruff boys house---
BRICK:boomer! come here now!!!
BOOMER:y-yes brick
BRICK:i have a plan and it involves butch
BRICK:YOU IDIOT! go get butch!--slaps boomer--
BUTCH:what i was about to beat my high score!
BRICK: i have a plan!
BUTCH:oh lord this isnt one of your blossom plans is it?
BRICK:shut up dude no! were gonna fight them >:)
BUTCH:im loving this plan lets go!
BRICK:alritey lets go!
BRICK:SHUT UP!! we dont care if you have feelings for that hag bubbles!
continue reading...
NARATTOR: The color blue! Clubpenguin! And Nights of Nights Song. Brick-the-best was making a True Perfect Little Boy!
Then A HORRIBLE cemical He spilled was: Sicko X! :O
Brick-the-best: WOW! THE PERFECT BOY! you will be named: RASCAL!
Rascal: YAYYY! is my brother brick?
brick the best: Yeah.
Rascal: YAYYY! Is my brother brick?
Brick the best: yep
brick: Woow.... hes my bro-Brickthebest: yes
Brick: *bouncing with Rascal* YAAAAAAAAAY!
Rascal: Watch this *Death lazers*
ALL but brick the best: WOOOW!

posted by Meamagirl77
Boomer: butch stop riding the pony you rode it yesterday
Butch: but its so cute!
Boomer: SHUT UP!
Butch: YOU SHUT UP!!!!
Brick: stop bickering barf baths and go to school
Ms. Keane: hi boys. first day?
Butch: uh yeah
Boomer: HI TEACHER!!!
Ms.Keane: its ms. Keane not TEACHER!!!
Boomer: oh then hi ms. Keane!
Ms. Keane: sit withe girls
Bubbles: how are they?
Blossom: their the… omah god!
Buttercup: What the… oh god bubs!
Ms. Keane: shushers now girls and lethe boys do their junk.
Buttercup: HOLY CRAP! don't the hell say 'do their junk'!
Blossom, Boomer, Butch, Bubbles: BUTTERCUP!!!!!!...
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