The RowdyRuff Boys Club
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Narrator: The City Of Townsville! Where the Powerpuff Girls are all grown up now but sadly the Rowdyruff boys got destroyed… but the Powerpuff girls have children of their own! Let’s see what they’re doing…

Bolt: But mom school is so…Boring!

(Bolt is Buttercups son he has Black and green hair.)

Buttercup: I know you think school is boring but I think you’ll like this school they have sports and stuff.

Bolt: okay…

(He Flys off to school now let’s see what Blossom and her daughter is doing)

Blossom: Bloom come on get up you’re already late for school!

Bloom: Okay mom (yawns and gets out of bed, finally she’s ready for school and Flys there)

(Then we go to Bubbles and her daughter Blitz)

Bubbles: Come on Blitz you have to go to school now! You don’t want to get yelled at by your teacher, would you?

Blitz: No… I can’t believe it’s already the first day of school!

(She flys there and meets her cousins Bloom and Bolt)

Blitz: Hi guys!

Bloom: Hi!

Bolt: Hi!

(Blitz looks over and some kids are coming over to them)

Blitz: Hi! What’s your name? My name’s Blitz and they are my 2 cousins Bolt and Bloom!

Bolt: what’s up?

Bloom: Hi!

1st Girl: Uh yeah, you see we don’t appreciate new super powered kids in OUR school.

Bolt: YOUR school?

2nd Girl: Yeah we are the most popular kids in school so back off losers!

Bolt: LOSERS? Why I outta- (Puts hand out to punch her but Bloom stops him)

Bloom: Uh Bolt let’s try not to get upset on the first day here.

Blitz: Or get into a fight. Who are you guys anyway?

2nd Girl: I’m Mayhem!

3rd Girl: I’m Mischief!

1st Girl: And I’m Mystery and we are….

The Girls: The Powerpunk Kids!

Bloom, Blitz, and Bolt: (Gasp) THE POWERPUNK KIDS!?

Mystery: Yeah, So? You heard about us?

Bloom: Yeah-

Blitz: You guys are evil!

(Sarcastically) Bolt: No really. What ever gave you that idea?

Blitz: Well let’s see-

Bolt: I was being SARCSTIC!

(As they’re walking away)

Mystery: Whatever Losers!

Mischief: We’re out of here!

(Mayhem kicks Blitz)

Blitz: Ow!

Bolt: Okay that’s it!

Bloom: Bolt no!

(He flys full speed at Mayhem and tackles her. But she quickly takes control and starts beating him up)

Bolt: Get off me!

Mayhem: You see unlike you I’ve have lots of practice!

Bloom: Come on Blitz we got to help him!

Blitz: okay!

(Then they start to help Bolt and soon Mayhems’ sisters join in and start to over power Bolt, Bloom, and Blitz. The teacher comes out and stops the fight.)

Teacher: What’s going on here?!

(They all start talking at once)

Teacher: One at a time! Mayhem you start.

(She starts to fake cry and is talking through her tears)

Mayhem: It was horrible I was minding my own business when Bolt attacked me and it really hurt....And he was calling me bad names and…and I had to use self defense and-I just… just… WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Bolt: She’s lying I never said any bad names to her EVER in fact I’ve never even met her until today!

Teacher: Quiet! Now Mischief what do you have to say to this?

Mischief: Well I was just minding my own business too when I saw him attack her! I and Mystery tried to split them up when those other two jumped in and attacked us and Mayhem!

Teacher: Bolt, Bloom, and Blitz I’ll have to call your parents you are suspended.

Bloom: But they’re lying they were calling us losers and it got Bolt upset and-

Teacher: you are suspended so I don’t want to hear anymore nonsense!

Bolt, Bloom and Blitz: (Sigh)

(The Teacher goes back into the school)

Mystery: (Evil laugh) (Sarcastically) Sorry you BABIES got tricked by us...

Mischief: And you guys are the Powerpuff Girls kids ha ha ha!

Mystery: And you’ll never be like them if you’re such wimps and can’t fight!


Bloom: Bolt stop! You don’t want to get in more trouble with our parents do you?

Blitz: And get grounded for the first time.

Bolt: (Sigh) Sorry…

(The Powerpunk Kids go into the school. Then Bolt, Blitz and Blooms parents come.)

Blossom: Bloom, Bolt, Blitz what happened?

Bloom: The Powerpunk Kids out smarted us!

Bolt: And gave me a black eye…

Blitz: And beat us up…

Powerpuff Girls: THE POWERPUNK KIDS!?

Kids: Yes…

Blossom: Come on let’s go home and you can tell us more about what happened.

Kids: Okay...

(They arrive home)

Buttercup: Okay, what happened?

Bloom: Okay we were talking to each other when they came over and started teasing us.

Bolt: Yeah and they’re just like-

(Hotline Beeps)

Blossom: Well tell us when we get home, okay?

Bolt: Hey can I help mom?

Buttercup: No honey it’s too dangerous for you kids!

Bolt: Oh wow you never let us-

Bubbles: We don’t have time to talk we’ll talk when we get home!

Kids: (Sigh)

(The kids go to their room)

You wanna fight, cat!
You wanna fight, cat!
Bubbles lets out a loud screech, and the cat grabs her and Boomer's tail. They have lost hope.


BUTTERCUP: Do you here that?

BUTCH: Yeah, it sounds like-

They here another loud scream.

BUTTERCUP: Bubbles and Boomer!!!

BUTCH: We have to save them!

They fallow the scents and screams of Bubbles and Boomer till they find them almost killed by a cat. Scratches and bite marks all over them. They were bloody and hurt. Bubbles was crying. Buttercup dived in to save them but the cat had seen Buttercup and had bitten her and scratched her, and made her bloody.

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added by raven_beauty
posted by ppgFireball
Narrator: The City of Townsville! where it is a pleasant afternoon!

Boomer: I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo bored. what to do. cool! what's that?!
Random Guy: a clone maker.
Boomer: how many does it make?
Random Guy: as many as you want.
Boomer: how much does it cost? (whispers) please don't let it be OVER 9000 dollars.
Random Guy: OVER 9000 dollars.
Random Guy: *laughs* i'm just messing with ya. it's free.
Boomer: you can't be serious.
Random Guy: i'm serious. today i'm gonna be generous. so you...
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One day Butch was walking along the sidewalk and snow started to fall to the ground like a tear falling off a little girls eye.But anyways it was Christmas Eve and no one was out side except for butch.While he was walking he heard a soft crying sound so he went to investigate.When he turned around the alley he saw Buttercup crying softly and he went over.He just stared secretly scared he would hurt her feelings or she would hate him if he bothered her but finaly he went close to her and whispered in her ear "its ok its just me." Butch:so whats wrong. buttercup looked up and saw the snow falling...
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posted by boomerlover

The PazzazPuff Girls are ones I made up.

Bliss: The leader. She is bright, and fun.She's smart, and she's always trying to get the boys attention.

Breeze: Comes in second. If you like happy,joyful,colorful, and everything fun, hang out with Breeze!

Blizzy: Comes in third.She's tough, nice, and funny! She loves to pop jokes, and make everyone laugh. She's a bit jelious of Breeze and Bliss though. No one knows why!

Hope you like!


YES I DO!!!!!!
The PazzazPuff Girls!
The PazzazPuff Girls!
added by Butterscotch000
Source: I drew it myself
added by boomerloverfan
Source: ME! I DREW IT!
posted by Bell0PPGZ
The number one Bell!
The number one Bell!
This is Bell. She is Bubbles and Buttercup combined. She mostly acts (or tries) to act like
Buttercup. Bell is really a Bubbles at heart. She
likes Butch some how. Bell hates Blossom cuz she
she has ice breath. Nobody knows why. Her hidden
power is Plant Growth. That means Bell can make
plants grow ANYWHERE. Bell wishes to be a part
of the PPG. Her best friend Bunny is curently in
hiding due to the fact she destroyed half of Townsville. (Bell still thinks this is funny!)
Bell has white hair and eyes. Her favorate color
is White. Her dress is white with a black stripe.
Mojo jojo knows about bell. He...
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NARRATOR:Blazey and Blake are having a little chat
waiting for the teacher to stop talking to their

BLAZEY:Hello Brover!

BLAKE:Ummm.... Sis.... Whats up?

BLAZEY:Nothing special.

BLAKE:Let me guess, u r happy I got in trouble for
something YOU did.


(Blake folds his arms and turns around)

BLAZEY:OK! It's not that!

BLAKE:Then what is it?


BLAKE:Don't tell me you don't know.

BLAZEY:I do know but I don't want to say it to you
cuz you would spread it like wild fire.


BLAZEY:Yea, you would!


BLAZEY:GAWD! Ok don't tell anyone this, I'm in love...
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--with blake and blossom--
blossom:wheres brick?where am i? why am i here?
blake:would you hush!
blossom?--tear-- well...where am i?
blake:OK THATS IT!!
blossom:w-what are you gonna do with me
--blake shows fangs--
blossom:you-your a vampire!!
blake:got that right now hush or my fangs will go through your neck!
blake:good >:)
blake:oh but you have one thing about to go through you arm!
blossom:a-a-and whats that?
blake:a shot..
blossom:A WHAT?
blake:a shot!
blossom:f-fine --thinks--brick i will always loves you not matter what goes through my skin--
--blake stabs needle through...
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added by powerpufffan29
posted by XxPowerPuffxX
(Sorry I haven't done a lot of stories,I've been lazy)

The next day...

Brick:I'll never be the same D:
Butch:Dude calm down,you have to forget sooner or later
Boomer:Ya dude
Butch:But intill then...Blossom likes you,Blossom likes you!
Brick:Shut up! She does not!!

Just the Mojo walks in...

Mojo:Sorry to tell you boys at the last minute,but I have enrolled you in school
Bommer:What?!?! O.O
Mojo:So go run on boys,you better get going to school.

The boys go to school not knowing who they would meet...

Ms.Keane:Hello students,today we have 3 new students,come in boys and introduce yourselves
Brick:Um i'm Brick
Butch:Sup i'm Butch
Boomer:I'm Boomer!
Ms.Keane:Boys seat by the PPGs

The boys are shocked and walk to their seats...

Blossom:Hi Brick! :D
Brick:-mutters- Hi Blossom.....
Butch:-whispers to Boomer- Oh how cute,Brick and Blossom are talking
Boomer:Hehe ya! Let's see how this turns out!!

To be continued....................
posted by boomerlover
For some of y'all who don't know, here:

FireClan: A Clan I made up
Medicine Cat: cat that heals and helps other cats in the Clan that are hurt or injured
Queen: A she-cat expecting or nursing kits
StarClan: all the passed away cats of Clans
Herbs: healing plant seeds
Burdock root: Roots good for rat bats, especially if they get infected
Fresh-kill: Food; mice, rabbit, bird; stuff wild cats eat
(and BTW, Blake is the leader of the Clan)

Echo was FireClan's new Medicine Cat. Ever since the old Medicine Cat, Romy, became a Queen, she had a dream from StarClan telling her that it was her own destiny to...
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---at the rowdyruff boys house---
BRICK:boomer! come here now!!!
BOOMER:y-yes brick
BRICK:i have a plan and it involves butch
BRICK:YOU IDIOT! go get butch!--slaps boomer--
BUTCH:what i was about to beat my high score!
BRICK: i have a plan!
BUTCH:oh lord this isnt one of your blossom plans is it?
BRICK:shut up dude no! were gonna fight them >:)
BUTCH:im loving this plan lets go!
BRICK:alritey lets go!
BRICK:SHUT UP!! we dont care if you have feelings for that hag bubbles!
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--where we were last at---
bubbles:buttercup passed out..atleast i think she did :'(
brick:oh no!
blake:what are you doing here?!
blake:grr get out now! i got buisness to take care of!!
blake:fine! blossom come here!!
blossom:b-brick :(
brick:what?! WHAT HAS HE DONE TO YOU?!
blossom:brick--runs to him--
blake:nope --ties rope--BUTCH!!
butch:gott cha!
brick:let me go!
blake:no your gonna stay in this room!
brick:no!--throws brick in room and closes door--
butch:you dont need him!
blossom:yes i do!
butch:ughh look in my eyes an say you do!
blossom:no!--runs in brick's...
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posted by awesome23
--where boomer and bubbles was at--
bubbles:so will you
boomer:*thinks*what will my brothers say oh why should i care!! *thinks*
boomer:OF COURSE!
bubbles:YES!!--kisses boomer-
brick:ughh hes dating a PPG!!
brick*thinks*i wish that was me and blossom*
brick:ya so gross!
butch:LETS GO!
--boomer sees butch and brick and smiles >:)--
bubbles:are you ok?
boomer:huh? oh ya
blossom:why are you with him?!
bubbles:hes my boyfriend deal with it!
boomer:hey blossom?
boomer:i know a secret that you would love to here!
blossom:whats the secret?
boomer:brick likes you!
blossom:uhh i gotta...
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added by naruline
Source: naruline
added by naruline
Source: naruline

bloss:mom im going out tonight
bloss mom:with who
blossy:just a friend from school
bloss sis: blossy a boy or girl
bloss: no of you busnnies
sis:a boy
bloss:no and gotta go
blossy: hi bricky
brick:hey lest go
(they head to the park)
brick:soo bloss would you like to be my gf
blossy: sure bricky
(about to kiss until)
princess:oh bricky-poo
princess: bricky why are you doing with this slut.
bloss:im not a slut im his gf
princess:oh really then prove it

(blossoms kissed brick)
princess:noo it dosent matter all go to my next crush bommie
continue reading...
posted by Butterscotch000
This is Bell as a kitty! Hope you like it. Plz comment! Blazey,Butterscotch,Billy,Blake and Bryce coming soon! I will make cats and dogs for you guys. Name the hair color,eye color,body color and what type of tail you want.


It says thank you people. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will make more soon. my next one is butterscotch!
Bell as a kitty!
Bell as a kitty!