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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Ohhhh... Where am I?" George said as he slowly woke up. "Exactly as I told you we'd proceed to. Welcome to my lair!" Dahlia replied. That response was enough to trigger his anger again, for he found himself in what appeared to be her laboratory. It also didn't help that he had been strapped to an operating table, complete with the helmet-like thing on his head which was connected to a giant robot.

"Grrr!!! This is getting out of hand! I shouldn't have talked with you at that pub in the first place!" George exclaimed. "Actually, I'm not who you think I am." Dahlia said. "Then who are you, really?" George demanded. "Glad ya asked!" Dahlia replied.

There was a flash of light, and what followed was an evil laugh. "Behold. It is I, Dr. Doria Florahyde!" she declared once her true identity was revealed.

(If you've watched the Beatles Cartoon, you may remember her from the episode "If I Fell". In fact, this part of the fanfic has been partially inspired by said episode. Of course, I added the letter I to her name and made her much more wicked for a twist.)

George could not believe his eyes! "WHAT?! So you're a mad scientist in disguise all along?!?! YOU FOOLED ME!!!" he remarked. "I had to, George Harrison. I hate Rock N' Roll music, and you wretched insects are the worst Rock band to have ever graced the United Kingdom! Because of that, I desired to take one of you out of the picture by using your brain to power up my robot and accomplish my dream of taking over the world!" Doria said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have a little tea break before starting the process. And don't bother calling for your bandmates. Chances are, they got lost while on the way here." She then left the scene with another evil laugh.

Well, George was finally at the point of losing his temper after finding out why his ex-"girlfriend" acted the way she did. With that, he shouted with all his might, "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!!! YOUR DEMISE WILL BE COMING SOON, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!"

But Florahyde was about to be proven wrong, as the other Beatles had made it and began walking down the straight path towards the centre of the woods. "This shall be easy as pie!" John said. "Yep. I can't wait to let that witch have it!" Paul replied. Meanwhile, Ringo was assembling an army of the resident animals (consisting of foxes, squirrels, rabbits, badgers, and fallow deer) by playing the trumpet which he bought from Harrods. "Come on, everybody! It's an emergency!" he said as they followed behind him. John and Paul smirked in return.

posted by 80smusiclover1
"Aha! This is what we're looking for!" George exclaimed when everyone entered the next coach. The lamp was now hanging over an emergency exit plan, which could be done from where they are currently standing through either the door or any of the windows. Ringo added, "And check it out! There's a rope and even a fire extinguisher!" George replied, "Perfect! Just what we need to defeat the phantom." He then asked his wife, "Darling, would you like to use the latter?" Pattie replied, "Most certainly, honey!" With that, they took them both out.

But no sooner than our heroes did so, they heard the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As the group made their way down the dark coaches, it became more obvious that the ghost had indeed taken control of the train. Confirming this even further was when George held the lamp over one of the empty seats.

"Hmm... It seems like other passengers are being held hostage by that wretched phantom as well." He remarked. "Oh, so that must be the reason why the fireman was thankful about finding us. We've been spared!" Laura replied. "Yeah, I guess going to sleep must've had something to do with this." Ringo said. Sparkie nodded in agreement. Pattie then asked, "So how exactly are we gonna face the phantom, sweetie?" George replied, "Let's continue walking; I'm sure there's an emergency exit plan and maybe a rope or two which we can use to climb to the top." Pattie replied, "Okay. Good idea!" Laura and Ringo agreed.

And they did, while the engine made a roar-like sound in an attempt to scare them. It failed.

posted by 80smusiclover1
An hour later after the train left the station, the passengers were treated to those dinner sets shown on the menu, complete with French Vanilla-flavoured cheesecake for dessert. It was a delicious meal for our friends overall.

Then, at 9:00 pm, George played his panpipes while Pattie, Laura, and Ringo busied themselves with a card game (Sparkie had already gone to sleep on the table). "Maybe we can play this during the party, too!" Laura told her uncle. "Why of course! In that case, we can consider this as our practice game." Ringo replied. "I figured as much." Laura remarked. Ringo nodded....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Man, it feels so cozy in here!" Laura said after the group had taken their seats. "You can say that again, darling! Simply perfect for an overnight journey." Pattie replied. "Oh, and look! We even have our veddy own dinner menu!" George chimed in as he held up the mini booklet. "Then that makes it even better!" Pattie remarked. Ringo said, "Most definitely! I think this will be both a fun and relaxing ride. How 'bout you, Sparks?" The hedgehog made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed!" George, Laura, and Pattie nodded in agreement.

Before long, it was time for the train to leave. The ticket inspector came to check and stamp all of the boarding passes while the driver and fireman got themselves ready inside the engine. Afterwards, the guard blew his whistle and with a loud "PEEP! PEEP!", they were on their way!

posted by 80smusiclover1
It was 5:00 pm on the day before the spookiest time of the year. The Harrisons, Ringo and Sparkie were currently in London Victoria station, waiting among the platforms for their overnight train journey to begin. What's going on, you ask? Well, they are on their way to Canterbury for a Halloween party which will be taking place in the library where Harry (George's eldest brother) works at.

"I must say, this train ride is gonna be a neat little change of pace!" remarked Laura. "It certainly will, my dear!" replied George. "And I should tell you that in addition to the party, we'll be meeting...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
On the day after returning from Liverpool Raceway, the Harrisons went to Abbey Road Studios to meet with the other Beatles for some pizza. And as he had promised, George told them about everything that occurred during the rally.

"You should've seen the whole thing, me mates! I was on a smooth leading streak and about to cross the finish line when this dirty cheater, whom Byron has rightfully given the nickname of Rotten Roderick, attempted to pull his nasty trick again. With perfect timing, I stopped him through my simple plan of turning on those extra car lights as a means of distraction, thus...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that the event was over and done with, the Harrisons went back to their campsite to celebrate George's racing triumph with a special dinner. Byron had also decided to join them before going home.

He said, "I've been meaning to tell you that I witnessed the funniest and most satisfying thing to have ever taken place today." Pattie replied, "I'm certain I can guess what you're talking about." Byron continued, "Rotten Roderick getting his just desserts! I saw him flying not only once, but TWICE!!" What followed was a burst of laughter from everyone. George said, "Oh, yes! That was part of the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
In good timing, the rally reached its climax by the fifth and final lap. "Well, it looks like I'm on me way to winning!" exclaimed George as he continued his leading streak. Suddenly, a jeering remark coming from Rotten Roderick was heard not too far behind: "Oh, no you don't! I'm gonna put an end to your racing career before it even starts!" Sensing that the cheater was preparing to do his nasty trick again, at last, George put his plan into action by activating all the flashing lights on the back of his car. This caused Roderick to scream as he got blinded and distracted by them, thus losing...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Here's an idea which has been in the works since February, and I'm excited to finally turn it into written form! Let's get this show on the road, shall we?

It was a warm, sunshiny morning in London. And as you might've already guessed, the Harrisons were just about to have breakfast. "Mummy, I wonder what new adventures await us this summer?" Laura asked. "Oh, I'm sure we'll find out about that very soon, my dear." Pattie replied as she filled their cups with freshly brewed Twinings blueberry and apple tea. At that moment, George entered the scene. He said, "Perfect timing, ladies! I just got...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
With the barbecue taking place at the picnic grounds, George and Pattie told Laura (as well as the other Beatles) about their honeymoon while the food was being grilled over hot charcoal (by the prince himself). "Overall, I am more than happy to say that we had a gear time in the capital of the Highlands!" George remarked upon conclusion. His wife agreed. Laura said, "Wow. Inverness sure sounds beautiful!" John added, "Indeed! Honestly, you're making me want to check out that place meself." Paul said, "I think we all do, mate." Ringo said, "Yeah. How about you, Sparks?" The hedgehog made a...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The honeymoon's last two days had passed, and before they knew it, the couple checked out of the hotel and were on their way back to Balmoral. "So, how was your special time together?" Philip asked during the airship ride. George replied, "It was bloody marvelous, sir! We were able to visit most of the city's landmarks, especially Loch Ness." Pattie nodded in agreement. Philip said, "I'm very glad to hear! Maybe next time, should you want to return, I can also take your daughter and mates along." George remarked, "Oh, of course! We'd love that." The prince smiled in response. Pattie then asked,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As expected at the start of the new week, George and Pattie went on their city tour. This time, however, they decided for a change of pace by way of bike rental. Alongside covering many of the historical sites, they managed to catch up and watch a bagpiper's performance just close to the river. Afterwards, they proceeded to the Victorian Market to buy those souvenirs and take a snack break at one of the cafes. "There's nothing like the sweet sound of bagpipes to complete our Scottish experience!" Exclaimed George as he took a sip from his can of Irn-Bru orange soda. "You're telling me! I had...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
I am happy to say that George and Pattie enjoyed themselves while inside the castle. Not only did they admire the grand surroundings, but they were also given a rather out of the blue, yet very fun tour by one of its staff members!

On the following day, the couple headed off to the Ness Islands for their nature walk. This landmark could be easily accessed via any of the bridges, all of which date back to the 19th Century. There, they discovered lush greeneries and a variety of native wildlife such as seals, bats, and otters. They then relaxed while sitting on a log just close to the river. "Ahh....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Next up on the couple's itinerary is Inverness Castle. As a means of convenience, they opted to take the hotel's shuttle which offers free daily rides to the place. Their faces were again struck with awe after a short hike towards the top. "I think we can best describe this beauty with one word: Stunning!" George remarked. "I completely agree, my dear! Not to mention, the beige colour reflects very well with the sunlight." Pattie replied. "Mm-hmm! Indeed, love." George said. They then wasted no time in taking more photos. And because the castle was currently open to the public, they went inside it as well!

posted by 80smusiclover1
Meanwhile, in Balmoral...

Laura, the other Beatles, and the royal family were having a blast with their own vacation thus far. Over the past couple of days, their mornings would begin with the sound of bagpipes coming from outside. Their meals also consisted of mainly traditional Scottish fare such as Haggis, Scotch pies, cold-smoked Kippers, Rumbledethumps (a dish made of potato, cabbage, and onion), Burnt cream (or better known as Crème brûlée), and Shortbread biscuits half-coated in chocolate. As for today, while the Queen and her husband gave the mop-topped lads tours of the water and...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The ride to Loch Ness had been such an entertaining one for George and Pattie, which was all thanks to the driver telling them about how the well-known folktale of Nessie came into being. What followed shortly was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful sights that they have ever witnessed! Pattie exclaimed, "My goodness! This Loch is what I'd call the definition of magnificent!" George replied, "Ain't that the truth, love! I'll bet even just staring at those calm waters is enough to soothe one's soul." "I completely agree, hun." Pattie replied as the cool breeze swept through her golden...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
George and Pattie decided to have a morning swim at the indoor pool three hours after breakfast and booking their ride to Loch Ness for tomorrow. The former asked, "I know it's only been a day since we arrived, but how are you enjoying this place so far?" His wife replied, "Well, I'm quite liking it! How about you, dear?" George said, "So am I, love! Especially as it is just the two of us for a week." Pattie said, "That's true. I've been waiting for this moment right from the time we got engaged!" George replied, "Oh, yes. Indeed! You took the words straight out of me mouth there." Pattie smiled in response. The couple even made their swim extra memorable by diving and sharing an underwater kiss! Afterwards, they spent the rest of the day with a nice stroll around the hotel's vicinity.

posted by 80smusiclover1
After they had finished unpacking, the couple went outside to have lunch and study the map for planning out their special itinerary. "Okay; so for the landmarks, we should definitely pay a visit to Loch Ness!" George said. Pattie replied, "That's for sure! I am also quite intrigued by Inverness Castle, especially since it's only a hike up away from where our hotel is located." George replied, "Sounds magnificent, love! Then, we can take a nature walk in the Ness Islands." Pattie added, "And we'll save the city tour for next week! I'd like us to go to the Victorian Market for our souvenir shopping." George remarked, "Capital idea! Well, I think that just about settles our plan." His wife agreed. It was a good timing too, as their food arrived the moment they were done folding the map. When they returned to their suite a few hours later, George wrote down their chosen places in checklist form (like what he did in Ireland last year).

posted by 80smusiclover1
The weather indeed became cooler by the time the airship landed right in front of the entrance of George and Pattie's hotel. Philip then handled the check-in process on their behalf, as he had already reserved a room even while the wedding was taking place. "Enjoy your honeymoon, dear chaps! I'll be returning next week to pick you up." The Duke said afterwards. He then gave the couple a map of the city alongside the room key. "This shall come in handy as you tour this lovely place." George replied, "All righty, sir. Thanks again!" With that, he and his wife proceeded upstairs, walked down the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
When the new day came, the couple woke up feeling rested and got themselves ready for the ride to Inverness. "See you in a week, Laura, darling. Take care." George whispered to his daughter, who was still sound asleep. "We love you." Pattie added. With that, they kissed her on the forehead. This was then followed by a tasty breakfast, after which they headed back to the airship. "The weather is expected to be cooler where I'll be taking you during this time of year (being the capital of the Highlands), so have ye brought along some coats?" Philip asked as they returned on deck. George replied, "Why yes, sir! We did. Thanks for letting us know about that." Pattie said, "Indeed! Good thing we planned ahead of time." "Mm-hmm." Nodded George. "You are all set in that case!" Remarked Philip. A few minutes later, the airship was gliding in the sky again, and the newlyweds shared a sweet moment while enjoying the lovely view at the same time.