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{this story has been copied off of almost every GOOD movie and book ever}
plz read chapt 1-23 before reading this

she was so beautiful. her beauty made me question my sexuality...not really..but u know what i mean. now i see where Rane get her beautifulness from. the duchess looked at us for a while then asked "Rane?"
Rane with tears in her eyes ran to her mother. misery whispered to me "what a touching mother-daughter moment" it was indeed touching. the duchess lead us into the dining hall and gave us fruits and stuff that i have never seen before. then the duchess asked "So children while have u came?" then i said "u see by on earth Valice has locked us up and wont believe Rane is his daughter so we were wondering if u could help us" then she said "ah yes indeed i can help u i sorta already knew the problem since i have been watching u children" then she took off her really super duper pretty amulet and gave it too Rane then she said "this will help your father remember its the locker he gave to me and i understand u r having a hard time controlling your "dark side" well this amulet with keep it at bay" then rane uttered a "yes mother" then Tomorrow's ear started twitching and then he said "um girls my mother is calling she wanted to see u" i was surprised the queen of heaven the goddess of every single freakin thing, Forever, wanted to meet us so then after Rane giving the duchess one last hug, Tomorrow snapped his fingers and we were magically transported to a castle made entirely out of silver and diamonds more pretty than the duchess house and her beauty mixed together we were in the throne room it seemed full of mist or smoke that smelled of lavender and mint
Tomorrow lead us down the hall them kneed in front on the figure that sat in the throne a hedgehog looking woman/animal with large glassy like wings and white hair/fur with a white long dress with diamonds and other gems sew into it she wore a mask so u could not see her face it was either white or blue u couldnt tell for it kept swirling and changing color and it had one diamond shaped eye hole for her left eye and a royal blue sapphire in the middle of the forehead in the shape of a rose. we bowed before like tomorrow. then Yesterday came out from behind the throne "see mother these r the girls i told u bout they r special arent they" she said then Forever rose and came to us she seem to walk but glide us barely above the sparkly marble floor "u girls have traveled from one half of te country to the other and when to the other side u r indeed beyond the normal mortal i see in your futures a great battle of dark and light and the goodness and terribleness within for your bravery of going beyond the beyond i shall aid u. sooner or later i am going to die my days r numbered so i shall do wat i can to aid u" she stop in front of Rane "since i have no mortal form on earth i shall come with in u in a mortal object form" and she lifted Ranes amulet "rane the Cat i have chosen u to b the next Goddess of all and Queen of heaven" and with that she became a bit tranparent and was sucked into ranes amulet then the clouds under us disappeared and we fell but just before we were out out site we saw Yesterday and Tomorrow wave to us..... then we woke up in the prison
Zim, Tak, and Gir enter the place where Sonic characters originated.... pixels.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They had to get that guys name. Or something. "This is SO fun......" Zim said. They were once again hiding underground. Zim was playing "Sonic Advance 3". Tak was painting her fake nails, with the fact that Irkens don't have nails. "Aren't they pretty?...." She said. Even Gir was gloomy. He took a stick and wrote on the underground walls, "Tes es booring." With a frowny face. "Tag." He said, and poked Zim. "Hey... Do you guys have GBAs and GBA links?..." Zim said....
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--------------------------------------------------"I see you have found the Master Emerald....I'm impressed! But if you really want to destroy Mobius you'll need the other emeralds. You will need the Super Emeralds and the Chaos Emeralds." Scourge said. "Luckily, I stole one from Shadow, so you can just use Chaos Co trol to transport to get them all."Scourge said. "Hand me one!" Zim shouted. Scourge handed Zim the emerald, and Zim was off. Zim and Gir found themselves in a spinning world with colored blocks, green fish, and the chaos emerald. He and Gir were unable to...
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posted by thetacoman
Neptun frowned at the bottom of the sea, hating the Old One.
He was cursed to be confined to the sea, all because the Old One was afraid.
Neptun was at the bottom of the sea because he was in love with his sister Siria. The Old One knew it was mutual, and knew of a prophecy saying a newborn from the Few would overthrow him, and seperated the two.
He received no news at the bottom of the sea, and had no knowledge that his Mother was with child.
So he was determined that the child that overthrew the Old One would be his and Siria's.

Neptun was near ready for bed, when he saw a sword appear before him. Followed by a vision.
(pretend this is italics) Neptun drove the sword victoriously through the Pyramis of the Old One.
He saw his life as he desired it.
With Siria.
(nu longer italics)
"Yes," said Neptun. "This is what I desire."
Neptun grabbed the sword and swam to his castle to prepare.
The Military fought harder and Harder against the Demons attacking the city,But it was all in vain,The Military was soon almost completely destroyed,Helicopters were on the ground and on fire,Bodies lay everywhere.

The last of the Military ran off to the only weapons they had left,High powered Turrets,Anti Aircraft Guns,And Stingers,Those where they only things they had left,Their where 100 Soldiers left,And they all helped build sort of a Barrier and dug trenches.

The Military Fought against the Demons in a final battle,Thousands of Demons died,But... After that battle,Only 10 Military Men...
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This is after Krov shot himself, Liozy fitted this verse almost perfectly, Also this will kinda be written story/poem style
She stays there, in the corner of the dark room. Her hair once used a almost white blonde but now it is stained with scarlet blood. She picks up a small packet, pills. She crys silently as she buries her face in her shaking hands, her beloved was gone. Dead and silenced for ever. He took his own life away with a pull of a trigger.

He was gone forever, she was dead inside.

It had been a month now, she counted, today was the day that...
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This is when you get fucking sick of life, also this will explain what my characters really feel on the inside. Everybody mentioned in this belong to their own owners. This also is based from the song You could be a hero by
"Hey Russian Jerk!" Rima, a yellow and black angelhog, shouted walking over to a white Russian bear named Krov, who smiled at Rima, not seeming to have taken any offence, in fact, he was wincing on the inside, holding his chest tight.
"Yes Rima?" Krov said, for one of the first times he does not insult her, he is too weak today,...
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"So what the heck are you planning? I want to know what it is now." A grey chameleon asked in a rough tone.

"Oh, it's called PATIENCE." Anaya said angrily, tapping her foot rapidly on the marble floor.

"We could try and get Shane and Nazo to stop working for Zak somehow," Myka said. "Maybe even drag Keegan into this."

"Keegan?!" Anaya's eyes widened. "Are you serious?! The guy's an angry ball of fuzz!"

"It doesn't matter!" Myka snapped. "We'll need his help, whether he is moody or not."

"I don't think I've ever seen him moody," Shiro said.

"Can we get on with this please?" Myka asked, trying to think...
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Firstly,I wanna thank MasterLink For being an awesome Rper,Epic friend,and makes meh laugh,But sadley he is not on here anymore,A moment of silence please...

Osiris for being the replacment of Master Link... Sorta.... XD Anyways,The guy is a fun guy,Don'tcha know?

MephilestheDark for being a Like,TOTALLY EPIC FRIEND,TOTALLY. XD And for having epic artz,characters,Rps,Humor. Geez... I can't list it all. XD

Princess Viviana for Being an awesome rper,but sadley she recolors,and is not here either... ANOTHER moment of silence...

ThirdDevision for being just plain Epic.

Pheonix Royal Just met the gal,AND SHE'S ALREADY AWESOME. XD

And Finally,LadyLyric (Or AktatheWolf,I forget... ^^;) For being meh first fans.

"Haze... Wake up... Haze...." Said a voice.

Haze woke up,only to be found that he was in the middle of an abandoned playground,fog everywhere,almost like a maze.

"W-Where am I?" He asked himself.

"Welcome to hell Haze,YOUR hell." Said the voice.

Suddenly students from his past started to surround them,he could only see their white eyes,glaring at him,and chanting,"Play with us Haze,Play with us.... Forever...."

Haze began to back up into a monkey bar,and turned around,a deformed little girl stood in front of Haze,and it appeared that her skin was melting off her.

"Play....." She said.

Haze jumped...
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"Why don't you mind your own... BUISNESS!!!" Yelled Xiz as he sticked his hand out,engulfing Typhoon in flames.

"Heh heh heh." Chuckled Xiz.

"Really? Is that all you got?" Said the hedgehog from inside the inferno,the flames cleared around him,and showed a spiral of wind around Typhoon,sheilding him from the blast.

"What?! Why you little!" Suddenly a slash went across his chest,then Typhoon jumped,and then slammed his foot in Xiz's stomach. Typhoon then,uppercutted Xiz,foot still in stomach. Xiz went back alittle,rubbing his face.

"Impressive,you seem to be more tougher then I first suspected......
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4/6/11 3:33am - Dear JOURNAL,NOT DIARY. Me and the others,where walking through the jungle,no food,or water,on occasions,Mother would suggest too eat Caboose,I said no every time,Who would like too eat a stupid android,and that's literally when I say Stupid,why in fact,Caboose thought a chameleon was a pie! A frikin PIE! Not only the fact he kept it for the whole trip,and kept on trying too eat it when he has NO MOUTH,honestly,this journal is the only thing keeping me sane right now.... I just wonder what the others are up too-

"Hey Haze!" Said Mother,as she snatched away the "Journal" away...
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"Nocturn huh? Well that's a weird name." Said Haze.

"Well at least my name isn't 'Haze'" Nocturn snapped back.

"Right,hey,have you seen my helmet?" Haze asked the stranger.

"Oh,you mean this is your helmet?" Nocturn held up Haze's helmet,it's visor shattered,and blood stains covering it.

"Why would you need this peice of junk?" Said Nocturn,puzzled.

Haze growled as he speaked,"I NEED THAT HELMET!"

Nocturn jumped back,"Okay,okay geez,let's just FIX the damn thing first!"

Haze crossed his arms. Nocturn walked off,and motioned for Haze to follow. He did,eventually they went to a camp.

"Alright Haze,welcome...
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A little Q&A with my new Haze the Hedgehog character,You'll see him in the Typhoon stories! :D

Q: Does Haze get nosebleeds sometimes?
A: Yes,but you can't see it.
heh heh,helmets are awesome.

Q: Can Haze talk?

A: Does Haze have a girlfriend?
Q: Erm,no?

Q: Is Haze better then Shadow?
A: ........Who's Shadow?

Q: Does Haze EVER take his helmet off?
A: NO!

Q: Is Haze religous?
A: My visor is a CROSS.

Q: Does Haze fight alot?
A: Only when I have to.

Q: Can you turn your helmet White instead of Black?
A: Somehow that sounded racist.....

Q: Which sword does Haze like better,a Longsword,or Katana?
A: Katana,cause it's faster.

Q: Can Haze tell jokes?
A: Knock knock.

Q: What does Haze think of fangirls?
A: As long as they don't steal my helmet,clothes,etc. I'm fine with them.
posted by marksmen456
"Er,Ugh!" Said Typhoon,getting up from the cold ground. "That damn bounty hunter will pay..." He said,weakly. He floated all the way back up,and ran off.

The Commander slammed his hand on the ground,"I WANT THAT HEDGEHOG DEAD,YOU HEAR ME? DEAD! Send in Shadow and Rouge to help Alyosius!"

The Soilder responded,"Yes sir!" And ran off.

"Ugh,What am I going to do?! Every time I try and put him here,he keeps getting out,HALF of my troops are dead because of HIM! One hedgehog! Something that not even the great Alyosius can kill!"

"Calm down already,I'm sure we'll be able to kill Typhoon with Shadow...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Murderer stuggled to open his eyes. When he finally did he saw Carter and Kat next to him. "Hey sleepy head 'bout time ya waked up." Kat said. Carter nodded. Murderer looked back and forth. "I'm sorry but who are you?" he said confused. Kat giggled. "You should take a look at your self first." Murderer looked down at his hands. "Hmmm skin?" He said surpised. Then he looked at Kat. "So you are Kat in human form." Kat nodded. Murderer looked over at Carter then looked back at Kat with a helpless look on his face. "It's Carter." Kat laughed. "Oh." Carter stood up. "Well now that we are done reinorducing...
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Rocket ran to Olley. "Hey Olley can i borrow a voice recorder?" He asked. "Sure" Olley said as he gave it to him. "Oh no i need a small one." "Oh ok." Olley gave Rocket a small one and took back the big one. "Thankies." Rocket said as he ran back down to where Izzy, Bullet, and his Dad were. Carter was tapping his foot in announace. "Why did you call me back here?" He asked. Rocket put the voice recorder in one hand and patted his dad on the back with that hand too. "Ohhhhh you'll see." Rocket said in a fake cheerful tone. Rocket took his hand away from his dad's back. The voice recorder was...
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"Fine Mars..." says Cynthia as she aims for an attack,"I accept a battle."
"Excellent." answers Mars as he puts the emerald on the box.

Cynthia looks behind Mars and sees a door that is being hit on by someone behind it.Cynthia thinks that Silver might be behind the door and trys to think of a plan.

"Bring it!" Mars jumps in th air about to hit Cynthia on the head."What?" Cynthia looks up and dodges the attack as fast as she could making Mars break his hand.

"OWWW!!!" yells Mars as he trys to get up after the fall.Cynthia grabs the emerald and yells,"Chaos War!"

The ground opens up making demons...
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*Cynthia runs down a lot of stairs*


*Hundreds of voices fill the air then 2 screams fill the air*


*Cynthia falls off the side of the staircase and falls to death*

*Cynthia screams and wakes up after nightmare*

*Cynthia puts her hands on her face*

Cynthia:Why do I keep dreaming that?

*Cynthia grabs her cell phone and dials numbers*

Cynthia:I got something else to take care of though.

*Cynthia opens balcony door and walks out to it*

*Amy Rose answers the line*


Cynthia:Amy its me.

Amy:Hi Cynthia!Are you ok?You sound scared.

Cynthia:Nightmare, listen...
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“Are we there yet?” Tails whined sleepily.

“We’ll get there when we get there!” Knuckles snapped. Sonic snored on the wing. Myzak was playing another long crossword puzzle. “Besides, you’re the one who’s driving!”

“But we’ve been flying through fog for hours!” Tails groaned. The X-Tornado tilted slightly, causing Sonic to fall onto Myzak’s crossword. “When did the Mystic Ruins get like this? Wait. Don’t tell me! It happened after Eggman left. Right?”

“Yeah!” Knuckles snapped. “Can you stop complaining?”

“But, I haven’t gotten my coffee yet!” Tails snapped...
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Note: This is a continuation of Part 3. You need to read some of the other stuff first.

The rush of wind flowing past his ears made Sonic feel alive again. Of course, he wasn't running at the speed of sound, exactly. He was just running faster than 60 miles an hour, because he had both Tails and Knuckles following him at 50 miles an hour.

"Feels like old times, huh?" Sonic called back. "Man! I'm unstoppable!"

"Just like old times." Knuckles rolled his eyes. "At least I have a life and a career! I'm not living in my mother's basement!"

"You don't even know your mom." Tails snapped. "Anyway, the...
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