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posted by MephilesTheDark
Alright guys. Mephisto N here.

So, recently, a LOT of people have been asking me shit about mental conditions I have, my phobias, my aura-seeing, etc, etc...

So, yeah, as I'm too lazy to repond to each indivially, I'm writing an article about eeeeverything wrong/unusual about myself. Because people find it interesting. I dunno why.

Anyway, let's start off with the bad shit. What IS wrong with me, hmm?

-Refinded homicidal tendancies.
-Refined suicidal tendancies.

Now, we'll run through them all, one by one.

Sadism is finding humor in other's pain. I'm sure most people knew about this, becaue I always 'LOL' at the ideas of other people getting hurt/dying/ripped to shreds/harmed both mentally or physically.

A lot of people say I'm "evil" or "mean" or "horrible" because of this. Truth is, that's my normal. That's me, and if you don't like it then you can shove it. And oh yes, I hope it huuurts.

Refined homicidal tendancies... Now probably people'll be going "Uurgh, stupid JTHM wannabe... -_-" and to be honest I couldn't care less if you do, because such is what any of the stupids would do without explination.

Yes, I hurt people, physically and mentally. I've done some stuff I'm not proud of, and I'm not really wanting to go into that, because I don't want any more people running in fear every time they see me. Although, punching Robert's nose into his brain WAS nice... Hm... Not the worst I've done. Keheh.

Refined suicidal tendancies, well... Just as it sounds. I have attempted suicide, but then I needed to go to School and just never got around to trying again. FFF... I still do cut my shoulders, though.

Depression, again, exactly as it sounds. I get depressed, leads to suicidal talk, and such.

Schizophrenia is probably the most "crazy" thing about me. I hallucinate and see shit in my head, I have moodswings all the time, and I'm emotionally unstable most of the time. As it happens, I also have, what, 6 clashing personalities? Something like that. I named them, even. It, One, Airhead, Specimen, Human, Animal, and then there's the mix, and my usual- Me.

Yup. It's a crazy place here in my head. (3

Insomnia! Perhaps the most overused mental disorder in stories ever! With me, it's not so much as insomnia as hypnophobia. Fear of falling asleep, ya know... That kinda stuff.

Anorexia, I ad a half-apple two days ago in the morning. So, I think I'm slowley getting better. Hopefully I do not die of malnutrition. I am on a cocktail of multivitamins and nutritional supplements to actually keep my brain working. I am very skinny.

Masochism is the enjoyment of your own pain. Hence why I cut myself. It feels nice to me, the pain... But don't you worry about that.

A lot of people might be thinking, "Hey... What about cannibulism?" and to that I say NO. I am NOT really a cannibul, I just like to muck around with cannibulistic jokes because they're funny. My Invader Zim fancharacter, Mef, is the cannibul. Not me. She eats everything, I eat next to nothing. Big difference.

I think I mentioned aura-seeing before. If not, I'm too lazy to go back and change it, so I mentioned it now. Yes, people find this strange. For whatever reason.

A full-on description of it is really hard to do... I know it says "seeing" but there is, actually, nothing visible about it. It's a shift in the air- A projection around a person of temperature, emotion, and empathy. ome ay it's just that- That I have an unnaturally good sence of empathy. I do not think that's true- It's more than that.

I can also 'project' my own aura, and mess with other people's auras. I can make them FEEL sad, or depressed, or happy. Hence my manipulative skills. If they're leaning towards something I can push them over, for example, they have a crush on someone, I can make them fall head-over-heels in love. If they're feeling a little blue, I can make them downright suicidal.

Phobia-wise, I've got hypnophobia as mentioned above. Also hydrophobia, fear of water because I have drowned before and it wasn't nice, and claustrophobia because it brings back... Really unpleasant memories.

So, yeah, that's what's wrong with me for all you stupids put there.

Hope this cleared stuff up.

Have a nice day, jerks.
posted by TakTheFox
It is the Seventh time that I had woken up now. I decide to count so I can keep track of how long it took until I met Mickey and Chowder. The first day was my… first day. The second day was when I hurt my foot. The third day was when I was hurt by the lamp. It was the fourth day that I met Mickey and Chowder. The fifth day I woke up without them. The sixth I’m not sure about.

When I first woke up I thought that every time I went back to sleep a new day arrived, but I don’t know how much time passes when I go to sleep. Maybe I fell sleep and the day was not a full day. Maybe the game was...
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Source: Smartone123
That rhythm... there was some kind of a rhythm in her step, in her fighting style. It was almost as if she fought alongside music, keeping beat as she fought, be it with a step, a dodge, a punch... but if a punch from her opponent was not on a beat where she would act, she did not know what to do until her action beat came.

Her face was bloodied, and she also suffered from hyperphilia, or uncontrolable bleeding. Without medical assistance, she might be feeling the first stages of hemorage. A female in the male boxing division. Who'd've thought it...

On the flipside, her opponent looked half...
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The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 17 (Part 2)

Mancer nodded his head in acknowledgement to Kyle’s very small Rasoul Kick. “Very good. Now you’re making progress on the Rasoul Kick as well, and that is a very good thing. However, now I would like to try to speak to you on the subject of the Rasoul Dimension once more before we go off on something else again. Also, I don’t want to tell you what my brothers can teach you due to the fact that I would rather it be a surprise to you. I’m sure you’ll find their teachings and way of teaching much different than the way I teach you when I’m finished...
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“Oh, I see. Surprise attack,” Kyle said with a small nod of his head. He formed as much Rasoul energy around his arms as he possibly could, preparing to send a large blast of it towards Astra in an attempt to attack her and possibly throw her guard off. Ruby also prepared to try to attack Astra, and prepared to send a few blasts of Chaos energy to the wolf girl.

Kyle and Ruby both released their energy at the same time, which resulted in a blast of Chaos energy and a blast of Rasoul energy flying towards Astra at the same time. Astra turned around just in time to see Kyle and Ruby, and just...
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posted by unknown99
She is mostly shy because off her secrets. She is mostly silent in front of everyone. But, if you set off her mood she will probably freeze you into a block. Born in the City of Ice, Snow is a shy girl with a special talent. Because she is shy, she mostly don't want to talk to anybody. She was happy to be sent to the Andromedian Pyrokinetic Academy. She had 5 roommates because they are the only girls in the academy. Snow mostly spend time in her room thinking about what is going to happen, then she only goes out for classes and breakfast, lunch and dinner. At those times she mostly spend her...
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posted by iceandsummer
Name: Aurora Centauri
Age: Currently 16
Personality: Competitive. The rest are for you to find out.
Status: Single
Race: Fox (forgot her tail...)
Family: Unknown
Occupation: Hero...ine
Friends: Need to RP for her friends.
Enemies: Need to RP for her enemies.

Her Name is based off of a star I know of. It's called Alpha Centauri. Lawl, cool, right?

If you wanna role-play, send me a message. She needs some friends and enemies....

BIO: Aurora isn't from the planet Mobius. She comes from a different planet called Solaris. Her home planet is infected with a plague and the Solarians need to rely on her. The plague started when she was little. Her family lost her when she was young, but that doesn't ruin her life. She is satisfied with all the remaining Solarians and she considers all of them her family. Aurora can phase for a short period of time and her main power is currently unknown.
Mancer had done nothing but stand there in silence as he watched what was going on around him. He was starting to wonder if he was even noticed anymore, not that he was complaining at all. He just stood where he was and slipped his hands down in his pants pockets, not knowing what to say or what to do, so he just continued to stand there in silence. He didn't have to stand there for long, however, before Cinder turned her head and noticed him.

"Oh, who are you?" Cinder asked in curiosity. "Are you a friend of Kyle and Kagen's?"

"Yes, I am in a way. I suppose you can call me their friend. I...
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posted by mephiles97
Chapter 1: A Snow Day and a Simple Errand
Location: Waktini family residence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Friday, January 2nd
Time: 7:30 P.M.

"Hey, Mom? Can I ask you something? Please?" A somewhat tall, slightly chubby yellow hedgehog asked with excitement in his voice as he walked up to a tall, long black-haired woman.

"Yes, Kyle? What is it?" The woman asked with a bright voice, turning her head to look at the hedgehog with a smile.

"Um... Well..." Kyle looked up slightly at his mother, taking a small breath. "Kagen and I wanted to hang out together and maybe play out in the snow...
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...Have you ever felt are being watched?Ⓧ

One day,a hero who is named MTL journeyed through the woods...In search of the remaining fragments of his past...however,He was not aware of the legend of the woods...and it's terrible dark evil that resides within...MTL traveled deep into the woods,passing many rocks,trees,shrubs,and owlsⓍ.MTL started to approach a bazaar area putting off a magnetic field which disrupted his nanite code and he had to revert to watch form in order to continue traversing...

MTL came upon a large three,'s roots where the size of houses and it literally...
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posted by ripperoo1

I held the sword, feeling it's cold steel in my hand. My door creaked open. A man with a cloak and a dagger in his hand stood in my doorway. He strode over towards me, raising his dagger. I stepped back with each step he took.
"What do you want?" I asked, my voice shaking. I took a few more steps backwards.
He pulled out a rope. Pushing me up against the wall, he put the rope around my neck. He raised the dagger up in the air. I raised the sword as far as I could move it, and slit his leg. He fell down to his knees and dropped the rope. I tackled him and put the rope...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
Name: Tyler Andrew Gold
Nickname: Falcon the Vamphog
Attire: Black, blue, and red sneakers
Fur Color: Gold and brown
Eye Color: Green
Bio: When Falcon was young, he was turned into a vamphog. The reason he became a vamphog was his father came home from work with some sort of chemical. When his father wasn't looking, he took it, and accidentally broke the bottle it was in. The chemical got all over his fur. Once his parents realized, it was too late. It got into his blood stream and made him a vamphog.
posted by gyrothehedgehog
Here I am. On the edge of a cliff, with him. His eyes are so red that they seem to be glowing as he approaches. I review my options; take a few steps back and fall over the cliff, possibly to my death or stay and let him kill me. Both options suck. I’ll die either way. He is a blue echidna, with white ring-like designs around his dreadlocks and a face twisted in a menacing sneer. “I never thought it would end like this, Gyro.” The rings encircling his wrists that limit his power have fallen off. One thought runs though my brain; I’m so dead. He pulls out a sword made of
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