SasuSaku and NaruHina Why do you support SasuSaku/NaruHina?

OnyxDreams13 posted on Oct 06, 2009 at 04:08AM
For the pretty much first forum topic, I'd like to start out with something fun I'm sure all and anyone can answer and enjoy sharing.

This forum is just like the topic says, why you support SasuSaku/NaruHina.

There are really no wrong answers. So just give it your best shot and share why SasuSaku and/or NaruHina is important to you. :3
For the pretty much first forum topic, I'd like to start out with something fun I'm sure all and anyo
last edited on Oct 06, 2009 at 09:53PM

SasuSaku and NaruHina 4 replies

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over a year ago xx_azn_girl_xx said…
because they were meant for each other and each are a cute couple
over a year ago NaruHinaFTW said…
I dont really like SasuSaku but I love NaruHina. I think they are THE best couple because their personalities contradicts with one another. Naruto has a very hyperactive and impatient personality thus the regular pranks and jokes. Hinata on the other hand, has a polite and timid personality which is why she always uses correct name suffixes and rarely speakes. This contradicting personality balances each other out thus creating a perfect couple.
over a year ago mei2 said…
b'coz sakura feeling for sasuke is so matter what happen she still care for him.and sasuke need some1 that not merely a fangirl but some1 that love him for who he is.

MAIN REASON : sakura doesn't deserve to be with naruto but least she love him not b'coz he become 'hero' she love long before..when he still somewhat a loser.she care for him from the beginning!

There is more but im lazy to type it up..
Ps:i like those no offense to juz didn't like how she threat naruto

sorry for bad english
over a year ago SasuSaku_4ever said…
Bcoz they are my favorite couple...
for SasuSaku it's bcoz sakura's totally in love w/ sasuke-kun and i hope the other way around haha,i totally hope so.And my most fav. is SasuSaku so i will support them no matter what,they have many hints and they make my heart melt...i swear i totally cry if sasuke dies like other said or if they end up on nothing :)
and for NaruHina it is bcoz Hinata was in love w/ Naruto-kun and he even risk her life for him they're like a silent princess and a hyperactive fool...but one of a kind fool a special one it's naruto-the orange hokage as he said :)