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In case y'all haven't noticed I've kind of had some serious wanderlust lately. Like at this point there are so many beautiful places I'd be down to go anywhere that isn't where I've been living my whole life lol. At any rate here are 5 more breathtaking places.

1. Maldives

Honestly this one is actually probably in my top 5, I actually didn't discover it until after typing my first article. The Maldives are tied for first on my 'to visit list'.

For one thing the Maldives is home to a bioluminescent beach (a beach that has glowing water) and I have always wanted to visit one of those. They are so otherworldly and surreal. Beaches like Reethi seem like they don't even belong on Earth.

For seconds, I'm not much for romance. But when I see images like the one below, I'm ready to plan a freaking honeymoon. Honestly I'd take a friend and have a romantic candlelit dinner here. And, Christ, there are so many lovely pictures when you search up 'Maldives candle lit dinner.' Like everyone pause and do it.

On top of the awe-striking tropical views, the Maldives offers neat things like movies...in a jungle??? Like sign me up, I want to see a movie in a jungle. Y'all think I'm kidding;

The Maldives has some of the best beaches in my opinion, from Gili Lankanfushi and Reethi to Halaveli and Kuramathi each one it unique in its own way and has absolutely stunning scenery.

Scenery aside I am also hugely intrigued by the traditions. Things such as Bodu Beru (directly translating to 'big drum') music. According to the research I've done on it; Bodu Beru is huge about 7 men will set up drums and begin playing. This is accompanied by male and female dancers. The lyrical themes include tales from fishermen, love life, and moments in life. Often the music will start slow and pick up pace. Dancing from visitors is encouraged. The Maldives is a Muslim country so naturally they celebrate Muslim traditions like the End of Ramadan (in essence a time of fasting). I don't know all too much about Ramadan--but I'm definitely going to look into it. From the research I did do, the Maldives will celebrate the end of Ramadan with a dance called Bandiyaa--a dance executed by young women only--and feasts. I've looked up a few of these dances and I must say they a very beautiful. The Maldives also has a festival called the Hay Festival where there are concerts and music, literature, and art is celebrated.

A lot of the food their apparently has to do with fish, I'm not big on sea food. But honestly, I'm down for trying new things.

2. Iceland

Before I did my top 10 beaches article, I actually never really thought about going to Iceland. It was only after that, that I realized just how striking the country is. Typically I'm more partial to warm tropical climates, but every time I see the northern lights I just get captured by wanderlust.

Blue Lagoon was the first thing to capture my attention. Just something about that steamy hot pool of water surrounded by such frigid snow. And naturally the general view it offers.

Vatnajökull is another place I'd love to visit within Iceland. It is the largest glacier in Iceland, with caves to explore. Seljalandsfoss is another place to visit if you're planning on gong to Iceland. It's a huge waterfall that you can walk behind. Even more stunning in my opinion is, Jökulsárlón--also called glacial lagoon, where sand and ice meet. And if you want frong row seats to the northern lights, try Kirkjufell. Overall Iceland just has such gorgeous scenery and I'd love to see it in person one day.

Among other places I'd love to visit are the cities like Reykjavík (this is where the Blue Lagoon is located) and the small fishing town of Siglufjörður. Siglufjörður is home to the Skaftafell ice caves.

There's also the scenic Hveragerði with its hot springs, the pretty Sauðárkrókur, another fishing town called Grindavík, and the amazing Olafsfjordur.

Iceland is also home to a variety of fascinating traditions. Ever hear of Jónsmessa? It's a midsummer holiday. Basically there's lore that on midsummer's night, cows get human speech, seals become human, and night elves will try to seduce you with food. And if you roll around naked in the dew, you will be healed of ailments. This is a tradition I can get behind. If you'd like something less whimsical perhaps Sjómannadagur, the sea festival will do. This is a festival where they pay homage to seafarers with games and the like. Öskudagur is a holiday like Halloween where kids will dress up and sing for candy. I think that's freakin' precious. Frankly I'd love to spend New Years in Iceland, apparently they have bonfires there, the U.S doesn't have that! Of all of the places I've researched thus far, Iceland has got to have my favorite holidays.

They also have some interesting foods. Lamb is very common with meals. I myself am intrigued by ein með öllu, an Icelandic hot dog. Much cooler than regular hot dogs. And since you cheese lovin' heathens need ur gosh damn cheese so much here on fanpop dot com, they have this thing called skyr, which is like yougart, except cheese.

And also Bjork. Bjork is from Iceland.

3. Norway

Norway is probably one of the most alluring places on this list. Nighttime there looks like something out of a dream. Lofoten for one is absolutely mesmerizing. It's a mural of mountains and trees and a crystalline body of water. Just in case y'all haven't noticed the theme this article, I have a thing for the Northern lights--like pretty much all of the places on here have them. And the view of them that Lofoten offers is simply captivating.

Though Lofoten isn't the only glamorous place that Norway has to offer. Geirangerfjord is startlingly beautiful with its waterfalls and mountains. It's just so green and the water looks so pure. Flam also seems super lovely. It has this really neat railway so if you like trains go to Flam. One of my dream houses is a home nestled near mountains covered in greenery. The image below is exactly what I have in mind.

As much as I love talking about the country there are also some great cities in Norway. The city I'd really love to visit in Norway is Bryggen. It's this quaint harbor town with a bunch of heritage sites. And the nighttime view of the city is amazing; it's like a cluster of houses all light up and scattered on a mini-mountain. The city of Tromso is said to be optimal if you want to view the northern lights as well. On its own, it's a beautiful city. Alta is another neat place with prehistoric rock carvings.

Another thing that has me wanting to go to Norway is that I"m super keen on the mythology. I've always loved reading about Odin and Loki and especially, Ragnarök.

One Norse celebration I'd like to attend is a retaliatively modern one called Bergenfest, it's basically a big concert. I'm always down for music. The Frozen Waterfall is another great one. You have people playing instruments made of ice. Shit, if you love music, Norway is for you. And if you're a metalhead like myself Hole In The Sky is the way to go. And naturally Tomso has a northern lights festival that's to die for.

4. Finland

I've mentioned my love of the Netherlands' windmills, but you know who else has windmills? Finland.

Jokes aside Finland is another charming place. It's brimming with enchanting scenery. Pyha Luosto is sparklingly stunning in the winter. And if you're looking for an icy lake Uto Island is the place for you.

Oulanka National Park is known for its racing waterfalls and rapids. While Riisitunturi National Park is known for the amazingly odd way that the snow blankets the trees.

Some other noteworthy cities and places are Hotel Kakslauttanen a resort with a building dubbed as Santa's home.

In general Finland has a fondness for Santa lol. The city of Rovaniemi boasts itself as the hometown of Santa Clause which I think is actually pretty cute. Basically Rovaniemi would be my dream Christmas destination. The view of the northern lights certainly adds to the spectacle. Turku is another pretty place; it has cobblestone streets and an esteemed castle. Ivalo is also really fascinating with it's glass igloo hotels. That's just one more thing I'd like to do one day; stay in an igloo hotel. Ivalo is another great place to view the northern lights. And of course there's the snowy Saariselka.

As of traditions and festivals; Juhannus is something I'd like to part take in. It is another midsummer holiday. This one includes a trip to a sauna and bonfires by the lake. And when I say bonfires, I mean bonfires, like in the pictures I saw, they were huge. Vappu is another one, a springtime celebration this one is more about drink and food and crowds of people.

Speaking of food, Vispipuuro looks rather appetizing, I'd like to try it one day. It's made with lingonberries, which I have also never tried before but would like to. Mustikkapiirakka also seems tasty, it's a Finnish style blueberry pie. I also can't talk about wanting to be there for Christmas without bringing Piparkakku into this. Piparkakku is basically gingerbread. I love me some gingerbread.

5. Romania

And finally, we have Romania.I must say I got into the idea of visiting Romania because I love singers like Inna and Alexandra Stan and stories like Dracula lol.

One thing that really appeals to me about Romania is the abundance of pretty castles and castle-like structures. Biertan Fortified Church is a great example. There's also this 14th century clock tower. Rasnov Fortress is a pretty sight. And of course Bran (Dracula's) Castle is a famous Romanian place.

Castles aside there are lovely sights to be seen in the Scarisorara Ice Cave.

Mountains are another thing that Romania has pleanty of. Peronally, I'd love to see The Piatra Craiului Mountains and the Bucegi Mountains in person. If those ranges don't strike your fancy you could always try the Făgăraș Mountains. But of all of the fantastic geographic structures Romania has to offer, the one that impresses me the most is the Bigar Waterfalls.

They remind me of watery willow trees or that spiritual tree from Avatar The Last Airbender. Simply mystical. Even still, there's more to offer. Have you heard of a mud volcano? The Berca Mud Volcano isn't exactly a pretty sight, but it's an interesting one. And Vama Veche is on my top 10 beaches list.

To go with Romanian nature and wildlife you get bustling cities like Craiova, with its medieval feeling architecture. And Alba Iulia, with its gothic appeal. But Maramures has to be my favorite, if you could even call it a city.

Those piles of hay and the green hills are like something out of a children's folk-tale. I adore it.
Sighișoara is a close second though, with it's clusters of colorful houses.

And naturally you gotta go to Bran if you go to Romania. A trip to the country isn't complete without stopping by Vlad's place. Hunedoara is lesser known bu also worth checking out; I would give it a visit anyways.

Romania also sports some cool tradions like Festivalul Datinilor de Larn that features caroling and folk dancing and sometimes men on horseback. Hora la Prislop is another cool one that involves traditional clothing as well as folk music and dance. Personally, I'm always down for folk music and I have always longed to get a taste of Romanian traditional wear. The Romanian people also have these colorfully painted eggs, if you get a chance you should search them up, they are really quite beautiful and intricate.

As of Romanian foods, the Sarmale (cabbage rolls) look pretty appetizing and I'd enjoy a taste of them. Pomana Porcului (a pork dish) also looks pretty tasty. The Clătitele Cu Gem also look very appetizing.

Of course I couldn't just limit myself to just a few countries so I gotta give honorable mentions to; Switzerland, Poland, and Russia. All and all I'd love to just travel the world and see everything it has to offer.
posted by sakurahanazono
1.)When your teacher asks any questions say "Why does my cats breath smell like cat food?"

2.) When the teacher is reading out facts say "Lies! Lies!" or "Fibs brake baby Jesus' ribs!"

3.) Pretend to cough every time your teacher starts to talk.

4.) Throw your pencil case at the teacher and shout "Go pikachu!"

5.) When your teacher asks why you didn't do your homework say " You can't tell me off for something I didn't do!"

6.) Jump on top of the table and shout "Spidey powers activate" while imitating spiderman.

7.) When the teacher asks you to answer a question say "The brain you are trying to reach...
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They ran to the tree house.Maybelle was confused,this place was so much bigger.Did it ever end?What?Her land was small."Here!Go in here!I'll go get food!"Sarah said,and ran."Maybelle.How old are you?"Alicia asked."16"She said."DANG IT!GOTTA WAIT 6 YEARS."Henry yelled."Now I ask you a question.Does your land...end?"Maybelle asked."Course it does!Yours doesn't?"Alicia asked."Nope!We live forever!Along as Ariana doesn't kill us."Maybelle said."Here!"Sarah said.Running with a bag of Chips,three cans of pop,And a cereal box."This should last you the night."Sarah said."You got the Stone?"Sarah asked....
continue reading...
Sarah couldn't sleep,when she did,she had nightmares!.In her nightmare she was with Maybelle.Running.Thinking that lady would catch us.Then,She popped out of the ground."HA!"She yelled.Sarah ran to the door."MAYBELLE!"Sarah screeched.The lady grew taller,Larger.She soon became a giant.She had Maybelle in her hand."What do you want from me,Ariana?"Maybelle asked."What is wrong with you!"I grabbed two sticks and stabbed Ariana."OW!STOP!"Ariana picked me up in her other hand."Ah!"Sarah woke up.She brushed her bangs back.
The three friends came...
continue reading...
"Do you hear that?"Alicia asked."What?"Henry and Sarah asked."That,that,that sound.It's like."Alicia banged the floor."No.I don't hear anything."Said Sarah."Come here."Alicia said.
They got out.
Alicia beckoned them.
"There!It's getting louder!"
The banging continued.
Alicia found herself in the woods.
She stopped.
Henry and Sarah caught up to her.
Alicia covered her mouth.
"What.Is.I-i-it?"Alicia asked.
Down the steep hill.Was a door the door was buried in the ground.under leaves.
The three friends stepped down.The noise grew louder.Henry and Sarah could hear it now.
Alicia was down first.She saw a keyhole.Alicia looked for the key.
"ALICIA!"Sarah said.
Alicia looked down,stopped her foot from going down,And backed up.A blood puddle.
"Oh my go-"
"The key!It's in the blood!"Henry said.
"Ew!I'm not picking it up!"Alicia said.
Sarah looked around and pushed Henry forward.
Henry picked up the key,And put it in the keyhole...
It was Friday,exactly when Molly got home she went to bed."UGH!So tired!Stupid school."She said laying down."Molly!I need you to fill up the fridge with water bottles!"Mom yelled."MOM!I JUST LAID DOWN!"She shouted."I don't care!Now come on!"Mom demanded,even louder."FINE!!!"Molly's voice cut through the air.Molly stomped in there."Here!Get to work!"Mom said,handing Molly a bottle of water."Fine!"Molly said watching her mom walk off."Make your bed...Fill up the fridge...Clean the walls."Molly mumbled.Then."Man.Now I want water."Molly picked a bottle and opened the top.But a little spilled,Molly...
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1. Ask people to be your fan. Seriously, if you're gonna do that, you might as well tell everybody you're a whore.

2. Troll. If you troll, you will be banned in 10 seconds flat and nobody will feel sorry for you when you whine about your old account being banned.

3. Speak 1337. if u t4lk li3k d3s, nobody will take you seriously.

4. Talk trash about Hetalia. I don't like Hetalia, but I don't talk trash about it. The fangirls will rape you with hate if you say rude things.

5. Be anything like dudelol17.
Taylor:*Wakes up*LIZZIE!*panting*
Lizzie:Taylor!Taylor,Calm down.
Taylor's P.O.V:
I looked around and saw Charm,Amber,Amy,and Lizzie.
Taylor:What?Wait what happened??
Amy:You were outside,Had scratches on your arm,so we drove you to the hospital.
I looked at my arm,A scratch ran down my arm,My eyes got huge.
Lizzie:It's okay!You're okay!
Then Amber turned on the TV.
Lady on news:Today Johnathan Jonesmen was arrested for murdering his wife.And today,his 3 daughters are in a orphanage.And his oldest daughter,Taylor is in the hospital.
I started to get dizzy.I almost dozed off when.
Lizzie:Taylor,Here *hand a bracelet*
The Bracelet had five rhinestones, and 5 charms.One had a little girl dancing,The second one was a key,The third one had a heart lock,The fourth one had a lock,The fifth one had Locket,I opened it up.I saw a photo of Me and Lizzie.
posted by TwilightGirl312
I have seen a lot of cyberbullying before, but it seems to be getting much worse and needs to end. The other day I was on Youtube when I saw an arguement where one person was clearly bullying the other. I had watched a video that had all these clips from different movies put together while "Fireflies" by Owl City played in the background. After it was over, I looked at the comments and I was very upset by this arguement. I'm not going to give the actual usernames or real names of the people involved, but let's just call them "Annie" and "Jessica". I apologize in advance if you're reading this...
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There once lived a 10 year old girl named,Scarlett.
Her family lived in a Big,HUGE,Mansion.
M:If I say Fine,will you stop?
S:(Hugs mom)THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!WOO HO!!
Scarlett ran up to call her 3 friends,Nancy,Penny,and Chloe.
S:(Calls)SHE SAID YES!!!
Then her brother,Ethan,Came in,holding a bag of chips.
E:SHUT UP,SCARLETT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then he stomped out.
M:Scarlett!I just remembered!I have to work tomorrow!
S:So?We're responsible,Mom!Besides,(mumbles)Ethan...is....(gulp,pretends to barf)Responsible.
M:Um...I don't know
S:Don't make me say it...AGAIN!
M:Fine!!But you have to help me with the groceries!
S:(Makes face)Fine!Last deal!
M:Come on!
My name is Skeeter,Skeeter Johnson.I live in Mississippi with my mother,Jenna,And my father,Chris.My dream is to be a author.Today I went to my Friend's house for her charity.Her name is,Maybelle.
Maybelle:Skeeter!!I'm so glad you made it!
Skeeter:Maybelle!I can't believe it!I haven't seen you in a month!
That moment I wondered what the maids were saying
Elie:I'm gonna have to kill that Maybelle!
Faith:I know how you feel,honey.
Elie:I never wanted this job,but I need money.
Skeeter:So girls,today I think I'm gonna try to get a job!
Joy:Oh?What kind of job do you want?
Skeeter:A author!...
continue reading...
Sam is 7 years old,has brown hair,And is a girl,This Christmas,her school is doing something where kids can buy stuff for their families,For Christmas,"So what are you gonna get?"Sam's friend,Chloe,asked."I don't know,It's a week away though."Sam said."Well,I hope there will be earrings!My mom goes crazy over those!"Chloe said.
"Well,Bye Chloe!My rides here!See you tomorrow!"Sam said as she ran to her car."Hey Mom,Guess what?" "What?"Her mom asked."In a week,All the students are gonna be able to buy stuff for their families for Christmas!!"Sam excitedly told her mom."Really?
Isn't Santa gonna...
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The next day I went shopping to get stuff for my cousins!It was a big mall!As I walked to the Clothes Aisle,a familiar figure was looking at skirts."Kyha?What are you doing here!?"Jade asked.
"Oh!I'm always with you when something bad happens!"Kyha answered."Well nothing bad is gonna happen!"Jade protested.To her surprise,There was a BOOM!"DUCK!"Kyha said.Jade slammed to the floor,
there wasn't one shot,there was four!BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!
"IS EVERYONE OKAY?"The mall manager asked."YES!"Everyone answered."So why are you still here?And why are people looking at me like a wacko?"
Jade asked."Because,No...
continue reading...
My Life:
I'm 18 years old,Blond hair,My name is Jade,my grandparents are dead(duh!!!)My dad was divorced!My mom really only cares about my baby brother,Matthew,and when I ask if she loves me...Well...This is what I get:
"Mom.Do you love me?" "That's nice dear,Hey can you bring me some Medicine??"Mom would ALWAYS answer LIKE THAT!Good thing I'm gonna celebrate Christmas With my Cousin!So what if I didn't tell her!I'm still going!Already Booked a plane!Anyways!After the aftermath of My mom and her Head ache!I always went to my friend,Charlotte's apartment.Yeah!I did tonight,not much happening there.I...
continue reading...
"Okay Josie,try Natalie Marlene's house,you said she was always saying they would kill her cause she spread s rumor,Right?"Asked Detective Joe."Yeah!Thanks again Joe!"Josie said as she grabbed her keys.--------------------------------------------
Josie Knocked on Natalie's door."Who IS IT?"Natalie asked."FBI OPEN THE DOOR!OR I'LL BUST IT OPEN!"Josie said.Natalie opened the door."Josie!!Did you hear 'bout Kate?"Natalie asked.
"That's why I'm here Natalie!I Think you killed her cause you always said you would kill her!!!"Josie Said."I DIDN'T MEAN IT LITERARY!!!I don't know where she lives!"Natalie...
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Sam:COME ON!!!
Emma:Yeah!!Come on do it!
Me:*Guilty*uh!!Oh what the jack crap FINE!!!
Both:YES!!*Hugs me*Abby!!!Really?!!?!?!
Me:What do I have to lose?
Emma:That's the spirit?
Sam:What will you sing??TELL ME!!
Sam:Really!That is the best song!
Emma:Lets go practice!
Me:I regret this already!
I of course play keyboard,Emma played Guitar,Sam played drums,
Me:And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored,Cause my heart is yours.
Emma:GREAT!Perfect!We are all ready!
Sam:NO!We keep practicing!Come on from the top!
Me:Elevator Buttons and Morning air,Strangers' silence makes...
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Taylor's POV:
Now,AFTER A WEEK,Me and Lizzy were best friends!
We did everything together!But Amber was taking it really hard.
Taylor:Hey!Lizzy wanna go eat lunch?
Lizzy:When they say we can!
Lizzy:They always call stations!We're Station 3
Taylor:Oh,Well when they call us do ya wanna?
Lizzy:Love to!
Taylor:Wow!What are the odds?
Lizzy:I Know right!
*Taylor and Lizzy got their trays fixed*
Lizzy:Come on!Tell me about your family!
Taylor:Fine!My mom is really nice!I was born in 1999
and Charm was born just a few months ago,And Amber was born 2007.
Lizzy:Man,it must be hard...
continue reading...
posted by adaug
Ashley:Okay,lets see there's,a four year old Amber,
A 12 year old Kennedy,A 5 year old Harper,And then there's 9 Year old Zack.Some job*Hears screaming*
Harper:Fine!*Takes Dolls*Hope ya don't need your Dollies!*Runs*
Ashley:STOP IT!!*Stops Harper*Harper!Give Amber her dolls back.
Harper:FINE!!*Throws Dolls*I HATE EVERYTHING!!!
Ashley:Okay.Amber,Do you want something to eat?
Amber:Yes!Can I have a waffle?
Ashley:Sure!*Goes In kitchen*Waffles...waffles,Oh!
here we go,Okay Egos!Put in toaster for half a minute.
*Ten minutes later*
Kennedy:Hey Ashley!Do you know who you're working for?
Ashley:Uh Darrel And Amy?
Kennedy:Well yes but,They're also BILLIONAIRES!They picked you as the Babysitter cause you have 7 siblings and you all ways babysat them.
Ashley:So your telling me that...I'M WORKING FOR BILLIONAIRES!!??
Kennedy:*Rolls eyes*Yes...Yes that is what I meant!
posted by Aquarius18
1. Random ninjas will NOT jmup down from the sky and pull the fir alarm during math class. we aplogozie for this inconvenience.
2. ^Scratch that, not many epic things fall from the sky, except dead hawks.
3. Just reading about Hetalia: Axiz Powers on Wikipedia and you've seen the iParty with Victorious Episode, and as soon as you read about Russia stalking China as a panda bear you recognized the reference, shoutin "All has become clear", you're insane.
4. If you see Foamy the Squirrel flying around your science class, you deserve an invisible cupcake.
5. If you've ever been at SCHOOL and locked...
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1.When i want something now and they said they said not now i yell like a 5 year old sometime and they will do it

2.If i want to go somewhere and they said no i will ingore them by saying pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee pretty preetty please and they said FINE

3.if i want to play a game or go on the computer and they said no i will be cying or just make them get scare from grabing a creppy thing =D

4.if i want to play with my sister with her friend and they said no i will said creepy thing to them like what if someone take you away they will said ok scare >:D

5.if i dont want to go to school i will said...
continue reading...
posted by TruBerries
Yes, it is I, TruBerries. The one that always keeps it real whether you want to hear it or not. The one that can be too much real for anyone to handle and therefore, if you can't handle or stand the heat, get out the kitchen!

Now, it seems to me, that there's repeated questions that are getting a lot of people irritated, but you know, I've came to terms to decide NOT to answer the question(s) no matter how overrated they are. I must admit that I don't mind the 'What do you think of me?' questions( well as long as you don't put a personal photo up 'cause everyone could careless on what you look...
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