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granny and sid.
granny and sid.
here's a list of ways to deal with sid's grandmother a.k.a granny

1.If granny wants you to chew her fruit . simply grab the now chewed fruit with a napkin and give to granny that way you can avoid having bacteria or saliva. if you don't chew for granny then get ready to write your will , cause granny's cane is gonna whack you for the rest of your life

2. Granny mistakens your gender , just go with it cause she's delusional.

3.When your feeding her food watch out for those teeth of hers , there sharper than a pocket knife!

4.Keep an eye on her and don't turn around unless someone's calling for you if you do then granny will be gone by a second trust me she disappears like batman! or just tie a rope around her waist and around your hand that way you'll know where she goes.

5.Granny wants you to meet precious simple, reply with a yes or no respond. that is , if you wanna speak to a giant whale. first be polite and say hi don't be afraid cause precious is friendly she wouldn't dare hurt any of granny's friends.

6.This continues on from 5 if your afraid of precious and granny really wants you to meet her pet , i suggest you come up with a quick excuse to get out , just don't act rude about it.

7.Whenever you get a bonk on the head with her cane , you'll know you have woken up granny from her beauty sleep , so i suggest you buy a helmet.

8.Don't take granny's threats seriously , sometimes she says things she doesn't mean , what she says is often sarcastic.

9.Don't ever question granny's disappearence she can easily pop out of nowhere where you are or right in front of you.

10.Remember to correct granny's grammer even if she doesn't understand go ahead and teach her. , unless you want your family to be called ham and cheese
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added by azkaban
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Source: hmm I forgot where!
added by Snugglebum
posted by BellaCullen96
"Hi-lite" your shoes. Tell people that you haven’t lost your shoes since you did this.
Agree to organize the company Christmas party. Hold it at McDonald’s Playland. Charge everyone $15 each.
Arrive at a meeting late, say you’re sorry, but you didn’t have time for lunch, and you’re going to be nibbling during the meeting. During the meeting eat entire raw potatoes.
Attach a sign that says "FAX" to the paper shredder. Sit and watch to see how many people fall for it.
Bring in dishes that you tried to cook but didn’t turn out quite right as special treats for your co-workers.
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posted by misscrazel
Why are so many people so mean? Why is there child abuse?
I noticed something strange at school. When someone cries no one asks them what's wrong. They'll point it out to others, but no one does anything. It's almost like they're afraid. I wondered why they didn't say anything later, but I didn't either. I think sometimes people don't want to interfere or maybe it's because no one else does something. Then again humans could just be cold hearted and ignorant.
People shouldn't feel so sad that they harm themselves or others. People shouldn't be so cruel as to let others feel that way.
Almost everyone experiences depression in their life.
added by Sammisaurus
This video is totally sarcastic, so don't yell at me until you watch it.
added by rockzsanders
I OWN NOTHING!! This is by FilmCow.com!! again...I OWN NOTHING!
added by ShadowFlame
Even had I thought of trying to get my boys to do this I probably couldn't have, neither were coerced into any of this and neither were hurt (for very long anyway). - HDCYT (creator).