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posted by TheRealSexyKate
Almost all heavy ele­ments (every­thing but Hydro­gen, Helium, and a bit of Lithium) comes from stars that have gone super­nova. You are made of stars.

The solar sys­tem is in orbit around the cen­ter of the Milky Way.  We’re mov­ing at about 483,000 miles an hour.

There are more mol­e­cules in a cup of water than there are cups of water in the ocean.

There are almost more atoms in a grain of sand, than there are grains of sand on Earth.

The word “bed” looks like a bed. Also… shark

The mir­ror image of ’3.14′ looks like the word ‘PIE‘.

Pepsi Cola was orig­i­nally known as “Brad’s Drink”

Cal­lipy­gous is a word ded­i­cated to describ­ing a per­fectly shaped beau­ti­ful butt.

The word “trivia” comes from the latin tri-vium, mean­ing the inter­sec­tion of three roads. In the Mid­dle Ages, local towns would post their news on bill­boards nearby that were at the inter­sec­tion of three or more roads, so as to max­i­mize the num­ber of trav­el­ers who would see it. Ran­dom, obscure facts that were picked up while trav­el­ing then became known as “trivia.”

Buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo” is a gram­mat­i­cally valid sentence.

So is.. James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a bet­ter effect on the teacher.

The phrase “rule of thumb” is derived from an old Eng­lish law which stated that you couldn’t beat your wife with any­thing wider than your thumb.

Pol­ish is the only word in the Eng­lish lan­guage that changes mean­ing and pro­nun­ci­a­tion with capitalization.

The sen­tence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” uses every let­ter in the alphabet.

A group of goril­las is called a shrewdness.
A group of flamin­gos is called a stand.
A group of giraffes is called a tower.
A group of uni­corns is called a blessing.
A group of crows is called a murder.
A group of larks is called an exaltation.
A group of ravens is called an unkindness.
A group of fer­rets is called a business.
The name of Lake Char­gog­g­a­gog­gman­chaug­g­a­gog­gchaubuna­gunga­maugg is Algo­nquin for “I fish on my side, you fish on your side, and nobody fishes in the middle.”

A com­puter used to be a per­son.

Inflam­ma­ble = flammable.

Non-dairy creamer is extremely flam­ma­ble.

The guy that voices Sponge­Bob SquarePants is the nar­ra­tor in Power-puff Girls.

The sound you hear before water starts to boil is actu­ally the first water vapor bub­bles form­ing at the bot­tom and implod­ing as they reach colder water just above.  The sound you hear is the shock wave that is cre­ated from the cav­i­ta­tion that occurs.

A sun­set is usu­ally more bril­liant than a sun­rise because of the dust and par­ti­cles that are kicked up by the sun heat­ing the ground cre­at­ing ther­mals.  The dust then refracts the light and cre­ates col­ors in the sky.

Worker ants take 250 naps a day that last a lit­tle over a minute long on aver­age and total to around 4 and a half hours of sleep.  This allows 80% of the work­force to be active at any one time.  Queen ants on the other hand, take 90 naps a day which aver­age about 6 min­utes each, get­ting about 9 hours of sleep a day.  Sci­en­tists think this may be why worker ants live only for months while the queens live for years.

Ants don’t have enough mass to die on impact, no mat­ter the height.

Cats are made entirely out of cat-food and water.

There’s only 69 years between the Bat­tle of the Lit­tle Big Horn and the drop­ping of the first atomic bomb.

Per­sonal odor is either entirely unique to you, or shared with an iden­ti­cal twin.

“Dis­cov­ered by the Ger­mans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in Ger­man means a whale’s vagina.”

Heli­copters do not take off or land by chang­ing the speed of the rotor blades. The rotor blades are mov­ing at the exact same speed at all times even when the heli­copter is hov­er­ing, accel­er­at­ing, slow­ing down or on the ground. It’s just the angle of the blades being changed.

Look­ing up to the left can help you access you mem­ory, to try to find that lost trivia.
If you ask some­one a ques­tion, and they look up to their left they are access­ing mem­ory, and are prob­a­bly telling the truth, if they look up to their right they are being cre­ative and poten­tially lying.

The Sony VAIO logo rep­re­sents the tran­si­tion from ana­log to digital.

Hugo Boss designed and man­u­fac­tured the uni­forms for the Nazi’s.

New York is area code 212 and LA is 213 and Chicago 312 because the largest cities got the quick­est num­bers to dial on a rotary phone.

Goats have hor­i­zon­tal slit-shaped pupils which increases their periph­eral depth per­cep­tion which is very impor­tant when climb­ing cliffs.

The length of your fore­arm from elbow to wrist is the same length of your foot from heel to toe.  Try it if you don’t believe me.

With arms spread straight out, the dis­tance from mid­dle fin­ger tip to mid­dle fin­ger tip is equal to your height.

Ulysses S. Grant (our 18th pres­i­dent) got a speed­ing ticket rid­ing a horse 20mph in Wash­ing­ton D.C.

George Wash­ing­ton (Mr. First Pres­i­dent) almost joined the British Navy, but his mother con­vinced him otherwise.

The king of hearts is the only king with­out a mus­tache and is also typ­i­cally shown with a sword behind his head, mak­ing him appear to be stab­bing himself.

Speak­ing of mus­taches, some Indian police are paid an extra 66 cents a month (30 rupees) for hav­ing a mustache.

.999… is exactly equal to 1.

With just 57 peo­ple in a room, the chance that there are two peo­ple who share a birth­day is at least 99%!  With 23 peo­ple in the room, there is a 50% chance.

On a chess­board, a knight can visit each square exactly once.

When you dream, every­thing you see in that dream, you’ve seen before in real life.

Every time you shuf­fle a deck of cards, it’s extremely likely that your spe­cific arrange­ment of cards has never existed and will never exist again.  The chance that you’ve recre­ated a shuf­fled deck from any point in human his­tory is sim­i­lar to win­ning the lot­tery 100 times over.
added by PoddoChan
Source: The Internet
posted by Cantwait4book5
Hi everyone,

So i'm a regular on fanpop chat and i've noticed that alot of fanpop users claim to be depressed and suicidal...


I understand that some of these people are actually depressed but all of them? Really? I highly doubt it.

If I was depressed I wouldn't be telling everyone on chat how upset I am or how many times a week I cut my arms, I would be pretending to be happy and create a person who is happy and content with their lives!

Does that make sense?

And if I was depressed and I cut myself, on chat when people are claiming to have suicidal thoughts I would use my experience to help...
continue reading...
added by shiriny
added by distortixn
added by DeiJambastion
Source: Dei
added by ShadowFan100
added by tanyya
added by ace2000
added by shaneoohmac13
added by ace2000
1. we dont just like bad boys! i dont know who thought that girls only like bad guys we just dont like goody to shoes!
2. we like it if you make the first move.
3. we dont admit to liking you because we dont want to be rejected.
4. we dont mind if your not fit (buut we love it if you are.)
5. we melt over funny guys.
6. we love it if you approach not the oter way around.
7. we find small guys cute (well i do anyways!)
8. we dont like it when guys are full of them selves.
9. we hate it when you say "i think you'll find lots of girls like me!" (ANNOYING!)
10. we dont like cheaters, after cheating on...
continue reading...
added by australia-101
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
added by MikufanMike
added by Haonako
Source: http://thorsodinson.tumblr.com/post/99519916136/come-with-me-now-to-see-my-world-where-theres
added by tanyya