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As many of you know I made a list of 20 favorite animated heroes, which fanpop actually advertised on the fanpop page in the pop culture section. I'm so happy about it and feel as if I was famous or something. Anyway just like with my favorite animated heroines list I'm going to be making a list of the worst animated heroes. I just love to do these hate articles just as much as my favorite ones, sometimes a little bit more. Doing hates are just more fun because you get to make more jokes and make fun of that character. Please leave a comment and keep in mind this is just my personal opinion, enjoy.

10.Charlie Barkin(All Dogs Go To Heaven)

I love the movie but I really have always hated him! He's such a jerk! I mean he's basically someone who cares for no one but himself, treats his best friend who does nothing but try to help him like garbage, arrogant, egotistacal, lies his butt off, doesn't care about the feelings of others, can't take a hint, and thinks the entire world revolves around him. He manipulates a poor little orphan girl who just wants a home, a family, and a friend. He just tells her he'll get her everything she's always wanted just to get her to do whatever he wants. Because of him she was almost shot but Carface(accidently that is), eaten by a giant alligator, and died from an amonia. He's almost gotten her killed three times in one day just to make money. He also almost got his best friend killed just so he could have his way. He cares for no one but himself. In the sequel he doesn't change. He just ignores that heaven is in jeperty just so he can gamble, drink, and flirt with a girl he can't be with because of two little details HE'S DEAD and SHE'S ALIVE! Heaven almost got destroyed because of him. In the series a whole mess of problems happens because of him and he keeps trying to cover things up by lying. Also I've gotta say he's one of the ugliest dogs I've ever seen, he looks more like some overgrown rodent! He's not higher because I do have some nostalgia feelings from watching the movie and the sequel.

9.Otto Rocket(Rocket Power)

I love the show to pieces but I can't stand Otto! For one he's incredibly stupid. Does that boy have a brain? Did his parents drop him on his head when he was a baby? Did all those accident he got into kill his brain cells? I hate how arrogant he is! I can't stand arrogant people! He thinks he's the hottest and most amazing thing that ever existed. The way he goes on about himself you'd think he was God! He will never admit that he's wrong when he always is. He just thinks he's so amazing that he has no flaws when he's REALLY flawed. He always blames everyone else for all the trouble he causes. He also treats his friends like garbage; he insults them, talks about how they're not as good as he is, and even sometimes talks about how they stink at things even when they're awesome at it. He just won't follow the rules and just has to break them because he's a spoiled brat who just wants to do whatever he wants. He even blames his parents and everyone when something bad happens and he thinks they did it just to torment him. I HATE HIM! He's not higher because for one nostalgia feeling from watching the show and because I admire his determination.

8.Phineas(Phineas and Ferb)

First of all I wanna say that I despise this show and think it never should've existed. This kid is so annoying! I mean I know he makes cool inventions but he's actually really stupid. I mean, doesn't he know he's not suppose to be doing this? I know it's suppose to prove kids can do anything but it's actually bad influencing. Where does the kid get the money to get all this stuff he needs to make this stuff? my guess is his parents, it's a wonder they haven't gone flat broke because of him. He's old enough to know he can't take his parents money and make this stuff. I mean he's even messed with a historical landmark, Mount Rushmore. He ignores Isabella and is so clueless and stupid to the obvious fact that she loves him. Why can't they just let Candace bust them just so that this horrible show will stop and so that I won't have to see this kids ugly face. One of the ugliest kids I've ever seen! I just wanna go into the show stab him in the eyes, choke him, punch him in the face several times, and cut his head off! Sometimes I even imagine that huge gray kid, what's his face, eating him, he looks big enough that he can eat him. He's not higher because I like his imagination and determination, if only he wasn't so annoying and stupid.

7.Tramp(Lady and The Tramp)

As many of you know I absolutely can't stand Tramp but I love his son, Scamp. I honestly can't understand why people love Tramp so much, he's a terrible character. He treats women's hearts like dirt and just breaks up with them whenever he's bored with them without even caring. He's a player, I hate players! He's a liar and never tells the truth, both in the original and the sequel. I hate how he hates families for no good reason. He just hates them just because. I mean he doesn't tell why, people say it's hinted but there's not enough evidence to prove that. He has no reason, for example; family dying, abandonment, abuse, or something! No NOTHING! His son hated families but he has reasons because they ignored him, treated him like garbage, and didn't understand him. However Tramp just hates them because he can. I also hated how even when he's suppose to be changed he still lies to his own son, he has no reason too and it's his fault mostly that he ran away. I also blame him for Buster turning evil. I hate how he's a terrible character but everyone just loves him. What the heck? I mean you're allowed to have your own opinion but explain it to me. He doesn't change until like the ending of the most, when there's like three minutes of the movie left. He's not higher because without him Scamp wouldn't exist.

6.Sinbad(Sinbad: Legend of The Seven Seas)

Unlike a lot of people I really hate him! He's one of the most arrogant animated characters in existance. His friendship with that prince guy doesn't mean a thing to him and he was going to steal from him anyway. I mean even if I was a thief I wouldn't steal from an old friend who's always had my back. I hated how even after his friend was willing to give up his own life just to prove Sinabd wasn't lying he decides to run instead. Doesn't that bastard care that his friend is going to die because of him? I don't care if he changed his mind, he never would've if it wasn't for Marina bribing him with riches. He's a sexist jerk who treats Marina like some weak little princess when she's capable of taking care of herself. Even when she save his life he just blames her for the ship being destroyed and acts sexist. He also goes on about how amazing and handsome he is when he's the exact opposite, he's lame and ugly. That's right I think he's ugly and he doesn't do justice to someone so beautiful like Marina. He's not in the top five because I just can't stand the others more.

5.Buck(Home On The Range)

Usually I'm against animal cruelty and of using horses to make glue but in this case I'll make an exception. I love horses but I can't stand this guy! He acts as if he's the hottest thing on planet earth. He acts like everyone knows it with his stupid line "No autographs please". He's really stupid and annoying. I hate all those special effect noises of him fighting he makes. He's even worse than Mrs. Calloway. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He wants to be a hero but he lacks all the things that a hero is suppose to have; bravery, kindness, loyalty, brains, being polite, and of course always caring about others over himself. He doesn't care that the cows are going to lose their home unless they get Slim. I also just can't stand how he gets all crazy fan girl over Rico and whenever he's wearing Rico's sattle. Sure he changes in the end but for about 95% of the movie he's just an annoying jackass, and he looks like one too. He's not higher because the others just get under my skin more.

4.The Prince(The Little Mermaid, Anime Version)

As many of you know I hate the movie and the original fairy-tale, he's one of the main reasons I hate it. First of all I hate how he makes it clear to Marina that she's his second choice to marry, after the girl with the black hair that he thinks saved his life. He actually said that to her face. Does he really think she wants to know that there's a girl out there he loves more than her? I mean he's known Marina much longer and has gotten to know her but apperently that's not enough for him. When he finds this girl with the black hair he goes to Marina all happy and says he gonna marry that girl instead of her like it was no big deal. Doesn't he think that breaks her heart? He's just marrying her because she saved his life. SO WHAT? That doesn't mean you have to marry you, just give her a thank you and marry Marina the girl you actually love! WHAT AN IDIOT! I kept wishing for Marina to kill him just because I hate him that much and he deserves it! When he sees Marina fall into the water he doesn't even try to jump in and save her. DOESN'T HE THINK THERE'S A CHANCE OF SAVING HER? BASTARD! I didn't feel bad for him when he finds out Marina's the one who really saved his life. He knew Marina was the one he loved but chose the other girl over her and now he can suffer in a loveless marriage for the rest of his life knowing the girl he really love is dead because of him. He's not higher because the others are stupider and more annoying!

3.Po(Kung Fu Panda)

I actually would like the movie SO MUCH more if he wasn't in it! I think the movie should've been about Tigress instead of this big, fat, stupid loser. He doesn't deserve to even exist and the movie has the word panda in it. What does that tell you? He's basically one of those annoying fans who always talks about the Furious Five that you wanna just punch in the face. He's actually more freaky and annoying than those Startrack and Star Wars fans. He ruined the movie! Because of him I only find it okay, if he didn't exist than I would actually like it. Plus all he wants to do is eat and pretend that he's cooler than he actually is, because he's not cool AT ALL! I hate characters who only wanna eat and have nothing else to bring to the table. I mean there are characters that I LOVE who obsess over food but they actually bring more to the table. Like Lisa from Sister Sister, she absolutely has food on her mind all the time but she has so much more than just that; she's fun, she has wisedom that's different from most parents, she's hilarious, she's sassy, not afraid to speak her mind, and brutely honest. But him, it's just food. I wanna go in the movie and put him on a diet just to see him suffer! I hate him even more in the series because he's even more annoying and irritating! Why can't they just kill him and get it over with? Tigress should've been the Dragon Warrior, she can kick his butt in seconds. She's been training since she was a little girl, harder than any of the Furious Five, while Po just got lucky and has no training. He makes stupid mistakes just because he thinks it would be cool, in fact he even thinks just because someone says he can't that he has to. He almost gets everyone killed because of his stupidity! He's not higher because the others are actually in my list of the ten animated characters I hate the most.

2.Peter Pan(Peter Pan)

As many of you know I absolutely hate this annoying little brat with a death passhion! I hate how rude he is, he can't let someone finish a sentence before he starts talking. He doesn't care for any life other than his own, he actually takes joy in someone about to die. He's the hero, he's not suppose to enjoy death or try to kill someone. The reason Hook is trying to killed him was because he cut off his hand for no reason. Wouldn't you wanna kill the kid who cut your hand off for no good reason other than just a laugh? He actually forgets that Tiger Lily is about to die and she would've if Wendy didn't remind him; he was all like "Oh yeah, here... yeah I guess I better go save her if I gotta". I hate Tiger Lily but GEEZ you jerk you could've tried to remember her. Plus he was horrible to Wendy. When she's getting attacked by the mermaids he just laughs like an idiotic jerk. When she tries to fight back he stops her and defends the mermaids like Wendy was the bad guy. SERIOUSLY? THEY JUST TRIED TO KILL HER! They even clearly said "We were only trying to drowned her". Isn't that enough proof that Wendy is the victim there? I hate Wendy but this is a scene where I will defend her. He's a spoiled brat who throws a big fit when he can't get his way, worse than a normal twelve year old little boy. I know a lot of you think he's just a little kid an doesn't know better. What twelve year old actually loves killing a person for real? I mean come on! Plus he's absolutely HIDEOUS! He looks like some kind of troll. He's one of the most idiotic animated heroes ever! He's a moron! He's not higher because I like him in the sequel. He actually grows as a character and shows more of his caring side. You know why? Because he found a beautiful girl he fell in love with! Bless you Jane for preforming a miracle! Also I have to say that Jane and Peter are one of the best animated couples EVER!

1.Naveen(The Princess and The Frog)

He's absolutely the WORST animated hero in the history of time! I can't stand this loser AT ALL! There's not one scene in the entire movie that I actually like him! I don't even feel sorry for him that he can't do anything! It's all his fault, a lot of royals actually had skills and tried to prove more of themselves. All he ever did was lay around, be lazy, play around, date and most likely had sex with thousands of women. Anyone else wonder if Naveen is the father of a hundred? He's a jerk to his servant who tries his hardest to look after Naveen and it's Naveen's fault he turned evil. When he's stuck in the tuba he just laughs and doesn't bother to ask if he's okay like a decent person would. He's a complete moron who actually trusted someone he just met off the street and knows nothing about. Also he's one to talk about lying, he's in no position to be calling Tiana a liar. First of all Tiana never said she was a princess and it was a costume party. Secondly he tells her if she kisses him he'd give her anything when he knows that he can't. He's as poor and dirty as mud! He's a complete moron! I love that for most of the film he's a frog, it suits him because that makes him ugly on the outside just like he is on the inside, but not ugly enough. Also I have to say that 99.9? of his fans are girls and lets face it they don't love him for his personality, they love him because of how cute they think his butt is if you know what I mean. They only fawn over him because of how handsome and sexy he is. Are you all saying you'd be happy with a playerjerk like Naveen is he was handsome and sexy? If Naveen looked like Quasimodo everyone would hate him just because he's ugly. I hate how arrogant he is and how he thinks he's a god that everyone should worship. I love when Tiana hits him several times, he deserves a big hit in the head! He deserves to die in my opinion! So many choices on how but so little time; poisen him, stab him, shoot him, drowned him, cut off his head, feed him to the crocs, throw him off a HUGE cliff above giant pointy rocks, even rip his heart out with my own bare hands and eat it raw! I REALLY DON'T CARE HOW HE DIES AS LONG AS HE DIES AND DIES NOW! I could go on forever on how much I hate him but I don't like to use that kind of language and it's not appropriate for younger viewers. Also I just wanna add that if he can't even do a simple task like mincing than he's just hopeless. One day Tiana will come to her senses and divorce this loser! The only animated character worse than this guy is Adonis from the Hercules TV show, and that's saying something, but not by that much.
added by edwardcarlisle
Source: artsyspot
added by Tamar20
added by fatoshleo
Source: @Cagla_x
added by Jeffersonian
added by shiriny
added by OuroborosSnyder
added by angel_cake
added by emmett
added by sonicgoth
Source: random
added by beefer
Source: beefer
posted by nmdis
"Stop The World"

I don't know why, I don't know why I'm so afraid
I don't know how, I don't know how to fix the pain
We're livin' a lie, livin' a lie; this needs to change
We're out of time, we're out of time and its still the same

We can't stop the world, but there's so much more that we could do
You can't stop this girl from falling more in love with you
You said 'nobody has to know',
Give us time to grow, and take it slow
But I'd stop the world, if it'd finally let us be alone
Let us be alone

I'm hearing the noise, hearing the noise from all around
I'm on the edge, I'm on the edge of breaking...
continue reading...
I'm bored so this article is random anyways...

1. Like- it makes you seem younger

2. Like hell- fun to say and it's useful

3. Unfuckingbelieveable- you have to have more words like: in-sonofabitch-inginsane or out-goddamn-rageous

4. Bro- No. Just don't use this one.

5. Balls- Don't use it as an exclamation and be like "balls"

6. Sweet- Only when talking about food

7. Shit- never "shoot"

8. -eroo- add this to the end of every possible word. Switcheroo, sexeroo, arresteroo

9. Buddy- buddy is what you call college students and men named Buddy. Okay, you have friends.

10. Calm Your Tits- encouraged

11. Piss-...
continue reading...
1. You can name more types of cheese than clothing brands and know where to buy Limburger (doesn't mean you would!).

2. To you, a "big town" has 10,000 people in it.

3. The smell of cow manure right outside town doesn't get a second thought.

4. Everyone you know listens to country music like a second religion, and those that don't are just wrong.

5. When people comment on your funny accent, you're like, "What fucking accent? I sound just like you!"

6. When I say "Cheese Days", you know exactly what I'm talking about and where it is.

7. When a Californian said, "There's a person with a mullet!", you'd...
continue reading...
posted by unohana
1. Ichigo and orihime
(bleach)- I love this couple!
Its like the princess and
the hero! He fights and she
heals him. Orihime loves ichigo and I
love this couple!
2. Renji and rukia(bleach)- He trained
so hard to be vice captain of her
brother. He got his bankai to save
her. They known each other and care
for each for years.
3. Ed and winry(FMA)- I love the way
ed told her " i will give you half of my
life if you give me half yours". Than
winry said "how about i give you all
of it"!
4. Roy and riza(FMA)- it was sad yet
cute moment when she cried for him.
It was very cute when roy hugged
her and how they got each...
continue reading...
posted by chattycandy
Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.

Guys hate flirts.

A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.

When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.

"Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.

Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics....
continue reading...
posted by jessicamc26
continue reading...
posted by miniabby33
1 try on all your clothes in your closet
2 sing a song like a duck
3 Watch all of your old Disney movies
4 play robin hood
5 play princess
6 lick all of the ice cubes
7 pull a prank like freeze they're undies
8 watch tv but change the channal with your toes
9 take a song but change the lyrics
10 try to do lots of accents

Comment tell your friends then I will make more spread the word boredom has a cure!!! I love making these for you so comment. All the comments I get I feel like a moviestar so tell everyone. I'm writing all this cuz I need a longer article so yea tacos are good i like taco bravos from taco johns
i love this lol
added by 050801090907
added by 050801090907