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Do you know anybody who started their period at a ridiculous age?

So normally you gets yours from 11-14, eh? But have you ever heard of people who got theirs from 9 yrs old or 16 or something? Tell us! :) I have a friend whose mum started hers at 18 and one of my friends started hers two days before her ninth b-day!! lol so its ok dont be scared to tell us, cos us girls all get them. oh and girls here who DID starts theirs on a strange age.. didnt mean to offend ya soz
its only natural anyway. i got mine at 13 lol
cleo_rox101 posted over a year ago
oe of my friends at the age of 9 years
alice0102 posted over a year ago
does it matter when ya got it? it's your body, it matures or doesn't, as fast as it does.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
 cleo_rox101 posted over a year ago
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Random Answers

OuroborosSnyder said:
I knew several gymnasts who got their periods late. Because of the training gymnast have to do, a lot of them get their periods later on (later teens usually) in life. *Shrugs* Any athlete that trains hard I've heard does. I was an athlete and was 'told' I got mine later than a lot of other school mates; I got mine about 15. Ahh, 8 wonderful years ago. As far as younger, possibly, although I can't recall. =)

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posted over a year ago 
Angel_W said:
My period started From 8.
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posted over a year ago 
I feel so bad for you DX
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
thats ok! dont feel sorry(:
Angel_W posted over a year ago
wow, that sucks, I thought I had it bad, but I guess I'm very blessed to have gotten mine at 12 :)
energizerbunny posted over a year ago
Haha!:)) see yours is better!
Angel_W posted over a year ago
ItalianAngel89 said:
My friend got hers when she was 15. I was 12 when I got mine.
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posted over a year ago 
Norrapang said:
My friend got hers when she was 8. She had to take these monthly injections to stop her period from coming. These help her keep growing. Mind you, the injections were totally expensive. She stopped when she was 11, the same time I got mine. So we're kinda the same height. Though I'm still a bit taller :P.
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posted over a year ago 
jklilly56 said:
u ya when i was 9!!!
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
Yes, I got mines on my 9th birthday.
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posted over a year ago 
When the ball dropped. DX
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Saritaswims said:
A Girl Got It At 8!!
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posted over a year ago 
energizerbunny said:
My mom got it when she was about 15 or 16, I got it when I was 12
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posted over a year ago 
Wolfdreamer9 said:
My mom got hers when she was 19 lol.
-I got mine on the 4th of July- what a celebration that day was...
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posted over a year ago 
twilight0girl said:
Mine started when i was 9.
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posted over a year ago 
princess829 said:
I was 9 when I first got mine.
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posted over a year ago 
ilovepenguins said:
i got it when i was 12 and i know someone who got it on her 10th birthday
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
I know someone who started at 9! And she kept telling it to everyone because she was proud!!! I also know someone who got it at 15... She told it to a guy she was in love with, I mean, YOU DON'T TELL THOSE THINGS TO THE GUY WHO HAVE A CRUSH ON! But whatever..
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posted over a year ago 
cassie-1-2-3 said:
I didn't start mine until I was 17..
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posted over a year ago 
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