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What is something that people say or do that really irritates you?

I irritates me when people point out the obvious, like when its raining outside, and its obviously raining, people will say 'Is it raining?' I just want to tell say 'No, but there are drops of water falling from the sky and people have their umbrellas out and hoods on' Or if someone gets a new hair cut, 'Did you get your hair cut?' What do you expect them to say 'No its extensions' lol I usually end up laughing at that kind of stuff later, I dont want to sound too mean or sarcastic towards people. I understand if its a statement but asking a question with all the evidence and proof there just makes it a little dumb
I also hate when people walk slow like theyre the only ones in the world who need to get where theyre going
Im done :D
 caligurl16 posted over a year ago
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ILovJoshRamsay said:
lol I hate when people think that twilight Vampires are real Vampires... I mean really! lol look up real vampire mythology people!
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posted over a year ago 
Haha! Me too! A bunch of Twihards were commenting on how one of the girl's white jacket was really bright in the sun and one of them said "She's sparkling! she's a vampire!" I wanted to rant on how they most definately didn't deserve to be called vampires, but instead, I said "she's a Meyer-pire." (but of course, they didn't get it)
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
lol nice!! :P:P
ILovJoshRamsay posted over a year ago
no vampires are real vampires :P
xXhottieeXx posted over a year ago
xXSweeneyXx said:
When people say "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get"

Yes you do know what you're going to get. If you reach into a box of chocolates, you will get CHOCOLATES.
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posted over a year ago 
caligurl16 posted over a year ago
laspanglish said:
i really hate what some chavs do.they r so rude,and i jst hate it when they like to swear at you,when ur trying to get on wiv ur own fortunate life,ur ignoring them,but they hav nufin betr to do but use the onli lame swearwords they know,cuz theyre so stupid and young they dont get it into their thick pathetic skulls that nobody likes them,and they cant afford proper clothes or anything,but still think theyure cool.they probly liv ina council house and evrything,dealign drugs.

this really bothers me,and if i sound horrible its bcs im being honest,and im got folowe home mi 2 of these chavs last week wen i wus cumming homw frm shopping wiv mi friend.they go 2 mi skl,and r in mi year.bludy saddos,need 2 get a life.
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posted over a year ago 
is a chav like a bev?
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
mildcat35 said:
When people like my little sister watch me when i'm using the computer. It's really annoying. :>
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posted over a year ago 
my little sister was just watchin me, and i told her this so she left :)))))
abrandicourt posted over a year ago
my sister's not that nice! lol
mildcat35 posted over a year ago
lol my small annoying sister is just now watching me! good thing she doesnt know english =D
nessienjake posted over a year ago
omfj i know exactly wat you mean i JUST got my sis to leave un
saso_dei_hi posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
When you misbihave, adults say that your behavior is 'innepropriate'. There's nothing innepropriate about it, but it is bad behavior. If you were actually doing something innepropriate, than they say that it's bad. It should be the other way around!
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posted over a year ago 
cha! i mean inappropriate is sumthin you REALLY shouldn't in public like pick ur nose or dig out a wedgie...or fart un. i remember i had one teacher...if we yelled,HOW INNAPROPRIATE,if way laughed too loudly,HOW INAPROPRIATE and over and over and over...ugh that made me sick un!
saso_dei_hi posted over a year ago
abrandicourt said:
well, i hate it when ppl copy me cuz i have 2 younger siblings and that just REALLY annoys me. also, when u say like "o, did u go see that movie this saturday," and the person ur talkin 2 goes "yeah, it was great" and u ask them there fav part and it urns out that they were lyin and didn't go see a movie, they were just sayin that. one time i ask an "acquantance" whether she had read this book (which wasn't an actually book, i jus made it up ) and shes all like yeah! it was great!!! grrrrrr. that is sooooo annoying!
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posted over a year ago 
sillyapple13 said:
It irritates that hell out of me when some1 brags about themselves..!!!!!! Talk about being conceded .. -.-
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posted over a year ago 
ILovJoshRamsay posted over a year ago
cleo_rox101 said:
I know this is totally lame but I can't s t a n d it when people use the wrong grammar. (I'm not like a nerd or anything, it just naturally annoys me) like when people say things like "brang" instead of brought or "worser" instead of worse and stuff like that. If they're doing it out of laziness it won't bother me that much but some people I suppose aren't that smart, which i'm not really against. Hope I didn't offend anybody...
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posted over a year ago 
Besides, I'm the worst at maths in my class so i'd just be a hypocrite by saying everybody around me must just be really dumb. It's weird cos im one of the best at english. lol
cleo_rox101 posted over a year ago
KatiiCullen94 said:
when tehy are younger and make so sense!!
and when talk chav!!! OMG!

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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
Whenever someone (usually a fanatic female) asks me if I like/read Twilight and I say no, they look and talk to me as if I'm crazy.

And whenever I want to audition for a role in a play, people will usually say that I'll make a good_ just based on how I look.
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posted over a year ago 
jlhfan624 said:
I hate most things people do, ngl. But I hate when people use improper grammar and type like they're an animal who doesn't know better. Get some SKILLS!
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posted over a year ago 
Borisrox4eva said:
Ok, this is probably going to sound really silly and kind of mean. But i get annoyed when people with colds and blocked noses have to breathe through their mouth.. it dosnt bother me so much if i can get away from them, but if im stuck in class, dead quiet, trying to do my work, its the only thing i can hear and it drives me insane.
Also, I get annoyed when people pick on my phobia(s) coz they find it funny how I react.. Like once someone said there was a spider on my back, and it just took me off guard, and I flipped out and fell out of my seat and had like a mini spaz attack. I honestly do have a fear of them.
Also, I hate the noise of rustling chips, cant stand it. Its like scraping nails against a blackboard for me.
One last thing I really get annoyed at is my myms breathing. She kind of sounds like she holds her breath, then exhales and its like pause breath pause breath.. And when I try to ask her why she does it, she dosnt even answer.. It would make me feel better if I jus knew why she did it.
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posted over a year ago 
try the breathing.. trust me, it will get annoying.. Breathe in, pause, hold for 3 seconds, then breathe out.. see what i mean.
Borisrox4eva posted over a year ago
suana38 said:
uhm when ppl aren't their selves or when they lie 2me
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posted over a year ago 
MrOrange16 said:
"Are you okay?"

Oh, no I'm just bleeding for fun is all....
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posted over a year ago 
ilovepercy posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Go on spots just to dis the subject

Act like they're better then everyone else
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posted over a year ago 
bakuargirl729 said:
that some one likes me because im so fucking ugly
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posted over a year ago 
ilovepercy said:
wen im listening to a song and my bros "sing" the words that they dont know

so pretty much wen people sing along to songs they dont know
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posted over a year ago 
and theyre all like daaaaaaaaadaodddoooo thn all loud they sing the words they know ugh it way botheres me
ilovepercy posted over a year ago
OMG I hate that too it's so annoying
caligurl16 posted over a year ago
LunaShay said:
Insult and just plain old annoy me.Happened Wednesday when i flicked a guy who irritated me in math class off.

Brandon(the guy i flicked off):Whyd you flick me off?

Will(his friend):Ya why'd you flick Brandon off?

Alex(another friend):Well you know what?-flicks me off with both fingers-

Me:-sighs-......Go fouk yourselves.....-walks away-
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
When they call me by my twin sister's name on purpose. Or they don't call me by my name at all.
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posted over a year ago 
taytrain97 said:
~When people don't hear you for the first twelve times you say something, and they keep saying "What?"
~When people ask you to do something for them when they already know very well that you're too busy to
~When people who make horrible grammar mistakes online claim that they "r rilly well @ grammer n skool"
~When you're singing a song to yourself, and suddenly someone else thinks they're being funny and start singing it with you, off-key or not
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 said:
My dad does this thing that is really annoying. You'll ask him something and he'll shrug and go"I don't know....I have no idea." In a hard voice, I really hate it, I wanna slap him upside the head for it.

Another girl at school is so annoying, she constantly points out the extremley obvious in situations and it's so annoying.

Another thing is people chewing with their mouths open, said girl does it above, my grandmother does and several other people, it's really annoying.

Said grandmother above does a "stupid act" and pretends to be stupid, it's infuriating.
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posted over a year ago 
caligurl16 posted over a year ago
spongebob-buddy said:
i hate when people makes fun of justin bieber
i hate it
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posted over a year ago 
maryshen said:
the nerd ones... truth is they really exist.
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posted over a year ago 
S7n said:
having sex in legal way or illegal ones,it's disgusting
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posted over a year ago 
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