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What are your views, thoughts, oppinions on the Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Community?

What are your views, thoughts, oppinions on the Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Community?
 GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
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dsgt5 said:
well Im not any of those things, but I don't judge people by that. If they want to be gay, or lez or bi, then let them. It's not like your the one who is being it, you know? If that makes them happy then let it. Theres no need to hate on them,eveyone is different.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree completely!
milorox18 posted over a year ago
We are not things... but thanks for those words :D
edwardcarlisle posted over a year ago
Ingenious! XD
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
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sapherequeen said:
To summarize my feelings....

They're free to be whoever they want to be =D
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly. :)
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
totally,great answer sapherequeen! *vote's best answer*
twilight0girl posted over a year ago
pufllys said:
I think it is fine if you are gay, Bisexual, or Lesbian. You get to choose who you are going to be and people shouldn't judge you on it.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
i agree!!!!!
TFrancis14 posted over a year ago
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
Mrs-Grint said:
Well, if you a bisexual, your just twice as likely to get a date on the weekend. Personally, I think anyone who is homophobic is a sick bastard. I'm sorry, but that's my opinion. I have an Uncle Mike (He prefers me to call him 'Aunty' Mike) Who is the most awesomest person I know, he took me out clubbing for the first time, (which was a little embarassing, but nonetheless I had a fantastic time)

I find it really pathetic if people call people 'Gay' or 'Homo' as an insult. It really grates my nerves, I mean, you can call a guy any four-lettered word and he doesn't blink, but call him gay and he'll punch your lights out. Summing up, I don't care what sexuality someone is, as long as their a good person, it's fine.
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posted over a year ago 
demon_wolf said:
They are all people, right?

Why judge them by who they like male of female?

Who cares? Not me. They are all normal regular everyday people to me.
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posted over a year ago 
so true
jedigal1990 posted over a year ago
sonicamystar said:
I have a gay best friend so what does it matter?
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posted over a year ago 
taytrain97 said:
I feel kind of awkward when they announce it, but over time I'll get used to it and it won't bother me at all. My best friend is bisexual and she still seems like the same girl I've known for four years or so.
I have no problem with lesbians, gays, or bisexuals.
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posted over a year ago 
well thats good!
TFrancis14 posted over a year ago
I feel like I'm supporting a Save-The-Animals group, though. "THEY'RE PEOPLE TOO!" ;)
taytrain97 posted over a year ago
renrae said:
I'd be pretty hypocritical if I didn't say I supported them.
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posted over a year ago 
and why would you be hypocritical if you didnt support them may i ask ?
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
Because I'm one of them.
renrae posted over a year ago
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
I love the gays and the bi's. They are so awesome. I support her completly
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posted over a year ago 
y cuz your one of them stop loving yourself!
blaise_jez posted over a year ago
Oh shut up person above me. Gays and Bi's are awesome.
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
MOFOprincess said:
i used to be straight all my life, then i was bisexual, but now im definitly sure im straight now. i would never descriminate
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posted over a year ago 
so you were a curvy road
blaise_jez posted over a year ago
ha-yeah i was so confused
MOFOprincess posted over a year ago
hotice said:
it is none of mine business to jugde what other people do

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posted over a year ago 
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
hotice posted over a year ago
great ansswer
jedigal1990 posted over a year ago
Awesome answer :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
EgoMouse said:
You treat the animal the same as you do to others (unless that person does something like kills you family). I judge the person by their personality and not their appearance, or sexual orientation. In fact, I got two gay imaginary friends and a bisexual imaginary friend (I don't know any of my real friends are gay; no one says anything about it).
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posted over a year ago 
nafela said:
im not a judgmental person but, i think its very were born to be with wemon and wemon were born to be with men. we shouldnt experiment with our bodies. i have pleny of gay lesbian and bio friends i dont think its right but i still respect it. sorry but this is my opinion
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posted over a year ago 
well your honest which is important.
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
PoddoChan said:
I think it's Crazy, Bad and Sin :)
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posted over a year ago 
Ok that's ur opinion but if I felt the same which I don't I would mind my own business cuz u can't force some1 to believe what u believe and if u did it would be a big lie
smg09 posted over a year ago
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
-Breathes VERY deeply- It's...your opinion....but, I just can't freaking stand for that. Sinful? That's just messed up. People don't choose their sexuality! I'm sorry but. GOD.
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
iluvedwardc13 said:
im not, but i have nothing against them at all. if that makes them happy, let them be happy together. i even have a friend who is bi so if i didnt like it and he found out, i would be screwed lol.
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posted over a year ago 
monLOVEbrucas said:
I dont judge them, you cant help who you love so, i dont know why peoplee judge them for loving someone, just like we do when they are exactly the same as us?

but to tell you the truth, what are bisexuals? i dont have anything aganist them but in this centuary sometimes i feel people just say they are bi to seem "cool" which annoys the fuck outta me... but other than that, idc who you love/like its what you do that that makes me judge you.
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posted over a year ago 
exactly! & i agree about the Bi thing !
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
edwardcarlisle said:
The lesbian and Bi, I don't like them at all, but Gays.... I love them!!! Yay! I love them so much that I've made a work for school that was about them... XD
Oh yeah! I do LOVE them!!! They're the best!!!
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posted over a year ago 
hahahhaha xD
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
What do you have against lesbians and bi's but not gays? A little outrageous if you ask me. Wait, no one asked me! HA!
Mephadowfangirl posted over a year ago
Lesbians are gay though!
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
robothor1111 said:
I am straight, but I'm learning to accept people for what they are. When I was younger I thought it was wrong, but I don't anymore. You are who you are, and that's wonderful!
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
I support them completely. They are people too.
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posted over a year ago 
tooch said:
They are some of the most amazing and friendliest (if that's a word) people I have ever met.
Many of my friends are apart of that community and I totally, 100%, support them.
They are humans and great people ! :D
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posted over a year ago 
i agree with you! ever bi, ect. i know are totally awsome!
TFrancis14 posted over a year ago
i think friendliest is a word.....hmmm....... well im english whado i know. xD Great Answer too!
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
Thanks :)
tooch posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said:
Im cool with them! I have 1 gay friend 2 Bisexual friends and 1 lesbian friend!

Also my fav singer EVER is Bisexual! Yes Im talking about Lady Gaga! [I think she is hott xD Im not lesbian or Bisexual, Im straight!]

sooo yeah Im cool with those people! Its their life-style choice and I respect that! :)
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posted over a year ago 
love her music thatv is but she is fucked up in my opinion
blaise_jez posted over a year ago
TokioSmosh said:
I support them 100%. :]
One of my best friends is gay, and he and his boyfriend are really happy together. I know alot of bi people, and one lesbian. They really can't help it too, so why judge them about it? ♥
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posted over a year ago 
Ishkie said:
I've got nothing against them, some of my best online friends are in that community ^^
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posted over a year ago 
Kaity15 said:
Nothing against them :)
We are all just people :)
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posted over a year ago 
rich872 said:
its ok if one of my friends is gay but when he starts touching me ( not THERE if u no wat i mean) after he does that it's like cya!
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posted over a year ago 
BaybieBetty009 said:
i gots nuthin against the gay community. Your sexual orientation aint got nuthin to do with me (unless you want summa this... then we'd have to talk). Some of my best friends are bi and I have come across some gays in my day. As long as your happy(funny how that's another meaning for gay), I'm happy 4 ya.
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posted over a year ago 
RedDice99 said:
I think that's just crap as crap can ever be.
I mean why would someone be that shit, it's just shit as shit can ever be. It's just crap!
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posted over a year ago 
That's shit!!!!!!
RedDice99 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
heheiamme posted over a year ago
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
Vitani said:
I'm a lesbian and I find it hard to believe that some people dislike me just because I exist. Do they have a few screws loose? I don't know-- sometimes I think it's a very bad world for LGBTs. Other times it seems like more and more people are becoming accepting. I guess we're moving forward slowly and steadily. We may lose battles but we have to keep on fighting the war.
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posted over a year ago 
High five? No? Okay...
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
princess829 said:
I don't think its wrong at all if you're not straight. We are all human beings and we should not be treated differently just because of a decision that we make for ourselves. You should not assume everybody is straight because not everybody is. I hate it when people put everything in different categories- straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual and I know this for a fact because I have had experience with of my best friends is gay and people treat him like he is a disease! They're like, "Oh, you're gay so no I can't hang out with you this weekend." And a bunch of other bullshit, and you can tell it really hurts his feelings.
Anyways...I wanted to say something. I was watching Ellen one day (and yes if you didn't know Ellen is a lesbian and I respect her for being honest with that!) and she was telling a story of how this kid was killed because he was gay and thats is just a bunch of shit! That kid doesn't deserve to die just because of that! So every time somebody starts to say something bad about the non-straight community, I tell them the story about the kid and make them stop and think about it. So far I have gotten 4 people to completely change their minds about it and I plan to keep going! So basically to end this.....people should do whatever makes them happy. If that means being straight, great. If that means being gay, great. If that means being lesbian, great. If that means being bisexual,great. You should just follow your heart and do whats right for you! And if it makes anyone out there feel better, I will NEVER EVER judge somebody differently just because of their orientation! Never!
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posted over a year ago 
twilight0girl said:
Acctually,i really DONT CARE if someone's gay/lesbian/bisexual.I look at them the same way i do other's.And i have 1 best friend who's gay,and he's just awesome!And to be honest,it's cool to have a guy recomend girly book's to me :D
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posted over a year ago 
mimifaith said:
i am straight,i don't know anyone who's gay, bi, or lesbian, i'm a catholic... so is it ok if i say...
One day, me and my friend are going to go to all the gay clubs searchig for a gay friend! i think that they are grate people who are brave enough to say that they're difrerent!
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posted over a year ago 
bookworm101 said:
I am not any of those things. I technically do not support gay/lesbian rights, although I do not hate those people, either. God stated in the Bible that
"And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing." -Leviticus 18:22

And, no, I did not have that memorized. I had to search to find it.

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posted over a year ago 
Being lesbian/gay/ bisexual is a choice, NOT a state of mind. Some men are very feminine, I know that, I know someone who is a little feminine, and is happily married with children. I also understand that some women are a little masculine. I don't know anyone who is like that, but I respest all people.
bookworm101 posted over a year ago
i respect ur opinion bookworm101 but i disagree with u. i understand that u r religiouse but like its not gods choice its just who people r, u know?
kiarasattout posted over a year ago
X_MusicCrazy_X said:
im stright. i dnt think theres anything wrong wiv it. i dnt judge people by their sexuality. jst coz their mayb gay or bi it dnt mean 2 say that whey r not gd people. its jst who they r, they choose who they r n no1 should stop them, its jst who some people r. i dnt c anythin wrong wiv it, not at all.
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posted over a year ago 
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
Kelsje said:
As long as they are happy, then who am I to be against it? Does it really matter if it's with a guy or a girl? You don't choose who you fall in love with.
Hell I have family & friends that are gay. I don't care really. And I can't stand it when people make stupid comments about it...I can get really pissed about that. Cause you don't decide how someone should live their life!
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posted over a year ago 
that is like the best comment so far, i get really mad when people be mean to gays some of my best friendds r gay and i dont care a bit. i am happy if there happy
kiarasattout posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
Please don't get angry, I'm just going to give you my honest viewpoint. In my opinion homosexuality is disgusting and wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
plz tell me ur kidding. there is NOTHING wrong with gays, lezos ect
kiarasattout posted over a year ago
Aisuanime said:
Im totally fine with it. I have gay friends, and i've met bi's (but the problem is, at my school, they think being bi is cool, which by far is pathetic and sad). Some reason i've never met someone lesbian. So yeah im fine with the idea as long as it doesnt involve me ya know? I dont really care...
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
I have nothing against them. They can love who they want and do what they want. Do what you want, and you don't have to feel bad! (I'm bi myself)
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx, i totally agrree with u. and i think its awsome that u admitted that ur bi
kiarasattout posted over a year ago
ScottishChic said:
I don't care what people are or what they want to be or to believe. Each person can believe what they want.

I am friends with MANY bisexual people and it doenst bother me a bit.

I am friends with gays too. Still doesnt bother me and the same goes for lesbians.

The only problem i have with any of the abouve is when i have to see them kiss, sorry but there is a time and a place for that and in broad daylight in a public place is not it.
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posted over a year ago 
kiarasattout said:
in my opinion we have no right to judge. this is life sometimes there will be gay people, lesbions, and bysexual people.i strongly belive in all of these things.and its great because there not afraid to say who they are i bet a whole lot of people would not be able to admitt it, we need these people in our world. people that are different people who arent afraid. so all of u people that hate gays, lezos ect think again.
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posted over a year ago 
awesome_sauce said:
I thinkim more in the middle because i thinkthat gays lesbians and bisexuals should have the right to like/love who ever they want. but then again they are two people of the same gender and its just kind of wrong. i dont know...
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posted over a year ago 
Rainshadow999 said:
I think lesbians, bisexuals, gay guys, pansexuals, and transgenders are A-Okay but come on pedophiles, stop asking for rights, it's not gonna get you anywhere. It's like you can't be a child and only make friends with adults...
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
People can love who they will.
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posted over a year ago 
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