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Do you have any teachers you hate?

If my math teacher tries to flunk me again I'll flunk her face through the brick wall!
Yes I have anger issues
Emo_gurl63 posted over a year ago
LOL....I hate my math teacher!!
brileyforever77 posted over a year ago
 Emo_gurl63 posted over a year ago
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Heartisalone said:
My math teacher, a.k.a. the devil in disguise.
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posted over a year ago 
apperarentally I am in the "gifted" math class
Emo_gurl63 posted over a year ago
i hate my math teacher too
zero-kun123 posted over a year ago
8theGreat said:
Not this year, no.
But in past years, yes.
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posted over a year ago 
someone_save_me said:
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posted over a year ago 
Chibi-Baka3 said:
No, not so far. There have been teachers that I've greatly disliked in the past, however. Nothing special.
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posted over a year ago 
Seastar4374 said:
yes I hate or hated, when I had them in the past, a lot of my teachers.
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
I don't "Hate" anyone! But I strongly dislike my maths teacher. For the first half of the year, we had the BEST math teacher. Everyone was at least on a C+ and I was on an A. Then he got swapped for the total opposite. The new, old, guy. His breath smells, he cant teach for shieeeeet and he always wears a tweed blazer which makes him look like a hay bail. I cant stand him.
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posted over a year ago 
TokineOneChan said:
teachers i hate? Hmmm... nobody
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posted over a year ago 
NoahFanNumber1 said:
My History teacher last year in 8th grade, Ms.Bellezuoli(pronounced: Balls wall-e XD)

i HATED her!!!! Everyone else does too! She's that bad!

She didn't grade us on how hard we worked or how well we improve or attendance!! She only graded us on how we kept our NOTEBOOK!! This may sound good, but she never gave us tests or quizes! How does she expect her students to learn?? She makes me so mad!!!

But I'm so glad I don't have to see her ever again. TuT
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Not really although I kind of dislike how conservative/ditsy last year's English teacher is...she thought we were too young to hear about alcohol in a junior class.
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posted over a year ago 
Johnny1982 said:
i hated all the teachers bastards ~_~.... now they are probably paralyzed ..good hope they shit there pants ...and die slowly
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posted over a year ago 
silverlocket said:
I hate my teacher.
I'm homeschooled.
Sorry, mama.
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posted over a year ago 
55xxx55 said:
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posted over a year ago 
agtimm said:
No...but I do have a teacher that I loooooooveee! <3 Mr.Holmer <3
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posted over a year ago 
kitmolly123 said:
Yes,I shall make a list now.
5th Grade-My 5th grade teacher
6th Grade-My ELA teacher aka my homeroom teacher
7th Grade-My Social Studies teacher
8th Grade-My Math teacher,Health teacher,and technology teacher

Grades 6-8th: My freaking Spanish teacher!
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posted over a year ago 
You had an evil 7th grade social studies teacher too? XD
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 posted over a year ago
fillassunshine said:
my 6th grade p.e teacher, she'd was so mean T-T
And my 8th grade honors english teacher my friend said he's the devil
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posted over a year ago 
gwendiamond said:
When i was in sixth grade my History teacher. Oh was she nasty her name is Mrs.Peters she would always go "Hey no pencil cases in class" so where are we meant to get pencil.Um she had this 1 metre high box full of pencils and she wouldn't let a single person use them except for her fav student Emily Quinn. Emily Quinn always got half of her test wrong but she would still get a A+ and even though i get the whole pge write i still get a C+. Mrs.Peters sure is mean i don't hate her but i Really dislike her.
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posted over a year ago 
carsfan said:
Nope.... when I got to Hightschool, All my tatchers were Cool. :)

especially my last year history teatcher and this years science teatcher.... there EPIC! :D
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posted over a year ago 
SummerMoon said:
My teacher last year was a fucking bitch. T_T
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posted over a year ago 
Join the club T.T
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:

-My 1st grade teacher who got fired the year after
-My 7th grade Social Studies teacher whom my mother referred to as Satan (not to her face though XD)
-My 9th grade history teacher (she expected a bunch of freshmen to act like college students...)
-My 9th grade algebra teacher (who sucked at teaching BTW XD)
-My current Spanish teacher (...*ultimate anger*)
-Did I already mention the 7th grade social studies teacher?
-And the Spanish teacher?
-...You sure I mentioned the Spanish teacher already?
-Let's just get it through that I REALLY hate this Spanish teacher.
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posted over a year ago 
OMG,it's like we have teh same teachers....
kitmolly123 posted over a year ago
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
My mom called my 5th grade teacher a devil
kitmolly123 posted over a year ago
^Actually,she called all my evil teachers a devil....especially my ELA teacher in 6th grade
kitmolly123 posted over a year ago
Sora7395 said:
Yes my English teacher. >.< She assigns so much freaking homework! She's one of those teachers that you wonder why they're even a teacher because they don't seem to like kids...>.<

Oh and my 8th Grade History teacher. He would dress up as King George and make us act out the American Revolution. We would pay taxes in M&Ms and we had to rebel against him. It was really stupid... -_- I do have some respect for him though because I learned a lot in that class but he was mean teacher...even after we did the revolution thing.
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
When I had teachers I did, not so much now though.
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posted over a year ago 
chocolate18 said:
Yes, in fact, a lot.
I skipped nursery and started in preparatory class. Since the first day, my teacher hated me which caused my classmates to hate me then she told all the teachers, then they believed her and hated me, which caused my new classmates to hate me too.
When i was in 4th grade, my teacher gives way too much homework everyday. She treats me differently from the others. She said i was a bad student. She made me and my classmate clean the whole library because we had no homework. I suck at cleaning.
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posted over a year ago 
Animeshnica said:
My Russian teacher, I hate her >.<
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posted over a year ago 
AnimeVampire94 said:
OMG YES i hate this lady teacher (shes not my teacher, shes my heath teacher) omg she smokes, overweight and smells like she just took a shat and rubed it on herself. shes so fat when we went to a place (can't remember) i was next to my friend (btw my friend was on the window side of the bus) and i was sleeping (laying on my friend, she didn't mind) and sumthing hits my leg (btw i'm holding it right next to me!) and the teacher hits me with her ass! i was like 'wtf!' she took so much space (i swear she took up the whole ile of the bus)
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
No,i hate they´re subjects,not them...
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posted over a year ago 
Tigerlily888 said:
of course!
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posted over a year ago 
hellokittykat93 said:
yes this stupid LMC teacher who sneaks up on me and just waits to take my phone wtf
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posted over a year ago 
asdfghjklzxc said:
I'll get the bricks.
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I'll get the bricks.
posted over a year ago 
Holyshitwtf said:
Well there´s this teacher gave me detention because i laughed at something and she thought i was bullying
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posted over a year ago 
brileyforever77 said:
Yes, I have a lot of teachers I HATE!! I HATE SCHOOL!! I'd rather spend all my time watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and on Fanpop:)
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posted over a year ago 
AmyRosefan4eva said:
Who doesn't?
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posted over a year ago 
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