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You think muslims are terorists?
i'm muslim by the way !!!!!!!!!!!!dahhhh
rino25 posted over a year ago
well thats how i know it for my country and the countrys around but the middle east i dont know lot
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
This was hiding a bad number of comments and I hate to ruin this discussion but I had to fix it. Please, nobody else comment on this or I will be very upset. <3 Hiding 8 comments forever.~
TheNumber8 posted over a year ago
 Darksuol posted over a year ago
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rabigfan96 said:
WHAT THE FUCK !!!! that piss me off so much , coze i am a muslim and now i feel offended....

anyway hun i will answer u :
first there is different levels of Islam , and these toroists we musilms dont take them as a true muslims , coze they offend islam , our religion dont say go and kill every one who is not muslim coze even al quran and muhamed forbid it they say every one can have ther own religion u cant come to anyone from other religion and say 2 them u become a muslim or i will kill u "that just wrong".....

u people need to check what islam mean and then come and judge us , they always stay afraid of us , and when i travel or something everyone keep looking at me like i am some kind of monster "and i dont wear scarf over my head or some thing weird , i just wear what u guys wear" , but still the think we r dangers

anyway we r not like that again THIS IS NOT OUR TRUE RELIGION ......


i think America did much worst , y dont u go and judge it , they never leaves us alone!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Ikr?america is probably the country with the most crimes against humanityin the universe,but nobody ever does anything about them..aparently the people they kill are not humans.But they won't let others get away with
Thrillie-jean posted over a year ago
ikr !!! i keep saying what the fuck all the time to that ....but as one thing i admit that American people always nice to muslims unlike the people in Europe they r really mean
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
Just ignore dem cos people will always talk
Ariala posted over a year ago
ultrasonic34 said:
Finally, you're writing full sentences! Anyway, in my opinion, Muslims aren't that bad. I'm aware of 9/11, but they shouldn't get picked on or avoided because of it. They're still human beings, just like us.
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posted over a year ago 
They are still humans huh? Is that your answer?
Darksuol posted over a year ago
Yes, final answer. (Who Wants To Be a Millionaire references FTW XD)
ultrasonic34 posted over a year ago
crrazycake said:
This whole image about them being terrorists is wrong, America is the terrorist not them they're the ones who can't leave a single country in peace sometimes I say to myself, I really hate being an American.
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posted over a year ago 
realy that's ture :)
rino25 posted over a year ago
no amarican are good 2 :):d and i like them 2
rino25 posted over a year ago
I'm really fucking sick of ppl hating on America
Skitty_Love posted over a year ago
rino25 said:
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....why ur thinking like that ??????!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Mushii said:
According to numbers from FBI's official website, muslims are responsible for only 6% of terrorism in the US between the years 1980-2005. It isn't much compared to Latin-Americans who are responsible for 42%.
The media just has the tendency to make the sake a bigger issue than it is, when it's about muslims, because of 9/11 of course.


That's the hole article if you're interested. The dude who wrote it is pretty good.
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According to numbers from [b]FBI's official website[/b], muslims are responsible for only [i]6%[/i] of terrorism in the US between the years 1980-2005. It isn't much compared to Latin-Americans who are responsible for 42%. 
The media just has the tendency to make the sake a bigger issue than it is, when it's about muslims, because of 9/11 of course.

[url=]All Terrorists are Muslims… Except the 94% that Aren’t[/url]

That's the hole article if you're interested. The dude who wrote it is pretty good.
posted over a year ago 
Thrillie-jean said:
No i don't.if you think about it? America is the terrorist.they are the ones who are always butting into other countries' affairs.if they dont agree with america,america wages war...come to think of it,when you dig deeper nearly all that happens is America's fault,eg
The assasination of Congolese prime minister Patrice Lumumba:he refused to be a puppet,so they accused him of being a communist-which he wasnt-and killed him...and accused villagers of beating him to death.
Even for Gaddafi,i hear the people were fine with him,but when he said the UN and america must tell the truth about what really happened to Lumumba,JFK and Martin Luther coz people had to know,so the HIStory books can be revised,'suddenly' an uprising began.I can bet you anything,we'll know who was behind it,trying to shut him up.
Muslims shouldnt be accused of terrorism,they can't help it if they are being frustrated all the time,they want to be left alone...but nooo,america must play hero all the time.i kinda hate being American sometimes.
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posted over a year ago 
i really like ur answer and agree whit every part of it
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
Thanks.i just had to let it out,they won't let me in school>:]
Thrillie-jean posted over a year ago
I'm not even gonna say anything negative. (But I have a lot of negatives on this answer.)
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Obviously,you don't know your HIStory..if you did,you'd know that everything is true.
Thrillie-jean posted over a year ago
emobadboy said:
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
What is a muslim??? O_e
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posted over a year ago 
r u serious ?? its what they called people whit the religion Islam .....most of the arabic people r muslims
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
Ah! ok,sorry,im not that good in english...
darkwave posted over a year ago
thats ok
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
smartone123 said:
... -.-
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posted over a year ago 
TheNumber8 said:
Religion and terrorism aren't relevant to one another.
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posted over a year ago 
emobadboy posted over a year ago
emobadboy posted over a year ago
I agree.
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
fatoshleo said:
i'm a Muslim, and to say the truth, most of us are terrorists. ha!
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posted over a year ago 
HyperSophz1 said:
Thats such a rude thing to say! Look just because one huge terorist was a muslim dosnt mean we have to bag the others. People choose the way of life they like, terorists is one catorgory, but then we have the nice muslims. you cant judge a person by other people, thats just not fair. Muslims can be really nice people!
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posted over a year ago 
exactly ....
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 posted over a year ago
mrsspencereid said:
Are Americans fat? Are English stuck up? Are Germans Jew haters? Are you stereotypical? Seems so.
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
@mrss is that mean u agree that we r "muslims" r terorist ???
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
Not at all. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world right now, and religion can't be grouped like countries can. People can become terrorists no matter what religion they are.
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posted over a year ago 
rabigfan96 posted over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said:
Muslims are awesome, better (Sorry) than most Caucasians. In fact, I have so many Muslim friends, it's not even funny.

Al queada are the Muslims.

If you think all Muslims are terrorist, I'll kill you.

Anyone who is black understands the feeling of discrimination and whites, not so much. So, don't hate.

Don't send hate towards me, it'll only result in a block.
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posted over a year ago 
"better (Sorry) than most Caucasians" ...uh.... Muslim = Religion, Caucasian = Race.... You can't compare the two....
someone_save_me posted over a year ago
^ Mm, yeah, thank my friend for her stupidity. I was on here with her and she was like: OH LETMEE ANSWER DAT! And she kept punching me. So I did.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 said:
Nope,but why would you think of something like that.

And for those who say America is the terrorist,for what reason do you say about that? America never came into your country and killed innocent people just because of the country they live in.
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posted over a year ago 
narlyvamp1234 said:
we are learning about Muslims in school and i hate people who think that. i get detentions a lot and one of them was because when the teacher said we were learning about Islam and Muslims a girl next to me went "Why are we learning about those terrorists?" i punched her right in the face.
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posted over a year ago 
seki said:
look muslims are not terorists...not all muslims...but may be 40% muslims are we cant say that u r wrong.......but it is not true to say that all muslims are terorists...u know it is like some dirty fishes make the whole pond dirty that,s it....personally i think muslims are very good people because they know how to talk to other ,how to respect girls and womens and they are so loyal to their religion and their god...they r fully devoted to their religion and god and their parents
but u know some people think they are bad people may be because they never talk to a true muslims and they don,t want to see what is the truth actually is......i think muslims are better than all of us....
i have many muslims friends and they all are so sweet you can,t imagine....but some muslims become terorist in name of religion which is wrong.
they don,t know they are not making but making all muslims life bad that is because so many people think muslims are bad and in some countries muslims are hated and some countries are anti-muslims..which is wrong.....
so i don,t think muslims are terorits not all but some of them are
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posted over a year ago 
saz19126 said:
Well some of them are - but not because of the religion - the same can be said for any religion or country so in truth you could say that about any religion. I didn't realise people still cared - I work with a Muslim and until he mentioned it and I'd never even realised or thought about it. We're all the same so if we're generalising the term 'terrorist' than we all are.
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posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
NOPE. Terrorists are terrorists, but not all muslims. They're people, too, and I hate it when people judge them.
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posted over a year ago 
egyptprincess7 said:
What!? No! Okay now i feel offended by that. Just because of what happened at 9/11 that doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists.
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posted over a year ago 
Sandfire_Paiger said:
Pffft! Nope! Only Extreme-Muslims! Same as Extreme-Christian, Extreme-Jews, etc. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed. Extremists are idiots.
BlindBandit92 posted over a year ago
dogsroc07 said:
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posted over a year ago 
springely said:
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posted over a year ago 
Wendy99 posted over a year ago
allieclark123 said:
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posted over a year ago 
RobinFan360 said:
no. there are only a few musslims that are terrorist! dnt be judgemental! there are very nice muslims! just because a few of them hate our countries guts,doesnt mean they all do. next time,think before you speak >:(
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no. there are only a few musslims that are terrorist! dnt be judgemental! there are very nice muslims! just because a few of them hate our countries guts,doesnt mean they all do. next time,think before you speak >:(
posted over a year ago 
taismo723 said:
I have learned that the Muslim religion is against America, and that they pray "Death to America".

But, I don't think that's all true. If they do believe that, it doesn't mean that all of them are terrorists, because not all of them crash planes into our buildings. :I
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posted over a year ago 
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