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A Makeup Question... I'm looking for some REAL help, not some douchbag wannabe-best answer.

I know it's weird asking one of these questions, but what makeup should I wear?

My skin is really pale, I have Dark brown hair that goes a little past my shoulders, and light blue eyes. Mi lips aren't really "plump" and they definantly aren't my best feature (That would be my eyes). Also, if you could give me MATTE colors that compliment my eyes, ya know, make them look bluer, that would be appreciated :3

Guys, I'm being completely serious here, and if your just going to leave some IDGAF meme or some shit, go be a douchbag somewhere else. I'm looking for someone nice who actually knows what there talking about. Kthxbai.
I know I misspelled "my" somewhere in there XD
LUV_4_BIEBER posted over a year ago
You spelled mi where you had said mi lip's aren't really "plump" but it's ok.
thrillergirl18 posted over a year ago
 LUV_4_BIEBER posted over a year ago
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NomyCake said:
I'm really pale with light blue eyes, too, so I think I could give you a couple of suggestions.

It's best to think of your face as a canvas when speaking in terms of makeup. I usually mix in white stage makeup with my regular foundation after I put on a primer. It reduces any redness and makes the features of your face seem more delicate, and light blue eyes really pop against something like that.
For your lips, use a delicate and pale shade of pink. I find it best to use a chapstick rather than lipstick or lipgloss because it doesn't stand out as much.
And for your eyes, I suggest using a black liquid eyeliner on your waterline to gently outline your eyes. And right after you put it on your waterline, I suggest you squint your eyes shut before it dries because it makes a thin line on the outside or your eyes that you can correct easily. Use a mascara that matches the color of the eyeliner, and I suggest that you get them both from the same company. If you don't like the black, you can try a brown.
You might also try using a white eyeliner cream/base around your eyes. If blended properly with your foundation, it gives the area around your eyes a glow-like quality and makes them stand out. You can use a light to medium brown eye shadow around your crease and blend it out, also. But don't go over the top.
Try to do something delicate rather than bold when speaking in terms of makeup, especially around the eyes. When working with your eyes, think of a picture frame around a piece of fine art. A simpler frame is better for something that is really bold and stands out on it's own, but a bolder frame might be necessary for something that's beautiful but doesn't jump out at you without some help.
If that makes sense.

Hope I helped.~
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posted over a year ago 
BabyBlud said:
I don't wear make-up particulary, but i can offer advice i have been told byu familt and friends -

if you believe your eyes are your best feature, the do not use black!! When you're eyes are blue - use a blue mascrara that matches your eyue colour and an eye shadow that is either a shade darker or lighter (depending on your prference) to your eye colour.
If your lips are too plump, i suggest asking a beautician what is best to slim them down and accentuate the plumpness but not OTT

As for your skin - if you want a darker shade, start with one similiar to your shade already and keep adding extra bit by bit until you are satisfied.

I think you should go to a proffesional beautician and asking his/her advice.

You do not have to buy anything! <- i have an impulse on buying things just to say thank you but you don't have to :)
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posted over a year ago 
i opologise for spelling mistakes...i am no drunk XD
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
This was all I could find when I googled make-up for blue eyes, hope it helps...


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posted over a year ago 
thrillergirl18 said:
I don't really know. I don't wear make up sorry.
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posted over a year ago 
sarabeara said:
GAH! That description of yourself is me.

My favorite look is blue liquid eyeliner (a shade darker than your eye color) on the lower lash line, light pink eyeshadow, black mascara, and white eyeliner in the corner of the eyes. And either nothing on your lips or nude lipstick with this look. Trust me, it'll make your eyes POP.

And for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me wearing the look :) My eyes are a greenish blue, but I'm sure the look will still look good on your light blue eyes.
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GAH! That description of yourself is me.

My favorite look is blue liquid eyeliner (a shade darker than your eye color) on the lower lash line, light pink eyeshadow, black mascara, and white eyeliner in the corner of the eyes. And either nothing on your lips or nude lipstick with this look. Trust me, it'll make your eyes POP.

And for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me wearing the look :) My eyes are a greenish blue, but I'm sure the look will still look good on your light blue eyes.
posted over a year ago 
Sammisaurus said:
I have hazel eyes, but I'm not really sure how to use eyeshadow and such. I usually use a pencil eyeliner on my bottom an top water line, but I don't color over all of it or it makes my eyes look squinty. some makeup brands sell eyeshadow kits that are for specific color eyes, so you can on of those. I think like a dark, royal blue color would look nice with light blue eyes, just don't cake it on. See NomyCake for foundation, and for types of mascara that are good, I absolutely love the Lash-Stiletto Voluptuous. it works great for me :3
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posted over a year ago 
demonthief said:
maybe some eyeliner and light blue eyeshadow would show off your pretty eyes. and maybe (if u want) a light pink lipstick. (Nothing 2 dark since u have pale skin)
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posted over a year ago 
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